The last cultivator

Chapter 141 Hiding the Corpse

Chapter 141 Hiding the Corpse
Bai Lengye kept encouraging himself, there would be no ghosts in this world, there must be someone playing tricks, this kind of thing had happened before.

The corridor was dark, only illuminated by the faint moonlight. Pushing open the half-covered door, there was an old creaking sound, and at the same time, the crying stopped abruptly.

Feeling to find the switch, after pressing it, the light bulb inside flickered a few times, and then went out completely, Bai Leng Ye's heart tightened, this spoofer seemed to have a lot of technical content.

"Is anyone there..." He called out tentatively, and the voice echoed in the women's toilet.

This women's toilet is not small, there are two rows, and there are more than a dozen in each row. At the end of the long row is the window that is closed in a blink of an eye. The air is stuffy and hot, which looks a little scary, especially at this time when the lights cannot be turned on.

Just when Bai Lengye thought nothing was wrong, and was about to turn around and leave, at this moment, the slight sobbing sound sounded again, and Bai Lengye's heart suddenly stopped for a second, and then it beat at a rapid speed, and his whole body felt Filled with blood.

"A prank, it must be a prank..."

Bai Lengye kept admonishing himself, convincing himself that this must be a human prank, and he was thinking, why should a self-cultivator be afraid of ghosts, it should be ghosts who are afraid of him.

Besides, when he fights, he always holds someone else's coffin, and there may be a baby lying in that coffin, why should he be afraid.

Thinking of this, Bai Lengye felt very confident, and ghosts and ghosts were nothing in his eyes.

After becoming more courageous, Bai Lengye was no longer afraid, and immediately turned around and walked in. When she came to the door, she pushed them open one by one, and the crying stopped abruptly.

Although it was dark inside, it was still possible to see clearly under the moonlight. After Bai Lengye pushed a dozen times in a row, there was no one inside, and when he pushed No. 15, he couldn't move.

Somewhat puzzled, he immediately increased his strength, but he still couldn't push it, and it didn't look like there was someone inside. At this moment, the soles of his feet were sticky, and when he looked down, it turned out to be scarlet blood!

Seeing this, he immediately broke the door and kicked it open. What appeared in front of him was a white dress stained red with blood. His jet-black hair was covered with plasma. He slowly raised his head, revealing his pale and bloodless face, which seemed to be Looking at him with a smile.

At that moment, Bai Lengye felt that he had fallen into hell, but at this moment, he felt that he was not afraid again, this feeling was very strange.

The female ghost in front of her was only fourteen or fifteen years old, lying in a pool of blood, with a pale face, looking at him with a half-smile.

Immediately, he stepped back a few steps. At this moment, Bai Lengye didn't think of yelling, but turned around and ran, but when he was about to move, the female ghost moved, but she just spoke.

"I was killed, help me, help me..."

When the gloomy voice came, Bai Lengye was so frightened that his soul jumped out, he turned around and rushed out, but after running out for a long time, he felt something was wrong.

"Ghosts can talk?" Thinking of this, Bai Lengye turned around and went back, but the female ghost was gone, leaving only blood on the ground.

Things were a little weird tonight, he couldn't tell the other party about seeing the ghost, but what he said just now caught his attention.

"Killed, still in the toilet, could it be in here..."

Bai Lengye thought to himself, and at this time Fang Xiaoyu also came out with a flashlight, and asked in a trembling voice, "It's all right, what happened just now."

"It's okay, it's just a prank, go back to sleep." Bai Lengye comforted, although Fang Xiaoyu was puzzled, she didn't say anything.

The next day, Bai Lengye began to look up the information, and finally found that a girl had disappeared unexpectedly on the news of the previous week, and the photo published on it was actually the female ghost he saw last night.

Feeling cold in his heart, Bai Lengye couldn't move the mouse, and stared fixedly at the photo, unable to move away.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Someone patted his shoulder, and Bai Lengye almost jumped up in fright.

"Xiaoyu, why are you here?"

Fang Xiaoyu put the bag on the table and said, "Of course I brought you food, what's the matter?"

"Hey, that little girl is so cute, but..." Seeing the report above, Fang Xiaoyu said with some sympathy: "So it was lost, it's really pitiful, and I don't know who can do it."

