The last cultivator

Chapter 518 Missing

Chapter 518 Missing
Bai Lengye stood outside the mountain gate, after hesitating for a moment, he smashed the stone gate with his fist, and a musty smell wafted out.

Walking into the cave, as expected, the person inside was already dead, the white skeleton was covered with cobwebs, and there were a few books and weapons beside him.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the weapon book has not rotted, which shows that the material is very unusual.

Bai Lengye picked up the book casually, they were all cultivation methods of cultivation, although they looked very advanced, they didn't have much effect on him.

There were a total of ten people inside, and all of them were trapped to death here, and some committed suicide with a sword stuck between their breastbones.

He came to this place by accident, and found that there was a mark left by a cultivator here, so he came here.

It is very likely that several cultivators here came here a long time ago, but for some unknown reason, they died here.

And there are big stones blocking the outside, it is very likely that they were placed there on purpose, just not wanting them to come out.

Bai Lengye buried all of them together, a small grave will be leveled within a few years.

People live for a lifetime, and after death, they have nothing. After a long time, they will naturally be forgotten by future generations. Bai Lengye doesn't know what those people who pursue fame and fortune think, maybe this is the so-called sacrifice to save face.

When I was young, the body paid back the money, and when I was old, I exchanged the money for my life, and the cycle went on like this...

After Bai Lengye returned, he began to study the theory of reincarnation. Now, he can finally open the first page.

The first page is just a brief introduction to some stories, which are similar to those in the Bible, such as the beginning of the world and human emotions, which have no substantive effect.

After watching it for a few days, Bai Lengye couldn't bear to watch it any longer, so he left the scriptures of reincarnation and came to the deep mountain to protrude.

"Xiao Jiang, are you there?" Bai Lengye shouted.

"here I am."

Xiao Jiang came out of the room with a smiling face, but his face looked pale.

"How are you doing recently?" Bai Lengye walked over and asked.

Xiao Jiang sat down panting, and said, "Fortunately, since I got the blood power, my strength is getting stronger day by day, but my body has become very weak."

Bai Lengye checked for the other party, and found that Xiao Jiang's strength had almost surpassed the realm, and he should be able to enter the realm of foundation building in a short time.

"Brother, what are you doing recently, have all those cultivators been driven away?"

"No." Bai Lengye said helplessly: "Now they are fighting among themselves, and the allied forces have been given time to develop."

"But as long as they don't leave for a day, I will have trouble sleeping and eating, but I don't dare to attack for the time being, for fear that the two of them will unite and it will be even more troublesome at that time."

Xiao Jiang doesn't understand so much, he is just a zombie, and now he is hiding here to refine the power of blood, because it was given to him by Bai Lengye.

After sitting for a while, Bai Lengye left, came to Watermelon Pie alone, and saw Lin Ling who was giving instructions to the disciples.

Now Lin Ling is becoming more and more like a leader. Now the watermelon pie has developed in an all-round way. From dozens of disciples at the beginning to nearly a thousand people now, the other party has contributed a lot.

The two chatted for a long time and had a lot of emotions. From the time the two first met, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Time is a ruthless killer. It has killed many people, and also caused many people to betray their relatives and end up homeless.

After returning home at night, Bai Lengye thought a lot, and after thinking of him, he thought of things from a long time ago.

The entrance is opened once every ten years, and the next time it will be opened is ten years later, and after ten years, the parents may be old, and his father has not been found yet.

Now, his daughters are all gone, and his son Ruixing can call him daddy too.


One month later, Bai Lengye found Tianyue Dynasty, this time he took the initiative to find the other party, in order to settle Long'er's affairs.

He owed Long Er too much, half of the other party's death was attributed to one person, and he came here today to settle the matter.

"How dare you come here!"

The master of Tianyue sect immediately flew into a rage when he saw Bai Lengye, the other party killed his daughter, he hadn't settled with the other party, unexpectedly, he sent him to his door.

"I was half at fault, but you killed Long Er by mistake, do you admit it?"

