The last cultivator

Chapter 189 The person to deal with

Chapter 189 The person to deal with

Seeing the masked man in black suddenly appearing in front of Yun, Bai Lengye's heart tightened. This person gave him a lot of pressure, and he didn't dare to be careless. He took a few steps back and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

After asking, the man in black didn't say anything, and directly attacked him. There was only a cold light flashing in front of his eyes, and then he felt a sharp pain in his chest. At the same time, he was shocked and slapped him. After the opponent slapped each other, they were pushed back a few steps.

The blood in my heart was surging, and my arms were numb. After the two palmed each other just now, it was a draw. That is to say, the masked man's strength was not much worse than him.

And at this time, those people from before also rushed over, Bai Lengye knew that he couldn't be surrounded by them at this time, so he immediately turned around and ran away, with those people chasing after him.

"Put down the green leaf grass!"

With a loud shout, a man held a long gun with a hole in his hand, aiming at his head trickily and sharply, and it appeared at the throat in the blink of an eye.

Bai Lengye grabbed the body of the gun with one hand, and with great force, the spear flew out of his hand. The man turned pale with fright, and kicked him again. Bai Lengye punched it, directly His thigh was broken and he flew upside down several meters away.

call out!
There was a sound of piercing in the air, without even thinking about it, Bai Lengye punched out with a backhand fist, slashing down hard with a short knife.

The fist hit the blade, and the powerful force on it knocked the long blade away, and the man vomited blood from the beating mouth, and flew across dozens of meters, hit the tree, twitched a few times, and disappeared movement.

Although the two were eliminated with a few moves, he was also surrounded by several other people, who looked at him nervously, and no one rushed over first.

His gaze swept all around coldly, and finally stopped on the masked man. The strength of the masked man was what he feared the most, and the rest of the people didn't care.

"I won't give you the green leaf grass. If you want to take it, go over me first!"

He will not teach anything by life and death, and he will not die here today. Those people who want to kill him are not qualified.

Just as he finished speaking, the man in black suddenly disappeared from the spot. Bai Lengye's face tightened, and then he dodged to dodge. At the same time, the masked man appeared at the place where he had just stood. into the ground.

Bai Lengye backed up a few steps in a row, using the sand technique, and took advantage of the smoke, he turned and left, but before he could go far, he was blocked again, but this time the person blocking him was another person. gang.

These people were dressed in old-fashioned clothes, like some Taoist priests, and they were all around 40 to [-] years old. When he stopped, the people behind him had already caught up.

"Friends, this kid has robbed us, please kill him together!"

The big man said in a deep voice, at the same time they surrounded Bai Lengye and sneered.

Now, there are at least a dozen or so people here, adding up, even the peak of Wu Wang can't escape, they believe that Bai Lengye is dead.

"Hand over the things and spare your life!" One person shouted sharply.

Bai Lengye's whole body tensed up, squinting his eyes and sweeping across the crowd, the corners of his mouth were clear, and the green leaf grass appeared in his hand.

"It's Green Leaf Grass!" The group of people coming from behind exclaimed in surprise, their eyes also showed fiery colors.

"Since you want it so much, I'll give it to you." After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye quickly threw it out without hesitation, while he turned around and ran away. Those people all focused on the green leaf grass No, he didn't care at all.

Seeing the green leaf grass turn into an arc and fly away, those people rushed over and reached out to grab it at the same time, but as several cold waves appeared, the blood soared, and the few people in the lead were seriously injured.

"The green leaf grass gave us, no one can take it away today!"

"You're courting death, fuck me!"

Soon, the two sides fought again for the Green Leaf Grass, but at this time, Bai Hanye was hiding in a bush, staring at them and sneering in his heart.

These people are so idiots that a civil war really broke out. After a while, they will finish fighting, and the casualties will be almost the same. When he goes out at that time, he will definitely be able to win a lot of good things.

A few minutes later, the two sides decided the winner. The previous group was defeated, beaten to pieces, and fled in a hurry, while the rest of the group was not feeling well. Of the eight people together, three died and three were seriously injured. , and the remaining two were slightly injured.

"Go to the green leaf grass." A seriously injured man gasped, and the slightly injured man walked over immediately and picked up the green leaf grass.

"How is it, is it true?" The man asked hurriedly.

"It's true." The slightly injured man nodded hastily, and was about to continue talking when he suddenly vomited blood.


The masked man in black got out from behind the opponent, and the short knife in his hand had already pierced the opponent's heart, and the green leaf grass naturally fell into the opponent's hand.

