The last cultivator

Chapter 355 Marquis of Xinting

Chapter 355 Marquis of Xinting

The days are short, and the Chinese New Year is also a year. After the fifth day of the new year, people are supposed to go to work, busy and busy, and the new year has officially begun.

Sometimes, Bai Lengye is thinking about what is the purpose of life, is it just going to work and going to work?

But no one will answer him this question, because he has encountered a problem now.

Before he knew it, Fang Xiaoyu had been pregnant for more than five months, and his belly was getting bigger day by day, and he was about to become a father.

Although every night I dream about what to do when I become a father, but in reality it really comes, and I am still a little at a loss.

After all, this is the first time in his life, his first child of Bai Lengye, so of course everything has to be careful.

His child is destined to be different when he is born. He is congenital, and it is rare to have one in ten thousand years. And when he is born, he will be very lucky to have parents who love him very much.

After the new year, Bai Lengye spent most of his time on Fang Xiaoyu.Learn online every day what to do when you become a father, and how to make your child grow up healthy and healthy.

During this period of time, his parents also put down most of the things and concentrated on taking care of Fang Xiaoyu at home. Who made him such a rough man.

In a blink of an eye, it will be March in Yangchun, Fang Xiaoyu is seven months pregnant, and it is expected that the child will be born smoothly in at most three months.

Her stomach is already very big, and walking is not very convenient. Every day, Bai Lengye takes good care of her, and she can't let her get tired even for a moment, even if she goes to the bathroom.

Fang Xiaoyu's parents also came to see her. The family sat down to eat together, discussing what name the child would have after birth, and who should take care of her.

The elders on both sides were thinking about the name, and Bai Lengye himself was also thinking about it, he was thinking of a nice and meaningful one.


Bai Lengye was watching TV with Fang Xiaoyu at home when the mobile phone on the table vibrated suddenly.

"Hello! Boss has good news for you..." Xiao Shou's excited voice came from the phone.

"What's the matter?" Bai Lengye asked angrily.

"I found a treasure, it's a huge treasure, boss, you must come and have a look!"

Casting a glance at Fang Xiaoyu, seeing that the other party didn't respond, Bai Lengye asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm in the Sahara Desert."

"What? What are you doing in such a lousy place?"

"Hey, Erdanzi and I have nothing to do, so we came here to play, who would have thought that we found something good, boss, come quickly..."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

Bai Lengye hung up the phone, and continued to stare at the TV.

"What are you looking at, hurry over there." Fang Xiaoyu laughed.

"My wife still understands me, so I'll go." Bai Lengye kissed her forehead, got up and said, "Come back for dinner tonight."

"Well, slow down." Fang Xiaoyu waved his hand, Bai Lengye put on his clothes and flew away from the balcony.

A few hours later, Bai Hanye came to the Sahara Desert, and tried to make another call, but there was no signal.


Bai Lengye sighed, and immediately unfolded his consciousness. After searching carefully, he saw two people hundreds of miles away.


Bai Lengye dodged over, and not long after, he appeared on the ground out of thin air, scaring the two little smelly people who were talking.

"Boss, can you stop being so elusive and want to scare people to death!"

"Are you going to die?" Bai Lengye asked back.

Xiao Smelly suddenly had nothing to say, he still really wouldn't die.

"Where are the good things?" Bai Lengye looked around, but there was nothing there.

"Under your feet."


Bai Lengye lowered his head subconsciously, and saw that he seemed to be stepping on some kind of patch on the sole of his foot, he immediately moved away, his eyes fixed on the iron piece.

"this is……"

Xiao Shou smiled and said, "Boss, have you noticed that this thing looks like a thing?"

"By the way, it's very similar to that historical Xintinghou Dao!"

Bai Lengye opened the mouth and said.

"Boss is smart, it's that thing."

Xiao Shou said proudly: "I found this knife, but unfortunately there seems to be something sealed underneath, I couldn't figure it out and dared not open it, so I asked the boss to come over..."

Bai Lengye nodded, because he also felt that there was a sinister air below, as if a ten thousand-year-old ominous spirit was sealed in it.

Needless to say, the origin of this Xinting Hou Dao was worn by Zhang Fei, the great general of the Shu Kingdom.

However, this knife cut off Zhang Fei's throat back then, and there would be some resentment on it, which may be difficult for the user to control.

Xiao Shou rubbed his palms impatiently, and said: "Boss, let's pull it out quickly, this kind of good thing is suitable for me."

"Don't you have a magic pen? Why do you need it?" Bai Lengye asked.

Xiao Shou muttered: "The magic pen is used for drawing, how handsome this knife is when you take it out, it has a history of thousands of years..."

"Can't I give it to Er Danzi?" Xiao Smelly lowered his head and said.

