The last cultivator

Chapter 181 Destruction of the Cloud Sect

Chapter 181 Destruction of the Cloud Sect
He has not been back to the Blood Sword Sect for several months. When he came again, he found that there have been many changes here. First of all, several Dharma protectors have been promoted, and the number of disciples under the sect has increased several times. Imposing.

Of course, compared with those sects, the background is still much worse, but Bai Lengye believes that he will definitely carry forward the Blood Sword Sect in a short time.

He thought about his enemies, the four sects of the Heyun Sect, and the Ice Lotus Palace. Among them, the Heyun Sect is the best to deal with, so he wants to use the other party first.

When they were in the capital last time, they besieged him together, and this He Yunzong was determined to change, so he can't be blamed.

Three days later, Bai Lengye discussed with the protector, and that night, he brought about 20 people there, although there were only about [-] people, but these were the best of the elite, and it was no problem to deal with a Heyun sect.

Under the cover of night, a group of people quietly advanced in the forest, Bai Lengye took the lead, and several guardians followed behind, afterimages flashed, and several people landed on the tree at the same time.

In front of them, there is a hilltop, and that hilltop is the old nest of Heyun Sect. In the middle of the night, the surroundings are quiet, and a few disciples guarding the gate can be vaguely seen asleep.

"Tie Guardian, leave it to you." Bai Lengye said lightly.

Tie Hufa nodded, turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the tree. About 20 seconds later, the guards who guarded the gate were all killed by the opponent, and Bai Lengye led a large force to touch it.

"Sect master, shall we go straight in, or join forces to attack?"

Bai Lengye pondered for a while, then said in a low voice: "I'll go in and have a look first, after listening to the signal, you all rush in."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye slammed his feet on the ground, leaped into the sky, and appeared on top of a pile of stones like lightning, his gaze swept all around coldly, and immediately climbed over the wall and sneaked in.

Most of the people in the Heyun Sect were asleep, and the lights were turned off in the houses. Bai Lengye came to a room and looked in through the window. Some disciples were fast asleep, and he took out a pipe Along the gap, poisonous smoke came out of the pipe and floated in.

After a while, the sleeping people were silent, and then Bai Lengye avoided several patrolling people, came to another room, and also sprayed out poisonous smoke.

After doing all these well, Bai Lengye sneered, and a ball of flame flew out from his hand, and in an instant, the flames shot up to the sky!

There was a loud shout, and several disciples with flashlights surrounded them. Bai Lengye immediately retreated. After a while, there was a roar of killing at the foot of the mountain, and the disciples of the Blood Sword Sect rushed up the mountain, fighting with the Heyun Sect. Together.

In less than 30 seconds, some elders of Heyun Sect rushed out and saw Bai Lengye wearing a mask. Although they didn't know each other, they knew immediately that they were from the Blood Sword Sect when they saw a few guardians.

"Blood Sword Gate, you are courting death!"

An elder yelled angrily, slapped several people to death with one palm, and rushed to several guardians quickly. The opposing King Wu was very powerful, and the guardians could only resist with difficulty.

In addition to them, several elders of the Heyun Sect rushed into the crowd. These people were so powerful that ordinary disciples couldn't resist them at all.

Bai Lengye stood quietly by the side without moving, the icy air slowly permeated his body, and when a disciple of Heyun Sect charged towards him, he was directly kicked to death.


His kick attracted the attention of a group of people, and after rushing towards him, the weapon in his hand struck at the head at the same time.


With a cold shout, the fists were struck continuously with afterimages, and the strong wind shook several people to vomit blood and fly backwards, and a vacuum zone appeared around them.

"Who are you, when will there be such a powerful person as you in the Blood Sword Sect!"

An elder of He Yunzong, who was at the peak level of Wuzong, rushed over, his gaze swept him up and down coldly.

Bai Lengye didn't speak. Facing Wu Zong, he didn't have the strength at all, and Wu Wang was about the same.

"You're courting death!" Seeing that Bai Lengye didn't speak, the elder Wu Zong immediately yelled, rolled up the long knife in his hand, and slashed at the front door fiercely.

Just an afterimage flashed in front of his eyes, and then he felt severe pain in his chest, his complexion suddenly changed, and a wave of evil energy rushed into his body, causing him to vomit blood on the spot, and flew out backwards.

"Second Elder!"

An old man rushed over in shock, while the second elder's body twitched a few times, his complexion turned black, blood flowed from his mouth, he died before he could speak.

