Chapter 111
Because of destroying one of the opponent's strongholds, it's normal to alarm the masters of the four sects, but Bai Lengye was a little surprised that the opponent dealt with the Blood Sword Sect so quickly.

It stands to reason that the four sects are also a big sect, and they should face this kind of thing calmly. They would never say that the master of one sect took action in person, unless the other party was really cornered.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Bai Lengye was not in the mood to eat anymore. Since these two people could know it, most people in the Dharma circle would also know it.

"What are you thinking about? I'm absent-minded." Fang Xiaoyu stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes. Bai Lengye suddenly came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "It's okay. I just thought of something and lost my mind. Let's continue eating."

After a while, after the two had eaten and drank enough, the two sitting in the back also left, walking out of the restaurant, Bai Lengye said: "Let's go back, you go back to class, I have something to go out for a few days."

"Okay." Fang Xiaoyu pouted, followed Bai Lengye into the car, and drove towards home.

A few hours later, after Bai Lengye made arrangements for Fang Xiaoyu, he left by plane and arrived at the Blood Sword Gate.

In the Blood Sword Gate, Bai Lengye called everyone together and asked the four gates about how to deal with them.

This time the matter was no small matter, although it was not as dangerous as the siege by several sects last time, but the four sect masters did it themselves, that is to say, besides King Wu, there was also Wu Zong.

With regard to these two points, they had to face it calmly, or they might suffer heavy losses.

"Sect master, if the four sects are combined, there will be at least seven or eight hundred people, and our four elite disciples are only more than 200, which is not enough."

A guardian got up and said, his face was a little dignified.

After hearing the other party finished speaking, Bai Lengye nodded and said, "I know it too, so it's impossible to fight recklessly, and I have to think of another way."

"I have noticed something."

"Tie Guardian, please tell me."

Bai Lengye looked at the other party, Tie Hufa stood up, looked around, and then said in a deep voice: "Under the disparity between the enemy and us, we can only outsmart them, we can lurk in their base camp, whether it is internal strife or poisoning, it is all right." It is able to stop the opponent."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye's eyes lit up, the other party was right, either of these two methods is fine, although it sounds a bit dishonorable, but as long as they win, they will have the final say.

"Sneak in and you can guarantee that you won't be discovered. Who do you think is suitable for Tie Guardian?"

"Look for a strange brother to mix in?"

"No, I'll just go." Bai Lengye got up and said.

"No." Several guards got up at the same time and said: "How can the door master enter that dangerous place, any of us can go."

"Sect master three or four, just leave this kind of matter to us." Tie Guardian said in a deep voice.

Bai Lengye shook his head and said: "You don't need to be so nervous, you just sneaked in, it's not a problem for me."

"Besides, even though the four of them are dealing with me, as long as I am careful and perform a disguise technique, there will be no problem at all."

"Besides, I'm a doctor, and I'm familiar with poison. I can lurk in their bodies and turn the situation around at critical moments."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye took off the clothes on his body and put on the robes unique to their cultivators. Although it was a bit awkward, there was nothing he could do.

"The master of the door should be careful, I will send someone outside to meet him."

"Excuse me." Bai Lengye chuckled and walked out.

After descending the mountain, Bai Lengye rushed towards the direction of the four gates, and Tie Hufa led people to follow beside him. They were very fast, and after about an hour, they came to the range of the four gates.

"Sect Master, there is the temporary stronghold of the Four Sects. Be careful of those deputy pavilion masters and pavilion masters of the Four Sects. It will be very troublesome if they are discovered."

"I'll be careful, and you guys should also be careful not to be discovered." Bai Lengye nodded with a smile, opened the jungle, looked at the camp opposite, glanced at the camp, and stooped to sneak in.

After coming to the side of the fence, Bai Lengye's eyes quickly swept around, and finally stopped on a man, taking advantage of the man's urination, he quickly jumped over, quietly came to the man, and slashed him unconscious .

After the man fell to the ground, Bai Lengye took a closer look at the man's face, then closed his eyes, performed the disguise technique, his face changed, and finally became exactly the same as the man.

This is not because he is really in a hurry, but because this disguise technique gives people an illusion, it looks like the other party's appearance, something similar to an illusion, he believes that even the Martial King can't see this disguise technique, otherwise They can no longer be called cultivators.

"Xiao Liu, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry over here!"

Just as Bai Lengye was deep in thought, a voice sounded, he knew it was calling for the identity of this person, he immediately echoed, turned and walked over.

A man with the appearance of a child came over, looked Bai Lengye up and down, and asked, "Xiao Liu, when did you change your clothes?"

