The last cultivator

Chapter 150 Start to flee

Chapter 150 Start to flee
On the train, Bai Hanye wakes up drowsily, there is a noisy sound in his ears, and the smell of instant noodles is in the air.

After he escaped, he bought a train ticket and boarded the train, and rushed to an unknown city. Now he should be a wanted criminal. Although he called Sister Wuxiang, but no one answered, he can only temporarily fled.

Sitting next to him was a thick-headed and thick-headed boy, apparently in his early twenties, with a simple and honest appearance, sleeping on the small table, snoring loudly.

I was hungry, got up with instant noodles, came to the hot water, saw that he was disabled, and took the initiative to help soak the instant noodles.

After getting it back, Bai Hanye put it on the small table and started to eat it, but the sleeping boy turned around and knocked the instant noodles upside down, which coincidentally fell into the trash can.

Bai Lengye stared blankly at the other party, the boy opened his eyes, he was taken aback for a moment, and after seeing the trash can of instant noodles, he immediately opened his mouth and said in a simple and honest voice: "Brother, I'm sorry, eat mine."

While talking, the other party hurriedly took out an instant noodle, and Bai Lengye didn't refuse, because his bank card had been suspended, and he only had a few dozen yuan in cash, and he had used up all the train tickets.

After a while, the other party came over with instant noodles, and helped get a marinated egg and ham to put in, and let Bai Lengye sit inside.

While Bai Lengye was eating noodles, the man took out his mobile phone to make a call, as if he was in contact with his family, using a local language that Bai Lengye could not understand.

Bai Lengye didn't understand anything else, but Bai Lengye heard the word Er Dan. This man must be called Er Dan.

After Bai Lengye ate the instant noodles, his stomach felt much better. After throwing it into the trash can, he turned his head and looked out the window.

The scenery kept passing by, but he felt a little sad. Now he is considered a fugitive. Just a moment ago, he was a boss worth tens of millions, but he became a fugitive in the blink of an eye.

He believed that although his cards had been suspended, there shouldn't be any problems with the company. Even if the other party wanted to do something, he had to see if it would affect anything.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Hearing the sound, Bai Lengye turned his head, looked at Erdan's simple and honest smile, and smiled, just about to speak, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught someone putting his hand into the pocket of a sleeping aunt.

"what are you doing!"

Er Dan just got up, and his rough voice instantly spread throughout the entire carriage. The thief was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, and the woman who woke up found her wallet and screamed immediately.

The thief stood up calmly, patted his body, and said, "You dropped your wallet, I'll pick it up for you."

"You're lying, I clearly saw that you stretched your hand in and took it out." Erdanzi said relentlessly, and the thief immediately showed a fierce look, and said viciously: "Boy, if you have the guts, say it again, don't wrong the good guy... "

Erdanzi was about to speak, but Bai Lengye pulled him. The thief was so calm, and dared to do something on the long-distance train, there must be someone to help him. When Erdanzi travels alone, it is best to keep silent, otherwise he will be punished. to revenge.

"Don't pull me, I saw this man stealing money with my own eyes, so call the police immediately!"

Erdanzi wanted to go over and grab the opponent, his blood was burning, and Bai Lengye let go of the opponent. In this situation, it was obvious that no matter what he said, it would not work.

"You dare to touch me, I'll kill you!" The thief suddenly screamed loudly, even though he said that, but facing Erdanzi's burly figure, he felt guilty and turned around to run.

"Stop!" Er Danzi grabbed the opponent's clothes, and when he tore them, the clothes shattered. Er Danzi rushed forward and pushed the thief to the ground.

Passengers around were pointing and pointing, but no one said to help, but Erdanzi was very strong, and he was stunned that the thief had no choice.

"What's going on, what are you doing!" Several marshals came over, Er Danzi shouted, and told the whole story.

"I didn't steal it, he wanted me, and I want to sue you!" The thief yelled unwillingly.

