The last cultivator

Chapter 462 Troubled Times Arrived

Chapter 462 Troubled Times Arrived
After Bai Lengye came to the second floor, he finally understood why there was a commotion just now. It turned out that those brats were fighting.

After he stopped them, those brats told him that they were all fighting for the position of the second-tier boss.

Bai Lengye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it's not a big deal, these ghosts are going to be the boss, but no matter who is the boss, he still controls their life and death.

But when he wanted to return to the third floor, he found that the door was blocked and he couldn't go in again.

Bai Lengye had no choice but to leave here, and after going out, he thought about how to use the Tongtian Tower.

But five days later, Lin Ling came to him suddenly. The other party felt very uncomfortable for the past few days. There was an inexplicable force flowing in his body, and even Lin Kong couldn't help it.

Bai Lengye checked for the other party, and was also taken aback. There was a very powerful force in Lin Ling's body, which was scurrying around in her body, destroying the meridians.

This power was too powerful, Ling Feng didn't dare to take it out rashly, otherwise Lin Ling's life would be in danger, so he could only temporarily seal this power.

After being sealed, Lin Ling absorbed the remaining power, and her strength increased by several levels, reaching the peak of the Martial God in one fell swoop.

When Bai Lengye asked the other party what happened, Lin Ling told him that the other party went out to play a few days ago and found a strange thing in a cave. After reaching out to grab it, the thing ran into her in the body.

At first she didn't pay attention, but after a while, she felt her body was very hot, and it was useless to try to cool down.

Later, she really had no other choice, so she came to look for Bai Lengye.

After hearing the other party's speech, Bai Lengye was still a little scared. If Lin Ling came to him a few days later, the force might blow up the other party. At that time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Then, Bai Lengye sent the other party back, handed Lin Ling to Lin Kong, told the other party about the power in Lin Ling's body, and asked the other party to pay attention to it at all times.

And just when Bai Lengye was about to go home, a phone call made him have to leave and rushed to Huang Ying's house.

In a few days, he and Huang Ying were going to get married. He was busy these days, so he didn't have time to see each other. Huang Ying missed her so much, so she made a phone call.

Bai Lengye rushed to Huang's house, enjoyed the treatment of Huang's son-in-law, and then picked up Huang Ying.

They were not in a hurry to go back, but flew directly to the romantic capital, ready to go shopping and play.

The two had a great time, but halfway through, they were interrogated by the police, and neither of them had passports, so they were about to be taken away by the police as smugglers.

At the critical moment, Bai Hanye could only use some simple tricks to make the policeman think that they had passports and escaped safely.

After playing for a day and a night, they didn't go back until the next day, and brought a lot of things to Xiaoyu.

On the third day, Bai Lengye went to Yunxiao Palace to bring Xi Ruo back. The three women lived under one roof, and Bai Lengye enjoyed the best.

Ordinary days always pass quickly, and within a few days, their wedding arrived.

After preparing for most of the day, the two women boarded the helicopter and flew straight to heaven.

Bai Lengye had already made preparations. The wedding this time was not too luxurious. He just invited some very good friends over, and he didn't tell those people that he was the king, so many people were still kept in the dark in.

The wedding was held smoothly. After the ceremony, people left one after another. Ling Feng took the three of them on the cruise ship to travel around the world.

This cruise ship is not too big, but it has security guards, chefs, and a multi-functional audio-visual hall. It has everything that can be played.

Because he was enjoying the world of four people, so on the way, Bai Lengye asked the chef to go to the tourist area, and he took the three of them by himself in the boat.

The sea is always endless, you never know where the end is, you can only keep moving forward.

Along the way, they encountered waves and so on many times. Bai Lengye accompanied the three of them to experience the power of nature, and he would not use spells to resist unless it was a critical moment.

A week later, his cruise ship was finally completely scrapped, and the engine couldn't start, but several people didn't call for help, but let the cruise ship move forward with the wind.

When he was hungry, Bai Lengye went to the sea to catch fish to eat, and when he was thirsty, he used spells to get some clear water out. Anyway, he was not hungry and thirsty, and he could still enjoy the sunshine every day.

It's just that this kind of life didn't last long, that is, half a month later, they encountered a luxurious cruise ship, but that cruise ship was in danger, and thousands of people on the cruise ship were trapped.

At the beginning, Bai Hanye didn't know it, but when he accidentally found someone calling for help, he knew that the cruise ship was in danger.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Bai Hanye to stand idly by, but instead of taking action directly, he created some supernatural phenomena.

