The last cultivator

Chapter 502 Little Smelly Crisis

Chapter 502 Little Smelly Crisis
Just when the whole world was in crisis, the Leaf Group joined forces with the Lin Ling family, so that they could resist the Paradise Company.

But because of Bai Hanye's absence, in just one month, the losses of the two companies reached tens of billions, and many cooperation projects with the military were inexplicably cancelled.

Everyone knows that this is created by Paradise Company, but there is no way to do it. Now that the world's major companies have each other's shares, it can be said that Paradise Company will control the entire world.

But Bai Hanye, who was in power, disappeared for nearly a year inexplicably.

In the past year, the other party seemed to have disappeared from this world out of thin air, and the other party could not be found anywhere.

The earth is about to be turned upside down, and there is still no trace of the other party.

News on the road once spread that the other party had been bombed to death on the plane, and the ashes were secretly hidden by the government to keep the world from knowing.

However, this news was quickly proven to be a rumor, because the Bai cold leaf, which had disappeared for a year, finally appeared.

When Bai Hanye reappeared a year later, she seemed to be a different person, and she also became less talkative.

At the end of the year, Bai Lengye, who had disappeared from the crowd for a long time, reappeared in the media. This time, the other party returned to his previous cheerful personality. After a simple press conference, he left in a hurry.

However, some people pointed out that this Bai Hanye must be a fake, suspected of being disguised, and the purpose was to come out to appease people.


In the well-protected villa, Xiao Shou and the others sat on the sofa with heavy expressions, and the living room with more than a dozen people was silent without a single sound.

"If this continues, I'm afraid it will be discovered sooner or later."

Little Smelly spoke suddenly.

Huang Ying sighed: "Then what can we do, otherwise, I'm afraid many people will be desperate, I can only say that your disguise technique is still too bad."

"Is there really no other way? Where is Leng Ye hiding? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

As they talked, Yan Ran was about to cry. Over the past year, they mobilized everyone to look for each other, but there was no news at all.

There is no opponent on the other side of the practitioners, and there are Chi Xuetian and others taking the lead for the time being, and here are the few of them personally fighting against the Heavenly Company.

But after a long time, they are close to failure. The power of Paradise Company has been corroded inside. The company is losing money every day, or important documents are lost. The number of losses is already immeasurable.

"I believe he is not dead, but why he didn't appear, there must be something haunting him."

"Erd Danzi, hasn't he come back after going to that world?" Xi Ruo looked at Xiao Shou.

Xiao Shou shook his head, and said, "Dadanzi searched all over the mainland, but he didn't find the boss, so he shouldn't be there."

"Then where is he? If he doesn't show up at this time, what is he going to do!"

Xiao's tone of voice made her cry, and Ruichen at the side hurriedly comforted her.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a phone call came, and Xiao Shou hurried out.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Smelly asked coldly.

"The cultivator has already broken into the inner gate, and the brothers are about to be unable to resist."

"I see, I'll go right away."

Little Smelly's brows were frowned, and after he greeted him, he rushed to the inner door alone.

But on the way, Xiao Shou was ambushed by a cultivator.

"You lied to me!" Little Smelly said angrily.

The cultivator laughed loudly and said, "They gave me the beauties in the villa and the car, will you give it to me, and I will only let you die for you!"

"Bastard!" Little Smelly kicked it, but the man dodged quickly and just wiped the side.

"Despicable!" Xiao Shou glared at the two Nascent Soul masters in front of him.

"If you died here today, the allied army would definitely suffer heavy losses." An old man with a nascent soul said.

"Really, don't you know that I can't be killed?" Xiao Smelly sneered.

"Hmph! We have already researched your secret. As long as you chop off your head and burst your heart, you will die!"

"Then see if you have the ability."

Xiao Shou let out a loud shout, the magic pen appeared, drew out hundreds of weapons in an instant, and rushed towards those people overwhelmingly.

The two Nascent Soul masters moved at the same time, directly blocking those weapons, but this is not the easiest attack, a powerful sword energy appeared on those weapons, and finally spun and rushed into the air, condensing into a giant python Come.

The berserk sound fell, and the giant python condensed from countless weapons rushed down. The two Nascent Soul elders hurriedly separated to avoid it, but the giant python's tail viciously swept and slapped a person directly.

In the end, the giant python swallowed the other one in one gulp, and the rain of swords appeared one after another.

"Huh..." Xiao Shou let out a sigh of relief, he didn't expect to solve the two Nascent Soul masters so easily this time.

Suddenly, a long sword pierced his heart from behind, and Xiao Shou spit blood out of his mouth. Turning his head slowly, he saw a cold face.


