The last cultivator

Chapter 472 Inheritance?

Chapter 472 Inheritance?

The battle has never stopped. Since the arrival of the cultivators, there will be gunpowder in every corner of the earth.

At first, the smoke was spread all over Asia, but after a few months, it spread all over the world, comparable to the virus outbreak many years ago.

This time, there was another fierce battle between the inner sect and the cultivators. Although the battle was fierce, after they paid a price of more than 1 people, the cultivators were finally temporarily repelled.

As for Bai Lengye himself, he had to lie in the hospital for more than a whole month before he recovered.

Last time, it was because he took out the Tongtian Pagoda that the two Nascent Soul masters fought on their own. Later, their friends and helpers also started to fight. In the end, they didn't need to do it themselves at all. It's a mess.

That battle ended just like that because of the civil strife. The inner sect lost more than 1 people, seriously injured more than 2 people, and less than 100 cultivators died.

This terrifying number is shocking to hear, and when I saw the pile of corpses, I couldn't describe it in words.

More than a month after the war, the world fell into tranquility for a short time, and the practitioners could no longer be seen in every corner. They seemed to have disappeared and evaporated from the world.

But everyone knows that what they see now is only on the surface, and those cultivators may be brewing a bigger conspiracy!

The sky was drizzling, and Bai Lengye hurriedly walked on the street. He came out of a meeting just now, and now he is preparing to go back.

Encountering a red crossroad ahead, Bai Lengye had no choice but to stop and wait. Unexpectedly, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

It was a call from a private number. After the call was connected, there was no sound from the other side. Bai Lengye thought someone was playing a prank and was about to hang up, but suddenly there was a sinister laugh.

"Bai Leng Ye is yours, I have worked so hard to find you."

"Who are you? Don't play tricks, tell me your name."

"I... Jie Jie, my name is White Face Scholar, do you recognize me?"

"I know the white-eyed wolf, but I don't know the scholar."

Bai Lengye sneered.

"Jie Jie." The gloomy voice came coldly: "Your woman is in my hands, if you don't want her to die, you come here alone!"

Hearing this, Bai Lengye was nervous for a while, but when he contacted them quietly, he found that they were all fine. So, who is the woman the other party is talking about?
"Could it be her?" Bai Lengye suddenly thought of a person, this person had a great relationship with him in the past, but later they went their separate ways, and finally became ordinary friends due to various reasons.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Lengye hesitated at the crossroads, but in the end, impulse overcame reason and turned back.

Not long after, he came to the abandoned warehouse that the other party said, and here, he met the white-faced scholar.

The white-faced scholar at this moment has become very different from before. Some time ago, the other party was alone, but now he is no longer alone. His face is covered with sores, and his arms are bloody, as if he has been eaten by a tiger. The same, densely packed with tooth marks, the bei cold leaf is about to vomit.

"Bai Leng Ye, today I will not let you leave here alive!"

"Scholar, there is no enmity between me and you. Mumu is my friend, and I didn't say to steal your woman."

"Get out! It's too late for you to beg for mercy now. I like Miss Mumu. If it weren't for you, we would already be together."

"It's all about you, everything is about you, it's you who broke us up, I'll make you die!"

The white-faced scholar seemed to have gone mad, he rushed towards Bai Lengye recklessly, spit out a mouthful of venom, and came in front of Bai Lengye in an instant.

Bai Lengye evaded sideways, the acidic venom directly corroded a hole in the ground, Zizi was still emitting white smoke.

"Where did you learn such a poisonous skill?"

Bai Lengye's complexion was very ugly. He was originally a normal person, but his eyes and reason were fascinated by the beauty. He thought that the other party could turn back, but now he has become like this. He is neither human nor ghost. .

"All I did was to kill you. I have experienced cruel torture and pain. I swore that I would kill you!"

"Today is the day of your death, Bai Hanye!"

"Wait, where is Zhang Xiu?"

"When you die, you still think about other women, Mu Mu is really blind, I will kill you for her!"

The scholar rushed over again, exuding a strength no less than his own, which surprised Bai Lengye.

After exchanging dozens of strokes, the two separated and retreated, Bai Lengye glanced at his palm, it was already black, as if he had been poisoned.

"I am the poisonous hand, you have been poisoned by me, you can only survive if you cripple your hands."

"You think too much, any poison is not enough to see in front of my arm."

After Bai Lengye finished speaking in a low voice, he circulated his strength, streaks appeared on the unicorn's arms, and finally the venom in both palms was easily dissolved by him.


