The last cultivator

Chapter 185 Comprehending Sword Art

Chapter 185 Comprehending Sword Art
Facing these people who are not afraid of death, Bai Lengye took a deep breath, no longer showing mercy, Qilin Arm attacked again without hesitation, after two bangs, the bodies of several people exploded into blood mist, staining the ground red.

Those who didn't die were still lying on the ground wailing, and seeing Bai Lengye kill several of them with one fist, all of them turned pale with fright.

But when they wanted to run away, it was already too late, Bai Lengye beat down the killer, rushed over again, and smashed their heads with several fists.

After killing a few people, the air was filled with blood, and the evil spirit on his body gradually weakened. Just when he was about to turn around and leave, there was a sharp piercing sound, and Divine Comedy was startled suddenly.


A cold light pierced his back, and because he moved forward, he didn't hurt his body. Otherwise, that sword might have broken his whole body.

There was still some burning pain in his back, Bai Lengye immediately let out an angry roar in a low voice, these people are deceiving too much, he will die if he doesn't kill some of them.

The cold light flashed again, this time it rushed towards his head, and he slapped it with a palm, tearing up the space and blasting away with a strong wind.

In the void, a black shadow suddenly appeared, holding a gleaming dagger in his hand, and it was this guy who attacked him twice just now.

Before the other party could escape, Bai Lengye punched the other party into a blood mist, and the blood all over the sky was like blood rain, dripping down.

At this moment, his body was stained red with blood, and the white mask, with blood sliding down, looked a little scary.

But even though it was scary, there were some people who just wanted to get treasures, and didn't care about whether they died or not.

A few more cracking sounds came from behind, and when Bai Lengye turned around, a ghostly pale arm appeared on his back, and he slapped it lightly, the cold breath entered his body, and his body suddenly shook. Startled, the person in front is also attacking.


Several attacks hit his body at the same time, he was pinched back and forth, Bai Lengye vomited blood from his mouth, the mask came off his face with a snap, revealing the black and white face, with shocking bloodstains on the pale lips.

"Don't...forgive me!"

A low growl came out of the hoarse mouth, and a wave of waves swept out from his body, directly sweeping those people away, and at the same time, he had already disappeared in place.


The pale-faced man sneered, and his body disappeared into the night again for an hour. At the same time, several chi chi sounds were heard, and the heads of the other people were separated, and blood spurted several meters high.

After the corpses were scattered all over the ground, the blood gathered together like a river and flowed into the deep pit.

The moon stuck its head out quietly, as if laughing at him, the night was terrifyingly silent.

But Bai Lengye didn't move, because he knew that there was another one hidden in the night who didn't qualify.

"get out!"

Bai Lengye shouted angrily, smashed the ground with his fist, and countless flying stones swept away in all directions, but the man seemed to have disappeared, and the surroundings were quiet, only the corpse on the ground.

Bai Lengye was like a robot, standing quietly on the spot without moving, and after an unknown amount of time, the moon was once again covered by dark clouds, and light rain began to fall again, tick-tock-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it had already washed away the blood on the ground, but his black and white cheeks became more evil, his lips were as pale as white paper, and his eyes were filled with evil spirit, which could not dissipate for a long time.

His body remained motionless until his whole body was soaked, and then a helpless sigh came out of his mouth. He knew that the man seemed to have left.

Shaking off the rainwater on his face, he moved his numb legs and walked in the direction of going back little by little.

However, he guessed wrong. Although that person did not qualify, there was a stronger person who appeared. As the sword body fell into the ground, it gathered into a whirlpool and flowed under the feet.

The two held each other motionless, neither of them moved first, Bai Lengye's pressure increased greatly, the pressure on the old man was like a sword's edge, directly piercing his face, it seemed that as long as he moved, it would split open his body.

"Who the hell are you!" Bai Lengye asked, clenched his fists subconsciously, his muscles tensed together, and he stared fixedly at the other party.

"The old man just ran away. If you can't kill you with one move today, then pretend it never happened."

The iron sword trembled, and a powerful tearing force swept out, and a hole was split in the rain curtain of the sky, arousing the power of heaven and earth, and smashing the earth with a radius of tens of meters.

Bai Lengye's complexion was full of shit, he felt the threat of death this time, under this iron sword, he unexpectedly didn't have the confidence to resist, instead his legs trembled a little, this sword, a vision appeared, the world was moving, All voices were muffled.