In the grass, Bai Lengye was secretly surprised. It seemed that this masked man in black was also very smart. He hid far away during the battle just now, and only came out to be a fisherman when they were almost finished fighting. Obviously, the other party Not the kind of reckless man who only has force.

The man in black looked at the green leaf grass silently for a few seconds, while the remaining four, with livid faces and surging killing intent, slowly surrounded each other in the middle.


The leading man gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Since this friend wants it, I will give you this green leaf grass. Let's go." After finishing speaking, the other party was about to leave with someone.

"I told you to leave." A deep and powerful voice came from the mouth of the masked man.

The leading man was startled, turned around, and said with a grin: "Why, does my friend think that we can keep all three of us here?"

"Tell you, you don't have that qualification!"

The man in black smiled indifferently and said no nonsense. He had a few fingers-long short knives in his hands, which looked gleaming under the moonlight.

"Kill him for me!"

The leading man snorted coldly, and rushed over immediately, but no matter how fast they were, they were not as fast as the dagger in the masked man's hand.

After a few swishes, the entire forest fell silent. After a while, several dead bodies fell to the ground, and their hearts were all pierced with a short knife, and the whole root was not pierced.

There was still a disgusting smell of blood in the air, and the man in black left the place as if nothing had happened, but finally stayed under a big tree.

"Come out, you've been hiding for so long."

As the other party's voice fell, Bai Hanye, who was hiding in the grass, came out, because he knew that it was useless to hide at this time, and the other party had already found him.

After walking a few steps, he stopped and glanced at the dead people out of the corner of his eyes, feeling a little helpless, because of greed, these people finally attracted the disaster of killing themselves.

Looking at the man in black quietly for a few seconds, the other party sat under the tree to enjoy the shade as if nothing had happened, and seemed to ignore him at all. Of course, there is another point, maybe the other party has no intention of killing him at all.

After being dull for about a minute, Bai Lengye asked, "Give me Qingyecao, and you can make a condition."

After finishing speaking, the man in black gave him a direct look, and said in a deep and powerful voice: "Help me kill someone." After speaking, he even threw the green leaf grass over.

Bai Lengye subconsciously took it in his hand, and then asked: "You just gave it to me, and you are not afraid that I will run away."

"Don't be afraid." The man in black got up and walked forward silently.

Bai Lengye looked at the other party interestingly, this masked man was interesting, he actually trusted him so much, if he left like this now, the other party probably would have nothing to do with him.

But since he had agreed to the other party, naturally he couldn't just leave like this, and immediately followed.

About a few hours later, the two of them traveled all the way in a car, and finally came to a deep mountain and wild forest. At this time, the sky was already dark.

During this period, neither of them spoke. The man in black was a little indifferent, unwilling to say a word. When he asked the other party who he wanted to kill, he kept silent.

At this time, there was a thatched hut in front of them, and the man in black also stopped and looked quietly at the small courtyard. Inside, an old man in a wheelchair closed his eyes and rested.

After seeing the old man, Bai Lengye behind him was a little shocked, staring at him for a moment, feeling a little bitter in his heart.

He had guessed who he was going to kill, but he never expected that the person the other party wanted to kill would be such a person, an old man who looked over a hundred years old and was sitting in a wheelchair, but his strength was terrifying.

At this time, the old man opened his eyes and turned to look at them without any surprise, as if he knew they were coming, his eyes were full of calm.

The man in black walked to the gate, and gradually, the breath on his body was icy cold, Bai Lengye could feel the strong killing intent in the other party's heart, maybe this old man had a sworn feud with the other party.

"You are still here." The old man said hoarsely, his old face was full of exhaustion.

"If I don't kill you, I won't be able to sleep or eat!" the man in black said in a cold tone, behind him Bai Lengye couldn't help shivering.

"Based on the two of you, it doesn't seem to be enough." The old man said indifferently, with an arrogant look on his face, he didn't pay attention to the two of them at all.

"My lord, the water you've been drinking all these years must taste good?"

After finishing speaking, the old man's eyes brightened, and his weak body exuded a palpitating power. Even if he was more than ten meters away, Bai Lengye could feel his back getting cold, and he couldn't get the slightest fighting spirit in his heart.

This is the terror of the Venerable, which is far beyond what King Wu can match. Just the opponent's aura can make people under Wu Venerable lose their fighting spirit and can only stand in place and wait to die.

The assassin Bai Lengye regretted very much. If he had known about dealing with a Wu Zun earlier, he would not have said anything, but it was too late to say anything now.

It is not a problem for a Martial Lord to easily kill a few Martial Kings, but the two of them are really in suspense today!

(End of this chapter)

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