The last cultivator

Chapter 158 Two Years' Secret

Chapter 158 Two Years' Secret

"Rely on your mother, these policemen, bully my brother, fight with you!"


Those people were all red-eyed, and they didn't care about the law at all. They all waved their weapons at the police. The scene got out of control again, and the whole street was stained red with blood. For a while, this place became a hell on earth.

Seeing the riot, those garrison troops fired directly, but at the sky. The sound of submachine guns rang out, and the whole street suddenly fell silent.

Just when the leading captain was about to speak, the surrounding people suddenly separated automatically, and a silver-gray extended Lincoln drove over slowly, pressing on the bloodstains and arms on the ground, and moving forward little by little.

At this moment, those people were all showing respect, and no one dared to stop them. Thousands of people parted ways tacitly. As for the police and special police, they didn't dare to move at all.

The car stopped slowly, and stopped beside Bai Lengye, who was covered in blood. For a moment, countless gazes all looked over, and the scene was completely silent.

The car window fell, the arm holding the cigarette was stretched out, and the ash was flicked. The majestic middle-aged man poked his head out and looked at Bai Lengye with a high gaze.

"Siberian tiger, what did you do?" A thick voice came out, and the man took off his sunglasses, revealing those icy eyes.

He took a deep breath, threw away the machete, fixed his eyes on the man, and said in a deep voice, "I made the Siberian tiger, he deserves to die!"

"Well said, I haven't seen such a courageous young man for a long time."

The man lightly flicked the cigarette ash, and said aggressively, "Today I will show the commander some face, otherwise you won't be able to get out of the three eastern provinces today."

"Huzi did something wrong, but he didn't deserve to die. Next time, never let me see you in the Northeast!"

The other party gave him a deep look, the car window was slowly rolled up, and the homely Lincoln started again, and slowly continued to walk forward.

When Lincoln was far away, those people lined up and walked from both sides of the street at once, as if they had negotiated, and the garrison also left by car, leaving only the police and armed police where they were.

Everything was quiet, blood was still flowing on the road, and it flowed into the sewer, and the whole scene was deadly silent.

"Brother." Erdanzi walked out with Mu Yanran, looking at the miserable scene around her, her complexion turned pale.

"Bah." Spitting out a mouthful of blood, he glanced around with icy eyes, and at this moment, an unremarkable black car drove over.

When the car window fell, a middle-aged man poked his head out and said in a low voice, "You'd better leave immediately. The Siberian tiger died in your hands. You are very lucky to get out alive." After speaking, the car left.

"Brother, who is that?" Erdanzi asked.

"It should be the commander." Bai Lengye said softly. At this moment, he felt that this place is really in dire straits, and he has already been through hell just now.

Mobilizing thousands of people, clashing with the garrison police and special police, and finally retreating safely, this method is really amazing. Compared with the opponent, his white gang is simply far worse.

He went back to take a shower, changed his clothes, came out, came to the street, saw many sprinklers and sanitation workers were already cleaning, Bai Lengye stopped the taxi silently and got in.

Arriving at the airport, buying a ticket, sitting in the waiting room and waiting quietly, during this period, Bai Liangye didn't say a word.

Er Danzi scratched his head, he didn't know what to say, and immediately looked at Mu Yanran for help, wanting her to talk.

Mu Yanran came back to her senses, stretched out her hand to grab Bai Lengye, and said softly: "Don't think so much, everything is in the past, it's okay."

"Yes, it's all right."

With a breath out of his mouth and a smile on his face, Bai Lengye said calmly: "It's no big deal. It takes people a lifetime to achieve that kind of achievement, but I'm just at the beginning. I have plenty of time."

Soon, a few people boarded the plane, and after sitting down, Bai Lengye turned his head to look out the window, lost in thought.

This time, it had a great impact on him. It was the first time he saw the power of power, especially in the dark side. That person was covering the sky with one hand, even if the fourth master who had died did not have such strength. Dare to fight against the special police in broad daylight.

If this kind of person plays well, of course he can cover the sky with his hands. If he doesn't play well, he will be shot by the central government. However, looking at the other party's appearance, it is obvious that he is doing well. Even the commander of the military region will give him face. , you can imagine how powerful it is.

After the plane took off, Bai Lengye recovered from his contemplation, looked at Mu Yanran beside him, smiled, and signaled the other party not to be nervous.

He has figured it out a little bit, isn't it power, he can also get it in the future, of course, it may be a long time later, and now he is thinking about how to deal with those practitioners.

An hour later, the plane landed. At Zhengding Airport, Bai Lengye took a taxi and took the two of them back to Gaocheng.