The scholar was furious. He never expected that the venomous hand he had cultivated so hard could not do harm to Bai Lengye, which made him feel like he was being tricked.

"Try all the other tricks, but now that you have become like this, it's really disgusting, even a blind man wouldn't like you." Bai Lengye sneered.

"you wanna die!"

The scholar was extremely furious, black smoke spewed out from his sleeve robe, but there were dozens of poisonous snakes hidden in the black smoke, Bai Lengye pointed out with his finger, the sky fire directly pierced through the poisonous snake's head, and even the black smoke evaporated up.

"Huh?" Bai Lengye snorted, stepped back a few steps, and his cheeks turned pale.

"Haha, you have been poisoned by my colorless and odorless poison, no one can save you, this time you are doomed, within 3 minutes you will die suddenly!"

"Really, I'm afraid I will disappoint you again this time."

Bai Lengye shook his head, swallowed a elixir, and then slapped his chest with a palm, a mouthful of black blood spurted out from his mouth, and his pale face gradually returned to normal.

"!" The bookish body trembled, and he pointed at Bai Lengye, unable to utter a word.

"Use all other means together, but it's best not to use poison, that thing doesn't work for me."

Bai Lengye said calmly.

"Okay, you forced me to do this, then I will make you four happy today!"

The scholar let out a loud shout, poisonous mist flew out of his sleeve robe, and a terrifying murderous intent pervaded the ground, turning the ground under his feet into black.

There was a trace of vigilance in Bai Lengye's eyes. Although he was careless on the surface, he didn't dare to be careless in his heart. Who knows if this scholar has more powerful moves. If he is careless, he will be the one who will die.

When the scholar released his killing move, Bai Lengye also made preparations for defense, but what surprised him was that after the scholar released the attack, he turned around and ran away.

Bai Lengye deciphered the attack, and the scholar had run away without a trace.

The phone rang, and a vicious voice came: "You wait for me, I will come back and kill you!"

Bai Lengye laughed immediately, he realized that this scholar was really crazy, thinking of killing him next time.

I'm afraid, the real killer next time will be the other party.

When her thoughts came back to her senses, Bai Lengye walked into the warehouse and saw Zhang Xiu who was unconscious and tied up by five flowers.

After he untied the other party, Zhang Xiu woke up slowly. Seeing Bai Lengye, she was startled for a while, and then a trace of shame appeared in her eyes.

"It's all right, then I'm leaving."

"Thank you." Zhang Xiu whispered softly from behind.

Bai Lengye stopped, but didn't look back, just shrugged, and then walked away.

Looking at Bai Lengye's leaving back, Zhang Xiu was in a daze for a while, and suddenly, she seemed to feel that the two were still together, a young couple, still worrying about making a living.

However, this is just a dream in the end. She has nothing to do with the other party. Now the other party's achievements are something she will look up to for several lifetimes.

If you say regret, I'm afraid she is the one who regrets it. Every time she thinks of this, Zhang Xiu feels inexplicably sad in her heart.

It took 30 years for Hedong, but it took only a few short years for Bai Lengye to do it. Zhang Xiu thought, if she hadn't done that at the beginning, maybe she would be the one who married the other party today.

It's just a pity that there is no regret medicine to take...

After Bai Lengye left, he just forgot about the previous incident. To him, Zhang Xi was just a passer-by after all. The two of them had nothing to do with each other anymore. Just go your own way.

Bai Lengye returned home with some delicious food, had a reunion dinner with his wife's family, and then sat in the courtyard, thinking about what would happen in the future.

Now, the cultivators have been here for almost half a year, and in just half a year, they have caused unimaginable damage to the earth.

Although there was no news about them during this period, before that, those cultivators did all kinds of evil. It cannot be said that they killed ordinary people at will, but when they destroyed something, many ordinary people would suffer.

Now people all over the world know that a group of people came here and caused damage to the earth, and these people are cultivators who only appeared in ancient times.

People with supernatural powers in some foreign countries can only be said to be powerless. Even the most powerful people with teleportation skills are unwilling to make enemies with cultivators.

Most of these people are not alone. They have families and relatives behind them. They should not ignore the comfort of their family members for the sake of impulsiveness.Bai Lengye was very interested in the Tongtian Tower in his hand, but he could only enter the second floor, but he couldn't enter the third floor.

However, according to the ancient records, the Tongtian Pagoda suppressed many peerless culprits at that time. These culprits could not even be resisted by powerful cultivators. In the end, it was the Tongtian Sect Master who recovered and suppressed those culprits.

