girl line

Chapter 960

Chapter 960

"It turns out that Your Majesty wants us to exchange you back!" After watching this video of Leng Qiumin, Liu Nianfeng smiled thoughtfully.

"Not bad!" Now that Liu Nianfeng had read it, Leng Qiumin felt that he had nothing to hide, and readily admitted, "As I said in this letter, I can't stay here for a day. Now, if Miss Huang still remembers my younger brother, please trouble Miss Huang to rescue me!"

"Of course it's okay, but I'm just worried that the Prime Minister will open his mouth. What should I do if I, Yangzhou, can't pay the money?" Liu Nianfeng lamented.

"No way, I've heard that every warship in your Yangzhou star region is now equipped with a super ghost railgun. The situation is much better than that of our Youzhou. How can there be no money and resources!"

"Of course there is, but the key is how much the prime minister wants!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head and said in a somewhat embarrassed way.

"Hmph, you don't have to worry about these fleeting loves. You just need to hand over this letter to Huang Jie in its original form. As for how to decide that it is Huang Jie's business, Huang Jie will definitely rescue me. of!"

"Minister Zunzhi!" Having said that, Liu Nianfeng has nothing to say. After a simple courtesy to Leng Qiumin at the end, he left in the company of Feng Hindenburg who didn't say a word the whole time. The Forbidden City.

It didn't take long for von Hindenburg to return to the main hall, but at this time the whole hall was deserted, only Leng Qiumin was sitting on the dragon chair a little lonely, staring at the empty hall below in a daze.

"Your Majesty!" Feng Hindenburg shouted with some distress.

"Sister Feng!" Leng Qiumin, who was sitting high, suddenly rushed down one step at a time, and threw himself into Feng Hindenburg's arms.

Facing His Majesty's sudden embrace, Feng Hindenburg acted very naturally, as if this was already a rare and common thing.

Moreover, Feng Hindenburg hugged His Majesty the Emperor tightly instead, wishing he could rub him into his arms.

"Sister Feng! Do you think this imperial sister will read this letter?" Leng Qiumin asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Liu Nianfeng's character knows that although he looks a little cynical and rebellious, he is actually a person who keeps his promise. Since he promised to hand over this letter to your sister, then this letter will be It will definitely be delivered to her!" Feng Xingdengbao said firmly.

"Actually, I also believe that Liu Nianfeng will definitely do this, but that traitor Liu Zhuangtian is not necessarily the case. If Liu Zhuangtian intercepts and kills Liu Nianfeng halfway, wouldn't it be..." Leng Qiumin was a little scared Said.

"Your Majesty can rest assured about this. Liu Zhuang Tianchen also sees it. Her feelings for Liu Nianfeng are genuine, even hotter than ordinary people. She has never seen any other man in the past 18 years." At a glance, her heart is all on Liu Nianfeng alone, how could she intercept and kill Liu Nianfeng!" Feng Hindenburg said.

"I also believe this, but it is precisely because Liu Zhuangtian loves Liunianfeng so much, if Liu Zhuangtian has the idea of ​​keeping Liunianfeng in the Youzhou star area forever, and does not let Liunianfeng go back, then So what should I do? This Fleeting Maple may not be able to go back!" Leng Qiumin's real worry is here.

"This minister really can't guarantee..." Feng Hindenburg's expression froze, but he quickly regained his confidence, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if Liu Nianfeng can't go back, the special envoy fleet in the Yangzhou star area will definitely go back. Otherwise, where will Liu Zhuangtian go for support, she is still waiting for supplies from the Yangzhou star area!"

"So I think that even if Liu Nianfeng can't go back by then, Liu Nianfeng's special envoy fleet will definitely go back, and Liu Nianfeng will definitely hand over this letter to the special envoy fleet, let them take it back, and hand it over to Leng Qiuzhi. , the result will naturally be the same!" Feng Hindenburg said.

"I hope so, but this letter is in the hands of Liu Nianfeng. Could there be any mistakes, and Liu Nianfeng saw through the flaws in it. This Liu Nianfeng actually opened this letter in front of me just now, This action almost frightened me, this Liu Nianfeng is not a person who plays cards according to common sense!"

"Your Majesty, I dare to ask you, what is the relationship between that Liu Nianfeng and you, is it good or bad?"

"This... When I met Liu Nianfeng for the first time, I humiliated Liu Nianfeng a lot. Later, my sister asked me to take the initiative to make friends with Exchange Nianfeng, and even asked me to be Liu Nianfeng's secretary, but I used them all. The way of cold treatment has been mixed up, so Liu Nianfeng will definitely not have a good impression of me, at most it will be a good or bad situation!" Leng Qiumin said.

