The last cultivator

Chapter 508 Who Are You?

Chapter 508 Who Are You?

When Han Xiaolong was sitting and dozing off, the iron door opened, and when he opened his eyes, he saw his father.

"Dad, why did you come in person? Why don't you just ask a lawyer to come over..."

Just halfway through speaking, Han Xiaolong saw Bai Ruichen coming in behind him, and immediately swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

A group of people walked out of the police station, Han Xiaolong was scolded by his father again, and then left in relief.

Han Xiaolong ran back immediately, and asked concerned: "Chenchen, are you okay?"

Bai Ruichen didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, turned around and got into the taxi, Han Xiaolong also hurriedly opened the door and followed.

"Don't do this next time, I can handle my own affairs." Bai Ruichen said indifferently.

Han Xiaolong laughed and said, "What can you, a weak woman, do? We men are best at fighting things like this."

Bai Ruichen glanced at the other party and said, "Oh, why don't you try my fist?"

"Forget it." Han Xiaolong shrank his neck, with a little fear on his face.

When the two of them met for the first time, they were taught a lesson by Bai Ruichen. He still remembers that punch, which made him lie in the hospital for a week.

"Chenchen, where do you live, can I go there?"

"No, you get out of the car now."

"Master stop!"

After the car stopped, Bai Ruichen pushed Han Xiaolong down, and then asked the driver to drive away.

Han Xiaolong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, what was this? After all, he helped the other party just now, so he just drove him away.

"Hey, friend, who are you that little girl just now?"

A hoarse voice came from behind, startling Han Xiaolong. He looked back and saw a man wearing a hat standing behind him, with his head down, unable to see what he was like.

Han Xiaolong proudly said: "Of course it's my girlfriend, she's pretty?"

"Hehe, very beautiful..." The man smiled strangely, and then left with his head down, Han Xiaolong felt a bit inexplicable.

After Bai Ruichen returned home, he didn't mention what happened, but Fang Xiaoyu and the others couldn't hide it.

"Chenchen, is there a guy chasing you?"

"Mom, that's an annoying guy, don't be as knowledgeable as him." Bai Ruichen said coquettishly.

Fang Xiaoyu laughed and said: "Mom doesn't mean anything else, then I have found out about Han Xiaolong's family background, dad is..."

"Mom, why don't you inquire about him?" Bai Ruichen pouted.

Fang Xiaoyu said: "I am also thinking about your safety. We have information on everyone around you. If there are practitioners among them, you will be in danger."

"Don't be afraid, my daughter is now a Nascent Soul master, who can hurt me..."


The next day, Bai Ruichen went to class as usual, and Han Xiaolong was still driving a sports car in the school as usual, even the school leaders didn't dare to control him.

After school, Han Xiaolong wanted to invite Bai Ruichen to dinner, but the other party directly refused.

At night, he was going to take the other party home, but Bai Ruichen ignored him and left by himself in a taxi.

Han Xiaolong was very depressed, so he went to the bar to drink at night, and only came out when he was very drunk.

Han Xiaolong supported the car, and vomited loudly. For a while, all kinds of mixed wine were sprayed on the tires of the car along the mouth, and tears flowed out.

"Young people these days drink to death at every turn, don't you want to be like them?"

A hoarse voice sounded, and Han Xiaolong looked in a daze, a man wearing a mask and wearing black stood beside him.

"Who are you……"

Han Xiaolong became vigilant, shook his head, and put his hands in his pockets, but found that the phone was gone.

"Are you looking for it?" The other party shook his phone and asked.

"Why did you get my mobile phone injured? Give it back to me." Han Xiaolong reached out to grab it, but his feet tripped on the steps, causing him to fall to the ground.

"You... who the hell are you? I seem to have seen you yesterday."

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is..."

The masked man squatted down, dragged Han Xiaolong up and threw him into the car, and he drove away.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You'll know when you arrive."

The car left the spot very quickly, drove on the street at high speed, ran through several red lights along the way, and finally went up the mountain road.

Han Xiaolong was terrified, he wanted to jump out of the car, but the car door was locked, and cold sweat began to flow down his forehead.

Not long after, the car stopped by a small road, and the masked man got out of the car and walked towards the edge of the cliff.

"Cough..." Han Xiaolong put his finger into his mouth, and when he felt vomiting, he spit out another gulp of wine.

After his head cleared up a lot, he came to the cab to drive away, but the next moment, he was dragged away by the masked man and came to the edge of the cliff.

"Let go of me! Just let me go!"

Han Xiaolong was so frightened that his ghosts trembled. He thought the other party was going to kill him and threw him off the cliff.

"If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago, do you still need to come here?"

The masked man said coldly.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing here? Let me tell you, my dad is very powerful. You offended me..."


"Uh..." Han Xiaolong nodded subconsciously.

"Then sit down and let's have a good chat."

While talking, the masked man took out a few cans of beer from somewhere, sat on the ground, and began to gulp down.

Han Xiaolong was stunned for a few seconds, but he knew that he might have really misunderstood the other party, so he also sat on the ground and drank a beer can.

"Who are you, why is your voice so hoarse, pretending on purpose?"

"No." The masked man said softly: "Because of an accident, my voice changed. As for who I am, you don't need to know right now."

"You like her?" The masked man changed his cold tone, and there was an inexplicable taste in his voice.

Han Xiaolong was taken aback for a moment, and then he nodded: "She is very beautiful, and she is my future wife."

"You are young……"

"I'll be eighteen soon, not too young!" Han Xiaolong raised his voice.

"Hehe, when I was your age, I was still making money to support my family."