For example, when those bad guys are sleeping at night, they fly up into the air and fall into the sea, their guns shoot themselves, or the sound of ghosts crying.

In just half a day, those people were scared to death. Many people couldn't bear the fear and jumped into the sea directly, while some wanted to kill, but were killed by his own gun.

After all the villains were dead, Bai Lengye quietly drove away in the boat. Before leaving, he also removed a lot of red wine and fruits from the cruise ship.

In this way, Bai Lengye and the others continued to play in the sea, crossing tens of thousands of miles of sea, passing through hundreds of countries, big and small, and they would not return until two months later.

Two months can be said to be long or short. When I left, the season was still summer, but when I came back, it had already turned into autumn.

At that time, the weeds in their yard were also very short, and now they are almost knee-length when they come back.The house is also full of dust.

After finding someone to clean it, the few people stayed, and Bai Lengye put down the three of them and came to the bank's headquarters.

Looking at all the money in my account, it adds up to more than 500 billion. Of course, this is just liquidity. If assets are included, it may be no less than 8000 billion.

This is a lot of money, but Bai Hanye can't spend forever, there will always be a day when he squanders it all.

But he also knew that it was impossible for him to squander all these people, because the cultivators would come soon, and it was still unknown whether he could survive.

And if he survives, he will go to the cultivation world, and maybe after he goes, he will never come back.

After leaving the bank headquarters, Bai Lengye returned home. After discussing with his family, Bai Lengye finally made a decision.

He decided to use all his money for charity, and donate the rest except for the necessary money.

But this donation is not to others, but to people in other countries, so that they can send people to find help in poor areas around the world.

He didn't think about the consequences of doing so, and he didn't want to think about it, because time was really running out.

Half a month later, the sky began to rain coldly. Bai Lengye came to the old man's house and found that no one had lived here for a long time, and the old head hadn't been back for several months.

Bai Lengye called the other party, reminding him that the machine was shut down. With no other choice, he came to the place where the Emperor was.

To his surprise, the Emperor's cave was actually able to enter, Bai Lengye stepped in immediately without hesitation.

The main hall has become empty, the huge bronze coffin has also disappeared, and the entire main hall is empty with nothing.

"Where did everyone go?"

Bai Lengye's brows were tightly furrowed, and after he dodged to this place, not long after, he came to Fengmen Village.

"Ruichen, are you there, Heavenly Ghost Buddha King, get out!"

Bai Lengye yelled at the dry well, but there was no response inside the dry well, to be exact, there was no one inside, even the ghosts that often wandered around disappeared.

"People, where have they all gone, it's impossible for them to disappear all at once."

Bai Lengye had a bad premonition in his heart, and then he went to the inner gate, to the place where he saw the general.

This place is still exactly the same as before, there is no trace of the other party, Bai Lengye did not find the general, and he came to the place where he picked the medicinal materials back then.

At that time, he absorbed a lot of spiritual energy here, which allowed him to advance successfully, but this time in ancient times, all that appeared in front of him were barren grasslands and collapsed thatched huts.

"Something must have happened, but why is it so fast that no one can see it?"

Bai Lengye frowned and fell into deep thought. During the few months he played at sea, he didn't get any news. It stands to reason that if there was something important, these people would not have reminded him, unless...

Thinking of the terrible thought, Bai Lengye shuddered, and immediately came back to his senses.

He also hopes that what he just thought of will not happen, otherwise...

The cell phone in his pocket vibrated, Bai Lengye picked up the cell phone, it was a message, an unknown number, asking him to go to Eternal Mountain to meet the Eternal Emperor.

Bai Lengye didn't hesitate, and flew away immediately. An hour later, he arrived at Eternal Mountain.

This Eternal Mountain has not changed much from before, but the only thing that has changed is that there are fewer people, almost no one can be seen.

Bai Lengye didn't stop, and immediately walked into the hall, and found that the Eternal Emperor had been waiting for him for a long time.

Before he could speak, the Eternal Emperor said: "They have already left, and the troubled times have arrived."

"What? So fast!" Bai Lengye said in shock.

The Eternal Emperor sighed, and said slowly: "I also only found out a few days ago that those cultivators have opened up a channel, and they should come here soon."

"Then what about them, could it be..."

"Yes, they have all rushed over. Above the Valkyrie, including the masters of the Valkyrie realm, they have all gone to fight."

"And I, waiting for you to come over today, have something very important to ask you to help."

"what's up?"

Bai Lengye asked in a condensed voice.

(End of this chapter)

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