Bai Lengye asked indifferently.

"Damn you, you killed Long Er, I will kill you today!"

Tianyue came to Bai Lengye in an instant, a piercing sonic boom sounded, the floor cracked and shattered, and Bai Lengye disappeared from sight.


Tianyue was a little surprised, when he turned around, Bai Lengye was already sitting on the chair he had been sitting on earlier.

"The chair is very comfortable. At this moment, you are still so comfortable." Bai Lengye laughed.

With a sullen face, Tianyue asked, "What are you doing here today? Could it be that you messed up on purpose?"

"Or, are you here to kill me?"

"I want to." Bai Lengye stood up slowly, and said indifferently: "I am very interested in your Tianyue Dynasty. I have been here for so many years, but I haven't figured out what you want to do."

"What secret do you have, I really want to know."

"Go down and ask Hades."

The ground on both sides suddenly separated, causing Bai Hanye to fall directly.

"Hmph, this pit is [-] meters deep, you can't climb it."

As Tianyue said, Bai Hanye kept falling down, and the surrounding walls were polished so smooth that he couldn't catch it at all, and was pulled by a huge tearing force, making him unable to fly.


After falling to the ground, he fell heavily on the ground, almost hurting himself.

Bai Lengye stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and was about to fly up, when countless arrows burst from above his head, so densely packed that he couldn't dodge it.

The sky fire burst out in an instant, turning those arrows into molten iron. Bai Hanye controlled the molten iron to rotate in the air, and finally frozen it with ice cubes instantly, forming a huge shield across the top of the head, blocking those arrows. Arrows shot down.

At this time, Bai Lengye was in the mood to look elsewhere. The stands in front of him were full of human bones. There was a rusty iron gate at the side, and a low growl could be heard faintly from inside.

Bai Lengye was not nervous, for his current strength, nothing could kill him.

Stepping up to the iron gate, Bai Lengye saw that there were still bloodstains that had dried up not long ago. He had been here for several years, but he didn't even know that there was this thing under there. Obviously, he knew too little about it.

"It seems that the Tianyue Dynasty has hidden many secrets."

Bai Lengye's eyes flickered, and then he kicked the big iron gate in front of him to pieces.

A roar sounded, and a brown bear four or five meters high jumped out. Its body was covered with hideous wounds, and large pieces of blood clots fell off the opponent's body.


The corner of Bai Lengye's mouth raised slightly, and then his skin was covered with a layer of armor-like thing. This is the dragon transformation, which he got when he killed the half-dragon, and he hasn't used it much since then.

Today, he finally showed this ability in the world, because in this way he was able to fight hand-to-hand with the brown bear in front of him.

The brown bear slowly approached him, opened its mouth wide, and bit at his head.

Bai Lengye didn't dodge, but stomped on the ground with his feet, rushed over with a whoosh, and knocked the brown bear down to the ground with a huge force.

"That's right." Bai Lengye touched the scale armor on his body, the hardness of this thing was beyond his expectation, and the hardness was definitely not much worse than the bone from last time.

The brown bear roared and got up, and actually spit out a fireball directly from its mouth. Bai Lengye stood there without moving, letting the fireball hit him.

The moment the fireball hit his body, his whole body was covered by scales, only a pair of eyes were exposed.

Although the flames were terribly hot, they did not cause the slightest damage to his scales, and they gradually extinguished automatically after only a few tens of seconds.

Bai Lengye nodded in satisfaction, walked up to him without playing with the little bear, stretched out his finger, and pierced through the huge head of the opposite one.

After the brown bear fell to the ground, Bai Lengye punched the surrounding walls, and after a loud noise, the top began to collapse.

Taking this opportunity, Bai Lengye flew towards the sky, and directly entered the ground by burrowing.

Above, the head of Tianyue Sect had a sullen face and didn't speak. He knew that the secret room couldn't trap Bai Lengye at all, but he didn't expect it to be faster than expected.

