The last cultivator

Chapter 439 It turns out like this

Chapter 439 It turns out like this

After a few days of starvation, people will eat even white steamed buns, let alone hairy crabs.

But after being hungry for too long, I couldn't even lift my hands, and I could only nibble on a hairy crab slowly.

Several people ate voraciously, and about two hours later, at least 100 hairy crabs entered their mouths.

After eating more than 100 people, although several people were full, they all vomited out after a while, even stomach acid.

After they returned to the warehouse exhausted, they slept all night. The next day, their lips turned purple, and they were actually poisoned.

"I forgot, I actually forgot, eating too many hairy crabs will cause poisoning." The captain said angrily.

"So are we, it's all because of hunger, otherwise we wouldn't have eaten so much."

A few people regretted it very much. As top mercenaries, they had forgotten this little common sense. If it got out, their reputation would be ruined.

"Haha, what do you guys think?"

Bai Lengye walked in with the soldiers.

"not so good."

"It's fine if it's not good. Now I've invited you to dinner, so I'm going to let you go."

Bai Lengye turned around and went out. After a while, several people were brought over. They couldn't stand still and could only lean on the wall.

"Let's go." Bai Leng Ye said.

"How do we go?"

After several people looked at the endless sea in front of them, their legs and feet became weak.

"Just swim there like this, don't worry, I have already calculated that it is about 1000 kilometers from here to the nearest land, I believe you guys will definitely be able to swim there."

"I rely on!"

The man in the camouflage uniform cursed directly, sat down on the ground, closed his eyes, and lay down on the ground.

"Captain, he just wants us to feed the sharks to death, I will fight with her"

As soon as the voice fell, a soldier kicked him from behind and knocked him to the ground, unable to even get up.

"Bai Leng Ye, what on earth are you going to do? Kill us if you have the guts!" The only blonde girl shouted angrily.

"Hey, you are full. I think you ate the most vigorously just now, but you vomited a lot."

Hearing this, the blond woman's face was very ugly. She glanced at her teammates and lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Bai Lengye, what exactly are you going to do, don't beat around the bush, just tell us what you want us to do."

The captain said lightly.

"I don't want you to do anything, because I already know who the buyer is, so I don't think you have much use value. I just want to see what abilities you have as top mercenaries."

"Bullshit, let you starve for half a month, if you can run [-] meters, I will take your last name!"

"Sorry, I can go without eating, drinking or sleeping for a month, and running a thousand kilometers is a piece of cake."

Bai Lengye smiled.

Several people fainted and fell to the ground, they knew that Bai Lengye was brushing them, and wanted to watch them make a fool of themselves.

"Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

The blond woman stood up, stumbled and rushed out, and was about to hit her head on the stone to death.

"Third sister don't want it!"

Everyone exclaimed, but they couldn't catch up if they wanted to save people, so they could only watch Sanmei's head hit the rock.

There was a sound of head shattering, and the third sister immediately fell into a pool of blood, not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

"Three sisters!"

The captain exclaimed, gritted his teeth, got up and rushed over, while several of his team members were red-eyed, murderous looking for Bai Lengye.

Several people were directly knocked down to the ground by the soldiers, Bai Lengye looked at them with a smile.

"You killed Third Sister, I want your life."

The captain's eyes were bloodshot, and a powerful killing intent emanated from his body, as he tightly grasped a stone in his hand.

"Don't be nervous, that kind of impact can at most turn you into a vegetative state, rather than dying directly. Believe in my vision, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

Bai Lengye pointed to the third sister and said.

"Go to hell, bastard!" A person threw a stone over, and when it came to Bai Lengye, it turned into powder and dissipated.

Bai Lengye grabbed from the air, and the third sister fell under his feet, looking at the other party's bleeding head, and looked up at several people.

"Give me back my third sister!" Several people rushed forward, gathered all their strength, and swung stones at Bai Lengye's brain.

The stone shattered, and several people fell to the ground together. The heavy pressure was like a mountain pressing on their shoulders, and they couldn't move at all.

"For the sake of your unity, I promise to save her life..."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye performed the healing technique, and after a while, the wound on the third sister's head began to heal, and a rosy color appeared on her pale face.


The technique of bringing the dead back to life appeared in front of their eyes, and several people were completely stunned.

"Third Sister, you are fine, take Third Sister."

"What's wrong with me?"

