The last cultivator

Chapter 119 In Despair

Chapter 119 In Despair
Bai Lengye looked at Palace Master Ruo on the opposite side, he was also curious about what kind of exercise it was, there was only one person who practiced it successfully, could it be better than him?

After the other party was silent for a while, Palace Master Ruo said slowly: "This exercise was created by the first Palace Master of Yunxiao Palace. Since then, due to some rules, people in this sect are not allowed to practice it."

Bai Lengye was surprised, but he still didn't understand what it meant. Since it was established by the first Palace Master, why couldn't the disciples of his sect practice it? If so, why did he create it.

Palace Master Ruo continued: "The name of this exercise is the Immortal Sutra, and it is divided into eighteen levels. Back then, Palace Master only practiced to the tenth level."

Bai Lengye was shocked and said: "The creators can only cultivate to the tenth level, you didn't make a mistake?"

Palace Master Ruo said softly: "Those who are created may not necessarily be able to cultivate to the peak. Those who study airplanes will definitely be able to fly airplanes?"

Hearing this theory, Bai Lengye was speechless, and immediately asked: "Well, what's so special about this fairy scripture?"

If the Palace Mistress pondered for a moment, his face seemed unnatural, and a book was thrown in his hand, Bai Lengye subconsciously caught it, opened it casually and took a look.

When he opened the first page, Bai Lengye was immediately dumbfounded. There was a picture on it, but this picture was unsightly...

"The weirder the posture, the more difficult it is, the faster you can practice..." Seeing this, Bai Lengye almost vomited blood. Whether this is a practice or not, he thinks that clothes teach people how to learn posture.

Now he knows why the other party said that no one has practiced it so far. She is a female student in Yunxiao Palace, and some people don't get married when they get old. Where can I go to practice this.

However, thinking that the other party had something to do with the previous head of the Blood Sword Sect, he immediately looked at him with a strange expression. If the Palace Master snorted, Bai Lengye immediately came to his senses, laughed dryly, and put the book in his pocket.

"Okay, you take this fairy scripture back and give it to your woman to practice. As for where you can go, it depends on you..."

Bai Lengye asked: "Then what will happen if you reach the peak?"

"At that time, when my first Palace Master cultivated to the tenth floor, he ruled the world. If he cultivated to the eighteenth floor, he would be invincible today."

"Okay." Bai Lengye nodded, and then said: "Then I'm fine, I'll leave, and I will treat the Palace Master to dinner next time when I have time."

Waving his hand, Bai Lengye turned and left, walked out of the palace, looked at a person out of the corner of his eyes, immediately quickened his steps to the exit, raised his legs and stepped on the iron chain, and came to the opposite side in two or three steps.

Heaving a sigh of relief, he turned around and saw that figure was looking at him from a distance. Bai Lengye curled his lips and muttered, "If you want to sneak attack me after saving you, you deserve to be pissed off last time." After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye Ye Hehe left with a smile, and Xiruo's face was cold on the opposite side. She still remembered the last time she got mad at her.

"Come in Xiruo, I have something to tell you."


After Bai Lengye left, he went back to Xuejianmen, and after a few words of explanation, he went back.

Back home by plane, it was already afternoon, Bai Lengye had a meal first, and then called Fang Xiaoyu to ask him to come over.

Not long after, Fang Xiaoyu arrived, and Bai Lengye pulled him into the room, and said mysteriously, "Xiaoyu, I have found a cultivation technique for you."

"Really?" Fang Xiaoyu was overjoyed, and quickly hugged and kissed her, but then Bai Lengye said with a smile: "But, this exercise is a bit special, it requires two people."

"What two people?" Fang Xiaoyu didn't understand, when Bai Lengye whispered in her ear, she immediately blushed, said coquettishly, and lowered her head not daring to look at him.

Bai Lengye hugged the other party with one arm, and said in a low voice: "Is that okay? If it's okay, we'll come."

" villain, you know how to do that kind of thing..." Fang Xiaoyu said softly, Bai Lengye laughed, took out the fairy scripture, and said: "This thing has eighteen layers in total, about how many layers are there?" The one-hundred-page homework is still double-sided, so this is a good posture."


"Come on, I'm ready, the first pose should be like this..."

After a while, the two of them took off their clothes and squirmed slowly according to the above instructions. After about 10 minutes, Fang Xiaoyu gasped for a few breaths with flushed cheeks. Then a hot current gushed out of his body, and then the muscles of his whole body tensed together. , which lasted for about ten seconds, before he let out a heavy breath of relief.

"How is it?" Bai Lengye asked hastily.

"I... I feel that there is a lot of power in my body, and I can kill a cow with one fist."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye was a little surprised. After careful observation, he was even more shocked. This is the first time that Fang Xiaoyu has reached the first level of martial arts. It is simply unbelievable!

At the beginning, he didn't know how much effort it took to reach the level of warrior, but this time Fang Xiaoyu reached the level of warrior so easily, which was too unexpected.

