girl line

Chapter 970 Only Three Bright Moon Pearls

Chapter 970
"Take this move of the Golden Crow True Fire! How many people will die for this Fleeting Maple!" Seeing the blazing Golden Crow True Fire in front of them, all the bystanders shivered, thinking sadly in their hearts.

"I don't know, out of these 3000 starship girls, I'm afraid that 500 of them will be considered lucky!" said an admiral, while the faces of the others showed expressions of concern.

In fact, the estimate of 500 people is absolutely overestimated. When they led the fleet to withstand the real fire of the Golden Crow, it was considered lucky that seventy or eighty of the thousand battleships survived. Turned into ashes in the flames, they really didn't want to recall this sad past.

But when the Golden Crow’s real fire slowly dissipated, everyone’s eyes were instantly rounded, because after the Golden Crow’s real fire dissipated, those starship girls in ship outfits were still in the battleship form behind. The Starship Girls didn't seem to have decreased much, not even a single one.

"What's the situation!" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then frantically ordered their subordinates to calculate the remaining number of the fleeting maple fleet, and got an astonishing result.

"What! Not a single battleship has been reduced!" Looking at the final result, all the onlookers were beyond shocked. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it was true.

And this result also means that all the starship girls under Liu Nianfeng are all starship girls with at least 800 bee points. They are all starship girls like this, this is really too scary!

Even Liu Zhuantian's fleet, which has assembled the elite of the entire army, is impossible to have such achievements. After all, although Liu Zhuantian is the prime minister, he is not qualified to forcibly seize other admiral's starship girls to enrich himself. own fleet.

Once Liu Zhuangtian needs to make up for the starship girls, he can only look for those starship girls who have lost their admirals, but such starship girls are a minority after all, and more of them are admirals who have lost starship girls.

Therefore, the most common method for any admiral to replenish Starship Girls is to recruit new students from the Starship Girls Academy.But even if Liu Zhuangtian removed the most outstanding starship girls from the Starship Girls Academy in Starfleet Academy, newcomers are newcomers. When Liu Nianfeng just graduated back then, he only had less than 200 bees. Maybe the entire fleet is full of starship girls with more than 800 bees?
This result confuses everyone, but they seem to have forgotten that there is another possibility, which is that Liu Nianfeng can make up for the insufficient bee value.

Although it is said that every starship girl has to bear the burning of the Golden Crow True Fire, there is one exception, and this exception is their admiral, because all the starship girls are connected with the admiral, so the admiral's body The bee value can be transferred to other starship girls through the ghost network.

But only the psionic and phantom energy that belonged to the admiral himself, the admiral could not dispatch psionic and psionic energy from the bodies of other starship girls.

Therefore, as long as the admiral has enough bee points in his body, he can make up for the consumption of starship maiden stars with less than 800 bee points in his body.

But these bystanders never thought about this possibility, for the simple reason that it was obviously impossible.

How many starship girls does Fleeting Maple have in total?
That's a full 5000 people, even if 4000 of them meet the conditions of 800 bees, then there are still 1000 starship girls who are not satisfied, and even if each of the 1000 people is only a hundred bees short, then the fleeting time The amount that Feng needs to make up is about 10 bees.

What a joke, even if an admiral lives for 1000 years, it is impossible for an admiral to have a bee value of 10 bees in his body. In fact, until today, there has never been a person with a bee value of more than [-] bees in history. Admiral.

Uh... wait, these 5000 battleships are not all warships under Liu Nianfeng's command, right? If this is the case, seeing so many terrifying heavy warships, wouldn't Liu Nianfeng's bee value break through more than [-] bees? , this is too nonsense.

Regardless of the doubts in the hearts of the onlookers at this time, Liu Nianfeng was very calm.

At this moment, the starship girls under Liu Nianfeng's bee value exceeded 800. The total number is more than 4600. This is a number that all the admirals will jump up with jealousy. Number of possible occurrences, .

This number means that all these starship girls must have at least A-level qualifications, and then they will have to spend about 40 years before they can reach the number.But the oldest starship girl under Liu Nianfeng's command is only less than 35 years old... Well, Yixian, who is already 53 years old at this time, is not counted, she is a special case.

How come so many years have survived!

