The last cultivator

Chapter 108 Rejection

Chapter 108 Rejection
Bai Lengye got up silently, his face was a little embarrassed, such a shameful thing was seen by others, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

He raised his head to look at the woman, with thick eyebrows and thin eyes, a face only as big as a palm, extremely white and tender, with an ethereal temperament, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.

"Cough... this sister, I am Bai Lengye, the new head of the Blood Sword Sect."

"I know, it looks very ordinary, and I can't even pass such a simple iron chain." The woman's voice groaned softly, then turned and walked away lightly.

Old Bai Lengye blushed, his eyes swept around, the surrounding hall was extremely magnificent, and there were white clouds around, as if in a fairyland, not far away, Tie Guardian held back his smile, holding back his ugly expression.

Bai Lengye stared, Tie Hufa immediately tightened his face, and said: "Master, that person just now is the new saint of Yunxiao Palace."

"No wonder, the temperament is so good." Bai Lengye nodded.

"Master, let's go in, Ruo Palace Master is already waiting."

Bai Lengye nodded, followed the front, walked up the long stairs, and finally came to the grand hall.

The hall was built like the ancient imperial palace, with resplendent gold and jade on both sides, and on the high steps in front, there was a chair made of rosewood, on which a graceful and luxurious beauty sat dignifiedly and gracefully.

"Welcome Master Bai to my Yunxiao Palace, he is really a rare visitor."

A slightly cold voice came from the other party's mouth, with a wave of the sleeve robe, a chair flew down from a distance, Bai Lengye was startled, this method is so powerful, it is basically equivalent to fetching objects from a distance.

Sitting down, buttocks touched a little, Tie Guardian stood aside, and the hall fell silent.

After a while, Bai Lengye took the initiative to speak: "If the palace master, I..."

"Master Bai, I have nothing to do with your Blood Sword Sect. If you came here to ask for help, I'm afraid it won't work."

Being rejected before opening his mouth, Bai Lengye secretly felt troublesome in his heart, so he didn't know how to open his mouth.

At this time, the Tie Guardian behind him said softly: "If the palace master, our previous sect master, he..."

"Don't replace him with me. That heartbroken man has disappeared for decades and has nothing to do with me."

The corner of Bai Lengye's mouth curled up bitterly, this Palace Master Ruo seemed very difficult to talk to, at first he thought that the other party could agree because of that person's sake, but it seemed that he was thinking too much.

Palace Master Ruo looked at Bai Lengye, and then slowly said: "This is your new sect master, but his strength is only at the level of a martial artist, how can you convince everyone?"

Tie Hufa clasped his fists and explained what happened. After finishing speaking, Palace Master Ruo nodded thoughtfully, and said, "So that's it. It seems that he has a heart for the world at a young age, and his achievements will be limitless in the future."

"I'm so overwhelmed, I don't dare to be a junior." Bai Lengye got up and said.

Bai Lengye gritted her teeth, and said straight to the point: "Master Ruo, this time we are here because of the four sects, because I have a grudge with them, so I want to borrow some help."

If the Palace Mistress groaned and did not speak, Bai Lengye stared at the other party, his palms were covered with sweat, he was afraid that he would reject him on impulse.

"My Yunxiao Palace doesn't care about external affairs, so I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye smiled wryly in his heart, but the other party still refused, it seems that there is some problem in persuading the other party.


If the palace master paused, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly: "They are all young people, and it is normal for young people to compete with each other. How about this, let our saint Xiruo compete with the master of Baimen, if Ruo The white master won, I can think about it."

Bai Lengye's eyes lit up, and he said: "If the palace master really says this?"

"It's a word." Ruo Palace Mistress smiled slightly, and then the previous saint came out, her face was cold, and she stood quietly in place.

Bai Lengye stared at the other party. Although the other party was beautiful, he was an opponent in his eyes at the moment. At the same time, a sense of sadness arose in his heart. That kind of inexplicable sadness filled his mind, and any beauty would turn into a pink skeleton. .

"Sect Master, be careful, this saint has at least the third level of martial artist strength, which is two levels behind you." Tie Guardian carefully reminded.

Bai Lengye hummed, and took a few steps forward, the two confronted each other, a long whip appeared in the holy woman's hand, and said coldly: "Master Bai takes the weapon handle."

"No need, just use your hands." Bai Lengye said softly.

The saint didn't say anything, her eyes became cold, she rolled up a long whip in her hand, and turned into an afterimage through the air, appearing in front of Bai Lengye in the blink of an eye.

Bai Lengye's feet brushed the ground and retreated violently, then stepped on the pillar with both legs, turned around and came to the back of the saint, and at the same time hit her with a fist.

The long whip made a crisp sound, Bai Lengye staggered, and there was a burning pain on his back, and the saint's long whip struck again with some afterimages.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Bai Lengye backed away quickly, but the whip shadow was chasing after him, getting closer and closer to the forehead, at this moment, Bai Lengye slapped his fist on the floor.

After the unfeeling palm was used, the inexplicable sadness rushed into the opponent's body, the body of the saint trembled, and the movements of her hands slowed down. Seeing the opportunity came, Bai Lengye punched it.

