The last cultivator

Chapter 429 Mutation

Chapter 429 Mutation
Ancestor Qingye is a senior who has been famous for a long time, and belongs to the relatively old type. Counting according to seniority, everyone present should call each other senior.

This kind of person, logically speaking, has already transcended the world, sees through the world, and will not do things like sneak attacking others.

But Bai Lengye pointed at the other party and said, 20 years ago, it was the village chief who was attacked by Qingye patriarch, not to mention that the village chief himself didn't believe it, even the other elders didn't believe it either.

"You are so brave, even my Ancestor Qingye dares to slander you, you are looking for death!"

After finishing speaking, a terrifying murderous intent enveloped Bai Lengye, and Bai Lengye felt a dull pain in his chest, and an extremely cold breath rushed through his body.

Bai Lengye let out a cold snort, and the sky fire in his body instantly emerged, forcing the cold air out of his body in an instant, spreading his palms, ice crystals condensed out, and flew past with a whoosh.

The ice crystals exploded out of thin air, and Ancestor Qingye looked at him expressionlessly without saying a word.

"I'm afraid there are not many people who can possess this kind of terrible extreme cold soldier spirit, and you still don't admit it?"

Bai Lengye asked coldly.

"Based on this, you can conclude that I am the murderer?" Ancestor Qingye said expressionlessly.

"Of course not." Bai Lengye chuckled, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a ball of sky fire flew away directly.

Just when the fire was about to reach the opponent, an extremely cold aura appeared on Patriarch Qingye's body, blocking the fire from outside.

"There is the strongest fire in the world, so naturally there is the coldest ice flame. Mine is the sky fire, and yours, if I guessed correctly, should be the tenth-ranked blue ice flame?"

Bai Lengye looked at the other party with a half-smile and said, and after he finished saying this, the face of the Ancestor Qingye finally changed slightly.

"Only for this?"

"That's not enough?" Bai Lengye looked at the other party with a half-smile.

"Could it really be you?" The village head trembled. Over the years, he has been tortured by this disease for decades, thinking about his enemy day and night.

It's not like he hasn't searched for it for so many years, but at that time, that person masked his face and only used the extremely cold air. The world is so big, where can he find the whole person...

He didn't doubt Patriarch Qingye before, because he felt that such a senior person should not do such a thing.

But now after what Ling Feng said, he seemed to understand in his heart that the most unlikely person may be the most likely person!

"Hehe, I have been hiding very well for so many years. No one has ever discovered it. I didn't expect that I would be recognized by you, a guy with no hair yet."

"Thank you." Bai Lengye smiled.

The village chief's eyes were red, his enemy was right in front of him, he suppressed himself not to get angry, but he recalled the torture over and over again in his mind, his chest was bitten and he was blown up, he couldn't help being furious.

"I came today to ask for the Fountain of Youth, but it seems that I can't get it today."

Ancestor Qingye's wheelchair turned and walked forward slowly, a voice came: "I want to go, you can stop now."

Seeing that the enemy was about to leave, the village chief wanted to stop him, but Ling Feng shook his head.

"It's useless, the enemy is at hand, don't offend this Ancestor Qingye for the time being, besides, the sum of us may not necessarily be the opponent of the opponent."

The village head calmed down for a moment, Bai Lengye was right, the Ancestor Qingye has lived for so long, and his methods are terrible, they are not necessarily opponents.

"The Eternal Emperor's people are still outside, let's get rid of them first."

Bai Lengye sighed, and looked at Taoist Zongyun, who didn't vote, but just stood aside silently.

"It's okay not to help, but don't engage in sneak attacks from behind."

"Is this old man that kind of person? If you want to kill you, you just need to be upright."

Taoist Zongyun said proudly.

Bai Lengye didn't say anything, he still believed in this guy, at least he didn't look like a villain.

Outside the entrance of the village, the Eternal Emperor's people still sealed off the entire village, some cultivators who came here for fame were blocked from entering, and their large forces could not get out.

"Village chief, the people have already assembled, just wait for us to fight out together and kill them bastards!"

"Yes! Kill them, our Longevity Village will not allow others to invade!"

"However you kill, we can't even get out." The village chief said in a deep voice.

The surroundings were silent for a while, and a large basin of cold water was just poured down, cooling from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.

Bai Lengye took a careful look at the restriction, and then said, "Maybe I can think of a way."

"Can you lift it?" the village chief asked in surprise.

Bai Leng and Ye Ning said: "It can only be broken, I can attack a few points of it, and you attack this place together, and then you can rush out."

"Okay." The village chief nodded and agreed, and the people behind him were also excited.

Bai Lengye exhaled lightly, leaped into mid-air, and punched it with a fist, at the same time, Hong Ming Dao swept away.