The two marshals waved their hands impatiently, pressed the thief and left.

Erdanzi breathed a sigh of relief, walked back and sat down, with a smile on his face, as if he was very happy to catch a thief.

"It was very dangerous to do that just now." Bai Lengye couldn't help but said.

"What's the danger? I can't subdue that skinny boy." Er Danzi patted his firm chest and said.

"I mean he has a knife on him, what if he goes crazy and wields the knife..." Bai Lengye couldn't help but said.

Erdanzi was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head and said, "I didn't expect that much, anyway, I just wanted to catch him before we talk."

"I learned Sanda from the villagers when I was young, and it's not a problem for one person to deal with two or three."

Seeing Er Danzi's simple and honest smile, Bai Lengye shook his head, but didn't talk anymore, it happened that the truck also entered the tunnel at this moment.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Lengye opened his eyes, and saw that the passengers around him had changed a lot, and Er Danzi was still sound asleep. At this time, the announcement sounded.

"From here." Hearing the word Ningxia, Bai Lengye got up, and Er Danzi also woke up, ready to pack his things.

"Brother, do you want to get off here too?" Er Danzi scratched his head and said.

Bai Lengye nodded, subconsciously touched his pocket, there was another ten yuan in it, and now he has one hand again, which is very inconvenient.

After the train stopped, the two came out together, talking and laughing, and walked to the exit. Standing in front of the train station, Bai Lengye was confused, what should he do next, this was the first time he went so far without money The place.

He is begging for food now, he can't even use his ID card, and he can't contact his relatives, lest they be in danger, so he can only find a place to make do before Wu Xiang solves his problem.

Not long after the two walked out, three or four people came over, Bai Lengye stopped and looked at them.

Erdanzi seemed to know them, and they communicated in local dialect, but he couldn't understand a word.

After finishing speaking, Erdanzi looked at him and said, "Brother, this is my uncle. He is rich here, why don't we work together?"

Bai Lengye looked at the other person. He was in his 40s, with dark skin and twinkling eyes. The outfit on his body did not look simple, but Bai Lengye had a feeling that this person was absolutely unreliable.

Bai Lengye said, "What do you do?"

"Of course it's a big company." A tall, thin man spoke in fluent Mandarin, bragging a lot to Bai Lengye, what the first month after going to work is [-], and the second month can definitely be [-] to [-] , just do the office on it.

Erdanzi's eyes were shining brightly, and his heart was moving, he kept swallowing and spitting, wishing he could go over with the other party immediately.

"Are you a pyramid scheme?" Bai Lengye said straight away, and the man immediately stopped speaking, his expression gloomy.

"Dad, let's go." The man stretched out his hand, but Bai Lengye blocked it, and said coldly: "You are still the uncle of Er Dan, you cheated the other party all the way into pyramid schemes, are you still human?"

"What nonsense are you talking about." The middle-aged man's face turned red, and he was about to leave with Erdanzi.

"Dad, if you trust me, don't go with him, he lied to you in pyramid schemes." Bai Lengye said coldly.

Er Danzi broke free immediately, walked up to him again, and said in a simple and honest voice: "I believe what Big Brother says, Uncle, I won't go with you."

"Bitch, you..."

"Get out!" Bai Lengye's face turned cold, his eyes flashed fiercely, those people were frightened, and they left timidly.

Sighing in his mouth, he felt a little helpless, even his nephew could be biased, it seems that pyramid schemes are really harmful.

"Why do you believe me." Bai Lengye looked at the other party.

Erdanzi scratched his head and smirked: "I don't know, anyway, I just believe in elder brother. My mother taught me when I was young that there are many bad people in this world, but there are also good people. She told my fortune when I was young, saying that I would meet noble people in the future. "

"I'm not your nobleman." Bai Lengye smiled, turned and left.

Because I didn't have a place to stay, I found a small hotel to live in. The one that doesn't require an ID card costs 50 yuan a night, but there is no air conditioning.