"Bastard!" The old man's eyes turned red, and he rushed towards Bai Lengye angrily, but as a strong wind came from his ears, he could only stop immediately and slapped him casually.


After facing the guardian for a few palms, the old man took a few steps back, but then he roared up to the sky, his aura increased sharply, and he was promoted from the peak of Wu Zong to King Wu in a blink of an eye, and finally stayed at the fifth level of King Wu after soaring all the way strength!
"No, Fifth Elder!"

The complexions of the other elders of Heyunzong changed drastically. Although using the secret technique of Heyunzong could increase their strength several times at that time, the consequences were very serious, and no one wanted to use it.

But because of the death of the second elder, the fifth elder has already fallen into a state of losing his mind, and he doesn't care about much at the moment. Feeling the tyrannical force in his body, the blood in his body is boiling, and his eyes glance coldly at the masked man Bai Lengye sternly said: "No matter who you are, you will be buried here today!"

After speaking, a long knife appeared in the other party's hand. Looking carefully, it was transformed by the strong internal energy, and its power was beyond the reach of ordinary weapons.

The long knife pierced the sky, and appeared in front of Bai Lengye in the blink of an eye. The cold killing intent emanated from the sharp knife, and it went straight to his throat.

Facing this tricky and vicious attack, Bai Lengye didn't dare to be careless. Anyway, the opponent is now a master of Wuwang level. With a little force on the soles of his feet, his body just slid out. When he was about to attack with magic skills, his body suddenly froze .


The ghostly saber energy appeared from behind, the robe was torn, and a blood mark appeared, almost disemboweled.

The old man's killing intent remained undiminished, and he swung his knife again and charged towards him at an equally fast speed. He didn't even catch his eyes, but subconsciously shifted to the left side by feeling.

With this knife, the floor was split in two. The old man chased after him and continued with the second knife, and the power of this knife was extremely sharp. Before he got close, he felt as if the air was being torn apart. Up and down the skin, burning pain.

Bai Lengye cried out in surprise, and immediately slid back again. Although the opponent's knife split open, he obviously felt as if he was injured, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

The third knife appeared, and it appeared on his abdomen as quickly as a thunderbolt. By the time he reacted, the tip of the knife was almost touching his stomach.

"Die!" The old man grinned ferociously. He was sure that his knife could cut open the opponent's stomach.

But the next moment, the expression on his face suddenly froze, because his knife could no longer take an inch, and the opponent grabbed his blade with one hand, unable to move.

"How is it possible!" The Fifth Elder suddenly changed his color, and the knife that had been transformed from his internal energy dared to be grabbed by someone, and it was fine.

The next moment, a crack appeared in the blade, and the opponent's palm was exerted, and there was a rattling sound, and finally there was a bang, the blade shattered, and he immediately sprayed a mouthful of scarlet blood on the opponent's clothes because of the internal energy reflex.

"Po Dao, it's not that good." Bai Lengye said in a cold tone.

"It's you!"

As soon as the other party uttered a horrified sound, Bai Lengye pierced the other party's stomach with his fist, blood sprayed high above the sky, and even some pieces of meat were thrown into the air. Those who were fighting were instantly subdued by alcohol, and the scene was deadly silent.

A punch pierced the stomach of a Martial King level, causing their jaws to drop in shock, but the next moment, the disciples of the Blood Sword Sect shouted loudly, their morale soared, and even their hands were much easier.

On the other hand, Heyunzong was already on the verge of being defeated because of the death of the elders, and when the five elders were around, two of the elders, King Wu, led the rest and began to retreat.

"Don't chase anymore." Bai Lengye called to stop the person who was chasing after him. For ah, the Heyun Sect has already perished, so there is no need to take those remnant strengths to heart.

Half an hour later, several Dharma protectors entered the room and said respectfully: "Master, the number of people has been counted. There are 23 Heyun Sect disciples who surrendered, three brothers died, five were seriously injured, and eight were slightly injured. One, several guardians are fine."

Bai Lengye nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Then start raiding the house and see what good things the Heyun Sect has."

The two guardians went out, and the rest stayed behind. Bai Lengye raised his head and looked outside. After fighting in the middle of the night, the sky was getting dark, and someone had already started to clean the blood on the floor outside.

When the sky was bright and the first ray of sunlight shone down, Bai Hanye came out after the discussion, and the square was full of big boxes.

The box was opened, revealing the gold, silver and jewels inside. Apart from these, there were also some medicines and treasures, and there were quite a few weapons.