"This sword is called the Heaven and Earth Sword. It has never been missed since it was shot. It is enough to kill you!"

The old man smiled coldly, the long sword flew out of his hand, rushed into the sky, and began to spin at a super fast speed, tearing the space apart, the sky was thundered and lightning, tens of thousands of terrifying sword qi shattered the rain curtain, and the terrifying air wave hit open dark clouds.

The sword that destroyed the world was struck, Bai Lengye stood there dumbly, watching the sword fall blankly, he didn't even have the slightest intention to avoid it.

The old man let out a cold snort, and stepped back lightly for tens of meters. He believed that Bai Lengye would be wiped out under this sword.

"The sky and the earth are moving, a sword shatters the sky, if the sky wants to kill me, I will defy the sky!"

In an instant, Bai Lengye's whole body was filled with a shocking evil spirit, a glaring light erupted from your unicorn arm, and the Yunxiao Sword pierced the sky and flew towards the sky, Bai Lengye rushed away, holding it tightly, body Soar into the air and stand above that high sky.

The old man's complexion changed, and his sword also slashed down, but Bai Lengye raised his arm with a calm expression, and the Yunxiao sword in his hand did not have the slightest emotion, and he slashed through it lightly.


The rain stopped, the dark clouds disappeared, and under the night, a figure stood quietly on the broken ground, the Yunxiao sword in his hand was dripping with blood.

Cough... Coughing up blood in his mouth, Yunxiao Sword fell from his hand weakly, and he knelt on the ground with his knees thumping, another mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, his cheeks twisted together ferociously.

Under the darkness of night, an old man came to the front quietly, his eyes looked at him calmly, flickering for a moment, his lips moved, and the iron sword in his hand was slowly withdrawn.

"For the first time in my life, the sword of heaven and earth blocked me. You are very lucky. I won't kill you. Next time, you will have no chance."

After the cold voice finished, the old man turned and left, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Bai Lengye, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head with difficulty, his eyes were filled with blood red, his arms were bleeding, and he trembled unconsciously.

This time, although he comprehended a powerful trick, but also, he almost died in the hands of this old man.

Swallowing a piece of ammunition, just about to get up, a gloomy smile sounded.

"I have been hiding for several hours, and finally I have a chance to kill you."

Looking at the man in front of him, Bai Lengye smiled miserably, he is finished this time.



The next day, the game continued as usual. After a night of rain, the air was sober, and the sun in the sky had just peeked out.

When people sat down one after another, there was no Bai Leng Ye on the referee's seat.

"Where is the White Gate Master, why hasn't he come yet?" An old man asked suspiciously.

"Maybe he will never come." Ma Nian sneered.

"What do you mean?"

"It may be dead." Ma Nian laughed out loud.

"The person who wants me to die hasn't been born yet." A faint laugh sounded, and the smile of Ma Nian stopped abruptly, and he turned his head in disbelief.

Bai Lengye, wearing a mask, came up to the stage, sat down unharmed, and cast a cold glance at him.

"It's impossible, how come you are not dead!" Ma Nian exclaimed.

"Why, Brother Ma seems to wish me to die."

Ma Nian turned pale with fright, clenched his fists tightly, and stared at him, he couldn't believe that Bai Lengye didn't die last night.

The attack that night had already been sensed by many people. He admitted that he might not be able to dodge that kind of attack, so he was sure that Bai Lengye was dead.

But now, he actually saw the other party again, and there was nothing wrong with his whole body, which was somewhat illogical.

"Okay, since the White Gate Master has come, let's start."

After the start of the competition was announced, those players also continued to compete. After everything officially started, it returned to normal.

During the period, Ma Nian looked over with cloudy eyes, but Bai Lengye didn't pay attention to him.

When it was Huang Ying's turn, he kept his eyes on the other party, even if the other party lost his memory, he would protect him well.

But fortunately, Huang Ying won and was relieved that she didn't suffer any harm.

Ma Nian on the side saw all this in his eyes, his mouth was cold, and his eyes flickered coldly, staring at Huang Ying.

These referees are actually just pretending, basically there is nothing to do, because the loser is the loser, and what they say is useless, of course, the premise is that the two sides do not use foul things.

In this competition, one cannot be killed, nor disabled, let alone destroy the dantian, whoever violates the rules will naturally be regarded as a loser.

(End of this chapter)

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