There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 457 The Conception of the New God Store

Chapter 457 The Conception of the New God Store
Under the arrangement of the principal Yuan Xinyan, Zhang Qing glanced at Xu Wangshan from a distance.

His gaze didn't focus for too long, he just glanced sideways, then withdrew his eyes and looked at Yuan Xinyan: "It's interesting."

"What do you mean?" Yuan Xinyan saw that Zhang Qing really just took a look, and felt strange, "Have you seen the strength of the other party?"


Zhang Qing spread his hands, "That's why I said, it's interesting."

From the muscle strength and aura of the other party, and from the spirit and energy contained in it, Zhang Qing can be sure that the other party is indeed two extreme achievers who have reached level 25 in body training and level 15 in gathering spirit.

However, the rank of soldiers is relatively hidden, and it is difficult to really see it. After all, it mainly reflects the heart attribute.

Secondly, Zhang Qing also saw a thick fog from his body, covering up the real him. Obviously, the other party does have an unknown secret.

Although Yuan Xinyan was a little curious, after all, Zhang Qing had successfully recruited troops and reached a not-low level. Adding up with the previous two extreme achievements, it was also a score of around 50.

Then when facing Xu Wangshan, no matter how strong the opponent is, opening the Divine Treasure will inevitably bring even more terrifying strength.

A mere Xu Wangshan could not be Zhang Qing's opponent.

So Yuan Xinyan smiled confidently and left.

But Zhang Qing who stayed behind did not let down his vigilance, because he knew very well that this Xu Wangshan was not simple.

Secondly, the opening of his divine treasure does not bring too many buffs.

After entering the Nabing, Zhang Qing successfully opened the remaining three major treasures.

The previous three sacred treasures of strength, qi and blood, and vitality can bring Zhang Qing a total of 8 levels of effect improvement.

Then the remaining three major treasures were opened, and under his budget, it should also bring another 7 levels of improvement.

The six great treasures are 15 levels of growth.

But to his surprise, when he opened the six great treasures, his strength level only reached level 59.

Logically speaking, he should be able to reach level 64.

"The six great treasures only brought about 10 levels of improvement. Although they are still powerful and terrifying, they seem to be the same as the Saint's Scripture..."

Zhang Qing frowned and thought about it. He was sure that the Holy Spirit Art he had modified would definitely surpass the Saint's Scripture, digging deeper into its divine treasure, and it shouldn't have the same growth rate as it.

"Maybe it's because of the level 50 factor?"

Zhang Qing suddenly thought of something.

Level 50 is a very interesting number.

First of all, in other worlds, such as high-latitude worlds like Supreme Fairy Court.

Level 50 is almost the combat power represented by 100 body attributes.

And the attribute of 100 body is exactly the near-immortal level that many people can reach.

It is the lowest threshold number for becoming a fairy.

Crossing this step is the difference between immortality and mortals.

On the Great Wilderness side, level 50 is also a dividing line.

When Zhang Qing first came here to investigate the human race, he found that the strongest person on the surface was a level 50 character.

Among them, perhaps it is not just a coincidence, but the result of careful planning.

More importantly, Zhang Qing also discovered that although the Great Wilderness Human Race has some plan to hide extremely talented geniuses secretly, the number should not be many, but there is not one of the Great Wilderness Human Race above level 50.

That is to say, level 50 is an extremely important hurdle, and only those who can break through this hurdle will be taken away, while those who cannot break through are still outside.

With these questions in mind, he found Yuan Xinyan again and asked her about the secret of level 50.

Yuan Xinyan also shook her head and didn't know, after all, her strength is here, and there is no need to worry about level 40 at level 50.

"I will ask the guardians, and if there is an answer, I will tell you."

Yuan Xinyan assured Zhang Qing that there would be news within a few days.

So at night, Yuan Xinyan came to his villa, left a manuscript in a hurry, and asked Zhang Qing to burn it immediately after reading it.

Obviously, this should be a very important secret.

After Zhang Qing read the manuscript carefully, it burned to ashes.

In the Great Wilderness, forging the body, gathering spirits, recruiting soldiers, and gathering spirits are the four levels of practice.

This is a well-known thing, but only a small number of people know that body training, gathering spirits and recruiting soldiers are the foundation, and only gathering spirits is a very special advanced step.

The stronger the foundation in the early stage, the higher the hope for the later stage.

And at level 50, there is indeed a secret.

In the mouths of very few people, the level of 50 is also called Longmen.

Forging body, gathering spirits, and recruiting soldiers have not reached level 50, so they have not jumped over the dragon gate. Even if they enter the Huishen stage, in their mouths, they are just small Huishen, false Huishen, and will never be equal to themselves.

And once the first three stages reach level 50, it is to jump over the dragon gate. At this moment, Huishen is Dahuishen, Zhenhuishen, and his strength has undergone a shocking change.

This kind of talent is the future and the real heritage of the family.

And the reason for this is that Zhang Qing also read the manuscript in detail, with a serious face and a delicate expression.

The so-called Great Huishen, the True Huishen, is indeed extremely different from the false Huishen.

Even if the two sides are at the same level, what they bring is a huge gap.

"Dahuishen, isn't he just a fairy body?"

Zhang Qing took a deep breath, Xiaohui God is a near immortal, Dahui God is a fairy, if the strengths of the two are the same, the fairy body will bring a crushing advantage.

"It seems that in this world, even if there is no higher latitude like immortals, there are corresponding distinctions."

He probably knew in his heart that levels above 50 were already considered the domain of immortals, and it would be difficult to bring about the terrifying increase as before with ordinary exercises.

"But what about the holy man's scripture?"

Zhang Qing pondered, "Below level 50, it can be increased by 10 levels. After level 50, it seems that it can also be increased by 10 levels?"

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that when he stole the saint's scripture, he didn't notice these things. He just heard other people describe that the saint clan has the magic power that can increase level 10. Maybe at the dividing line of level 50, the increase brought by the saint's scripture is also will shrink?

If so, then he can be happier.

But what if not?

"It seems that we still have to continue to study the Holy Spirit's divine arts to open up more divine treasures."

Zhang Qing is not satisfied with the same increase as the saint's scripture, he must be higher than the opponent to be considered satisfied.

Moreover, he could feel that the Holy Spirit Divine Art still had great potential to be tapped, as long as one more divine treasure was opened, it would be enough to bring about great changes.

"The next Divine Treasure... should be the Divine Ability Treasure."

In the middle of the night, Zhang Qing was still studying the Divine Art of the Holy Spirit. Suddenly he raised his head and laughed, finally grasping the possibility of opening the new sacred treasure.

Magical powers and treasures, after opening, you can get supernatural powers!
(End of this chapter)

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