Another cold light flashed, and Xiao Smelly's head rolled down to the ground, blood sprayed more than three meters high, and finally the body fell limply to the ground.

"In order to kill you, wasting our surrogate death technique, your death is worth it."

The old man Yuanying sneered, and then the two turned and left.

Suddenly, the little smelly on the ground stood up again, and his head flew back to its original position with a whoosh, and was connected to his neck.

"That's how you want to kill me, and you're almost there."

As soon as the words fell, the magic pen in his hand directly drew a mountain, pressing down on the two Nascent Soul elders.

Seeing the two Nascent Soul elders holding up the mountain, Xiao Shou chuckled, waved the magic pen, and another mountain fell down hard.

"Goodbye." Xiao Smelly waved his hand.



With a loud roar, the two of them were directly thrown into the deep pit by the later mountain peak, this time they were doomed.

"It's dangerous, I almost died." Xiao Shou panted while sitting on the ground.

If he hadn't moved his heart, he might have really died just now, but in the end, there was no danger.

Xiao Shou looked around, and then left. He wanted to go back to see if Xiaoyu and the others were okay.

Not long after Little Smelly left, a silent figure appeared beside the deep pit.

" me..." A bloody hand stretched out, and the bloody old man crawled on the edge.

The black-robed man stood there indifferently. After a while, he slowly took off the hat on his head. The moment he saw his face, the old man was stunned.

The black-robed man kicked the old man down, and the old man fell to pieces and his head was smashed.

"well done."

The man chuckled, then put on his hat, turned and left, while the deep pit behind him started to squirm automatically, and finally countless mud filled the huge pit, and the bodies of the two were buried here forever.

After Xiaochou came back, he saw that the villa was in chaos, and when he came to the backyard, he happened to see Xiaoyu and the others being besieged.

There are about seven or eight cultivators here, and the strongest one is a Jindan late stage Hougao. After Xiaochou fought dozens of moves with the opponent, the Jindan master fled with others.

"Sister-in-law, are you all right?" Xiao Shou put away the magic pen and ran over in a hurry.


"Mom, I'm fine, and my sister is fine." Rui Chen walked out of the basement with Rui Xing in his arms, escorted by a group of bodyguards.

"They came here to catch children." Xiaoyu said in a cold tone.

Xiao Shou sighed: "I was also deceived, but fortunately I killed two old men."

"How's the inner door going?" Xi Ruo asked quickly.

Xiao Smelly shook his head to express that he didn't know, but he made a phone call, but the news he got was not very good.

"I have a hunch that Leng Ye is coming back." Yan Ran suddenly said.

Everyone looked at her suspiciously, Yan Ran smiled and said, "No matter what other people do, we are his wives."

"If any one of us is in danger, and the other party keeps hiding and does not show up, I will hate him for the rest of my life!"

"That's right, if the girls are in danger and she doesn't come out, Chenchen will hate daddy for the rest of her life!" Bai Ruichen said angrily.

"Boss, come out quickly, we are waiting for you."


One day later, Xiao Shou came to the inner door and saw countless people who were killed and injured. Even with the help of Tianhunzi, many people could never be resurrected again.

What's more, there is only one Tianhunzi, and his strength is limited, so it is impossible to save everyone. There are always some people who cannot be resurrected again due to some reasons.

When Xiao Shou came over, the battle was over, but the cultivators did not retreat, but guarded the entrance and exit of the inner door, so that no one could come in or leave.

After a rough count, there are still less than 2 people, and these 2 people are the last people in the entire Dharma practice world. If half of them die, there may be another Dharma-ending era.

After fighting for so long, the old man Chi Xuetian and the others were injured to varying degrees and could no longer fight.

Without them, there would be no one to resist those cultivators above Golden Core.

"I alone can resist all Jindan masters!" Xiao Shou gritted his teeth.

Others came to stop him, but Xiao Shou didn't say anything, and said: "I still haven't used my ultimate nirvana. If those people bully others too much, don't blame me. At worst, everyone will have a hard time!"

The little stinky eyes gleamed fiercely, and the veins on his arms were constantly squirming.

"Here we come, a new round of offensive by cultivators has begun."

"Everyone, get ready and fight with them!"

Little Smelly roared, and was the first to rush out.

As soon as he got out of the tent, countless sword qi attacked him, and the magic pen directly drew a huge shield to block all the sword qi.

"Come here, grandchildren, grandpa is here!"

A long sword slashed down in the air, angering many Jindan masters, and finally they all followed Xiaochou and left here.

(End of this chapter)

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