The last cultivator

Chapter 172 Night Attack

Chapter 172 Night Attack
After Bai Lengye came out of the auction, he was about to get into the car when a group of people walked up to him.

"What's the matter?" Turning to look at them, all in black suits and black sunglasses, the leader is a middle-aged man, looking at him with an unkind expression.

"You offended Master Huang, do you know that you are doomed!"

"What?" Bai Lengye suddenly laughed out loud, he felt that some people were too contrived, they didn't speak, but outsiders wanted to flatter.

"Idiot boy, Master Huang's reputation is well-known throughout Hong Kong Island, and only a brat like you will offend him. I advise you to call out the things, or you will die within three days!" After finishing speaking, the man Just got into a Bentley and left.

Bai Lengye frowned, turned his head and glanced at the auction hall, people came out one after another, and then he couldn't help laughing, secretly thinking that he was thinking too much, and got into the car immediately.

After returning home, Bai Lengye came to the backyard and told the bodyguards to leave, while he took out the medicinal materials.

After carefully recalling the method of alchemy, Bai Lengye was ready to refine it, but it was a bit difficult to refine it with one hand, but in order to heal his father's legs, he had to work hard this time.

The flame was ignited, and when the temperature rose, the cauldron had almost reached the critical point, and immediately grabbed a plant of medicinal material and threw it in, and it melted with the flames surrounding it.

A few minutes later, the first plant of medicinal material melted successfully, which was considered a victory during the period, but the white cold leaf did not dare to be careless, and immediately started the second plant.

After more than an hour, all the medicinal materials have been melted, and the next step is to condense the pill, which is also the most important step.

He let out a mouthful of turbid air, and although there were dense beads of sweat on his forehead, he didn't dare to reach out to wipe it off. He fixed his eyes on the cauldron and controlled the flame to heat up.

At this time, the cauldron trembled a few times, and some cracks appeared on it, obviously some could not withstand the high temperature, and it was about to explode.

But when it exploded at this time, everything before was in vain, Bai Lengye was extremely nervous, his arm trembled, the flames of the cauldron trembled, and the furnace almost exploded.

Fortunately, it passed safely in the end. Just as the elixir came out, the cauldron exploded with a bang, creating a deep pit. When Bai Lengye fell to the ground, the bodyguards who heard the sound also rushed come over.

"'s okay, you all go back." Bai Lengye got up with a gray face, and the bodyguards left again.


Bai Lengye laughed out loud, looking at the elixir in his hand happily, with this thing, his father's legs could be healed.

Back in the room, changed into clean clothes, knocked on the door, came to the room, saw mother sitting on the sofa, chatting with each other.

Bai Lengye walked in with a smile, and said, "I have good news for you, the elixir is out."

"What elixir?" Bai Ailing asked in surprise.

Bai Lengye looked at the other party, and Bai Lingyu was excitedly holding on to the handrail. As a practitioner, of course he knew what elixir was.

"Mom, help Mom take off Dad's pants, I'm going to heal his legs."

Bai Ailing came back to her senses, she was also very excited, she took off her arm trembling carefully, Bai Lengye took out the silver needle and started acupuncture.

After a while, both legs were already full of silver needles, Bai Lengye took out the elixir for the other party to swallow, and then pulled out all the silver needles.

About 10 minutes later, Bai Lingyu opened his eyes again, and tried to stand up, but felt his legs were weak, and his face turned pale.

"You're too anxious, the meridian has just been connected, it's impossible to get up and walk so soon." Bai Lengye laughed.

"Yes, yes, I'm too excited." Bai Lingyu nodded quickly.

Bai Lengye walked out of the room, leaving space for the two of them, and came to the living room, where she saw Fang Xiaoyu watching TV boredly alone.

"Xiaoyu, when are you going back with mom?" Bai Lengye took advantage of the situation and sat down.

"Mom said I can leave tomorrow." Fang Xiaoyu said casually.

Bai Lengye pondered for a while, and said: "Then you go first, I have some things to settle, and when the time comes to let Erdanzi follow you, there should be nothing wrong."

Fang Xiaoyu's face tightened, and he asked, "What's wrong with you, is there any danger to be solved again?"

Bai Lengye pinched the other person's little nose, and said: "You think too much, we haven't sinned against anyone here, how could there be any danger, you and Mom go back first, and I will leave on the back foot."

Fang Xiaoyu chose to believe it, nodded, and snuggled into her arms.

Two days later, the two packed up their things and left. Because of the protection of Erdanzi, Bai Lengye felt more at ease.

In the past two days, his father was able to get out of bed and walk smoothly. Basically, apart from not exercising strenuously, there was no major problem.

The other party was also very busy with the company's affairs, so he didn't have much time to take care of him, and he also successfully became the young master of the Bai family, the young chairman of a big company, and he could be regarded as a super rich second generation.