"I know." Bai Lengye said excitedly, "I must be too powerful, so I just..."

"Go to hell." Fang Xiaoyu punched his fist, blushing and said: "What's so powerful, it's completely nonsense, it must be because of this skill."

"That's right, I'm good, and my skills are also good. If I don't do it again, I might become a warrior..."

"Forget it, you'll go crazy if you go too soon. This state is not bad for one day. You're sweating all over. You'd better go take a bath."

"Okay." Bai Lengye nodded, sat up immediately, and said, "I'll hold you, we wash together."

"No, I'll wash it myself, and then you're washing it." Fang Xiaoyu put on her clothes, walked into the bathroom with her things, Bai Lengye could only stare blankly.

A few ten minutes later, the other party came out of the shower, and Bai Lengye went in with his clothes downcast.

Not long after washing, Bai Lengye called out, "Honey, my soap has fallen off, please come in and pick it up for me."

"Get it yourself, someone will pick up the soap for you, don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

"Okay..." Bai Lengye said helplessly, his small thoughts were guessed by the other party.

After washing, the two lingered for a while, then got up and went out to eat. They came to a KFC, ordered hamburgers and cold drinks, and chatted while eating.

At this time, an acquaintance walked towards him, Bai Lengye cast a glance, then continued to chat with Fang Xiaoyu, not bothering to pay attention to him.

Fang Xiaoyu turned her head to look, also with a bad look on her face, snorted, and grabbed Bai Lengye's hand tightly.

Zhang Xiu's complexion was complicated, and tears flowed down her face. She really regretted it for more than a year.

That Ma Liunan dumped her, and now she has nothing, and something happened at home, and she is already destitute.

She had thought of Bai Lengye a long time ago, but she couldn't find him, and she didn't know where he lived. Just now he passed by accidentally, saw Bai Lengye, and immediately came in cheekily, because she was really desperate.

Zhang Xiu just stood aside and watched, Bai Lengye couldn't continue, so he sat up straight and asked, "I don't know you, what can I do for you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiu felt a pain in his heart, and thought of the details of the two being together at that time. They agreed to be together for the rest of their lives, but they abandoned each other because of her greed. Now that they are better off, she is Pull down your face and beg for help.

"I... I need your help." Zhang Xiu bit her lips tightly and said, her body trembling a little, her nervous palms were covered with sweat.

"Do I know you?" Bai Lengye raised his eyebrows.

"Cold leaves..."

"Please note, only I can call Leng Ye." Fang Xiaoyu said coldly.

Zhang Xiu's face turned pale, she tried her best to hold back her tears, and choked up and said, "I broke up with him, and even aborted him..."

"Stop." Bai Lengye said impatiently: "Are you complaining to me? I have nothing to do with you now, even if you have something to do, please go to the police uncle."

Hearing this, tears burst out of Zhang Xiu's eyes instantly. With grief and indignation, Zhang Xiu plopped down on the ground and cried, "Leng Ye, help me, for the sake of our being together before, this time you You must help me."

The cries and shouts attracted the attention of many people. The real KFC diners all looked over, pointing one by one, and some started taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Bai Lengye was indifferent and expressionless, but Fang Xiaoyu couldn't bear it. A woman can kneel for a man, which shows that the other party really encountered some difficulties.

But thinking of all the bad deeds of the other party in the past, he immediately put away his sympathy, turned his head and glanced out the window.

Zhang Xiu cried in grief and said: "Leng Ye, please help me, you can tell me to do anything, my father is lying in the hospital dying, my mother almost went crazy!"

"It's none of my business." Bai Leng Ye said expressionlessly.

Zhang Xiu's crying stopped abruptly, and the next moment, she closed her eyes tightly and slammed into the corner of the table next to her. Under the exclamation of everyone, Bai Lengye grabbed the opponent with her backhand.

"If you want to die, don't die in front of my eyes."

Zhang Xiu was desperate, and she fell limp on the ground. She didn't expect that the other party would reject her mercilessly. Her father was still lying in the hospital, bankrupt and unable to pay for the medical expenses.

"Leng Ye, please give me a chance, as long as you are willing to help me, I can be a cow or a horse." Zhang Xiu said desperately.

Seeing the other party like this, Bai Lengye took a deep breath, hesitant in his heart, he didn't have much enmity with the other party, and it's gone after such a long time, just now he was just a little angry, now think about it, he is It does not belong to do nothing.

The people around pointed and said everything, but Bai Lengye glanced at them expressionlessly, got up and pulled Fang Xiaoyu away.

Zhang Xiu's complexion was pale, and she panicked in her heart. She didn't know what to do next. If Bai Lengye didn't help, she couldn't come up with any money, so she really wanted to sell it.

When he walked to the door, Bai Lengye glanced at the other party and said calmly, "Which hospital is your father in?"

Hearing these words, hope gradually appeared on Zhang Xiu's desperate face, and her body trembled violently.

(End of this chapter)

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