Chapter 531
In the afternoon, after they found a place to stay, they went to the beach and played happily.

There are many people on the beach, but likewise, there are piles of rubbish, and many places are going to be turned into rubbish dumps, even sea water can't wash them away.

Bai Lengye doesn't know what's wrong with the people now, but he knows that it's definitely a problem of quality, not one person, but a whole group is sick.

In the evening, it was a little cold by the sea, they gathered on the beach to have a barbecue, eating with gusto.

In the evening, several of them went back to sleep, Bai Lengye didn't think about business affairs now, and put all his attention on his family.

This time, except for his son who didn't come, Huang Yingmu Yanran and the others are all here, and he wants to accompany them to have fun on vacation.

However, in the dead of night, Bai Lengye noticed some miscellaneous footsteps, and when he opened the curtains, there were many people outside, holding some gasoline cans and so on.

Bai Lengye immediately jumped out of the window, those people suddenly saw a black figure jumping out, they were all startled.

But when they saw that Bai Lengye was alone, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and two of them walked over directly.

"Who are you?" Bai Lengye asked first.

"I'll kill you." The two men took out the knives hidden behind their backs, and at the same time swung the knives at Bai Lengye's head.

Bai Lengye turned sideways to dodge gently, punched with both fists, the two of them flew out with a whoosh, and hit the stone heavily.

The rest of the people were stunned. Two people weighing more than 100 kilograms flew up to a height of five or six meters, which did not meet their understanding at all.


A tall and thick man swung his casserole-sized fist and hit him, Bai Lengye chuckled, stretched out a finger, and tapped lightly.


The big man's arm was directly broken, after which Bai Lengye blew a breath, the two hundred catty big man flew up out of thin air, hit the wall, and began to vomit blood.

The next moment, the rest of the people scattered in fright. To them, this was not something that people could do at all.

At this time, Fang Xiaoyu came out. She noticed the movement outside, so she came out to take a look.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, it's just that some people are dishonest and want to order the house in the middle of the night."

Bai Lengye chuckled, then walked to the side of the big man with the broken arm, and asked indifferently: "Who sent you here, is it that Yong'an?"

The big man's face was pale, he gritted his teeth and did not speak, Bai Lengye was not polite, he directly searched the memory of the other party, and learned about the person behind him.

"It turned out to be a guy named Dahai."

Bai Lengye nodded, and then let Fang Xiaoyu leave. After he made a phone call, he came to the place called the sea.

The lights here are bright, and there is a casino underground. There must be hundreds of people watching the venue, and most of the people who come and go here are expensive, basically they are either rich or expensive.

Bai Lengye came out again, waited quietly for a while, and after a while, several police cars drove over, and four No. 50 special police officers in full armor rushed down.

After Bai Hanye told them the layout inside, the special police officers were ready to attack.




The gate broke open to the north, and the smoke grenade and flash grenade were thrown directly in. Soon, the sound of shooting was heard from inside.

More than ten minutes later, Bai Lengye walked in, and the whole room was in a mess, but what surprised Bai Lengye was that Dahai dared to resist and let an old man deal with those special police.

The old man's moves were also clean and quick, and with just a few moves, he brought down those special police officers.

"Boss, it's this kid who spoiled my good deeds..."

It was Bai Lengye who knew who was going to take revenge on him. It turned out to be the thief on the bus. He didn't expect that the other party was so capable, and there was such a person behind him. No wonder he was so unscrupulous.

"Who are you, to be able to call all the special police?"

The middle-aged man named Dahai said in a deep voice.

"I'm your father." Bai Lengye said bluntly.

"you wanna die!"

Anyone who heard this would probably be half-dead with anger, let alone a boss who covered the sky with his hands.

"Old Liu, please kill this kid again." Dahai said to the old man behind him.

"one move."

The old man said softly, and then he walked up to Bai Lengye step by step, and raised his arm.

Bai Lengye stood there without moving, but when the old man's palm was about to hit his forehead, Bai Lengye took this opportunity to press a finger on the other's chest.


First there was the sound of bones breaking, and then the old man vomited blood, flew off the ground, hit the wall fiercely, and then began to spurt blood from his mouth.


After the old man said a word to you, his face was shocked, he turned and ran away.

Bai Lengye didn't rush to chase after him, but set his sights on that Hai Hai.

