The last cultivator

Chapter 498 Research

Chapter 498 Research
Sometimes people get lost and don't know what the future holds.

Bai Lengye was not confused at the moment, but she also felt a little helpless.

After searching for many years, there was no news of his father, as if he had guessed that the other party was either dead or no longer in this world.

He would rather that the other party is not in this world, and he does not want to hear the news of the other party's death.


As soon as Bai Lengye came back to his senses, he saw Na Cancan pushing the door and walking in, wearing a very short dress, most of his body was exposed.

"Thank you for saving me." Cancan poured a glass of red wine and handed it over.

Bai Hanye didn't refuse, she raised her head and drank it in one gulp. It tasted very sweet, but there was still a slight bitterness in her mouth.

Cancan took advantage of the situation and sat next to him, and chatted briefly, talking about ordinary things that happened around him, and did not talk about personal privacy.

Soon, the other party's bodyguard came over, Cancan had no choice but to leave, and Bai Lengye was the only one left in the room.

Bai Lengye quietly stayed in the room and pondered, thinking about what he was going to do, should he just give up like this?

Not long after, Bai Lengye sighed, glanced out the window, it was already dark, and Dang even walked out.

There were not many people on the deck, and Bai Lengye stood quietly for a while. At this moment, a fighter jet flew overhead and disappeared into the distance with a whoosh.

At first, Bai Hanye didn't feel anything, but later, two or three fighter jets flew by, and there were four or five helicopters.

Bai Lengye noticed something was wrong, he looked around carefully, but it was all the sea, and he couldn't see anything clearly under the night.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from behind, and several security personnel asked Bai Lengye to go back to the room.

Bai Lengye didn't say anything, turned around and went back, just as he walked to the door, he saw Na Cancan walking over under the escort of bodyguards.

"What happened outside." Bai Lengye asked casually.

The other party seemed absent-minded, and said in a panic: "We were stopped by the Maritime Self-Defense Force, and they are going to send fighter jets to bomb us..."

"What?" Bai Lengye was stunned by her words.

"It's okay, I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

The opponent waved his hand, and the follower bodyguard left in a hurry.

Bai Lengye stood there for a while, then went back to his room, took his clothes and came out, and came to the back of the boat, where he saw many people leaving in small boats, or helicopters picked them up directly.

When Bai Lengye was thinking about when to leave, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and when he looked back, his pupils shrank slightly.

Several shells fell from the sky, just as several fighter jets also flew over his head.

Bai Lengye was startled, and left the cruise ship in a flash. After leaving for a while, those missiles hit the cruise ship.

The fire was soaring into the sky, and there were constant explosions. Those who did not have time to leave suffered heavy casualties, or were directly swallowed by the fire wolves. A good luxury cruise ship was directly destroyed by the bombing.

Bai Lengye wondered what was going on, why the cruise ship was blown up, and there were many rich and expensive people on board.

After watching for a while, Bai Hanye left, and about an hour later, he came to a country.

The cigars here are famous all over the world, but Bai cold leaf is not here to buy cigars, he is just a passerby.

However, judging from some military bases, the fighter jet was probably sent by this country, and he casually went in and looked around, and found a list of the world's most wanted fighters.

He didn't know the people above, but he had heard of them all, and one of them was very similar to the uncle Cancan mentioned.

Now, he knows what's going on. It turns out that the other party's uncle is the most wanted criminal in the world and has committed countless crimes. The people on this cruise ship are obviously not rich and powerful. They were discovered by the military. Naturally, they want to bomb destroyed.

At dawn the next day, Bai Lengye searched here a few times, found nothing, then went home, but just after arriving home, an unexpected news came.

Zi Nan was seriously injured for some reason, and many people were helpless and dying.

When the other party told him the news, it was obvious that they wanted Bai Lengye to save her.

Bai Lengye was also hesitating whether to go or not, after all, he and the cultivators were mortal enemies, one died and the other lost.

But if he doesn't save the other party, that Zi Nan is Zi Yan's elder brother, and he thinks that man is good, and he has never participated in the battle to besiege them.

In the end, under the persuasion of his wives, Bai Hanye passed. Since he thought the other party was good, why should he care so much.

However, after he came here, it was not easy to see the other party, and he was blocked by many practitioners. In the end, if Zi Nan's father did not appear, he would not be able to get in.

After Bai Lengye saw Zi Nan, he found that his face was black, his palms were red, and his body was shivering constantly as if afraid of the cold.

"What did he do?" Bai Lengye asked with a frown.

"I don't know. It was fine when I came back. It has just become like this in the past two days. I can't find any problems in my body."

