The last cultivator

Chapter 168 Bai Family

Chapter 168 Bai Family
"Hey, President Zhang, how are things going?" Bai Lin lazily got up from the bed, and beside him were two white bodies, and the long-haired beauty put on her clothes and left.

"That Xiaobai, you also know that although I am the president, I spent a lot of money in order to invite the vice president..."

Bai Lin smiled and said: "I know that Wang Fengmin is not easy to mess with. After all, the president of the association personally recruited him. The 3000 million last time was just a deposit from me. Anyway, Bai Lingyu's family has a lot of property. As long as he kills that mainland pariah , even half a billion is not a problem."

"Haha! It's better for Xiaobai to be happy, this matter is settled like this, and you will see the news of the cripple's death tomorrow."

"Thanks, President Zhang has time to come and play." Bai Lin smiled, then hung up the phone, got up and walked to the window sill, when the maid came in, he grabbed her and sat on his lap.

"Come on, I have to serve the young master early in the morning, kneel and lick."

Although the maid refused ten thousand times, but thinking of the cruelty of the other party, she could only bear the humiliation silently with tears in her eyes.

"What a wonderful life, that idiot Bai Lingyu doesn't understand anything."

After refreshing, the essence of today's day disappeared as the muscles of the whole body tensed up. His legs stood up with a little limp, and he walked out wearing a bath towel.

He just opened the door and went in, seeing his mother sleeping soundly in her pajamas, and looking at those white thighs, she was a little impulsive again.

"What a stunner, if you don't enjoy Bai Lingyu's trash, it's really a waste."

As soon as he walked to the bedside, he woke up conveniently. After stroking her, Bai Lin smiled lightly and said, "Mom, don't worry, those two untouchables are going to die, and when we find out Bai Lingyu's secret, we will take you far away. "

"Now, let's go and see that trash Bai Lingyu."

The two walked out cuddling together, came to the basement, looked at the pale Bai Lingyu inside, and sneered.

"You have been hungry for a week, and you still don't tell me, life is really hard enough."


Bai Lingyu opened his tired eyes, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes. He no longer had the slightest hope for this patricide beast.

"Bai Lingyu, where is the thing, I'll ask you again, or your bastard and bitch will die."

Bai Lingyu was expressionless, huddled in a dark corner, with disheveled hair and lowered head, looking lifeless.


"A waste is still so dragging, it seems that it will not work if you don't let you suffer."

Bai Lingyu smiled indifferently, turned around and walked to a switch, pulled the switch, and fierce cold water suddenly spewed out of the cage, Bai Lingyu laughed grinningly.

"Mom, did you see that that trash is actually scared, he is actually scared!"

After the rectification was completed, Bai Lin closed the sluice gate, looked at Bai Lingyu who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, snorted coldly, then turned and left.

When the two left, the cage fell into silence again. In the dim light, Bai Lingyu lay quietly on the ground as if he was dead.


Looking at the luxurious villa in front of him, Bai Leng Ye had no expression on his face, and Erdanzi stood behind him, under the sunglasses, there was a pair of cold eyes.

This, of course, is the place of the Bai family, and there are bodyguards patrolling inside, and surveillance covers the whole corner.

"Brother, we're going to rush in and kill them." Erdanzi said coldly.

"No, just wait here for mother and the others to come over." Bai Lengye said indifferently.

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye walked to a stool and sat down. The place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, so the scenery is natural. Needless to say, from here, half of Hong Kong is in sight. There is a feeling that the whole world is in my hands a feeling of.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Lengye quietly closed his eyes, feeling the morning sun, the hostility in his heart gradually disappeared.

After a while, a silver-gray Rolls-Royce drove up and stopped quietly, and Fang Xiaoyu and the two got out of the car.

"Mom, this is the place." Bai Lengye asked again.

"Well, it's here..." Bai Ailing was very excited, but also very scared. She didn't know what to say when she saw her again.

Bai Lengye nodded, and walked to the gate, and the bodyguard inside came over vigilantly.

"Who are you!" the bodyguard asked vigilantly.

"Looking for your sister!" Bai Lengye laughed out loud.