But all the starship girls who joined Liu Nianfeng's command are S-class qualifications?
Liu Nianfeng is not a hypocritical, serious guy.Since he is the uncrowned king of the entire Yangzhou Star District and Jiangzhou Star District, he naturally rounded up all the geniuses with S-level qualifications in the entire Yangzhou Star District and Jiangzhou Star District, and absorbed them all into his fleet. , This is also a very normal thing, of course good steel must be used wisely!
In addition, Liu Nianfeng's subordinates provided all kinds of Liuzhi Xianlu free of charge, and the Jiaoyue Pills were all eaten until they were full. In addition, Liu Nianfeng's fleet has been passing through wormholes, and quickly shuttled throughout the entire Yangzhou star area. Where is there a big battle? , where the fleet of Fleeting Maple will appear, eating an unknown amount of ghost clouds, this will naturally increase the bee value of the starship girls.

At this moment, the average bee count of the starship girls under Liu Nianfeng has reached 1458 bees, which is almost equivalent to two 800 bees. In addition to Liu Nianfeng, there are more than ten starship girls who have exceeded 5000. The hard power of Liu Nianfeng's entire fleet has reached an absolutely terrifying level, so of course he will not be afraid of these Golden Crow True Fire.

But then again, of course, it is impossible for all of Liu Nianfeng's subordinates to be starship girls with a bee value exceeding 800.

In fact, the freshest starship girls under Liu Nianfeng joined the fleet of Liu Nianfeng seven months ago, and they just graduated from the Starship Girls Academy. Although the bee value in their bodies is the strongest among the students of the same period, Fleeting Maple also gave a lot of means to increase the bee value, and various medicines also have unlimited attacks, but their average bee value is about 600 bees, which is still not enough for 800 bees.

The bee value they lack is naturally supplied by Liu Nianfeng.

400 starship girls each need to make up for the gap of 400 bees, so the total is a gap of 8 bees, which is also a huge number.

Even if Liunianfeng is a talent of the sky, it would be too unrealistic to think of a gap of less than 8 bees by himself. Could it be that Liunianfeng already has a full bee value of 8 bees?
Well, the bee value in Liu Nianfeng's body is indeed abnormally high now, but there is still some distance to reach the level of 8 bees, and it is impossible to make up the gap in one go.

But this bee value is not required to be made up at the same time. Fleeting Maple has a full ten seconds, as long as the gap of 8 points can be made up within ten seconds, it will be fine!
Ever since, Liu Nianfeng took out three Bright Moon Pills, and began to throw them into his mouth one by one, but before the third Bright Moon Pill was thrown in, the Golden Crow True Fire had dissipated.

In this way, Liu Nianfeng's fleet survived the attack of the Golden Crow True Fire, and the price they had to pay was only three Bright Moon Pills.

Just as shocked as the onlookers was Di Jun himself, the existence of the demon emperor, who for the first time showed an expression of extreme surprise on his face.He looked at the number of mosquitoes around him that didn't decrease, and the shock in his heart was beyond description.

This Golden Crow True Fire is not an ordinary skill. For Dijun, this is also an extremely important trick, and it cannot be used casually. At least within half an hour in the future, Dijun will not be able to erupt for the second time. It's better to get out of the Golden Crow's real fire, otherwise it will hurt one's own origin.

But it was such an absolute killer move of his own, which could at least clear all the damned mosquitoes around him in the past, but he didn't even kill a single mosquito, how could this not shock Di Jun.

But when Di Jun was shocked, Liu Nianfeng's starship girl's offensive broke out. Taking advantage of the time when Di Jun was shocked, these starship girls began to pour all their firepower on Di Jun frantically .

After these starship girls transformed into ships, although their size became much smaller, their attack power did not decrease at all.What's more important is that at this time, Liu Nianfeng has a full 5000 starship girls, and the increase in ghost resonance produced by 5000 starship girls is terrifying, almost to the extent of 500 times.

In other words, a starship girl's shelling can cause 500 times as much damage as normal.

How fierce is this attack?

A monster-level star beast can only withstand such attacks ten times, and a little more than a monster-level monster can withstand about a hundred times.The Yaoshuai class is about 5000 times, and the Yaosheng class is powerful, which can withstand about 50000 times.

As for the Demon Emperor...Liu Nianfeng has not personally slaughtered the Demon Emperor yet, so I don't know how many attacks they can withstand, but his 3000 starship girls surrounded this Emperor Jun, 3000 times at a time The attacking volley, from the first few traces of fear and fear on Di Jun's face, it can be seen that Di Jun already felt that his life was threatened!
That is to say, Di Jun can be killed, and it won't be too difficult!
(End of this chapter)

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