The last cultivator

Chapter 139 Offending His Holiness

Chapter 139 Offending His Holiness

At the exchange meeting, Bai Lengye wandered around, going where there was good stuff, but he obviously underestimated the size of the exchange meeting, there were probably over a thousand people just setting up the stall, plus those who bought things With the people who kept coming, it has already broken through to ten thousand people.

There were noisy voices all around, Bai Lengye quickly browsed the things around him, besides medicinal materials, he would also look for some books on refining tools, but from the beginning until now, he didn't find any of them, it was an ordinary skill. There are many ways, but he can't use them.

Soon, Bai Lengye stopped abruptly, because he really saw a book of Artifact Refining Art, but it was broken.

The book looked torn, Bai Lengye knelt down and asked, "How do you sell the exercises?"


Hearing this price, Bai Lengye almost died of fright. The thin book only has a few hundred pages, but it costs 500 million. It really is [-] per page. What kind of book is so expensive.

"Can't it be cheaper?" Originally, Bai Lengye wanted to negotiate the price, but he just stopped talking. It seems that he didn't want it, and he was still wanted.

Bai Lengye thought about it for a moment, his credit card was only more than 300 million, and the rest was bought for medicinal materials and magic weapons, and 500 million was really not available.

Just when he sighed and wanted to give up, a voice sounded: "Brother, we meet again."

Turning his head, he saw the man who had bought his elixir come over, smiled slightly, and immediately took out a bank card.

Bai Lengye was not polite either, he took the hand and said with a smile: "I will return it to you when I go back, there are not so many for now."

"Don't worry, it's not worth buying a favor for several million." The man laughed.

After getting the book, Bai Lengye couldn't put it down. After flipping through it a few times, he carefully put it away, and then the man said: "Wang Fengmin, I haven't asked for advice yet."

"Bai Leng Ye."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the people from Ice Lotus Palace approaching, and the target was him, so he immediately became vigilant.

"You're Bai Lengye, don't you look ordinary?" the woman in the lead said coldly.

Bai Lengye didn't say a word, these people were all disciples, and those leading elders were all chatting in the distance, these people were all warriors of level [-], he didn't pay attention at all.

"What do you mean by not talking, dumb!" the female disciple immediately shouted angrily.

"I don't talk to dogs."

"You dare to call me a dog, I'll kill you!" The other party rushed over without saying a word, and Bai Lengye lightly slapped the other party's face.

The people around were stunned, Wang Fengmin was also a little shocked, Bai Lengye said coldly: "Open your mouth and shut up to kill people, you treat yourself as something."

The people from the Ice Lotus Palace were stunned, and then they all showed killing intent, they all drew out their weapons and besieged Bai Lengye together.

"Master, he bullied me!" The female disciple yelled angrily, not far away, the elders of the Ice Lotus Palace all rushed over.

"Bullying my Ice Lotus Palace disciple, courting death, kneel down and apologize to me!"

A 50-year-old woman shouted loudly, trying to get Bai Lengye to apologize, but the answer was a fist.

Also a martial artist, Bai Lengye had never climbed over the opponent, after a few moves, he knocked the opponent down on the ground.

"you wanna die!"

The remaining few people from Ice Lotus Palace were full of murderous intent. These people were all Wu Zong's strength, and Bai Lengye was no match.

But Bai Lengye was not afraid of them, he squinted his eyes, flashing cold light, when the opponent attacked, he quickly dodged to dodge.

"Go to hell!" Two Wu Zong came back and forth, Bai Lengye didn't dodge at all, the Yunxiao Sword appeared in his hand, and after sweeping several swords, he was also knocked back four or five steps.

"Offend my Ice Lotus Palace, I will kill you today!"

Several female disciples also came to attack, Bai Lengqi became angry, and immediately attacked with Yunxiao sword without holding back.

The fight here attracted many people to watch, pointing and pointing, guessing who is Bai Lengye, who dared to offend Ice Lotus Palace.

"This kid is doomed. Offending Ice Lotus Palace is like digging his own grave."

"Nonsense, I don't even look at the location of the Ice Lotus Palace, even if I offend the other party, I'm courting death!"

"The guy who doesn't have long eyes..."

Everyone around said gloatingly, and some even applauded, Bai Lengye was besieged by several people, and gradually couldn't resist.

At the critical moment, several Martial Emperors from Ice Lotus Palace surrounded him, directly attacking his vitals.

"court death!"

Bai Lengye worked hard, and the coffin suddenly appeared in his hand. After sweeping over, several Wu Zong vomited blood and flew out.

"Let you bully people!" Bai Lengye rushed over again, and slapped the coffin in his hand without hesitation. Those Wu Zong's faces were pale, and they spit blood again and flew out, crashing into the crowd.

Dead silence, dead silence around, no one could tell, Wu Zong, who was extremely powerful in their eyes, was slapped to the ground like a dead dog.