"It's now!" Bai Lengye shouted.


Almost as soon as he shouted, those people on the ground started to attack at the same time. The terrifying energy directly penetrated the restraining defense, and some people outside were directly blown hundreds of meters away.


Many young men rushed out together, those enemies were caught off guard, after a short rest for 2 minutes, Bai Hanye immediately joined the battle again.

Those outside who came to the rescue also joined in, and the people on the Eternal Emperor's side gradually couldn't resist.


Suddenly, enemies appeared in all directions. There were about 200 people.

Seeing this, Bai Lengye immediately jumped out of the crowd and came to a place where there were many enemies. Hong Ming Dao swept across and killed four or five people directly.

"Bai Lengye, your life is mine!"

A terrifying cold light appeared, Bai Lengye slipped, and his body fell back tens of meters. The place where he was standing before was immediately blasted into a deep hole.

"The technique is pretty good." Bai Lengye said with a smile.

"There are better ones."

The man who made the move sneered, and with a pair of sticks in his hand, he waved the afterimages all over the sky, and smashed it towards Bai Lengye's head with bursts of sonic boom.

Hongming's saber blocked the top of his head, and the man's double cudgels snapped. He raised his foot and kicked the opponent's chest.

The man dodged immediately, looked at the broken double stick in his hand, and threw it on the ground casually.

"Good knife."

"A good knife deserves a good man, and it is your honor to die under its knife today."

Bai Lengye said slowly.

A dart hit from the side, Bai Lengye easily caught it with his fingers, and flung it back with his hand. Suddenly, there was a scream.

"Blood protection method, quick battle and quick decision, the emperor summoned us to go back."

A long-haired woman came to the front, the long sword in her hand was stained with blood, and some rotten flesh was still stained on her robe.

"Bai Leng Ye?" The woman turned around and asked.

Bai Lengye narrowed his eyes, this woman probably also has the strength of Ascension Realm, if the two join forces, the pressure will not be too small.

"Let's go, it's important to go back."

Bai Lengye exhaled, watched the two leave, and looked around, the battle was basically over.

In the final count, more than ten people were lost in Changshou Village, seven or eight of those who came to the rescue died, and countless casualties were also suffered by the enemy.

After the battle, the injured went to recuperate. The village head gathered everyone together, and after being grateful, he said that he would take out the fountain of youth to thank everyone.

Everyone was very excited, they all wanted to see what the legendary fountain of youth looked like.

The village head took out a small bottle, and under the gaze of the audience, he slowly uncorked the bottle. Immediately, a strong fragrance wafted out, and everyone was shocked.

The strong breath of life made everyone jump wildly, and they even had a feeling that if they drank all of this bottle, they might be able to live for thousands of years.

The village chief took out a few small cups and poured a few drops into them. With so many people coming down, the half bottle might be gone.

Bai Lengye stared at the Fountain of Youth, it was the first time he had seen this thing, but although it could increase life span, he didn't use it, it was almost enough for his wife or parents.

But when everyone was paying attention to the Fountain of Youth, no one noticed that a figure appeared quietly.

Blood flew, the village chief spat out blood, and finally hit the wall hard, and the Fountain of Youth in his hand was also caught by that person.

Everyone in the room was stunned. What happened was just a flash of lightning, and they didn't even have time to react.

"village head!"

Everyone exclaimed: "How are you, village chief!" Everyone got up and rushed over.

"Quick, quick...Fountain of Youth...cough cough..." The village chief closed his eyes, passed out, and blood was still oozing out of his mouth.

Bai Lengye rushed out first, but he only saw a figure from behind, and when he was chasing after him, he could see nothing.

"Bai Lengye, if you don't want to die, get out as far away as possible, you'd better not meddle in our business..."

The ethereal voice came from all directions, Bai Lengye clenched his fists tightly, and he realized that he couldn't find the other party's trace at all.

"What about people?"

The people behind also caught up.

"Let him run away." Bai Lengye's face was ugly.

Bai Lengye thought that his speed was already very fast, who would have thought that the opponent's speed was even faster, and directly snatched the Fountain of Youth from under the noses of many masters, and even injured the village chief.

"Go back and see how the village chief is doing."

After Bai Lengye turned around and went back, he saw the crowd surrounding the village chief. After checking the other party's injuries, his expression was gloomy and terrifying.

"The essence of the meridians in the body, the internal organs have been displaced, and it is hopeless."

Bai Lengye said slowly.


"Village chief! You can't be bothered!"

Some elders burst into tears in pain, and some even rushed out to fight the enemy with their lives.

Seeing this, Bai Lengye could only sigh, no matter how powerful his medical skills were, he could not save the current village head.

(End of this chapter)

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