Master Tongtian is a figure from the age of mythology, with supernatural powers, no worse than cultivators, so even cultivators are very interested in the other party's pagoda.

After the Tongtian Sect Master disappeared, it was rumored that he became an immortal, leaving only the Tongtian Pagoda in the world, and finally ran to the earth for some reason.

Although the other party has attained the Dao and became an immortal, his legend has never stopped. As long as he gets this Heaven-reaching Pagoda, he is qualified to become an immortal existence.

Immortality, even cultivators yearn for it, because they are not real youths, and people's lifespan has a certain number of years. For ordinary foundation builders, it is not bad to live to be seven or eight hundred years old.

In other words, with the current strength of Bai Leng Ye Jianji, he can already live to be seven or eight hundred years old.

Such a long life span did not make Bai Lengye happy, because he wanted to accompany his wife until she was old and died.

Now, Xiaoyu's strength has only just entered the Ascension Realm, while Huang Ying and the others are all hovering at the peak of the Martial Gods, and there is still some time before the promotion.

Bai Lengye could feel that if he didn't die this time, his strength would increase dramatically in the future, and at that time, his lifespan would increase by many years.

During this period, he can't do anything, he can only hope that his wife's strength will improve, which will be the same as his lifespan.


On this day, it was raining heavily, and Bai Lengye stood in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside the street, feeling an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

The rain slapped hard on the window, as if venting his emotions, Bai Hanye reached out and touched it directly, penetrating through the window, but the window was not damaged.

He has already completed half of his book Ten Thousand Laws Guizong, and now he has hundreds of spells in his body, and there are many small spells.

However, there are still a few pages behind Wanfa Guizong that cannot be opened. It may be that his strength is not enough. When he can fully open it one day, there may be nothing to learn.

"What are you thinking about?" Xiruo came over and hugged her from behind.

Bai Lengye showed a happy smile, and withdrew his hand, not a single drop of rain was on it.

"I'm thinking, if only we could be together forever, never grow old, never die, never get sick, and live happily."

Xi Ruo smiled slightly: "Is this possible? Even the earth has time. When the time comes, it will naturally explode. At that time, all living things will perish."

Bai Lengye shrugged: "Then let it not explode."

Xiruo couldn't help laughing, took Bai Lengye's arm to let him sit down, then leaned on his shoulder, and said softly: "We all know that you really want to spend more time with us, but time is not the most precious thing , the most precious are those things we don’t know.”

"The earth is waiting for you to save it. If everyone is like you and doesn't care about anything, and shows affection at home all day long, then the earth will be occupied by practitioners sooner or later."

Bai Lengye nodded, stroked the other person's black hair, and said softly: "I know all of this, so I'm still working hard, I want to become stronger soon, and I have to go to the cultivation world to see how Xiaoshi is doing .”

"Come on, come over for dinner." Xiaoyu walked out of the kitchen with the meal in hand, and the two went to help each other.

After lunch, Bai Lengye looked at the heavy rain outside the window, shook his head and sighed.

The phone rang, and Bai Lengye casually pressed it through, and Mu Yanran's voice came, telling him to go over.

Bai Lengye agreed to the other party, took the umbrella and went out, and not long after, he landed at the door of Mu Yanran's company.

"Here." The car window fell, Mu Yanran waved at him, and Bai Lengye opened the door and sat in.

"I'm rich, and I actually bought a Maserati." Bai Lengye said with a smile.

"I see you bought them all, but no one bought them for me, so I can only buy one for myself."

"Look at the aggrieved look you said. If you open your mouth, I will buy you any car."

"Is that so you won't be afraid of your wives getting angry?"

"What's the matter? They all have a good bearing, not narrow-minded."

Mu Yanran rolled her eyes and said, "You mean I'm being narrow-minded."

"Uh..." Bai Lengye smiled helplessly, and didn't bother to explain anymore, for fear that the more he explained, the more troublesome it would be.

"By the way, why did you ask me to come over now? It's not just that you want me to chat with you in the car."

"The chat is real, but it's not in the car. I'll take you to a good teahouse."

Mu Yanran started the car and drove carefully, but it was raining heavily, and she couldn't see the traffic lights ahead clearly. Just as she was about to start the car, who would have thought that a Mercedes-Benz approaching at high speed would crash into the front bumper, and even The airbags popped out.

The male Mercedes-Benz driver got out of the car and saw that his car had changed shape. He glared angrily at Mu Yanran in the car, and shouted, "You are blind, didn't you see the red light? Do you really know how to drive? Isn’t a luxury car amazing!”