"The clothes were dirty just now, I just changed them." Bai Lengye laughed.

"After leaving Xiaoliu, the deputy pavilion master is still waiting for us to set up a banquet. The pavilion master will come soon." After finishing speaking, the other party turned and left. before the barrel.

There was a smell of wine coming from the wooden barrel, Bai Lengye followed the other party, holding a wooden barrel in one hand, and walked forward, the guards patrolling along the way didn't notice anything wrong.

After a while, the two came to the door of the largest tent. After the two guards checked it, it was Fang who went in. When they came into the tent, they saw tables and chairs around them, with fruits and wine glasses on them. .

"Hurry up and put all the wine in the barrel into the big cup, or we will be finished when the pavilion master comes."

That Daotong hurriedly urged, Bai Lengye nodded quickly, and poured the baijiu into a big cup according to the other party's request, and when it was full, he replaced it.

Just when the two of them had just filled up the wine, a few people came in from outside, Bai Lengye glanced at the corner of his eyes, and one of them, a big man with a black beard, said in a rough voice: "The pavilion master will come in a while, what a shame!" Trouble."

"Pavilion Master Lei, do you have a problem with Pavilion Master Feng?" Another red-faced man said in a deep voice.

"Don't dare, how could I have any objection to Pavilion Master Feng, we are all deputy after all." The big black bearded man laughed strangely before, and then several people sat down.

Bai Lengye followed that Dao Tong and stood around. When the wine was finished, they would go up to pour the wine, which made Bai Lengye always have a chance to make a move.

At this moment, a slightly shady breath came out, and the expressions of several people in the room were shocked, and then a burly man walked up to the machine, and the tent suddenly became quiet.

"Haha, you guys have arrived early, it seems that I am late."

The man first laughed loudly, and sat on the tiger-skin stool in a majestic manner. With a kick of his legs, his eyes as big as copper bells slowly scanned the surroundings.

Bai Lengye was a little shocked, this person must be the master of the four sects, he is indeed a master of King Wu level, but he doesn't know what level it is.

"The pavilion master is here, of course we will toast first." The red-faced man got up and said, holding the bowl, and the rest of the people also got up, picked up the wine glass, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Come pour wine, today we must fight the pavilion master for [-] rounds!"


Just when Dao Tong was about to go over to pour wine, the masters of the four sects waved his hands, and then Dao Tong came back, lowering his head and not daring to look at him.

"Today, we were discussing how to deal with the Blood Sword Sect. It's not too late to drink the wine for a while."

As he spoke, the other party's face gradually darkened, his eyes swept over a few people, and he said: "The last time the Blood Sword Sect attacked our four strongholds last time, it was an unforgivable crime, and there is no raindrop to ease the two."

"This time I came here because I wanted to lead someone to kill the people from the Blood Sword Sect. However, there are many dangers involved. I hope that the deputy cabinet masters will give their full support."

"Sect Master, the Blood Sword Sect is only a second-rate strength. This kind of sect-breaking sect can't get us to make a big fuss. As long as any one of us can solve the other party."

"Master Yun is so powerful. If this is the case, why do you still ask the master to come with us? Isn't it superfluous for you?"

The remaining sect masters sneered.

"Hmph! What happened last time proved that the other party's sneak attack was successful. This time I'll see if he can still succeed in sneak attack!"

On the side, Bai Lengye listened to their conversations, these guys were obviously too confident, and now he was standing here, didn't he recognize them all the same.

After they started talking about serious business, Bai Lengye and the two went out. While the Daoist boy was out to have a rest, he turned left and right and went straight down to the place where people eat.

Looking at the clear water in the bucket, Bai Lengye took out a few packs of medicine foam, and they went in one after another, but after a few breaths, there was a few beeps, and then everything returned to calm here.

After pouring out dozens of buckets, Bai Lengye breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, the other party didn't notice.

After doing all this, Baieling Agricultural Industry finished things, and then left in a hurry.

After casting the invisibility technique, Bai Lengye lurks out again and arrives at the place where he came in. Tie Guardian and the others have been waiting for a long time.

"Let's go, it's completely settled. There will be surprises when we start tomorrow." After finishing speaking, several people left here quickly, and no one noticed from the beginning to the end.

Back at the Blood Sword Gate, Bai Lengye told the story before and after, everyone was sweating after hearing it, Bai Lengye was so courageous, staying beside the master of the four gates has not been discovered, at least it is impossible for them that's it.

"The Blood Sword Sect will attack tomorrow. Everyone get ready tonight. Tomorrow is the time for the Blood Sword Sect to repay the debt."

(End of this chapter)

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