Bai Hanye asked them to keep the medicinal materials, and the rest were directly brought back to the Blood Sword Gate.

After the counting, the value of those gold, silver and jewels was at least [-] million, which was considered a considerable fortune for the Blood Sword Sect.

After returning to the Blood Sword Gate, it was already noon, and when he was about to rest for a while, news came from his subordinates that Yunxiao Palace wanted to see him.

After learning this, Bai Lengye was a little surprised, and then thought of his Yunxiao sword, which he and Xiruo found last time in Lop Nur, he made up nonsense and didn't tell the other party, could it be...

Without thinking too much, he changed his clothes, cleaned up, and headed to Yunxiao Palace, this time without taking anyone with him.

An hour later, he stood at the entrance of Yunxiao Palace. Compared with the first time he passed such a hanging ladder, this time he passed it as easily as walking on land.

When they came to the gate of the palace, a row of maids came out to greet her and sprinkled flowers. The treatment was very high, which made Bai Lengye a little unnatural.

Walking in, I saw Palace Mistress Naruo sitting quietly on a chair, wearing a veil, looking at him calmly.

"Master Bai, your mask is not bad."

Bai Lengye said with a smile: "Master Ruo, this veil of yours is not bad, where did you buy it?"

When the two met, they made a small joke, and felt that there was no sense of distance. After sitting down, Bai Lengye looked at each other, not at the face of course, but at the position of the seat, so that it would not appear rude .

"Master Bai, this time I know why I called you here..." Palace Master Ruo smiled lightly.

Bai Lengye shook his head to express that he didn't know, but his heart tightened, and he vaguely guessed something.

"The last time the saint went to Lop Nur with you to find our lost Cloud Sword, and after that..."

Bai Lengye pretended to be calm on the surface, but his palms were covered with sweat. If the other party found out that he had used the Cloud Sword, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

"Recently, I heard that someone has seen our Cloud Sword, but who owns that sword?"

Hearing this, Bai Lengye's heart sank. The other party said that he must know that the Yunxiao Sword is in his hands, otherwise he was asked to come here for no reason this time.

Suddenly, Palace Master Ruo turned the corner and said, "Heyun Sect was also destroyed by Master Bai. It's really gratifying."

Bai Lengye remained silent. He is an open-minded person. In this situation, if he was lying and was pointed out by others, it would be very embarrassing.

Sighing in my heart, I had already made up my mind to send out the Yunxiao Sword, and said immediately: "To be honest, the Yunxiao Sword is in my hands."

"Then why did you say you didn't find it last time!"

Xi Ruo, who was dressed in white, came out from behind and looked at him angrily, looking a little annoyed.

Bai Lengye smiled awkwardly, and didn't know how to answer. Could it be that he was greedy and fell in love with it, so he made up nonsense and didn't give it...

"Master Bai, it's not good for you to do this. The Yunxiao Sword belongs to my Yunxiao Palace, but you..."

Bai Lengye got up, cupped his hands and said: "Master Ruo, I like this Yunxiao sword very much, if you need it, then I will return it."

"Joke!" Xi Ruo laughed angrily: "Even if you go to the bank to save money, there is still an interest rate. You just plan to pay it back and you'll be fine."

"Then what do you want, no one, no life." Bai Lengye started to play a rogue, directly took out the Yunxiao sword, and put it on the table.

Xi Ruo was out of breath, and his teeth were gnashing loudly, and at this time Palace Master Ruo who was sitting on the chair said: "How about this, Master Bai fights with my saint with one hand, and if he wins, the Cloud Sword will be given to you!" How about you."

"Palace Master, this Cloud Sword cannot be given to him, it is our treasure." Xi Ruo immediately retorted.

"I am the palace master, and I have the right to be the master."

Xi Ruo was speechless, glared at Bai Lengye viciously, stepped back immediately, and said, "Come on, I'll give you two hands."

"No, I can do it with one hand." Bai Lengye put his right hand behind his back, but Xi Ruo shouted, "What do you mean, you hit me with your left hand, do you think I'm a bully!"

Bai Lengye smiled wryly in his heart, his right hand is a unicorn arm, he might kill the opponent with one punch, how dare he use it.

"I will use my left hand. If you can touch the corner of my clothes, you will win."

Xiruo was furious immediately, took out a long whip in his hand, turned into thousands of whip shadows, and appeared on the top of Bai Lengye's head in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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