The last cultivator

Chapter 152 Special Gambling Game

Chapter 152 Special Gambling Game
Upstairs, I entered a luxurious casino. There were a lot of people here. There were at least a dozen poker tables, and there were hundreds of people playing poker inside. They were dressed in fashionable clothes. If you don't have a certain ability, you can't come here.

The two were walking when a man came over with a few men in black. Lanzhou and the others looked up and down.

Bai Lengye waved his hand, Erdanzi stepped forward, opened the box, revealing the thick wad of banknotes inside.

The doubt in the man's eyes disappeared, he nodded politely, and then walked away, watching the two people leave behind, said a few words to the person next to his ear, and the other party left quickly.

Bai Lengye exchanged all of the more than 50 yuan into chips, Erdanzi couldn't bear it, but he didn't say anything. At this moment, he was acting as a bodyguard.

Came to a player who played Doudizhu, Bai Lengye looked at it a few times, then shook his head, he could cheat out of nothing else, but Doudizhu is too skill-testing, he can't.

Finally, Bai Hanye came to the baccarat venue, looked at a few hands, and decided to play here.

Baccarat, that is, the size of the points, an oval table, sitting eight people, there are men and women, most of them are big bosses, either rich or expensive.

Bai Lengye didn't have clairvoyant eyes, so he had to look at the cards, bet a thousand, and when the auction started, the banker won and he lost.

After playing more than a dozen games in a row, the loss was nearly forty to fifty thousand. Bai Lengye didn't change his face, and Erdanzi behind him was already sweating profusely. He couldn't help but tell Bai Lengye to stop playing.

Bai Lengye suddenly pushed down all the chips, about 40, and those people were stunned.

The croupier has seen too many big scenes, and he is no stranger to it, but now Bai Lengye is the banker, and he bets more than 40. When others ask for a card, they must follow the card.

"Play with you." The man with a big belly also withdrew his chips without paying attention, and the young girl beside him looked admiringly.

"Young people are impulsive, but I like it." A woman who looked like a young woman chuckled and followed.

In the end, only two people followed, and the rest did not move. After all, they are not billionaires, and more than 40 is not a lot.

"The drawer." Bai Lengye glanced over the two of them, he didn't even look at his own cards.

"Why don't you look at the cards? You're so confident!" The young woman walked forward, looking at him curiously, and slapped the big boss with a disdainful snort, and turned over the cards, and it was eight o'clock.

Bai Lengye looked at the young woman, who looked at him for three seconds, then smiled and turned to shoot, it was also eight o'clock.

"That's right." Bai Lengye smiled lightly, reached for the card, and opened it under the eyes of countless people.

"Nine o'clock, the banker wins."

The croupier reported with a blank expression, but the young woman was shocked by the big boss, who immediately slapped the table and said, "This is impossible, you must be cheating!"

The voice attracted many people's attention. The croupier took out the walkie-talkie. After a while, the spectator came over and told what happened. The other party said a few words to the headset and walked up to Bai Lengye.

During the body search, Bai Lengye raised his hand. The manager searched several times, but found nothing. Besides, he was able to make money with one hand. They didn't believe it.

The boss's face was livid, and he proposed to investigate the surveillance video, but in the end nothing was found. From the beginning to the end, Bai Lengye never touched the table. During the remake, everyone's eyelids were watching, and it was impossible to get out of the old room. thousand.

Although he was not reconciled, the big boss couldn't say anything, turned around and left with Xiaomi in his arms. He lost hundreds of thousands all at once, which not everyone can bear.

After everything recovered, the people around did not dare to finish with him, but a young woman looked at him curiously and didn't mind his arm at all.

At this moment, he already has more than 100 million yuan, but obviously the money is still not enough, he needs to earn a little more.

When you come to the Russian roulette, all the dice are played by the guests themselves. Nine is the biggest and one is the smallest. It is no different from baccarat.

After he sat down, the young woman just sat beside him, glanced at him, and began to place bets.

Bai Lengye didn't know why the other party followed him. Could it be that he was attracted to him? He didn't think too much about it right away. For the first time, he bet [-]. With the dice Gu, there were six rolls in total. Whoever got the biggest win would win. .