"There are too many beasts in clothes these days." Bai Lengye smiled, then opened the bag to eat, and after eating, the two went downstairs.

"It's Sunday, where are we going to play?" Fang Xiaoyu asked happily.

Bai Lengye recalled what happened just now, and then said: "Why don't we go outside the city for a walk, the wheat is almost ripe, and we can relax."


Fang Xiaoyu nodded, and then the two drove to the outside of the city. Because it is cloudy and the temperature is not high, they are not afraid of the heat. After leaving the city, Bai Lengye turned a corner, crossed a few streets, and stopped on a small road .

The two got out of the car and looked at the yellow wheat fields in front of them. Fang Xiaoyu ran forward a few steps. This kind of refreshing feeling cannot be felt in the city.

Bai Lengye smiled slightly, glanced around, and then stopped in front of a house in the distance.

Stepping over, Bai Lengye saw a woman sitting in the courtyard with a sad face, her eyes were red as if she had been crying, and an old man was smoking a cigarette with his brows tightly locked.

Bai Lengye didn't go in either, just waved at the door twice, and then left.

After more than an hour, the two left. After going to the city to play, it was dark, and when they returned home, they had dinner and were ready to go to bed.

After Fang Xiaoyu fell asleep, Bai Lengye got up and went out, went downstairs, and rushed to the school.

When he came to the security office, he saw the security guard dozing off inside. Bai Lengye pushed the door and went in. The security guard woke up, but he said that he wanted to investigate the monitoring. Last time, his wallet was dropped at the door.

The security guard agreed, and after turning on the surveillance, the other party went to drink tea and pour water, and Bai Lengye looked through it slowly by himself.

According to the time on the news, after combining it, Bai Lengye dropped the monitoring to ten days ago, and then watched it from ten o'clock in the evening, fast forwarded, and saw that many students sneaked out, and waited until one o'clock Most of the time, there is basically no one there.

But at this moment, a car drove over, and then saw the security guard go out to open the door, and the car drove into the school.

Bai Lengye hastily switched the other cameras, and saw the car parked at the door of the girls' dormitory, and vaguely saw a middle-aged woman getting out of the car, carrying a big suitcase, and walking towards the inside.

After the dorm aunt opened the door, it was convenient to go in, and here, there is no surveillance.

Bai Lengye secretly took out his mobile phone to take a picture of the woman, then turned off the surveillance camera, greeted the security guard, and left.

Although it is already a rest day, there are still quite a few people in the school. Bai Lengye lurked into the girl's test and came to the same place as last time.

The ground had already been cleaned, but at this moment, he heard footsteps outside, and Dang even opened the door and walked in.

The sound of wearing slippers sounded, came to the next door, and then there was the sound of hissing, and at the same time a girl's voice sounded, as if she was on the phone.

The other party started chatting, and Bai Lengye also hid here and did not dare to go out. Although there was a beautiful woman taking off his pants next door, he didn't have any thoughts at the moment, he just hoped that the other party would go out quickly.

In the silent toilet, there was only the other party's voice, the lights were not very bright, and the voice of the phone could be heard. At first, Bai Lengye was bored listening to it, but when he heard it behind him, he felt a little creepy.

Because the man told ghost stories to scare the woman, but when the other party told the story, Bai Lengye realized that maybe it was true.

The other party said that in a certain school, someone used to go to the toilet and saw an old man mopping the floor. He didn't care at that time. After going back to the toilet, he found red things in the corridor and the toilet the next day. I heard about it later. It turned out that what the girl saw that night was not a mop at all, but the old man holding a woman's head, and the black thing she saw was the other's long hair.


The girl screamed, then ran away in fright, and the toilet fell into silence again.

After a while, Bai Lengye came out with a complicated expression on his face. He took a few steps forward and opened the door. It was empty and well cleaned, but he knew that someone had died here, maybe it was that girl.

"How can I help you, where is your body..."

Bai Lengye murmured in a low voice, he couldn't ignore this kind of thing, but he couldn't think of where to find the other party's body.

At this time, there was movement at the door, Bai Lengye suddenly turned his head, his pupils shrank, and the female ghost stood at the door, looking at him with a half-smile.

