Chapter 515
"Long'er, I know you definitely don't like to see me look haggard now, but over the past few months, I realized that I really shouldn't have rejected you."

The intermittent voice fell, a gust of cold wind blew past, it was bitingly cold, and the thin white cold leaves she wore were frozen so that her lips turned purple.

"Long'er, thank you for your teaching. If I could, I would definitely not choose to reject you."

Bai Lengye smiled hoarsely, stood up, and stood quietly in front of the tombstone for over an hour.

Bai Lengye left the place after the wind became colder.

He came to a hotel, took out the clothes he had bought, took a shower, shaved his beard, combed his hair, and transformed into the previous appearance again.

It's just that he looks more stable, without the complacency and frivolity of his youth, youth is no longer suitable for him.

Bai Lengye went downstairs. He was handsome and calm. He didn't know how many beauties looked back on the way, and some even asked him for his mobile phone number.

Bai Lengye was walking aimlessly on the street alone, he really wanted to just walk back home, but his home was thousands of miles away, it would take a lot of time to walk back.

When passing through an intersection, several cars rear-ended, Bai Liangye was not affected at all, and walked as he wanted.

After crossing more than a dozen streets, several fire trucks rushed past with their sirens, and Bai Lengye laughed.

His previous life was just like that fire truck, everything was done in a hurry, and people who didn't deserve to die were killed.

Not long after, he arrived at the airport, bought a ticket, sat down and waited.

The news is being broadcast on TV, there is turmoil in a certain place, a strange disease in a certain place, and the latest situation of Paradise Company.

Ever since Paradise Company was hit hard, it has lost its former glory, and this is exactly the case when prosperity must decline.

The Leaf Group is also developing at a high speed. With the previous experience, it has become stronger this time. I am afraid that no one will be able to shake the position of the Leaf Group.

The same is true for the Kingdom of Heaven. During the crisis last time, many people chose to escape and leave, and only a small number of people stayed.

And after the kingdom of heaven was rebuilt, these people became the most important distinguished guests, and even arranged some positions.

As for the cultivators, with the addition of the second batch of opponents, there is no time to take care of the allies, and it seems that a three-nation confrontation has been formed.

However, Bai Lengye also knew that as long as one side broke the current rules first, the consequences would be more severe. For example, if the two sides joined hands, the allies would lose 100%.

Just as Bai Lengye was meditating, a person sat in front of him, wearing a black coat, sunglasses, and dyed blond hair, looking mysterious.

"Hello, sir, what time is it?" the blond man asked in fluent Chinese.

"Ten o'clock." Bai Lengye replied.

"Sir, why do you say that there have been frequent hijackings over the years?"

"Huh?" Bai Lengye frowned, looked at the other party carefully, and then turned around and said, "That's because the money given is too little. If each person is rewarded with more than 500 million, who do you think would dare to hijack the plane?"

"Sir, I am very satisfied with your answer, can you make a friend?"

"What do you do?" Bai Lengye asked with a smile.

"Me, I sell insurance, sir, do you want to buy an insurance to keep your family safe?"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Lengye's eyes flashed an imperceptible murderous intent, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to afford the insurance I bought."

"My company is ranked among the top three in the world, and so far there is nothing we can't afford."

"Really, if I buy 1000 billion insurance, how much can you accompany?"

The man smiled unnaturally, and said: "Sir, you really know how to joke. If you buy 1000 billion, I'm afraid even if you pay [-] trillion, it won't be enough."

"Then you can't afford it." Bai Lengye said.

The man stopped talking, his hands were in his pockets, and his legs were shaking.

At this time, the registration started, Bai Hanye walked over and boarded the plane smoothly.

"Sir, we meet again." The man happened to be sitting beside him.

Bai Lengye already knew that the other party had a problem, so he smiled and said nothing.

Just as the plane was about to take off, suddenly, a passenger opened the safety door, saying that he wanted to get some air.

But people were frightened, and the stewardess hurried over to stop them.

It is also fortunate that the plane did not take off, otherwise, there would be a 100% risk of crashing.

"Sir, it was really dangerous just now. I am really lucky to have bought insurance myself."

"Oh, how much did you buy yourself?"

"One serving, one million dollars." The man smiled.

"That's right, you can still have tens of millions to give to your loved ones after you die."

"No, my insured is not my relative."

Bai Lengye chuckled and turned his head to look out the window. Now he estimated that the plane should be at an altitude of more than 2000 meters.

The man stopped talking and just fell silent. After about half an hour, he vomited, and the man got up and went into the toilet.