In the room, Erdanzi was very sleepy, fell asleep when he collapsed, and Bai Lengye went in to take a cold shower, one hand was very inconvenient, but he could only finish it with difficulty.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he was only in his early twenties, he had already grown a beard, and he looked a bit vicissitudes. After two days of train ride, he was very tired.

Going back to the house, opening the window, looking at the busy street, I couldn't help being in a trance, holding the phone tightly, wondering if I should call Xiaoyu.

But after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. At that time, he told the other party to leave for a period of time sometimes, and the other party should not come to him in a hurry these days.

It was late at night, Bai Lengye got up from the sofa, looked at Erdanzi who was still sound asleep, shook his head, walked out of the house, spent the ten yuan in his pocket, and bought some dinner.

But what made Bai Lengye speechless was that after he came up, the door was locked, and after a few knocks, a strange man opened the door.

"Did I go wrong?" Bai Lengye asked uncertainly after looking at the license plate.

"You didn't go wrong." The man grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him into the room. Only then did Bai Lengye see that there were three men and one woman in the room. against the neck.

"What's the situation, robbery?" Bai Lengye was stunned for a moment.

"Your friend wants to moleste my wife. If it's private, take out 1 yuan. If it's not private, I'll send you to the police station immediately. We know the captain very well, and we will definitely make you suffer..."

Bai Lengye laughed, feeling that they were jumping when they met a fairy, at this moment Erdanzi said angrily: "You bastards, obviously that bitch wanted to come in by himself, I didn't touch him at all."

"Call your mother, try calling me again, I'll cut your throat with a knife!" The man with the knife showed a fierce look on his face, and the blade flickered coldly. Er Danzi was extremely angry, his eyes were spitting fire, but he didn't dare to move easily.

"Bring the money, don't fucking talk nonsense!"

Bai Lengye put down his things, and said casually: "Look at me, I'm a disabled person, and I still live in this kind of place, am I rich? Besides, it's still [-]."

"Don't fucking talk nonsense, call your family if you don't have money, or you will be beaten to death!" One of them said coldly, Bai Lengye squinted at the other party, and walked to the bedside.

"Erd, do you have 1 yuan?" Bai Lengye said lightly.

"No... only three thousand, that's my mother's hard-earned money..." Er Danzi's eyes turned red, and he almost burst into tears.

Bai Lengye chuckled, glanced at several people in the room, and began to count silently in his heart.

"What the hell are you doing in a daze." The man who opened the door just reached out and grabbed it.

It was too late and then quickly, the afterimage of Bai Hanye flashed, the man was knocked down to the ground, and at the same time, the woman with scantily dressed clothes was also hit in the abdomen, spitting acid water to the end.

There were two remaining men in the room, shouting angrily and rushing towards him, but Erdanzi grabbed one of the neck with his backhand, gnawed on the table, and hit the bridge of the nose of the other with his bowl-sized fist.

"Do you have money?" Bai Lengye walked up to the other party and asked in a cold voice.


"No?" Bai Lengye smiled and began to grope, then took out a wad of money, estimated to be around two or three thousand.

Afterwards, they came to several other people, found a total of more than 5000 pieces, and some zeros, all of which were taken away.

"Take off your clothes and get out."

Several people refused to take it off, Bai Lengye asked Er Danzi to beat them up, and finally they all took off their shorts obediently.

"Get out, don't let me see you again!"

Erdanzi also slapped the table with his palm, and they ran away in fright, even if they were naked.

Bai Lengye chuckled, he didn't even have the guts to play fairy dance just like this.

"Take it." Bai Lengye handed over 5000 to the other party, and he put away the change.

Erdanzi was at a loss. It was the first time he saw so much money, more than 5000, which was the living expenses of his family for several years.

"Brother, I can't take this, it's too much..." Er Danzi handed it over, and Bai Lengye said with a smile: "I told you to take it, but I didn't tell you, don't you think it's inconvenient for me to pay like this?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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