The next moment, Bai Lengye flew out from the broken hole, but what greeted him was densely packed iron swords, fortunately his body was covered with scales, after the ding ding hit, nothing happened at all.

The head of Tianyue Sect was a little surprised, how could Bai Lengye in front of him become like this, and what happened to the layer of scales on his body.

"Sect Master Tianyue, is this your only ability?" Bai Lengye said calmly.

"Hmph." Tianyue said coldly: "I am a master of Dongxu, how can I not kill you, a master of Nascent Soul?"

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?"

"Oh, let's hear it." Bai Lengye chuckled.

"Look for yourself." Tianyue threw an envelope over, Bai Lengye took it in his hand, and glanced casually.

"What is this?"

"Long'er's diary!"


After Bai Lengye heard this, he took the book with both hands, and slowly opened the first page.

"It's great. He talked to me today. I feel so happy... How can I make him like me?"

Seeing this, Bai Lengye's eyelids twitched, and then slowly turned to the second page.

"I'm not happy, he is actually ignoring me, what should I do, Longer is so sad..."

"Hee hee, although Long Er is older than him, as long as the two really like being together, nothing will be a problem."

Slowly, Bai Lengye continued to turn the pages and read down. The more she read, the heavier her heart became. Gradually, she saw the last few pages.

"I found King Youdu today. I counted my marriage. He told me that I would die..."

"You know, I really like you very much, but why can't you like Longer, Longer is so sad."

"That day, after I made a bold confession, he rejected me, and Long'er came back and cried all day... No one could listen to my cry."

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I must be bolder, otherwise I will take the initiative to dedicate myself, anyway, I just like him..."

At this point, it is the last page, and Bai Lengye's heart is trembling. He naturally knows what the last string of ellipses means.

That day was originally the day when the other party asked him to confess his love to him, but it became the eternal separation between heaven and man.

Close the book, and there are four small characters engraved on the back, forever and ever.

"Got it, that's why I didn't kill you!"

Tianyue said with a cold face: "Long'er cares about you very much, but what have you done? If you had been together long ago, I would not have killed you."

Tianyue roared angrily: "I'm just such a precious daughter, you give me back my daughter!"

"I'm sorry..." Bai Lengye smiled bitterly, silently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said softly: "Love makes people lose their way and make choices."

There was a flame of anger burning in Tianyue's eyes. After a long time, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes: "You go, don't come back again."

Bai Lengye pursed her lips, walked out, came to the outside of the mountain, stopped, and looked back, this is a dangerous place, but also a sad place.

An hour later, Bai Lengye came to the place where Long'er was buried. He couldn't say anything, and held the diary tightly in his hand.

It records the relationship of the other party in the past few years, and it is written about many things about him that Bai Lengye doesn't know. It turns out that Long Er has known his identity for a long time, and sometimes when he shows flaws, it is the other party who wiped his ass. .

Unfortunately, it is useless to say anything now.

There will be regrets in one's life. Bai Lengye used to think that he had no regrets, but now, he feels very remorse and regret.

When a person is alive, he doesn't care about the other person, but now he cares about him when he is dead, what's the use of that.

"Long Er, maybe you are right, I..."

Bai Lengye wanted to find a reason for himself to come out, but he couldn't say what happened next.

If you want to blame, you can only blame fate for teasing people, the two of them are destined to have no future.

All thoughts will be diluted with the passage of time, let him blow away with the wind.

Afterwards, the pleasant ringtone brought Bai Lengye back to reality, took out his cell phone and checked, it was from home.

"Daddy, what are you doing? You're home for dinner." Bai Ruichen's laughter came from the phone.

If it was before, Bai Hanye might have refused, saying that he still had things to do.

but now……

"Okay, I'll go back to dinner right away."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye hung up the phone, looked at the diary in his hand, put it in his ring, and took it as a kind of memory, and took it out to have a look when he remembered it.

Turning around, the body slowly disappeared into the horizon...

(End of this chapter)

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