Bai Lengye sneered, and was about to rush over to humiliate the other party, when there was another burst of shouting, and then murderous aura filled the air, and a cold light appeared from above his head.

"Isn't that the suzerain of the Heyun Sect? It is said that the other party is a master of King Wu, and that kid also offended the other party. Now he is dead."

"Yeah, yeah, you can beat Wu Zong but you may not be able to beat Wu King, that kid is 100% dead."

Bai Lengye was a little surprised that the people from the Heyun Sect came over too, but it just so happened that last time they didn't teach enough, this time they taught them together.

The coffin in his hand slammed towards him, and the suzerain couldn't resist it. Last time he suffered a loss on the coffin, this time he didn't dare to be careless.


He slapped the coffin with two consecutive palms, but his tyrannical attack did not leave a mark on the upper limit at all, and instead sent him flying.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Bai Lengye rushed over, kicked the opponent's chest, and immediately turned pale and stepped back many steps.

The surroundings were dead silent again, it was Wu Zong just now, and now it is Wu Wang, they believed that the other party must not be a martial master, maybe it was a Wu Zun who was hiding his strength.

"My lord, save me!"

The suzerain suddenly let out a scream, and when the sound sounded, the people around suddenly gasped.

Bai Lengye also stopped, took a few breaths, took out the elixir and swallowed it, his eyes swept across the crowd, and finally stopped on a white-haired old man, who was walking over step by step with his hands behind his back.

"God! It's actually the Venerable!"

"I'm not mistaken, the Venerable is really here!"

Amid the exclamation of everyone, the white-haired old man stood in front of Bai Lengye, with an indifferent face and disdain in his eyes, he said flatly: "Ant, kneel on the ground since you have destroyed your dantian, I will spare you."

Bai Lengye's face was furious, whoever he is, he immediately waved the coffin and smashed it over, Venerable An snorted coldly, and slapped his palm violently, the ground trembled with such force, although Bai Lengye He was blown away, but he himself took two steps back.


There was a sound of gasping around, and they couldn't believe it. It was incredible that a martial artist dared to challenge the Venerable.

"The ants are looking for death!" The venerable looked furious, rushed over with afterimages on his body, and slammed his fists hard at the door of Bai Leng Yemian, and the sound of breaking through the sky was also driven.

This fist missed the front door, but hit the coffin instead. For a moment, Bai Lengye bent his knees and almost knelt on the ground, but the powerful rebound force also made the venerable retreat several meters away.

"Damn, what's so great about your venerable, that you actually bullied me!" Bai Lengye shouted angrily, stomping the sole of his foot on the ground, and cast four or five spells. past.

The venerable blocked it with one hand, and was blown away by the force of the coffin again. The venerable was furious, a ball of white foam appeared on the palm of his hand, and he hit him from the air. The ground trembled, and all the onlookers hid far away. .

After hitting the palm from the air, Bai Lengye was so shocked that he vomited blood. Facing the Venerable, there were too many levels in between, so he was still injured.

"Go to hell with the ants!" The Venerable felt that his face was lost, and the murderous intent in his eyes surged, and he slapped him again.

Bai Lengye subconsciously placed the coffin horizontally in front of him, but the other party ghostly disappeared in place and came behind him in an instant.

"not good!"


He slapped the back hard, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed on the coffin. He flew tens of meters away and smashed a deep hole.

"The difference in strength is too great. An ant is an ant after all. His Majesty's majesty does not allow you to be presumptuous. I will kill you today as an example to others!"

Bai Lengye coughed up blood, his face was pale, his body was weak, he couldn't lift the coffin, so he took out the pill and swallowed it.

The venerable walked over step by step, and Bai Lengye's complexion sank a little bit. Even leaning on the coffin, he couldn't beat the opponent.

The Venerable stepped forward and kicked Bai Lengye away with one kick, and then a long sword appeared in his hand, and stabbed towards Bai Lengye's throat quickly.

The hairs all over his body suddenly rose, Bai Lengye's pupils shrank, it was too late for him to escape at this moment.


Suddenly, a person stood in front of him, and then barely blocked the blow, but that person was also hit.

"Senior Lin Ji." Bai Lengye said in shock.

"Hurry up, this man is the Venerable!" Lin Ji's face was solemn, with a smear of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"None of you can leave today, and no one can save him today!"

The Venerable laughed angrily, and while waving his sleeves, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and the strong wind and sand condensed into several walls to block the surroundings.

"Old man, you can't kill me today, and you will die someday!"

Bai Leng Ye Hong roared angrily.

"You have no chance." The Venerable reached out his hand like lightning and grabbed it.

Lin Ji wanted to block it, but was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew out.

The Venerable slapped it fiercely, and Bai Lengye's face turned pale immediately. He felt that death was coming, and there was no way out.

"My apprentice is also someone you can bully."

The old voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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