"Don't...don't kill me, I have a lot of money, I can give it to you."

"You take the money and go to the prison to play." Bai Lengye chuckled, directly crippled the opponent's limbs, and then left in a hurry.

Naturally, someone will solve the rest. With so many special police officers lying there, the other party's charges will definitely not escape, at least indefinitely.

Under the night, Bai Lengye followed the place where the old man left. He thought that the old man belonged to someone among the cultivators, but he guessed wrong.

The old man came to a very secluded place, where there were several houses and some people inside.

When they were having a meeting to discuss, Bai Lengye directly barged in, frightening everyone in the room.

"Who the hell are you!" a white-haired old man said sharply.

"Interesting, how long you have been here, I have never known."

After Bai Lengye took a look around, he knew that these cultivators definitely did not come from the realm of comprehension, they were probably those who stayed long ago.

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the trick!"

A few old men rushed over immediately. These people basically have good strength, but they are facing Bai Lengye.

With a few simple wavings, Bai Lengye knocked these people down until they vomited blood.

"I'll just warn you once, I have no objection to living in the city, but don't mix with those people, or next time, you will be like this mountain."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye stomped his feet lightly, and immediately, the whole mountain trembled violently, like an earthquake, countless rubble rolled down, smashing the wall out of skeletons.


Bai Lengye turned around and walked out.

Those cultivators were already frightened to death. They never imagined that Bai Lengye would have such terrifying strength. The strength of one foot could shake a mountain.

After Bai Lengye returned, he lay down on the bed and slept.

Woke up the next day to watch the news. Last night, that Hai Hai was on the news. I didn’t pay attention to how many crimes there were, but the other party definitely couldn’t run away.

"Daddy is gone, it's useful for us to go." Bai Ruichen came in wearing a swimsuit, and pulled Bai Lengye out.

Yanran and the others had been waiting for a long time, their slender figures were wearing swimsuits, but Bai Lengye was so happy that she touched this and that dishonestly.

After a while, the swimming started, and none of them used any strength, just swimming at the speed of their bodies.

A few minutes later, they were already some distance away from the beach, and basically no one would come here.

When they were laughing and playing, suddenly, there was a scream, and Bai Lengye looked back suddenly, and saw a pool of blood floating along the sea.


Bai Lengye quickly jumped out of the sea, and after a few steps, he saw a woman was torn apart, only half of her body was left.

At this moment, a ferocious shark suddenly jumped out from the bottom of the sea, opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Bai Hanye.

Bai Lengye originally wanted to kill the shark with one fist, but who knew that he sensed an unusual aura from the shark, so he immediately kept his hand, only to vomit blood from the shark.

This kind of man-eating shark said it shouldn't appear here, but it did appear, and it seemed to have mutated, becoming extremely violent and bloodthirsty.

The man-eating shark seemed to know that he was not Bai Hanye's opponent, and immediately dived into the bottom of the sea and swam away.

Why did Bai Lengye let the other party run away like this, he also jumped into the water and followed the shark. He followed the shark all the way to a place in the deep sea.

There were no fish alive around here, Bai Lengye saw the shark enter a cave, it was dark and very mysterious.

Bai Lengye hesitated for a moment, but also slowly swam to the entrance of the cave, and felt that the shark inside was dead, so he went in.

After entering, the light dimmed immediately, Bai Lengye picked up a flashlight and saw the cave clearly.

The shark was already dead, floating on the top of the cave, but what surprised Bai Lengye the most was that there was actually a corpse here.

The skeleton was gleaming, and there was a set of mysterious armor around the body, but with the washing of the sea, it was almost rotten.

When he came to the corpse, Bai Lengye saw a ring in the sand, and after sweeping it in, he saw some pills.

Now, Bai Lengye finally knew what was going on, the shark must have inadvertently ate a elixir, and became so violent and bloodthirsty.

Putting away the ring, Bai Lengye set his sights on the bones. This person has been dead for so many years, but the bones are still gleaming, presumably it was not an easy life.

Thinking of this, Bai Lengye carefully put away the bones, and dropped a wooden sign.

There is only an ancient font on it, after careful inspection, Bai Lengye thinks it looks like a holy word.

Without thinking too much, Bai Lengye left the cave, jumped out of the sea, and rushed back.

(End of this chapter)

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