The bodyguard's face froze, and at this moment, Erdanzi grabbed the opponent's head with his hand, and after knocking him unconscious with a fist, he found the key from his body and opened the big iron door.

At the same time, an alarm sounded in the yard, and dozens of bodyguards rushed out from all directions, equipped with batons and electric batons in their hands, and surrounded several people.

"Where are the members of the Bai family, let them come out." Bai Lengye said lightly.


Those bodyguards rushed over wielding electric batons, and Er Danzi rushed over with a single step. After a few moves, four or five people were knocked down, and the remaining bodyguards directly took out a water hose, ready to attack them.

Bai Lengye glanced coldly, waved his palm, the pool next to him exploded suddenly, and a jet of water rushed away, sending all the bodyguards flying out.

After everything quieted down, the ground was already soaked, as if it had just rained, and it flowed into the pool.

The two of them are okay, but Mother Bai is already stunned, she didn't expect her son to be so powerful, with such a terrifying power in his hands.

Bai Lengye let out a cold snort, and walked towards the villa with big strides. Just as he entered, he dodged the attacks of the two men, and the duo kicked them away.

Applause sounded, and Bai Lin came out of the house with a group of bodyguards with guns, and laughed loudly: "You are that pariah from the mainland, I never thought that you would come here and die."

Bai Ailing said nervously: "Where is Ling Yu, where is Ling Yu?"

"Bah! You are that bitch from mainland China, and I am his son, call me Young Master Lin."

Bai Lin sat down proudly, picked up the red wine gracefully, and glanced at several people with contempt.

"Are you the bastard with a disability and a bitch?"

"It looks very ordinary, why is it like an idiot, so I came here to seek death."

Bai Lengye laughed back angrily, but with so many gunmen around, he didn't rush to attack, he just said coldly: "You are that bastard Bai Lin who sent people to attack us?"

The other party smashed it to pieces, and said angrily: "Shut up, you bastard, please call me Young Master Lin, I am not a scum, you are a bastard and a scum!"

"You keep saying that other people are scum and bastards, but you don't know that you are a scum. It's really sad." Bai Lengye shook his head and said with a sneer. In a panic, Bai Lin yelled at him and grabbed his gun, which was an insult to him. allowed him.

"Shoot, if you have the guts to shoot." Bai Leng Ye Senran said.

"I killed you!"

Bai Lin's face was ferocious, his eyes turned red, and he directly pulled the trigger. The gunshot rang out, but everyone didn't react. They waited for everything to calm down, and suddenly screamed.

"Cold Leaf!"

But as soon as the screams came to an end, Bai Lengye waved his hand, shaking a bullet between his fingers, and caught it securely.

The entire room was dead silent, and several eyes were staring at Bai Lengye, all with the look of dementia.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Bai Lin shook his body, and roared ferociously, "I know, you must be a cultivator, the same as Bai Lingyu!"

Bai Lengye chuckled, dropped the bullet, and asked coldly, "Where is Bai Lingyu, hand it over to me, and I'll spare you."

"Ha ha!"

"You won't die around me, I'll see you and I'll spare you!" Bai Lin grinned grimly, then clapped his hands, and another group of people rushed in from outside the villa, each of them armed with submachine guns, and pointed their muzzles at them.

"With so many guns pointed at you, the gods are dead."

"Ha ha!"

Bai Lin laughed out loud, and the bodyguards behind him also sneered, as if they thought Bai Lengye was too idiotic.

Bai Lengye shook his head, if it was before, he might be a little scared, but now...

"But before you die, there is one thing I really want to know, whether the thing on Bai Lingyu's trash is on you."

"What, are you talking about money?" Bai Lengye sneered.

Bai Lin was furious, but then laughed out loud: "I was almost irritated by you, but I'm not a fool, I won't fall for your tricks."

"That trash Bai Lingyu is being imprisoned in the dungeon. I can consider not killing you first, but the lady next to you..."

"Tsk tsk, it's such a beauty, it's a pity not to enjoy it, the technique should be pretty good?"

"Shameless!" Fang Xiaoyu blushed and glared at the other party angrily.

"Hey! It's so pretty when you're angry, I like it so much, follow me, I'll give you 100 million a month!"

