Chapter 464

When Bai Lengye returned home, the house was already empty, but when he was sitting in a daze, the whole villa trembled like an earthquake.

Bai Lengye immediately went out, looked up, and saw the far east, where the flames were so bright that even the clouds in the sky were burnt red.

He knew that something must have happened there, and immediately rushed over there. Not long after, he came to the sky above the suburbs, and at his feet, there were people fighting.

He recognized them, some of them were cultivators, but the other man was wearing ancient corrosion, stepped on a flying sword, and the runes in his hands spewed out flames, and the powerful force suppressed those cultivators I can't even lift my head up.


Bai Lengye's eyes froze, and he recognized it at a glance, the opponent was using the hair, the so-called Yujian flying under his feet, and the strength of the opponent was at least at the peak of the Ascension Realm.

In the past, he would definitely have had a hard time fighting against masters at the peak of the Ascension Realm, but now, he is already a master of foundation building.

Bai Lengye flew over, and the cultivator found him immediately, but he was relieved after realizing the strong qi in his body, and mistakenly thought that Bai Lengye was also with them.

"Fellow Daoist, please join hands with me to kill these ants."

"it is good."

Bai Lengye nodded expressionlessly, Hong Ming saber slashed across the air under his feet, and the terrifying blade light swept across most of the sky.

The cultivator let out a sigh of relief, he didn't expect these ants in front of him to be quite powerful, they didn't die after killing them for so long, and luckily a master stronger than him came at this time.

But when he was distracted and thinking, the light of Ling Feng's sword that was originally slashing at the cultivator suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and then, the terrifying light of the sword appeared on the top of the cultivator's head.

"you do……"


The cultivator couldn't figure out why, his own people would attack his own people, but it was too late for him to ask, because Bai Lengye cut him in half with a knife.


Bai Lengye took a breath, if the other party hadn't been careless, he might not have been able to kill the other party with one blow, it could be called a fluke.

His eyes swept over those cultivators, and he asked, "How is the war going now?"

"Senior, there are more than 300 practitioners here. Many seniors stopped most of the masters on the small island, but a small number of them came to the mainland and are intercepting and killing our practitioners."

"Okay, I see, you guys leave first, be careful on the road."

"Thank you for your kindness, senior." Several people clasped their fists together, and then left.

Bai Lengye sighed, and was about to turn around and leave, when suddenly, there was a shocking explosion from the west side of the city.

Bai Leng was startled, and rushed over without even thinking about it. Not long after, he came to a wound in a military area that was burning with fire.

The military area seemed to have been bombarded by missiles, the entire base was flattened, and there were dead and wounded soldiers everywhere on the ground, but several young people stepped on the corpses laughingly and chatting.

"Brother, these people are too rubbish, they will die with a light touch, and they have no challenge at all."

"Haha, don't tell me, junior brother, haven't you noticed that the women here are all beautiful? Those white thighs make me very angry."

"Let's go, let's grab some women for fun."

"Go back and play with your mother!"

There was an icy sound, and a slap fell from the sky, and slapped the three of them. One of them made a sound of horror, and a pagoda appeared in his hand, directly blocking the huge slap.

Dodging without any risk, the three of them were drenched in cold sweat, and immediately shouted angrily: "Which bastard is attacking us, get out!"

"Are you looking for me?"

Bai Lengye quietly appeared behind one person, pierced the other person's back with the Hongming knife in his hand, and blood sprayed on the faces of the two people.


Bai Lengye shook his hand and pulled out the long knife, hot blood splashed on his body, his bewitching face became incomparably indifferent.

"You are also a cultivator, why did you attack us!" The remaining two shouted with red eyes.

"Although I am a cultivator, I am not as inhuman as you are."

Bai Leng Ye Ling walked over with the knife, raised her arm, and quickly lowered it again. The pagoda was directly smashed to pieces, and the two people inside were directly killed.

Bai Lengye exuded a cold murderous aura all over his body. After sweeping his gaze around, the black and white wings appeared behind him, and left here ten times faster than usual.

Not long after, Bai Lengye came to Yunxiao Palace, and all the disciples were already waiting for him.

There is no nonsense, Bai Lengye glanced at the thousands of people, and his voice spread to everyone's ears: "The cultivator has already been killed, it is the so-called troubled times, everyone knows it."

"I am the new chosen one, and I can lead you to resist the enemy."

"For our homeland, what should we do!?"

"Kill! Kill all those cultivators and drive them all back!"

The resounding voices of thousands of people broke through the sky and spread far and far among the cliffs. Of course, it was very exciting.