Zi Tiannan frowned tightly.

Bai Lengye was silent for a while, after he watched the other party carefully, he didn't find any problems, his body functions were normal, but now Zi Nan was in great pain.

"I heard that you have the spring of life in your hand..." Zi Tiannan said.

Bai Lengye cast a glance at the other party, but did not speak.

Zi Tiannan said: "As long as I can save my son, I can say anything."

"Can you guarantee that the future cultivation world will not send people to kill us practitioners?"

Bai Lengye said lightly.

Zi Tiannan shook his head, this guarantee is really not good for him, and said: "I don't have that much right to speak in the cultivation world, not even at the peak of Yuanying, because this rule was passed down a long time ago."

"If it's something else, like giving you some cultivation techniques..."

"It's not rare." Bai Lengye pouted.

"Then what exactly do you want, as long as you can save Zi Nan, you can talk about anything." Zi Tiannan said with a serious face.

Bai Lengye squinted at the other party, and instead of talking, he took out the silver needle and pierced Zi Nan's finger.

"Sure enough, it is poisonous, but where is the poison?"

Bai Lengye stared at Zi Nan, then peeled off the clothes and looked at the back, touched it with his hands, and finally found an extremely small needle hole at the position of the ribs.

"I found it. I've confirmed that Zi Nan was poisoned by someone, and that's where the key lies."

Bai Lengye said in a condensed voice, and then he pierced each acupuncture point with a few silver needles, and poured zhenqi into the opponent's body.

Zi Nan spurted out a mouthful of black blood, his ribs gradually turned black, and the last drops of black venom were forced out.

After a while, all the venom was forced out, Bai Lengye heaved a sigh of relief, and checked for the other party, there should be no problem.

"Is that all right?" Zi Tiannan asked.

"Chinese medicine is broad and profound. If you are interested, you can come to me and I will teach you."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye turned around and left. As soon as he walked out of the house, he saw Zi Yan waiting outside.

The other party was still indifferent as usual, turning a blind eye to him, Bai Lengye sighed inwardly, and flew away.

After he left, Zi Yan's expression finally fluctuated a little, his eyes rolled, and he quickly cast a glance in Bai Lengye's direction, and then walked into the room.

"How is he?"

"There shouldn't be any problem, but your brother was actually poisoned, it must have been done by someone close to him." Zi Tiannan said with a frown.

Zi Yan straightened her face immediately, and said in a cold voice: "Whoever dares to poison my brother, let me know, and he must die!"

"Ahem..." Zi Nan woke up and slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother, how do you feel? What's the matter with the poison on your body?"

"I... am I not dead?"

"How could you die? What should my sister do if you are dead?" Zi Yan said with red eyes.

"Tell me, what happened to your poison and who gave it to you!"

Zi Tiannan asked with a cold face.

Zi Nan was startled for a moment, then he became deep in thought, without speaking for a long time.

"I know it in my heart, don't worry about it."

"Brother, why didn't you tell daddy, the person who poisoned you deserves to die!"

"No..." Zi Nan said hastily, "We can't afford to offend his grandfather, so let's forget it."

"Forget it, bro, tell me who it is!"

Zi Yan forced the other party to ask.

Zi Nan was silent for a while, and finally said: "Haotian did it."

"What!" Zi Tiannan got up from the stool with a jerk, with a look of extreme shock on his face.

Zi Yan also couldn't believe it: "How could it be him, why did Haotian treat you..."

Zi Nan sighed, closed his eyes and began to rest, he was tired and didn't want to answer anymore.

After Bai Lengye left, he went home. After returning home, he took out a small bottle, and inside was the purple man's poison.

"What is this?" Huang Ying came over and asked.

"It's a kind of poison. I haven't seen it before. I want to study it."

"By the way, how is Xiruo, my son hasn't moved yet?"

"No." Huang Ying said, "I think Ruoruo's son must be the same as Nezha on TV. He is the reincarnation of a fairy. Otherwise, why would he be pregnant for so long?"

"It's true, how can my son be simple."

Bai Lengye hugged the other party smoothly, and pulled him into his arms.

Xiruo has been pregnant for almost two years, and it's shocking to say it, but Bai Lengye knows that this is a normal thing, because the longer the pregnancy, the higher the child's future achievements will be.

Of course, Ruichen doesn't count, because the other party is a sacred body, one of the most heaven-defying physiques.

After chatting for a while, Bai Hanye locked himself in the room and began to study the venom. He was very interested in this thing, and it might be able to unlock some secrets.

As for this research, three days have passed, and during these three days, Bai Lengye has not even stepped out of the door.

(End of this chapter)

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