At night, when Bai Lengye just came out of the villa and was about to play, he was stopped by someone.

There were four men in total, wearing black clothes and masking their faces. The surrounding street lights were also broken. The whole street seemed to be blocked, and there was no one in the silence.

He knew that these people must have come to deal with him, maybe it was Master Huang who sent someone over, four masters at the Wuzong level, if it was before, he would not be afraid, but if the golden coffin is lost, he is equivalent to losing one life-saving cards.

The four of them were all silent, and they took out short swords in their hands, and the finished characters were for him, and the meaning of killing came slowly.

The Cloud Sword appeared in his hand, and Bai Lengye took a deep breath. He felt the pressure doubled. Facing four masters of the same level, especially with one hand, the odds of winning were very low.

A cold light flashed, and a ghostly dagger appeared in front of his eyes. Bai Lengye subconsciously took a few steps back, and when he bent down to avoid it, the three people around him also launched an attack at the same time.

Under the continuous attack of four people, he couldn't dodge in time, he was kicked a few times, and when he landed heavily, several sounds of breaking through the air rang in his ears, and in a blink of an eye, the dagger had appeared on his forehead.

Difficult to resist with the Cloud Sword, Bai Lengye quickly backed away to hide, and at the same time a powerful sword qi slashed out, separating the four of them from the middle, and he also took the initiative to attack, slashing down with the sword.

clang clang!

After several collisions in a row, Bai Lengye was forced to take many steps back, gasping for breath, blood flowed down the blade of the sword, his arm was injured, it was cut by a sword just now.

Losing an arm, he was no match for the four at the same level after all. He stared at them coldly, turned around and ran away.


The two quickly stood in front of him. Bai Lengye smashed the window of the car next to him with his fist, and pulled down the door to block it in front of him. Disappeared.

Just when the two of them were in a daze, there was a heavy blow from the back, and Bai Lengye's figure suddenly appeared, kicking them hard on the back with both feet.

"I won't accompany you anymore..." When Bai Lengye turned around and ran, before he could go far, he was blocked by two other people, who slammed their fists hard with a whistling sound.

"Get out of the way!"

Bai Lengye brandished the Yunxiao sword, but the two of them suddenly disappeared from his eyes. At the moment his hair stood on end, the two long swords cut through his ribs, and blood flowed out.

Fortunately, he dodged just now, otherwise the sword would have pierced his heart directly.

His ribs were injured, blood stained most of his clothes red, Bai Lengye gasped for breath, he knew he couldn't go on like this, otherwise he would have to die here.

"Drink!" With a loud shout, the sky fire burned from the palm of his hand, the four people were startled, seeing Bai Lengye waving his arms, they subconsciously retreated quickly.

But Bai Lengye was partial to them, he didn't do anything, he just turned around and ran away, and when they reacted, there was no one else.


The four of them fled and left the place.

After Bai Lengye ran away, he didn't go home. After stopping the blood, he came to the downtown area, walked into a clothes store, quickly changed into clean clothes, and then came out through the back door.

Turning his head to look at the crowd, he saw a few sneaky people who seemed to be following him again, and immediately walked forward with his head down, and when he came to an alley, he suddenly turned into it.

Not long after he entered, a man followed him in, but the next moment he grabbed his collar with one hand and punched him.

"Who is it, why are you following me!" Bai Lengye said coldly, he punched the bridge of the other's nose crookedly, and cried out in pain.

"Brother, please forgive me, I think you are acting suspiciously, your face is pale, I thought you were going to buy fans..."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye was a little speechless. He thought that the other party was sent by those people, but he didn't expect to misunderstand that he was buying fans.

"Get lost." Bai Lengye kicked the other party out, and the man left while clutching his bleeding nose.

This kick touched the wound, and there was some pain. In desperation, Bai Lengye could only endure the pain and leave.

When he came to the Peninsula Hotel, he wanted the presidential suite, but he was told that he had to book in advance. Bai Liangye immediately took out the top membership card here, which of course was given to him by his father.

With this card, I successfully checked in to the presidential suite. Although it costs more than 1 a night, the service is the best.

After entering the room, he asked the waiter to buy a suit of clothes for him, and he went to the bathroom and took off his clothes. The inside was already covered with blood, and the wound was slowly healing, but it was very painful.

After wiping it with a towel, there was a knock on the door. Bai Lengye opened the door wearing a scarf, and saw a waiter standing at the door holding clothes. He took the clothes, turned around and closed the door, something happened.

Without vigilance, Bai Lengye was kicked by the other party and fell to the ground, the upper part was cracked, and he couldn't help gasping in pain, looking at the waiter just now, who was already holding a gun, He walked in with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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