The last cultivator

Chapter 148 What to do

Chapter 148 What to do

In the office, the headmaster looked at the two with wide eyes and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

He didn't have the guts to reprimand him, but let's just forget about it, and the influence would not be good. Where would his principal's majesty go?

Huang Hongfei snorted coldly, took out his mobile phone, and seemed to be about to make a call. The headmaster's expression changed, but at this moment Bai Lengye said: "Principal, this matter is my fault. I am willing to pay for the medical expenses, but if it weren't for them If I scold people in advance, I won't do it either."

The principal was very satisfied. Bai Lengye was stepping down the steps for him. He cast a glance at Huang Hongfei, who looked at him arrogantly and disdainfully. In his heart, this guy didn't know how to behave at all.

After saying a few words, the principal let the two of them leave, and it was fine if Bai Lengye stepped down the steps for him, and he couldn't really do anything.

Walking out of the office, Fang Xiaoyu came over, grabbed his arm, and asked if there was anything wrong. Huang Hongfei's eyes spit fire and he gritted his teeth tightly.

"Let's go, ignore him." The two were about to leave, but Huang Hongfei stepped in front of them.

Bai Lengye raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "What are you going to do!"

"Bai Lengye, things won't be left like this, my blood won't be shed in vain."

Huang Hongfei's face was cold, he glanced at Fang Xiaoyu from the corner of his eye, turned around and left with a cold snort.

"This person is really strange, how could he behave like this!" Fang Xiaoyu said dissatisfied.

"Ignore him, he's just a lunatic." Bai Lengye smiled, and the two left, where they should go to play, completely ignoring the previous matter.

At night, Bai Lengye was lying down in the dormitory, when there was a knock on the door, he got up and went to open the door, and saw two policemen standing at the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

"You are Bethlehem Yeba." A middle-aged policeman took out the detention and said, "You are suspected of breaking the law. Please come back with us to investigate."

"When did I break the law?" Bai Lengye snorted and looked at the other party coldly.

The two policemen frowned, glanced at their empty sleeves, and said softly: "You are not only breaking the law, but also suspected of unsafe driving. Please come back with us to investigate."

Hearing these words, Bai Lengye instantly understood, it turned out that the two of them were not photographed by Huang Hongfei, they must be the high-ranking official who overturned his car when they passed by last time!
Following the other party down the stairs and into the police car, Bai Lengye was not nervous, even if he was found out about that incident, he would not be afraid.

After arriving at the nearest police station, the familiar captain greeted him, but to Bai Lengye's surprise, the two men who brought him here were from the Provincial Public Security Bureau.

"It's troublesome now."

Li Yu frowned a little, and followed into a room where several policemen were already inside. After he was asked to sit down, the interrogation began.

In front of him, apart from the two testimonials, there was also a man in a suit who slapped the face. He looked like a secretary or something.

"Cough...the interrogation will begin next." An old policeman coughed, and this person was also known to Bai Lengye, and he was quite familiar with him.

The man in the suit looked very dignified, sat up straight, and said in a deep voice: "A while ago, my son had a car accident, did you do it?"

Bai Lengye shook his head and said, "I didn't do anything, he overturned the car himself, if there is monitoring, of course he can see it."

The man in the suit was slightly angry, but he didn't say anything. He glanced at the other party and motioned for the start of the statement.

"what name?"

"Bai Leng Ye."



"what for……"

For a series of questions, Bai Lengye answered simply one after another, while the man in the suit frowned and stared at him intently.

After the questioning, the old policeman said: "Secretary Chen, we also know that Boss Bai is the one who did such a thing."

Secretary Chen slapped the table unceremoniously, and said angrily, "Will the good car turn over by itself? At that time, he was the only one..."

The two policemen didn't dare to speak anymore. Secretary Chen was the second-in-command secretary-general with a lot of power. The local mayor had to give him some face, and the two little policemen didn't dare to talk back.

"Young master's injury is quite serious, and he is still in the treatment stage. This incident has a very bad impact, and he must be severely punished!"

"I think so, it should be about ten years in prison first."

Hearing these words, Bai Lengye had an urge to kill the other party, and if he opened his mouth, he would be imprisoned for ten years. This would simply destroy him, and after he was in prison, he would definitely arrange to deal with him secretly.

"I will be detained for the time being, and I will send comrades from the Provincial Public Security Bureau to take over the case in two days."

After speaking, Secretary Chen left with his briefcase under his arm. After walking out of the Public Security Bureau, he got into the Audi car and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"It's settled, let him go to jail for ten years first." Secretary Chen said cautiously.