The sound of the dice shaking sounded, and the first customer shook it and buckled it. Adding up, there were three points in total, and after others put them down one after another, the biggest one was the starting point.

Bai Lengye put down the dice, and after opening them, they were in a mess, adding up to only two points, and she couldn't help sighing.

"That's not how dice are played. You have to sense it with your heart to roll out the number you want." The young woman opened her red lips and opened her own dice. The sum equals eight.

"Thank you." Hearing the instructions, Bai Lengye nodded, and after starting again, he directly bet [-] this time, and after shaking, he opened it again, at nine o'clock.

The young woman was stunned, she didn't believe that Bai Lengye could study so fast, but she believed it must be luck.

Of course, his thoughts quickly faded away. In the last few times, Bai Lengye would roll until nine o'clock every time. After a few rounds, those guests stopped playing, and he became tense for millions.

The young woman's beautiful eyes twinkled, and she really began to be curious about the identity of the man with a broken arm in front of her. He was in his early twenties and looked a little mature. He had an arm broken, but she had to admire his gambling skills.

"Whether you're interested in playing in the VIP area, as long as you have 500 million bets."

Bai Lengye took a look at his chips, and they added up to 400 million at most, not enough to 500 million.

"I can pay for you, win yours, lose mine." The young woman said.


Bai Lengye turned his head to look at the other party.

The young woman smiled gracefully: "I just fell in love with you, why, are you interested?"

Bai Lengye laughed out loud: "I have a wife, but it's okay to play with beautiful women..."

When he said this, the young woman actually showed a hint of coquettishness, and even blushed a little, Bai Lengye yelled in his heart that he couldn't bear it, and immediately turned his head away.

Packing up the chips, Bai Lengye followed the other party, the young woman seemed to be familiar with this place, the manager followed the other party very politely, and brought the two of them to a luxurious box.

Entering the private room, Bai Lengye was stunned for a moment, he actually saw that Dong Ye, he even threatened him to take more than 50 last night, and he saw it again today.

The corner of Dong Ye's mouth was slightly raised, and he was playing with a thousand chips in his hand, thinking about how to kill the other party in a while.

The two sat down, the young woman sat a little behind him, Bai Lengye glanced at the people present one by one, most of them had extraordinary temperament, and there were even a few middle-aged men with leadership style.

The croupier is a beautiful woman, wearing gloves and starting to deal cards, and here, of course, is baccarat.

"One hundred thousand." Master Dong casually threw out a few chips, without seeming to care at all.

"Follow me, I'm 20 older than you." The man with four eyes next to him was even more unambiguous, adding another 20.

"Follow, adding 30."

"I also follow..."

A table of eight people basically followed the price. When he arrived at Bai Leng Ye's place, he had to pay more than 80.

"Follow." Bai Lengye rolled out 80 chips, the croupier nodded and began to deal the cards.

Dongye didn't even look at the cards, his eyes were fixed on Bai Lengye, with a cold look on his mouth, while several people around picked up the cards to look at them, some sighed, some were pleasantly surprised.

Bai Lengye didn't look at the cards either, but looked at the other party with hostility. This guy is not simple. The police came last night. It stands to reason that the other party must be in custody, but he is sitting here now. It is conceivable that the other party is here The background is sky-high.

After the cards were drawn, Dongye's was eight, while Bai Lengye's was seven. In the first round, he lost.

Bai Leng Ye didn't change his face, and continued to the next round, his fists under the table were clenched tightly. If he continued to gamble like this, he would lose all three rounds of millions.

"Haha!" One person laughed excitedly, directly betting 100 million, and the people around him directly threw their cards, and Bai Lengye did the same. Obviously, that person would not hide his mood, the cards were definitely big.

"Everyone." Master Dong clapped his hands and said, "What I want to play an exciting game with this little brother is the chips on our table. One card is bigger than the other. If you lose, you have to kneel on the ground and call!" Say grandpa!"

After the other party finished speaking, the room was suddenly silent.

(End of this chapter)

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