"Follow me and meet the people from the Blood Sword Sect."

Bai Lengye flew to the front, thousands of people behind him marched mighty forward, leaving only a few people stationed in Yunxiao Palace.

At this moment, everyone in the Blood Sword Sect was besieging two cultivators. Those two cultivators were too powerful, so they had to besieged by the entire Blood Sword Sect.

From the beginning to the present, hundreds of disciples of the Blood Sword Sect were killed or injured, but the two cultivators were unscathed, killing people thousands of miles away with a flying sword in their hands, making it impossible to guard against.

Bai Lengye was the first to rush over and saw many disciples died under the flying sword.

His eyes were bloodshot, Bai Lengye swung his knife and slashed down fiercely, a white-robed cultivator waved his hand and used a defensive magic weapon to block it, with a bang, the magic weapon in the opponent's hand broke.

"Foundation master!"

The two exclaimed at the same time, actually flying away in two different directions at the same time.

"Stop him for me!"

Xi Ruo gave a cold shout, and led the Yunxiao Palace disciples who came later to rush over. More than ten people stopped the cultivator who was about to escape.

And Bai Lengye went to hunt down another one.

"Go away, ants, you're the only ones trying to stop me!"

The man looked ferocious, and he took out a long spear in his hand. There was faintly thunder and lightning beating on it, and the aura of destruction rippling out.

Xi Ruo looked indifferent, and more than a dozen disciples surrounded him, and then she stabbed straight with the long sword in her hand.

Here, Bai Lengye fought with the white-robed cultivator. It must be said that after he entered the Foundation Establishment, his strength increased by more than ten times.

The white-robed cultivator in front of him at least has the strength of the middle stage of Transcendence Realm. A few days ago, with the strength of Ascension Realm, he would definitely not be able to defeat the opponent.

But now, after he has the foundation building strength, he is stunned that the oppressive opponent can't change hands. If he used the ultimate move as soon as he came up, he probably would have killed the opponent in seconds.

"Who are you, who are you, and why did you sneak attack us!"

The man in white robe was anxious, he knew that he was not Bai Lengye's opponent, he kept retreating, but he was cornered by Bai Lengye step by step.

"There are so many reasons, you will know when you die."

"No! I am a disciple of Tianxiaomen, my master will kill you!"

The man in white robe roared, but it was useless to shout, Bai Lengye chopped off the opponent's head with a knife, Gululu fell towards the cliff.

The man's body fell from a high altitude and slammed onto the rocks, turning into a puddle of mud.

After killing this person, Bai Lengye turned his head to look at the other one, and Xiruo was standing opposite that person. Although it looked a bit difficult, he could barely make a draw.

Bai Lengye hurriedly came to the man, grabbed the man with his palm, and strangled the man's neck tightly.

"Forgive me... run away..." the man begged bitterly.

"Tell me, how many people have you come here this time, and who are the masters?"

"No... I don't know, we have more than a dozen sects, but I know that there are more than 100 Qi training masters, more than ten foundation building masters, and there are a few Jindan Nascent Soul masters left."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye's face became ugly, and then he squeezed the opponent's throat with force, causing the cultivator's eyes to widen.

Bai Lengye casually threw the body into the cliff, looked around with a sullen face, these two soldiers alone caused heavy losses to the Blood Sword Sect, how could the ones in the back fight.

There are more than a dozen foundation-building masters, and those Jindan Nascent Soul masters, he will not be an opponent at all.

But those masters have not come now, they must have been stopped by the old man.

"Xi Ruo, the team under your rectification, we will rush to the inner gate in a while and join the big team."

Xiruo nodded, and flew to the ground.

Bai Lengye took a deep breath, looked into the distance, and secretly prayed in his heart that the old man and the others would be fine, because the final victory might depend on them.

More than half an hour later, the team was rehabilitated, and the injured stayed behind to recuperate. Those who were not injured added up to nearly 2000 people.

Because the inner gate is not far from here, the two thousand people went on the road together. The road was mighty, and when viewed from a high altitude, it was all dark.

Not long after, I came to the entrance of the inner door. Someone was watching here, but now there is no one, and there are bloodstains on the ground.

Bai Lengye led the way into the inner door, and not long after entering, he saw smoke rising from several sects.

"Divided into 500 people, a total of four waves, four directions to support."

"Xi Ruo, you lead a place, Great Elder, you lead a team, and the remaining team is led by the three elders. No matter what the result is, they will finally gather at the central position."


With a big wave of his hand, Bai Lengye led his 500 people away first.

(End of this chapter)

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