The last cultivator

Chapter 476 Failure

Chapter 476 Failure
Originally, the poisoning of others had nothing to do with Bai Lengye, but the poison of that person was a bit strange, he seemed to have seen it somewhere before.

While people were anxiously waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the male star's face turned black, his nostrils were bleeding, and he seemed to be dying.

Bai Lengye hurriedly got up and walked over, slapped the opponent's body with his hands, his true energy entered into the opponent's body, after a while, the male star spat out a mouthful of black blood, and took a long breath from his mouth.

"How did you get poisoned, have you been to Yunnan recently?"

"Yes, I just came back from filming in Yunnan last month, and I just felt a little unwell recently. What, is my poison serious?"

"It's okay, you can go back and recuperate."

Bai Lengye patted the other party's shoulder, gave Lin Ling a wink, and the two turned around and left.

"What happened to him just now, you seem to be very nervous." Lin Ling asked.

Bai Lengye said: "I've seen that person's poison before, and I was poisoned before, but I remember that the poison was destroyed at that time, why did it still appear?"

Lin Ling pouted and said, "You won't tell me that you're going to Yunnan again?"

Bai Lengye nodded: "I'm going to go and have a look, because I'm afraid that it's made by those cultivators. If this virus spreads all over the world, the world will be over."

"Okay, you don't want the woman anymore, go and save your whole world." Lin Ling said dissatisfied.

Bai Lengye said with a smile: "Okay, next time I'm going to make up for you, I have business to do."

"Understood, let's go, no more, goodbye."


Bai Lengye waved his hand, found a place where no one was paying attention, and flew away. It only took half an hour to fly there.

When going there, Bai Lengye recalled a person in his mind. This person was a killer. He stayed with him in Yunnan for a while, but due to various reasons, the two may not have seen each other for many years. After that, I don't know what happened to the other party.

Half an hour later, Bai Lengye came to the village at that time based on his memory, and there was still no change from before.

Borrowing the moonlight, he walked into the altar, but found nothing inside, only a dead man's bones, very similar to the one he had seen many years ago.

Bai Lengye walked out of the altar, the cool wind was blowing, looked at the sky, it seemed that it was going to snow again, under such cold weather, every house turned off the lights and went to sleep, the surrounding was quiet and there was no sound, even his own heartbeat The sound can be heard.

At this moment, Bai Lengye suddenly saw the light of a flashlight appearing on the trail in front of him. After he pondered for a while, he flew over the grass and saw a woman wearing a hat and a down jacket holding a map Looking for something while walking.

"Hello." Bai Lengye suddenly stood in front of the other party and said hello, scaring the woman so much that she dropped the flashlight on the ground, almost screaming.

"Why, haven't seen you for a few years, have you become so timid?" Bai Lengye said with a smile.

The woman stared at him with wide eyes, and it was not until a long time later that she said in surprise: "It's you, you're not dead yet!"

"Your opening statement is not bad, you actually expect me to die."

Bai Lengye rubbed his nose and laughed.

"I didn't mean that, I..."

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night? You're still carrying a bag and holding a map."

Bai Lengye raised his eyebrows and asked.

"And you, what are you doing here?"

The other party asked Bai Leng Yedao.

"I'm afraid I have the same purpose as you. After all, we came to this place a few years ago."

"Huh? You're pregnant." Bai Lengye asked in surprise.

"Yes, I got married last year, and now I have a baby."

Speaking of children, Wenwen showed a happy look.

"You and I are already the child's father. In the blink of an eye, it seems to have been seven or eight years."

Bai Lengye sighed.

Wenwen nodded, picked up the flashlight on the ground, and said, "It seems that there have been several poisoning incidents in our place, so I plan to come and see what's going on."

Bai Lengye said: "I also found one, so I came here to make sure. It seems that our purpose is the same."

"Let's go, let's go to that altar."

"no need."

"Aren't you going?"

"No, I've already checked there, and there's nothing there. The poison may have been developed by someone else and taken away."

"That's it..." Wen Wen frowned, and then said: "Then let's go to Myanmar or Laos to see, there are usually the places with the most head-down techniques, and people who like to use poison also like to stay there."

"The past in the middle of the night?" Bai Lengye asked.

"Yeah, just go straight from here. It's about 100 miles away. You should be there early tomorrow morning."

Bai Lengye said: "You are not afraid of getting tired."

"Don't be afraid, I'm in good health, and it's not a problem to walk a thousand miles."

Wenwen packed up his luggage and walked forward.