But just as the fist was about to hit the opponent, the holy girl's eyes suddenly became indifferent, and the long whip in her hand hit his chest with the sound of piercing through the air, causing Bai Lengye to fly backwards.

"Unfeeling Palm..." Palace Mistress Ruo murmured in a low voice on the stage.


Bai Lengye stood up, feeling a stabbing pain in his chest. He was a little annoyed that he had suffered a loss at the hands of the other party, but what surprised him even more was that the other party recovered from the sadness so quickly. It seems that the experience of the world is less , that sadness and guilt will also become much less.

"Cloud Whip!"

Suddenly, the saintess waved her arm, and the long whip in her hand quickly turned into afterimages in the air, and there was a sound of piercing through the air, Bai Lengye didn't see what was going on at all, and was whipped several times on her body, The burning pain made him gasp.

Another whip was whipped fiercely on his shoulders, and Bai Lengye's heart immediately became furious. Immediately, the invisibility technique was used, and several sounds of astonishment also sounded. The next moment, Bai Lengye appeared directly from behind the saint , with one hand on the shoulder, with great force, he pressed the opponent to the ground.

The holy girl mercilessly punched it with her backhand. Bai Lengye put her hand on her chest, but was shocked by the powerful force and took four or five steps back.

The two fought dozens of moves, and they fought evenly, but they were two levels behind. It stands to reason that the saint lost.

Just when the saint was about to rush over, Palace Master Ruo on the stage said, "It's alright, stop."

Hearing the sound, the saint stopped her hands, snorted coldly, her pretty face was full of frost, adjusted her body, and walked back slowly.

Bai Lengye grinned, looking at the marks of whips on his body, it was worth the few beatings.

Palace Master Ruo said slowly: "There are four deputy cabinet masters in the four sects, and they all have the strength of Wu Zong at the seventh to eighth rank. You four sects only think that Wu Zong is around the third rank."

"The two of you are fighting together. It's not the King Wu or the Twenty Martial Ancestors who decide the outcome. Given the disparity between the two sides, it's you who lose."

Bai Bai Leng Ye smiled bitterly and said: "It's because of this, that's why I came here, I hope Palace Master Ruo will come to support our Wu Zongs."

After finishing speaking, Ruo Palace Mistress remained silent, with a thoughtful expression on his face, as if his gaze swept the two of them back and forth.

"I have an idea, I don't know if Master Bai will agree."

"If you are the palace master, please tell me." Bai Lengye said politely.

"What do you think of my Saintess Shiro?"

Bai Lengye glanced at the other party, and then said: "Very good, he is good-looking and powerful, she is the goddess in people's hearts."

"Then don't you know that Master Bai can marry Xiruo as his wife out of interest?"


The two exclaimed in alarm almost at the same time, before Bai Lengye could speak, the saint hurriedly said: "Master, are you just joking, you want me to marry this brat?"

Bai Lengye raised his eyebrows, but immediately said: "Master Ruo, you are taking a big joke. I am still young, and I have never considered marriage."

"Besides, the saint is talented and beautiful, and I am not worthy..."

"It's worthy, you are now the head of the Blood Sword Sect. Although the Blood Sword Sect has taken turns to be second-rate strength, I believe that under the leadership of the White Sect Master, you will enter the ranks of top strength again sooner or later."

"If the Holy Maiden marries you, then we will be more intimate, won't we?"

Bai Lengye was stunned, and cast a glance at the saint. The threatening eyes told him that if he dared to agree, he would definitely kill him.

Bai Lengye sighed, and said: "If the palace master, please forgive me for not agreeing, the saint is really not suitable for me."

"What do you mean, do you think you can match me?" the saint said coldly.

"Xi Ruo, please don't be rude." Palace Master Ruo said in a low voice, the saint snorted angrily, and turned her head away to look away.

"Master Bai, as long as you agree, I can send someone to you, and then the four gates will be resolved, and your reputation will increase greatly from now on."

"And married our Yunxiao Palace saint, she will be the descendant of Yunxiao Palace in the future, you can think about it..."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye finally understood. After a long time, he was taken a fancy to him and asked him to marry the other saint. When the time comes, both parties will be sect masters, and both families will benefit.

Whether it's for this or not, it's impossible to get him to agree, otherwise how can I be worthy of Xiaoyu.

"I'm sorry, Palace Master Ruo, but I can't agree to marrying a saint. If Palace Master Ruo really disagrees, then I won't force it."

"Farewell." Bai Lengye clasped his fists, turned around and walked towards the door with a gloomy expression, Guardian Tie hesitated for a moment, and then followed suit.

When the two were about to leave, Palace Master Ruo's voice came: "Master Bai, you should think about it. No one will help you except us. It is impossible to deal with the four gates!"

Bai Lengye trembled, clenched his fists, turned his head to look at the other party, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "There is nothing impossible in this world. If the method of cultivating the Dharma world is not enough, then I will use the method of the secular world. I will find some A cannonball can blow them flat!"

"well said."

An abrupt voice sounded, and Bai Lengye looked at it with a look of shock.

(End of this chapter)

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