The last cultivator

Chapter 129 See Through

Chapter 129 See Through
The place where Gao Wang lived was not far from Bailanye's village. After driving over, he couldn't enter the alley in front of him, so he had to walk there immediately.

As soon as I came to the door, I heard a noisy voice from inside. Turning around, I saw many people sitting in the yard, seven aunts and eight aunts, and some folks with children, all gathered together with their families .

Gao Wang sat on the stool and angrily scolded a woman. After Bai Lengye entered, everyone looked over at him, and the courtyard fell silent instantly.

"Brother Bai." Gao Wang showed joy, and immediately walked over, excitedly hugging him.

Bai Lengye smiled and asked, "I haven't seen you for a few days, and you've grown so strong."

Gao Wang scratched his head and smiled, he didn't look like he was angry before, but the woman who scolded him said in a sharp voice: "I tell you, if you can't do it today, you can do it. When you were in trouble decades ago, I didn't Don't help your family, it's better now, don't care about us, you white-eyed wolf!"

Hearing the scolding, Bai Lengye frowned, and asked Gao Wang what was the matter. The other party said that the person was one of his aunts, and now he was going to buy a house. This place was no longer wanted, and the other party was going to tear down the old house and give it to the other party. To build a new house, I still need to ask him for 10 yuan.

Hearing this, Bai Lengye was annoyed and funny. Even if the homestead could not live anymore, it was all his own. An outsider was pointing fingers, and he wanted Gao Wang to take [-] yuan to build a house for him. this kind of thing.

"Brother Bai, I will listen to what you say. My parents are soft-hearted."

Bai Lengye was about to speak, but the woman was chattering, speaking the local dialect, Bai Lengye didn't understand most of what she was saying, but looking at Gao Wang's angry expression, he was probably swearing.

It's hard for an upright official to break up housework, this kind of thing happened too much, Bai Lengye didn't know what to say, and it's not easy for an outsider to intervene.

"Gao Wang, if they were nice to you before, you can give some money now, but 10 yuan is too much, tens of thousands is not enough."

"As for your old house, I'd better keep it. Big cities are good, but hometown is the best..."

"Okay, I'll just listen to Brother Bai."

"You are heartless, you actually listen to outsiders. Your family is a white-eyed wolf. I saw you working hard to deliver food to you decades ago, but now your heart is eaten by dogs..."

Bai Lengye was annoying when he heard it, so he turned around and left. After he left, the noisy crying became louder. When you meet an unreasonable shrew, it's useless for you to tell him anything.

A few ten minutes later, Gao Wang came out and said with a sigh: "Anyway, I don't plan to come back anytime soon, and the folks can say whatever they like."

Bai Lengye said with a smile: "If you care too much about what other people think, you will not be yourself when you live."

Gao Wang scratched his head and smiled, "That's right. I live for myself and don't care what others say." After speaking, the other party took out a cigarette and started smoking. He knew that Bai Lengye was not worried, so he put it back in his pocket.

"How about it? It's been a good life recently. It's been three or four years so fast."

Leaning in front of the car door, Bai Lengye glanced around and asked casually, Gao Wang exhaled a puff of smoke, and said lightly: "It's been three or four years, and I have made some achievements. If I didn't graduate and go to work back then, I guess Now I don’t even have a wife.”

"Now I'm very glad that I followed Brother Bai, otherwise, hehe."

Bai Lengye patted the other party's shoulder and said: "You can't say that, you will be looked down upon by many people if you walk this way."

"Didn't Brother Bai just say not to care about other people's eyes?"

"Haha!" The two laughed at the same time.

After a few chats with each other, they went to the village to eat something without drinking. After eating, they sent Gao Wang back, and Bai Lengye left.

After returning to Gaocheng, he put the car away, and he came to the previously uninhabited place, where a big hole was blown out because of his alchemy, but fortunately, this place is desolate, no one will come here.

Put the medicine stove away, Bai Lengye sat down, this time he was going to refine the elixir, and then sell it for money, when the time comes to buy medicinal materials with money, it is not good to always take money from his own card.

Ten minutes later, after several times of blasting the furnace, five pieces were finally refined. Although five pieces are small, it is not a problem for Bai Leng Ye Keng Dad to sell for millions.