"Then that's right!" Feng Hindenburg smiled and said, "Your Majesty, ask yourself, would you look at the things of a guy who is neither good nor bad?"

"Haha! I feel uncomfortable after watching it once, how can I have the desire to watch it a second time!" Leng Qiumin laughed.

"That's right, this Liu Nianfeng is destined not to find out the tricks in this letter! He thought everything was well hidden, but he didn't know, we know more than he imagined!" Feng Hindenburg said with narrowed eyes.

"That's right, this Liunianfeng wanted to plot against me, but he didn't know that he was a complete fool. But Sister Feng, I heard that you and Liunianfeng are also very good classmates. You even promised your love to Liunianfeng back then. Are you really willing to push Liu Nianfeng into the abyss for me?" Leng Qiumin suddenly asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, it's been 18 years, and 18 years is so long. Fleeting Maple is just a passer-by when I was young. Now I only have Your Majesty in my heart. I only hope that you can be happy, Your Majesty. It is my biggest dream now that the child can become the real master of this empire!"

"That's right! For our children, we will definitely win!" Leng Qiumin said with excitement, but Feng Hindenburg also took the initiative to ask for a kiss at this time, and the two of them immediately lingered together on the hall.

Well, the last step is still not crossed, after all, von Hindenburg can't lose his ability as admiral.


"Lord Liu Nianfeng, are you back? How did you get out? You have caused us a lot of misery. Hundreds of sisters were beaten by the Prime Minister in public, taking off their pants!" Liu Nianfeng said again Appearing in front of the embassy, ​​the guards in charge of guarding the embassy immediately complained.

"You don't let me go out, so you don't allow me to go out by myself?" Liu Nianfeng laughed, and then handed Ivanka who was shrinking beside him to the guards and said, "This is my former friend. , I will take her to live in the embassy now!"

"This... Mrs. Liu Nianfeng, Mrs. Prime Minister has an order. Without her permission, no member of the special envoy fleet is allowed to enter the embassy or consulate!" The guard suddenly said in embarrassment.

"Remember, I'm not discussing this matter with you. I'm notifying you about this matter. You can report it to Liu Zhuangtian. It doesn't matter to me whether she approves it or not. You get out of the way now, or I will Let you not find me again!"

The guard had no choice but to get out of the way obediently in the end, allowing Ivanka to live in the embassy.

On the way back, Liu Nianfeng also knew about Ivanka's experience.

It turned out that the Trump family where Ivanka belonged suffered huge losses in the collapse. The entire White Eagle Heavy Industry industry was almost completely destroyed, and White Eagle Heavy Industry did not have any heavy industry bases in the Youzhou star area. A large number of flagship stores! "

In peacetime, these flagship stores are naturally an unimaginable wealth, and the land alone can be sold for tens of trillions of star coins!
But during the war, these flagship stores are worthless, but the daily expenses that need to be paid in the flagship store are the big ones. However, Ivanka Trump's father couldn't bear the fact that his family business was destroyed in one breath, so he committed suicide by taking poison!

Ivanka Trump is actually quite capable. She originally wanted to borrow a large amount of equipment left by White Eagle Heavy Industry in the Youzhou star area as capital to make a comeback, but in the end Liu Zhuangtian ordered Now, all the equipment boxes of Ivanka Trump have been forcibly confiscated by the government, and all they get is a bunch of IOUs.

Such a situation led to the complete collapse of Baiying Heavy Industry, and those creditors of Baiying Heavy Industry began to demand debts from Baiying Heavy Industry frantically, and Baiying Heavy Industry, which had lost all production capacity, had no ability to repay the debt at all. Vanka Trump could only announce the bankruptcy of Baiying Heavy Industry in pain, and she herself was burdened with foreign debts of hundreds of trillions of star coins.

And Ivanka Trump was hit hard because of this, completely gave up hope, and became a beggar wandering on the street. After more than ten years, I was in a daze, living a life that was worse than death, until today I saw Liu Nianfeng again.

Liu Nianfeng was moved by Ivanka's experience, and asked Ivanka to find a room to have a good rest, while Liu Nianfeng locked himself in the room, looking at the small memory chip in his hand in a daze.

For some reason, Liu Nianfeng always felt that today's meeting was a bit weird, but everything seemed so natural that Liu Nianfeng couldn't catch anything wrong.

But this made Liu Nianfeng feel even more wrong

(End of this chapter)

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