Just as Bai Lin was laughing, he didn't realize that Bai Lengye was already on the verge of eruption, looking at him with terribly cold and emotionless eyes.

"Dadanzi, protect my mother and Xiaoyu."

Er Danzi nodded, and protected the two of them between them, while Bai Lengye took a deep breath, the veins on his arms popped out, like ferocious earthworms, he was climbing little by little.

"You... successfully angered me!"

The sky fire suddenly burned out from the arm, and in an instant, the five fingers were connected and popped out, turning into tiny long snakes, flying towards the gun-wielding bodyguards.

chi chi!After a few sounds, those people were directly pierced through their vests. As the flames spread, within a few seconds, they were burning blazingly, and the air was filled with a burnt smell.

"No...impossible..." Bai Lin's eyes widened and his body trembled.

Phew... He exhaled lightly, and the corner of Bai Lengye's mouth raised slightly. He has used this move very skillfully, and it really is a great weapon for group attacks.

"Here, kill him!" Bai Lin hid behind his bodyguards in a panic, but Bai Lengye rushed over, before they could shoot, kicked over the 10,000+ mahogany table and smashed it hard They, together with Bai Lin, fell to the ground.

Bai Lengye came to the wailing Bai Lin, crushed his arm with one foot, and asked calmly, "Where is Bai Lingyu?"

"Bastard! You bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Bai Lengye stepped on it again, and asked calmly, "Where is Bai Lingyu?"

"Kill! Kill you, bastard!"

Bai Lin drew out his dagger and wanted to counterattack, but was kicked by Bai Lengye and broke his wrist, causing the pained opponent to let out a scream like killing a pig.

"I'll ask you one last time, where is Bai Lingyu!"

"I don't know, bastard, you are dead, my mother will be back soon, you bunch of mainland pariahs will go to hell!"

Bai Lengye laughed immediately, this man didn't shed tears when he saw the coffin, just when he was about to kick the other's head, there was a shout of shouting.

"Stop it, you bastards from mainland China hurt my son indifferently!"

"Mom! Mom, help me, I want this bastard to die..." Bai Lin got up and ran over, throwing himself into the arms of a woman.

"Good boy, these untouchables are sure to die today!"

The woman said viciously, then looked at the people around her, and said respectfully: "Masters, please kill these mainland pariahs, 5000 million each afterward!"

Standing beside her were several middle-aged men in Taoist robes, but they all had long hair and looked like three brothers.

The three of them took a step forward at the same time, Wu Zong's peak strength was released, and the tea sets in the room were all shattered.

Bai Ling showed joy, and looked at Bai Lengye and the others with vicious eyes, he knew that bastard was doomed!

But on the contrary, Bai Lengye didn't change his face. Facing the three Wu Zong, even though he only had one arm, he still didn't feel too much pressure.

"The mainland is here. You came to the wrong place today. If I kill you, I will go to the underworld to reincarnate." The man in the middle said grimly.

"Unfortunately, I thought so too." Bai Lengye chuckled, and kicked the sofa away, facing the three of them alone, with blood surging in his heart. Right now, it was time to test him.


The three shouted loudly at the same time, and with the sound of piercing wind, they kicked his three vital positions fiercely, but Bai Lengye dodged indifferently, and instead used his own arm to give him one by one. Several people came and slapped.

"Go to hell!"

One of them jumped out of the air and kicked him with his knees, while the other two, one attacked his face and the other attacked his back.

In the face of this kind of attack, ordinary people can't resist at all, but Bai Hanye's figure disappeared out of thin air.

The moment he disappeared, the attack of the three of them also failed, and when they stood side by side again, their eyes glanced coldly around, but they didn't find each other's trace.

They couldn't find anyone, so the three of them looked at Fang Xiaoyu, and then attacked at the same time, Erdanzi went to stop him, and knocked him away with a few moves.

Fang Xiaoyu's face was shocked, but she is also a warrior master anyway, and she will not be without the power to resist, but just after she was about to desperately resist the meeting of the three, something happened.

"My relatives are easy to bully, aren't they?"

A cold voice sounded from behind, the hairs of the three of them stood up suddenly, and they turned around suddenly, but they saw Bai Leng Ye appearing out of thin air, holding a ball of blazing flames in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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