His clothes were tattered again, he sighed, and got up to go home. Along the way, he met many people who thought he had been in a car accident and pointed at him.

After returning home, he changed his clothes and checked that the time was still early. Bai Lengye took out a mask and drove away immediately.

Last time, the member of He Yunzong died in an accidental car accident. He couldn't be recognized in the past this time, otherwise it would be troublesome.

After coming over, Bai Lengye put on a mask and walked in with the medicine bottle. It was still as hot as before, and the stalls had changed several batches.

Come to a corner, spread a layer of blankets on the ground, take out the medicine bottle, put the already written introduction on the ground, and then the rest is to wait.

The elixirs he is now refining can treat some injuries, such as getting older, checking and clearing hidden diseases in the body, and his price is at least 20 pills.

Here, everything is sold, but there are only a few who sell pills, and there are many people who sell Bai Leng Ye immediately.

Most of those who can come here are Dharma practitioners, or introduced wealthy people. These people are either old or good, while the rest are sons of big families.

It's not uncommon for Bai Lengye to wear a mask here, because there are still people around making faces, and doing so is nothing more than avoiding some troubles.

But although there were many people onlookers, none made a move, not even anyone who negotiated the price, Bai Leng Ye sighed inwardly, it seems that this elixir is too expensive, people are afraid of buying fake ones.

At this moment, Bai Lengye saw an acquaintance, that was Huang Aiping, who was the last time he was treating a disease. At that time, the other party didn't ask him for 100 million, but only 10 yuan.

It's not unusual for the other party to come here. After all, the last time I went there, the villa where the other party lived was not ordinary, and his net worth was definitely in the hundreds of millions. It was normal to come to this small exchange meeting.

"How much is this thing for you?" Huang Aiping asked.

"Sister, this thing is fake at first glance, don't buy it." The girl with a pointed chin next to her said, the other party was dressed in fashion, but she looked a little bit mean, which can be felt by practitioners.

"The old man is getting old, it may be useful to buy this thing back."

"Sister, don't you know that there is such a powerful elixir in this world?" The girl with the pointed chin said bitterly: "This person looks very young, and he may have stolen the poison from somewhere, and sold it for 20 yuan. One, he might as well grab it."

Huang Aiping sighed and said, "But that genius doctor Bai last time..."

"What kind of doctor Bai, I think he is a charlatan, I don't know what kind of folk remedies he used, for this, you offended doctor Liu." The girl said with some blame.

The two were chatting here, and some around believed it, shook their heads and left, and no one asked the price in the end.

Anger arose in Bai Lengye's heart, it was fine if this person didn't buy it, but he actually blocked his way of making money, if it wasn't for the fear that Huang Aiping would recognize it, he would have slapped it away.

"You want 20 yuan for this thing?" A slightly surprised voice sounded. Turning his head to look, a lady came over, followed by a man and a woman.

"Yes." Bai Lengye said in a low voice, Huang Aiping did not have any doubts.

The lady showed excitement, and just about to speak, a man beside her said, "Auntie, be careful of liars, there are many liars here, 20 a piece is a sky-high price."

Hearing this, the noble lady also calmed down, looked at it with doubts on her face, and subconsciously frowned, as if she was a little hesitant.

Bai Lengye scolded secretly, why would it be in the way at any time, isn't it just 20 pieces, if you are afraid of fakes, try it on the spot, why hesitate.

"Boy, you said this shit is 20 a piece, you give me a try, and we'll buy it if it doesn't kill you." The man said in a contemptuous tone.

"This thing is mainly used for the elderly, but it has little effect on the young." Bai Lengye said in a cold voice, it's only because this person has a good temper for blocking his way of making money.

"I think it's a fake. You actually came here to cheat. Believe it or not, find someone to smash it for you immediately!" The man said with a sneer.

"Hehe, it must be fake. I have never seen 20 pieces." The woman next to Huang Aiping sneered.

Just as a few people laughed, another group of people came over, and the surrounding temperature immediately became cold, and some practitioners hurried away.

"This is yours?" the leading woman asked coldly.

Bai Lengye raised his head, his heart tightened, he almost got up and ran away, but fortunately he suppressed the impulse, he didn't believe that the people of Heyunzong recognized him.

"It's mine, 20 pieces, you can ask the old man to use on the spot." Bai Lengye said in a hoarse and deep voice.