Bai Lengye didn't pay attention at first, but when the man came out, he saw that the man had taken off his eyes, and the pupils were red, which was different from ordinary people.

The man sat down, groaning silently, but Bai Lengye observed that the other party's expression was painful, and his eyes were bleeding.

"What's wrong with you." Bai Lengye tried to ask.

"I... I regret it a little. I should buy more insurance."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I'm going to die!"

The man suddenly turned his head to the side, blood was pouring from his blood-red eyes, and some passengers screamed in fright when they saw it.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from the man's mouth, Bai Lengye stood up and hid, immediately holding his breath.

Just as people were screaming, the next moment, many people, like men, began to bleed from their eyes, spurted blood from their mouths, and then fell to the ground.

Bai Lengye was startled, and hurried to the cockpit. At this moment, the plane shook and fell downwards rapidly.

Breaking open the door with one foot, Bai Lengye saw that the pilot was dead, so he could only control the plane to slowly recover.

After switching to automatic driving, Bai Lengye looked back, all the passengers including the stewardess had died, the death was terrible, and the air was full of the pungent smell of blood.

A terrifying tentacles penetrated a person's body, and the dead man stood up again, but at this moment he had turned into a monster, with a pair of green eyes.

"Did Paradise do something wrong?"

Bai Lengye said in a low voice.

"Bai Leng Ye, we finally meet again!"

A hoarse and cold voice sounded, and a masked man appeared on the overhead TV.

"Scholar!" Bai Lengye said sharply.

"Bai Lengye, you have been lurking in the Tianyue Dynasty for so many years, and even killed the woman who loves you, hahaha!"

"Shut up!" Bai Lengye looked furious, the glass around him shattered, and the strong air current shook the plane violently.

Bai Lengye took a deep breath, and with a wave of his palm, the air currents were blocked immediately, and the plane returned to calm again.

"Scholar, are you still alive!" Bai Leng Ye Han said.

"Bai Lengye, if you don't die, how can I die?"

The scholar laughed loudly and said: "This is the first meeting gift we have given you in recent years, but I tell you, be careful of this virus, as long as it is contaminated with a little blood or even saliva, you will become the person in front of you. "

The TV exploded, Bai Lengye turned his head, the man before had completely turned into a monster, and was yelling at him.

"Get lost, I don't have time to play with you." Bai Lengye pierced the opponent's head with his finger, and the monster lay on the ground.

Bai Lengye came to the cockpit, ready to make the plane make an emergency landing, when suddenly, a tentacles pierced over like lightning.

Scared him, the sky fire on his body automatically protected him, and burned the tentacles. Looking back, he found that the monster stood up again, and the blood hole on his forehead had healed.

Bai Lengye was a little surprised, this time he crushed the opponent's head with his hands, and not long after, another head grew out.

"Terrible regenerative ability." Bai Lengye's face was serious, he knew that if this ability was used on the human body, the consequences would be too serious.

The monster rushed towards him, Bai Lengye kicked him away, broke open the safety door, and jumped off the plane.

The strong air flow made him fall on his back, but when his body stabilized, Bai Lengye found out that the monster jumped down too, and what was strange was that the monster could actually fly because a group of wings grew out of its back.

Bai Lengye couldn't calm down now, a ball of fire from the sky flew up in the palm of his hand, whistling and flying over.

The monster spewed out a mouthful of venom, and after colliding with the sky fire, Zizi was vaporized.

As soon as Bai Lengye fell to the ground, the monster also fell, the tentacles turned into spikes, and finally broke away from the body and shot towards him.

Bai Lengye let out a cold snort, the terrifying sky fire burned everything around him, and the monster's body was also blazing.

Not long after, the outer layer of skin was burned to ashes, but the monster still had a skeleton. The sky fire burned the skeleton into gold, but it couldn't melt it.

After the sky fire was extinguished, the golden skeleton moved, and the speed became faster. This time, even Bai Hanye couldn't defend himself, and hit his breastbone.

The sharp pain in his chest also made Bai Lengye very angry, Hong Ming Dao turned into a blade and swept across, smashing the golden skeleton to pieces on the spot.


Bai Lengye turned around and was about to leave when there was another clicking sound from behind.

Turning his head slowly, Bai Lengye saw that the golden skeleton was standing in place again, and it became stronger and more ferocious, with different spikes appearing on the skeleton.

"What kind of monster did the scholar research, and he couldn't kill it no matter what!"

Bai Lengye took a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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