"Hmm... It's troublesome. I don't want to see this person again." A low voice came from the phone, and Secretary Chen quickly said yes, with a very respectful attitude.

In the Public Security Bureau, Bai Lengye was left in the house just like that, staring at the two policemen.

"Can I go?" Bai Lengye blinked and asked.

"No, this time things are more troublesome." The two policemen shook their heads and said.

At this time, the director came in, sighed at Bai Lengye, feeling a little distressed.

"The high-ranking official was injured in a car accident and pointed the finger at you, which is a little difficult for us here."

Bai Lengye said with a smile: "Could it be that you want me to stay here all the time, and then let me get rid of the old man?"

"Well, it depends on what the above means." The director said helplessly.

Bai Lengye rolled his eyes, got up immediately, moved his body, and said: "I'll go first, I will take care of this matter naturally, a little secretary also wants to play with me."

"Brother Bai, don't be impulsive. Secretary Chen's background is not simple."

Bai Lengye smiled, patted the other person on the shoulder, and immediately walked out swaggeringly. After leaving the police station, it was almost late at night outside.

Just when Bai Lengye was about to leave, he remembered one thing, the reason why the man could find him must be relying on something.

And that day, although the two of them were racing, but he had seen them before and after and there was no surveillance, so how did they find him.

After returning to the dormitory, several roommates had a false alarm, but he didn't say that much, and immediately lay down and fell asleep.

On the second day, Bai Lengye went directly to Fang Xiaoyu and didn't say anything about being taken away by the police last night, so as not to worry the other party.

His right arm is gone. Basically, more than half of the people know about it. Of course, the circulating versions are also different. Some people say that his arm was cut off, some say that he was in a car accident, and some people say that he jumped off the building. die……

It was useless to say anything, Bai Hanye ignored them.

He is already a senior, and he is about to graduate soon. At that time, he will leave school and officially enter the society.

After a long time, people will always forget many things quickly. After Wu Zhen left, there was no news, and I don't know what happened to the news about his arm.

And because he was missing an arm, he seldom participated in some things, but a week later, Secretary Chen came to him again.

This time, two armed policemen took him away, and he was directly arrested and imprisoned in a secret place.

There are many people imprisoned in this cage, such as criminals, rape criminals, and all kinds of murderers and arsonists. Basically, those who committed crimes were imprisoned here.

Bai Lengye didn't call for someone to save him, but he wanted to see what the other party was going to do. There must be a reason for arresting him.

On the first day when he came in, a strong female criminal beat him up. Bai Lengye was disgusted with this kind of person. There was no nonsense. He just kicked the other party and vomited blood. The murderers were all stunned.

But since he dared to kill people, he was naturally very courageous, and a mere kick could not deter them.

At night, while he was sleeping, a few people suddenly held him down, and then they were about to pull up his pants. At that time, Bai Lengye became angry, and threw the 180-jin man four or five meters away with each hand. They were broken by each of them...

The next day, the prison guards came to deliver meals. The food was very good. There were meat and hot dishes, and Bai Hanye was not polite. He sat on the bed to eat, and the prisoners all looked at him in fear.

"How long have you been imprisoned here?" Bai Lengye leaned against the wall after eating, and glanced at several people.

"It's been more than half a month since the first one came in. He was in Qincheng Prison..." the bald tattooed murderer said in a low voice.

Hearing this, everyone was also shocked. They really didn't expect that they came out of Qincheng Prison.

"How many people did you kill?" Bai Lengye also asked curiously. There were quite a few murderers present, but they were not eligible to be imprisoned there.

"Killed a person..." The bald man had a sullen face, as if unwilling to say more.

Bai Lengye raised his eyebrows, he just killed a person and was imprisoned here, it seems that the person who died was not simple, the other party didn't want to talk about it, and it's not easy for him to ask.

In the afternoon, a large number of armed police got out of the car, opened the door, escorted them into a truck, and a row of armed policemen sat on top of the truck.

There were ten people in total, five in one car, and armed police guarded the car with guns.

I just felt that the car left the prison, then got on the highway, and ran non-stop for three or four hours. After the car stopped, it escorted a few people down.

After getting out of the car, Bai Lengye was startled, he was escorted to the military area, maybe they were going to be shot here.

Entering the military area, there are patrolling soldiers everywhere, as well as armored vehicles and tanks. It looks like a local garrison. In this case, no one dares to escape.

Ten people were gathered together and imprisoned in a cage. They couldn't figure out what to do with them.

Among the people present, only Bai Leng Ye's family was clean, and the rest belonged to that kind of death row inmates. It is estimated that there will be no good things for him to be imprisoned here.

(End of this chapter)

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