Bai Lengye shook his head helplessly, and immediately circled the Xinting Hou knife a few times, then stretched out his hand and pulled it out forcefully.

The next moment, the world howled on the way back, and the rain gathered and did not disperse. A terrible cold atmosphere swept the whole world, and a shrill cry came from the ground, and it rushed to the sky with a bang.

"Where to run."

Naturally, Bai Lengye would not let this terrifying monster run away, the Yunxiao Sword appeared in his hand, and the sword energy tearing the sky shot out, and the black shadow was smashed to pieces with a bang.

After a while, the sky became calm again, and everything seemed to have never happened.

Little Smelly and Er Danzi were stunned, a terrifying monster was killed by just one move.

"Don't look at me like that. That thing has been sealed for a thousand years, so it's almost impossible to die. I just came here for a while."

Bai Lengye chuckled.


Xiao Shou couldn't help but say something, and then looked at the knife in Bai Lengye's hand.

The appearance of this knife looks very ordinary, and it looks a bit like bronze. It has been buried in this desert for so many years, and it is also rusty, but the power of this knife is naturally needless to say.

That Xinting Houdao suddenly broke free from Bai Lengye's hand, and was about to fly away through the air.

"Bring me back."

Xiao Shou immediately grabbed the handle of the knife, and the Xintinghou knife took him very high into the sky. The terrifying light of the knife continued to tear the air, and a violent explosion occurred in this desert.

After a long while, the Xinting Hou Dao finally stopped resisting, and was silently caught by Xiao Shou.

"Awesome! Boss, this Xintinghou Dao is really powerful."

Xiao Smelly flew back and said fondly.

"You can't suppress it, maybe Erdanzi can." Bai Lengye stared at it for a while before saying.

"I know, so I plan to use it for Erdanzi."

After finishing speaking, he threw the knife over, and Er Danzi caught it in his hand. In an instant, a soaring evil spirit erupted from him, but he quickly suppressed it.

"Erd, this knife can be both good and evil, it depends on the owner who uses it, treat it well."

"Understood, brother." Erdanzi's eyes were full of excitement, and now he finally has a good knife.

Among the top ten magic knives, this Xintinghou ranks eighth, and it is a bit behind, but its power is not as bad as the previous ones. The most important thing is that this one can be used by humans, like the previous ones, which rank first Even if Minghong Dao was given to Bai Lengye, he would not be able to use it, because it is not for human use.

But the eighth Xinting Hou Dao was born, Bai Lengye wondered if the rest of the magic weapons were also handed down.

What he likes most is the Zhanlu sword, the first of the top ten magic weapons, but now its whereabouts are unknown.

Zhanlu is a sword, but it is more like an eye. According to legend, it is completely black, making it impossible for people to see through its sharpness and power.

If the king has the way, it represents the long-term fortune of the country. If the king has no way, the sword will fly away and the country will perish.

Moreover, each of these top ten weapons has a great origin, and the rest of the weapons also have extraordinary origins. The most famous one is probably the Qinglong Yanyue, which is known to everyone in the country.

"Boss, should we look for it, maybe there are other artifacts."

"Impossible, within a certain range of the famous sword, there will be no second one, let's go."

Bai Lengye left in a flash, although Xiao Shou felt a little pity, but he held that what Bai Lengye said made sense, and left immediately.

After returning home, it was just in time for dinner. After the family had eaten, it was time to do what they should do.

In the room, Bai Lengye searched the Internet for the whereabouts of the ten famous swords, hoping to find clues.

As long as he can get one, it would be regarded as great luck, and when he uses it well, it will definitely be a powerful weapon.

"What are you looking for at this late hour?"

Fang Xiaoyu asked.

"It's okay, I'll just take a look." Bai Lengye didn't turn his head.


"What's wrong!"

Bai Lengye hurriedly turned her head, only to find that Fang Xiaoyu's complexion was pale, with beads of sweat dripping down her face.

"My wife, what's wrong with you!" Bai Lengye was taken aback.

"I...I feel like it's kicking me..." Fang Xiaoyu's face returned to rosy, and she subconsciously stroked her stomach with her hands.

Bai Lengye let go of his hanging heart, and said softly: "You little brat, you kicked mom in the stomach before you came out."

"Heck, I feel like it's still moving..." Fang Xiaoyu smiled and narrowed her eyes, very happy.

"Tell me, what should our child's name be after it is born?"

Bai Lengye undressed and lay down, the two of them cuddled together, they didn't need anything else, just a hug, they felt so happy.

"Of course the name must be unique. I want him to enjoy the best in the world as soon as he is born."

"Because it is my Bai Lengye's child, as a father, of course I have to treat him differently."

Bai Lengye said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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