After finishing speaking, he also drank all the can of beer. With a little force on his palm, the beer can immediately changed its shape and was thrown into the bottom of the cliff.

The whistling cold wind blew up, Han Xiaolong shivered from the cold, subconsciously stepped back a little.

"Cherish it well, don't do anything you regret, or I won't let you go, and overnight, I will remove your Han family from here!"


Han Xiaolong was furious. No one had ever dared to say that about their family. Just when he wanted to refute, the masked man stood up.

"Don't mention my affairs to anyone. I will come to you after a while. If you are in danger when you are with her, crush this."

The masked man threw a string of prayer beads over, then turned and left.

Han Xiaolong held the beads in his hand, raised his head and saw that the person was gone.

"Hiss." Han Xiaolong had already seen a ghost, rubbed his eyes carefully, there was no one around, and there was only one way down from here, but it was impossible so fast.

"Damn it."

With this idea in his mind, Han Xiaolong stood up quickly, rushed to the car, and drove down the mountain.

After returning home, the drunkenness was gone. He didn't tell his family about it. He lay on the bed alone, thinking hard, and subconsciously touched the string of beads with his palm.

Gradually, tiredness came from his brain, and within a few minutes, he fell into a deep sleep.

The sun has just risen, Han Xiaolong got up, because today is Sunday, he wants to take Bai Ruichen to play.

"Dad, give me 3 yuan, I'm going out to play."

"What? Didn't I just give you [-] yesterday, why do you ask for money again today!"

"Dad, just give it to me. Didn't I ask Chenchen to play? Do you want me to be a pauper?"

After Han Xiaolong asked his father for money, he got on his favorite Audi s8 and left home with a bang.

In the car, Han Xiaolong called Bai Ruichen, and the other party reluctantly agreed.

Not long after, he drove and waited outside the square. Many passing women showed amazement along the way, and some people gave him winks, but Han Xiaolong completely ignored it.

He doesn't like these rouge vulgar fans.


The car window was knocked violently, Han Xiaolong looked back, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.


Today, Bai Ruichen was wearing a simple white long dress, her hair was tied up casually, and a pair of canvas shoes was under her feet.

Such a simple outfit made Bai Ruichen look like a fairy, and Han Xiaolong was stunned after watching it for a few seconds.

"What are you looking at?" Bai Ruichen turned around and left. Han Xiaolong came back to his senses, got out of the car and chased after him.

After apologizing, Bai Ruichen forgave him. Han Xiaolong saw that the sun was very bright, so he immediately bought an umbrella from the store and put it on for him.

"Chenchen, what do you drink, I'll buy it for you."

"Don't drink."

"Chenchen, what do you eat, I'll buy it for you."

"Don't eat."

"Chenchen, are you tired..."

"Why are you so annoying, I'm not one of those little princesses who pant after taking two steps, I'm not that delicate."

Bai Ruichen stared.

"I was wrong." Han Xiaolong lowered his head.

Bai Ruichen sighed in her heart, she really couldn't do anything with this guy, so she said immediately: "Let's go across to eat something."

"Okay." Han Xiaolong smiled immediately, walked to the front of the unknown, looked left and right to make sure there was no car, and then walked forward.

"Hey, be careful!"

Bai Ruichen saw a speeding car rushing out, and immediately grabbed Han Xiaolong and pulled him back. The car flew past him and rushed into a nearby shop.

Han Xiaolong was so frightened that his face was pale, his heart was pounding, and he stood there with his legs trembling.

Bai Ruichen curled his lips, looked at the car, and saw the driver crawled out with his face covered in blood, holding a black box in his hand.

While people were watching, suddenly, another four or five black cars rushed over, their windows fell, and they stretched out their muzzles with black holes.

"Get down!"

Bai Ruichen yelled, but it was too late. After the people in the car fired a round, dozens of innocent people were shot and fell to the ground.

The man with the black suitcase was beaten to death, and the people who got in and out of the car took the suitcase away and drove away.

"You wait here, I'll be there right away."

Bai Ruichen disappeared into the crowd in a flash, Han Xiaolong's legs were shaking with fright, and he didn't even have the courage to lift his steps.

"No... I want to go there!"

Han Xiaolong gritted his teeth tightly, tried to lift his feet up, and ran forward slowly step by step.

A few minutes later, Bai Ruichen ran out from a small alley, and just in front of her, those black cars drove over.

"I want to run after killing someone." Bai Ruichen snorted coldly, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, she grabbed an iron pillar from the air, and shot it with a whoosh.

boom!With a loud noise, the leading car flew into the air and flipped over, and the cars behind also hit the trash can on the wall.

As Bai Ruichen was walking over, a row of dense bullets roared towards her, and she had to dodge to dodge.

There were constant screams all around, and many people ran away with their heads in their hands, but some people peed on the spot and dared not move, their bodies trembling.

Those people all climbed out of the car and threw a few explosive bombs in their hands. After a few loud noises, the doors and windows of the entire street were shattered.

Bai Ruichen was furious, these people were so reckless that they dared to attack ordinary people next time.

"Bring me back."

Bai Ruichen slapped it out from the air, and five or six people immediately vomited blood and hit the car, unable to get up for a long time.

Da da da!
Another volley of bullets came, this time Bai Ruichen didn't dodge, she came up to them at a speed of a few yuan, and fell to the ground with three punches and two feet.

"Miss meddle in your own business!"

With a fierce look in his eyes, a thug took out a grenade gun from his bag, and flew towards Bai Ruichen with a bang.


There was an explosion, and Bai Ruichen was accidentally swallowed by the fire wave. On the other side of the street, Han Xiaolong happened to see it, and his eyes turned red instantly.


Han Xiaolong roared and rushed over like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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