The female disciple of Heyun Sect didn't talk nonsense, she just picked up one and sniffed it on the tip of her nose, and said, "It doesn't look like the highest class, but it's not bad, I want three." After finishing speaking, she took out the card Come, Bai Lengye said: "There is no credit card machine, checks and cash are acceptable."

The woman frowned, but she didn't say anything. One of the people behind took out the check, scribbled it, and handed it over.

"I'll buy three at once, and I'll be sure to find it." The woman said with a strange expression.

The people of He Yunzong immediately looked over coldly, the other party's expression froze, and under the strong pressure, his body trembled.

"There will be another time, and I will tear your mouth apart." The woman from the Heyun Sect said coldly, and this person left in a special era.

"Senior sister, is the person who killed me in Heyunzong here?"

"Find him and kill him without mercy!"

When the conversation was heard, Bai Lengye's shoulders trembled, but luckily he was wearing a mask, so no one could see the expression on his face.

"No, you have to leave here quickly, it will be miserable if you are discovered."

Thinking of this, Bai Lengye got up and was about to leave, but the lady suddenly said: "I want one too."

"Auntie, this may be fake..."

"I'll admit it's fake too." Without hesitation, the lady took out the check and left with the pill.

Like leaving Huang Aiping behind, Bai Lengye immediately turned around and left without hesitation, walked around in a circle, and when he felt that no one was following him, he got into the car, started the accelerator and left.

He just got in the car, and then a few off-road vehicles came after him. Seeing the people in the car, Bai Lengye gave a bitter smile, and after a long time, he was still discovered by the other party.

The people of Heyunzong kept chasing after him, Bai Lengye could only speed up and rush forward, when he came to the last turn again, the people behind were much smarter, they immediately slowed down, and the car crash did not happen .

At this moment, I told the Venerable Master a lot, but in order to escape for my life, I had to keep overtaking. When the car passed by two tank trucks with heavy armor, Bai Lengye broke into a cold sweat, and was hit by a pinch at a speed of more than 100 mph. 100% dead on.

Two off-road vehicles were chasing after him quickly, not to mention his sports car's poor performance. At this time, a toll booth appeared in front of him. Seeing the toll booth, Bai Liangye didn't hesitate at all. The railing rushed over, and those off-road vehicles followed behind.

The surrounding police cars sounded their sirens, followed by roaring, a chase broke out on the highway, Bai Lengye ran away for money, and behind He Yunzong, several police cars followed closely behind with their sirens blaring.

Soon, there was an exit in front of him, and Bai Lengye slammed the steering wheel to change lanes. When he entered the exit, he glanced at him. The off-road vehicle was getting closer, and the people in the car took out their guns to aim at his tires. .

If the tire blew out, he would definitely roll over at this speed, immediately gritted his teeth, Bai Lengye let go of the steering wheel with both hands, and held the Cloud Sword tightly in his hand, and with a trembling sound, he shot through the air with a whoosh.

At high speed, the opponent couldn't dodge at all. The Yunxiao sword was directly the windshield of the magnetic ring, piercing through the driver's chest, and blood spurted out. leaves in hands.

The out-of-control car rushed out of the railing and flew into the forest. Several people in the car opened the door and jumped off. There was a bang explosion, and the flames shot into the sky. The other car behind it also slammed to a stop. As for the police car, it couldn't catch up with Bethlehem. Ye, naturally cut them off.

Bai Lengye laughed. When he turned around, he saw that the truck was about to rear-end him. He was so frightened that he grabbed the steering wheel and slammed it. Then he dodged it, and his hanging heart fell to the ground.

The speed of the car slowly slowed down, and Bai Lengye saw the traffic police in front of him setting up checkpoints to intercept him, but fortunately, this is already Gaocheng, where he has the final say.

The traffic policeman stopped him, Bai Lengye greeted him, and the traffic policeman Zhang let him go without saying a word.

The car drove away, and Bai Lengye came to a car repair shop. Coincidentally, this was the place where he used to wash cars, and it was changed to a car wash at some point.

As soon as he got off the car, the phone rang in a hurry. After the call was connected, Bai Lengye's expression suddenly changed, he didn't even care about the car, he turned around and rushed to the road.

(End of this chapter)

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