An hour and a half later, the taxi stopped at the station, and when he stepped on the land again, Bai Lengye felt very anxious. In the past ten days, he had walked around hell several times, but fortunately, he was finally a human being. It's all right.

The three of them came to a small restaurant and ate a comfortable meal, and they felt much more relaxed.

After resting for a while, the three of them went out, and Bai Lengye happened to see a person who surprised him, and watched him walk into a club with some doubts.

"Wait a minute, I'll go in and have a look." Bai Lengye laughed, and immediately walked across the road.

He needed a membership card to enter the club, but of course he didn't have it, so he just used the invisibility technique to get in, found a place to appear, asked the waiter, and took the elevator upstairs.

When he came to the door of the box, Bai Lengye put his ears on the door and listened to the conversation inside.

In the box, there were four men and one woman. One of them was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, while the other three were bodyguards in black.

"Bai Ailing, have you brought anything?"

The man with the big belly said lazily.

"How is he?" Bai Ailing asked with a complicated expression.

The man slapped the table heavily, and said angrily: "What the hell are you asking, did you bring the things, or your son will die!"

Bai Ailing turned pale, and tremblingly said: "What are you going to do, please let my son go!"

"Let your mother go! I'll ask you again, did you bring anything? That bastard Bai Lingyu has dumped you for 20 years, yet you still miss him!"

Bai Ailing sobbed, clenched her fists tightly, lowered her head and did not speak.


"To tell you the truth, Bai Lingyu is no longer the successor of the Bai family. He was deposed by the Bai family in order to let you go back. Now he is no longer high-spirited, but a waste."

Hearing this, Bai Ailing's complexion changed drastically, and she exclaimed in surprise: "What happened to Ling Yu, what happened to Ling Yu!"

"Stop talking nonsense, call the thing out, or he will die, and your son will die too!" the man with a big belly snapped.

Bai Ailing shook her body, and took out a small box from her pocket. The man with the big belly flashed in his eyes, and a bodyguard behind him immediately reached out and grabbed it.

"Mom! Don't give it to him."

At the critical moment, Bai Lengye broke in from the outside, and when the bodyguard was about to catch him, he kicked the opponent away.

"Leng Ye, why are you here?" Bai Ailing was stunned.

Bai Lengye's face was sullen, his eyes glanced at those people indifferently, these people are not here, they dare to bully his mother, they are looking for death!
"So it's you, Bai Lingyu's bastard." The man with a big belly smiled disdainfully, took out a gun and pointed it at him.

"Tell your mother to hand over the things obediently, or both of you will die today!"

"No, I'll give you something, Leng Ye, you go!"

Bai Ailing turned pale with shock, hurriedly stood in front of her, and threw the box away.

The man with the big belly showed joy, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, but the next moment, the smile on his face froze, and he looked at his flying wrist.

"You dare to ask for my mother's things!"

A cold sound sounded, and Bai Lengye walked over holding the Yunxiao sword, the man's wrist was cut off by his sword, and blood sprayed out.

The bodyguard behind him wanted to strike, Bai Lengye slashed down with two swords in a row, the arms of the two flew up, and the sound of screams came out.

"No...impossible...this is impossible..."

The man with the big belly screamed out, staring at Bai Lengye with a ferocious face, the pain in his wrist distorted his entire chubby face.

"Get out! No matter who photographed you coming, go back and tell him, I, Bai Lengye, will definitely go there and claim my life!"

"Wait, you are dead, and that trash Bai Lingyu is dead too!"

The man roared a few times, got up and rushed out of the box.

The whole box was quiet, Bai Lengye put away the Yunxiao sword, turned to look at his mother, who stared at him blankly.

"Mom, you're fine." Bai Lengye walked over.

"Leng...Leng Ye, you..." Bai Ailing's face was dull, and she didn't recover for a long time.

Bai Lengye smiled complicatedly and took the other party out. After leaving the clubhouse, he saw Mu Yanran and the two of them.

"We'll talk when we get back." Bai Lengye stopped the taxi, and the four of them got into the car. After returning home, they locked the door and sat down.

"Mom, you should know the practitioners, your son is." Bai Lengye still told the other party the truth.

Bai Ailing was a little surprised, but not shocked, presumably the other party knew about it.

Sighing, Bai Ailing said softly: "At first, Mom didn't want you to know, but I didn't expect that you are already a practitioner..."

"Mom, do you have something to hide from me." Bai Lengye asked, he felt that his mother must have something to hide from him.

Bai Ailing hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "I have kept this secret for more than 20 years. Today, I will tell you."

Bai Lengye immediately sat up straight and stared at the other party. He seemed to know what the secret his mother had kept for 20 years.

After a moment of silence in the room, Bai Ailing spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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