Bai Lengye followed each other, the two talked about what happened over the years, Wenwen used to be a killer, then retired to the world and got married, lived a life of shopping for vegetables in person, and later found an ordinary person to marry.

There was a poisoning incident in the place where the other party lived, which was very similar to what they had encountered before, so they came here on a temporary basis to take a look, who would have thought that the other party would get together with Bai Lengye.

The mountain road of more than 100 miles is actually not easy to walk, especially at night, Bai Lengye is fine, but Wenwen is a little bit hard, even if the opponent is a killer, facing the grass several meters high, he is helpless.

But fortunately, the journey was relatively smooth. After crossing the border, we arrived in Myanmar smoothly during the daytime of the next day.

The two came to a small city with people, instead of walking, they temporarily rented a car and rode a horse to keep out the cold wind.

The two went to some black market places. Although they met some master drug users, they were not the people they were looking for.

After that, I went to several other places, but none of them were found, and there was no poisoning incident here.

A day later, when the two were about to give up, news broke out that a virus had appeared in a certain clinic, and the infection spread quickly, and the police immediately blocked the place.

Knowing that this might be the virus they were looking for, the two rushed over immediately. The streets were blocked, helicopters were circling overhead, and dozens of ambulances were there. It seemed serious.

Bai Lengye and the other two easily sneaked in. Although they only took a quick glance at the patient, they were sure that this must be the poison they were looking for.

However, although the poison was discovered, the people behind the scenes haven't found it yet, so it doesn't have much effect.

"I have a way, but it takes a risk."

Bai Lengye said.

"Tell me."

Bai Lengye looked at Wenwen and said: "I can cure these poisons, so I plan to find someone infected with this virus, and then spread the news that this person's body is immune, I think the person who poisoned will definitely think about it." Go silence it."

"Yes, this is called luring a snake out of its hole. We can try it, but who should we find?"

Wen Wen bowed his head and thought for a while, then said: "Why don't we spend money to find someone who is not afraid of death."

"No, we can find some dying people, just leave it to me."

Bai Lengye turned around and blended into the crowd, while Wen Wen found a restaurant and waited.

After more than an hour, Bai Lengye came back and said: "Everything is settled, the rest is to wait."

Wen Wen nodded and looked at the TV.

The two waited quietly. About a few hours later, a piece of news finally appeared, saying that a facial immune body had been found in the hospital, which could produce serum, so there was no need to be afraid of this large-scale infectious virus.

"The opportunity has come, let's go, presumably it won't be long before the poisoner will show up."

The two checked out and left here together, and then wandered to the hospital. Although the hospital was quarantined, the two easily got in after putting on white coats and fake brands.

The two came outside the ward, saw the man lying inside, looked at each other, and then went to do their own things.

Not long after, Bai Lengye followed an attending doctor in. During the examination, a doctor walked in outside. After saying a few words, the attending doctor left. Bai Lengye was about to follow, who would have thought that the man called He stayed.

When there were only two people left in the room, the doctor asked Bai Lengye to go over and hold the patient down. The moment Bai Lengye turned around, the doctor suddenly attacked him and gave Bai Lengye a sap.

Seeing Bai Lengye lying on the ground, the doctor snorted coldly, and took out a gleaming scalpel from his sleeve, with murderous intent in his eyes, the scalpel stabbed the patient's neck.

Bai Lengye, who was fainted on the ground, suddenly grabbed the doctor, and with force, he dragged the doctor to the ground.

"Let me see your real face."

Bai Lengye lifted off the opponent's mask, revealing a disfigured face, looking hideous.

"Who are you?" The man asked coldly.

"I should be asking you this sentence, why do you want to poison?"

"I didn't do it, I was just responsible for killing him."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye frowned, kicked the opponent unconscious, and ran out in a hurry.

When he came to the corridor, Bai Hanye looked around for any suspicious person, but he didn't find any.

"By the way, it must be the previous attending doctor. I'm so stupid."

Bai Lengye was secretly annoyed, he didn't feel that there was something wrong with the previous attending doctor, everything was due to his carelessness.

"What's the matter?" Wenwen, pretending to be a nurse, walked to her side.

"The plan failed. Let's withdraw first to avoid being questioned by the police."

Bai Lengye put his hands in his pockets, left with his head down, came to the back door of the hospital, threw his white coat into the trash can, climbed over the wall and left.

"He may already know that we are looking for him. Now we are in the light and he is in the dark. Be more careful."

The two hurriedly walked on the street, Bai Lengye reminded Wenwen to the side.

Who would have thought that just after he reminded, a shocking explosion came from the side, and the terrifying air wave knocked over many people.

(End of this chapter)

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