"I really didn't mean it, it rained too much, I didn't see it clearly..."

"Just an apology? An apology is useful. Why do you need the police!"

"Don't talk nonsense with me, just pay 50 yuan. I'm tens of thousands a minute!"

"You can buy two cars for 50 yuan." In the car, Bai Lengye said.

"Fuck! You don't look like my car, do you? Let me tell you, I bought this car with my own money. Can you afford it?"

"You're not raised by a rich woman, she can kick you away at any time!"

"Rich woman?" Bai Lengye looked at Mu Yanran with a strange expression, and saw that the other person's face was also very ugly.

"I'm telling you, don't think it's great to be rich. If you look down on the poor, they will die early sooner or later!"

"When did I say I looked down on the poor, can you stop putting a big hat on my head?"

Mu Yanran was speechless to the man, she hadn't said anything, how could she change the taste in the man's mouth.

At this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the car of the two of them was lying in the middle of the road, blocking the traffic in the eyes, and the younger brother's horn kept honking.

"What do you press? Didn't you see that he is a 500 million luxury car? If you have the guts to bump into it, tomorrow your house and land will belong to him!"

Sure enough, when the Mercedes-Benz driver yelled like that, all the drivers didn't dare to honk their horns anymore, and they didn't even dare to scratch them, and they even dared to hit them directly. If they sold them, they wouldn't even be able to pay for the car paint.

"What do you want to do? I don't want you to pay for my car. Let's forget about it here."

Mu Yanran said.

The Mercedes-Benz man stared, and shouted: "I want to be private with me, but there is no way, see if I don't ask the traffic police to come over and check the car for you today!" After finishing speaking, the other party called outside in the rain. With a menacing look, it seems that he can really find a very powerful person.

The two of them sat in the car and watched the jokes. The Mercedes-Benz man was obviously out of his mind, otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen this time to make a scene here.

Not long after, the traffic policeman came over. It was a handsome young man. When he saw Mu Yan driving, he was surprised at first, and then followed the procedure in a serious manner.

In the end, the accident was determined to be the responsibility of both parties. One started too fast, the other too fast, so they collided.

The Mercedes-Benz man didn't dare, and clamored to sue the traffic policeman, saying that my uncle was the chief of the bureau or something.

Bai Lengye walked over, patted the man on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "Brother, you are very powerful, you dare to make a scene in front of the traffic police after drinking."

"Drinking? I didn't drink." The Mercedes-Benz man was stunned.

The traffic policeman felt that something was wrong, so he walked over immediately and asked the other party to test the alcohol. The Mercedes-Benz man immediately blew a sigh of relief, good guy, that thing responded immediately, and it exceeded the standard by a lot.

"Wrong, wrong, I really didn't drink!"

The Mercedes-Benz man was in a hurry, he hadn't been drinking at all, why would he blow it out at this time.

"Let's go, this car can only be taken to the repair shop, but someone came out before, drunk driving, all the charges are on him."

Bai Lengye smiled and stopped a taxi to leave. After getting in the car, Mu Yanran couldn't help laughing. She knew that it must be Bai Lengye's good deed.

When Bai Lengye patted the other person's shoulder, he might have used some means to make the Mercedes-Benz man have alcohol in his body.

Not long after, they came to a place to drink tea. The environment was very nice and quiet, and no one came to disturb them.

After drinking tea, the two went to eat together, and after sending Mu Yanran back, Bai Lengye left.

At night, Bai Lengye was preparing for an instant, when suddenly a flash of lightning flashed by, and there was a person standing in the yard vaguely.

Bai Lengye was startled, and immediately jumped out of the window, staring at the gate, there stood a man, a man covered in blood, the blood flowed into his body under the rain. In the yard.

"General!" Bai Lengye's pupils shrank slightly.

He couldn't figure out why the general would appear with him at this time, and the other party seemed to be seriously injured.

"General, what's wrong with you?" Bai Lengye asked.

The general spat out a mouthful of blood, and finally fell straight on the ground.

Bai Lengye hurried over, and after checking, he found several wounds on the opponent's body, the most deadly one being the sword closest to the heart.

After helping him into the living room, Bai Lengye was thinking of a way to save him, when the general woke up suddenly, and firmly grabbed his arm with his palm.

"I'm hopeless, and the rest depends on you to lead everyone."

The opponent opened his mouth, and two sharp fangs appeared, and then bit hard on Bai Lengye's wrist.

The next moment, Bai Lengye's face turned red, and he felt that a powerful and terrifying force poured into his body from the general's body.


(End of this chapter)

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