Third Sister sat up, her head hurt so badly, she was asked to hold her head and cry out in pain.

"By the way, didn't I crash and die just now? Could it be that now..."

The other party looked at her brothers and forced a smile: "Have you all come to accompany me? It's fine if you die, so you don't have to see that big devil, Bai Lengye."

"You still said that even a ghost would never let me go." Bai Lengye said with a chuckle.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

The third sister suddenly stood up and kicked over with one kick, the momentum and speed were many times faster than before.

After Bai Lengye dodged, the opponent's kick broke a stone the size of a millstone, under the kick, it was as fragile as foam.

For a moment, everyone was stunned. Third Sister looked at her feet in disbelief, as if she was dreaming.

"Do you feel stronger than before?"

"You, what did you do to me, didn't you..."

While talking, the third sister's face changed drastically, and she jumped in front of several people, staring at Bai Lengye coldly.

Bai Lengye smiled and didn't speak, and several people were also silent, and they became deadlocked.

After a while, a voice came from the captain's mouth: "Sanmei, it seems we have misunderstood him."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

"I mean..." The captain took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "We may have really misunderstood him."

"Misunderstanding?" Several people showed surprise.

"Yes, I did this because I wanted to stimulate your respective potentials, and it seems to have almost succeeded."

Bai Lengye pointed at Sanmei and said, "She is probably at the peak of a martial artist. One of her can beat ten of you. Believe it or not?"

Several people shook their heads in disbelief.

Bai Lengye clapped his hands, and a dozen well-trained soldiers came out from behind. They followed Bai Lengye's order and made ruthless moves against the third sister, and every move was fatal.

Although they are top-notch mercenaries, it is still unrealistic to fight more than a dozen soldiers. Even the captain of their Xiaolong team is not close, let alone the third sister of the female class.

But today was different. The third sister was as if she had been slapped with chicken blood. She shot quickly and her movements were clean and neat. In just one minute, she performed some dazzling movements and beat those soldiers to the ground.

"Wow, Sanmei, you've become so powerful." The man in the camouflage uniform swallowed and spit.

"I didn't lie to you." Bai Lengye said.

"What are you doing this for?" the captain said slowly.

"It's very simple." Bai Lengye pointed to his tallest building: "I want you to protect the safety of the people in that building, and there must be no mistakes."

"The defense here should be very tight."

"Although it is strict, you have also seen it. When you meet a powerful practitioner, these are just decorations."

"Although we are top mercenaries, we can't beat you practitioners."

Bai Lengye said: "That's why I give you strength to protect this place. I believe that with your experience, you should be able to deal with some ordinary enemies?"

"Why do you trust us so much? You are not afraid that we will go back on our word, or someone who directly threatens you..."

"I believe in your Xiaolong team. I have checked all the backgrounds of you guys."

Bai Lengye took out a stack of documents and said, "You were all trained and brought up by an old man. You have no relatives or friends since you were young. You started training at the age of eight and have been training for nearly 20 years."

"The first murder was in a slum, and you got [-] dollars for killing a black boss there."

"Later, you became bigger and bigger, and your reputation became more and more famous. Now, in the mercenary team, your character is the best, at least you will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"That's all?" Third Sister said coldly, but she still didn't let go of her vigilance.

"Of course, I rely mainly on these..."

Bai Lengye took out some photos, all of them were in an orphanage, hugging their children.

"Except for your own use, the rest of the money you earn is donated to welfare organizations. So much, more than five hundred million?"

"It's something we do in private, nobody knows, where did you get these pictures?"

"I have my channels. There is no news in the world that I can't get. These are nothing."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye raised his hand and threw a few pills into the mouths of several people: "If you eat this, you will become very powerful. Don't resist, or you will be very sad."

A few people frowned, and their expressions were very painful, but after a while, the man in the camouflage uniform stood up, stepped on the ground with his feet, and jumped more than ten meters high.

"I, I can fly!"

As soon as the other party finished laughing, he was pulled down by the gravity of the earth and fell into a big pit.

After a while, the rest of them were all healed, and now, their mother has reached the peak strength of a martial artist.

Bai Lengye nodded in satisfaction, this is what he wanted.

"Wake up."

Bai Lengye clapped his hands, suddenly, the scene in front of him changed, they appeared in the warehouse again, and those people were sitting on the stools one by one.

"Welcome to return to reality from the dream." Bai Lengye said unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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