Bai Lengye chased it out, but the female ghost disappeared, and then Bai Lengye searched everywhere, but there was no trace of her.

"Damn it, no, it should be a real ghost." Bai Lengye returned to the door of the toilet and pondered. The girl was obviously killed, and the perpetrator was from the school, and the box was obviously where the corpse was hidden. But where to put it...

Just when Hundred Years was about to leave, he stopped, and then slowly looked at his feet. The floor was covered with floorboards, as if they were newly installed.

Somewhat puzzled, Bai Lengye walked along, and finally stopped at the door of the toilet, and this position was where the female ghost was standing just now.

"It can't be..." Bai Lengye's expression was shocked, and he stepped on it twice with his foot. It was hard, and it seemed that there was something blocking it on the ground.

"There is something!"

Bai Lengye squatted down, and after confirming again, he scanned the surroundings to make sure that there was no one there, and immediately dug out the floor with all his strength, a layer of wooden planks appeared, with a hole left on it, and a line extending out.

Seeing the wires, Bai Hanye thought it was wires or something at first, but after he opened the wooden board, what he saw stunned him.

It was a refrigerator. The refrigerator was not big, only the size of an arm, and it was connected and turned on.

After opening it, I suddenly found a female corpse with a deep purple strangle mark on her neck, her tongue sticking out, her eyes widened, and her eyeballs were facing the upper left, as if begging for the refrigerator door to be opened as soon as possible.

The whole body was dismembered into thousands of pieces, and only one head remained intact. Although the body was frozen in the refrigerator, it may have started to swell and stink due to the lack of coldness, and the refrigerator was filled with disgusting corpse water.

And its appearance is exactly the girl who disappeared in the news...

Bai Lengye didn't know how to describe his current mood, so he took out his mobile phone and called the police with a blank face. It wasn't until the police came that the whole girls' dormitory knew that someone died or was cruelly buried in the refrigerator.

The entire floor is too thick, and because of this, it is not a problem to hide a refrigerator. When the police took out the refrigerator and saw the dismembered corpses inside, they all screamed and panicked. The female students were frightened Not light.

In order to avoid trouble, the police immediately took away the refrigerator, but when they were making a statement to Bai Lengye, they were shocked to find that the girl who died before appeared in front of him.

Staring blankly at the other party, Bai Lengye didn't come back to his senses for a while, the little girl smiled at him and said, "Thank you."

At this moment, Bai Lengye finally understood, it turned out that from the beginning to the present, what he saw was not a ghost at all, but a person.

"That's my sister, I'm only 1 minute away from my sister." The little girl said softly, Bai Lengye trembled all over, looking at the little girl who left, with complicated emotions.

"Why did you come to me?" Bai Lengye shouted.

The girl stopped, looked back at him, and then ran away.

Bai Lengye went limp all of a sudden, he felt that he seemed to have done one thing, but he seemed to have done another thing that shouldn't be done.

After the police left, Bai Lengye also went home, lying on the bed, thinking about the previous things all the time.

"Was it the older sister or the younger sister who died?" Thinking of this, Bai Lengye's heart beat wildly. The two looked exactly the same. If the parents were confused again, wouldn't it mean that it would be impossible to tell whether it was the older sister or the younger sister who died.

At this time, Fang Xiaoyu beside him opened his eyes, muttered something, and put his arms around his neck.

Bai Lengye calmed down and didn't think too much about it. Anyway, he didn't care about his business in the future, the case was solved, he was the director of the school security department, and that woman was the other party's wife, and she actually followed him After committing the crime, the strong woman helped to dismember the corpse, and put it in the refrigerator.

After falling into a deep sleep, Bai Lengye forgot one thing, who dug that hole, and how did the refrigerator get in there?
The next day, Fang Xiaoyu was taken aback when he saw the news, and the reporters reported it one after another, which made the headlines of major news boards across the country.

Bai Lengye comforted: "Don't be afraid, the murderer has been caught, it's all right."

Fang Xiaoyu was a little scared, and said: "I really didn't expect that that kind-looking person would do such a thing, that is a teenage girl..."

Bai Lengye chuckled, in this day and age, let alone teenage girls, even children of seven or eight years old would not be let go.

In the age of materialism, it is not surprising that anything happens.

(End of this chapter)

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