Chapter 535
Bai Lengye had just dodged the headless horseman's double knives, but who would have thought that the immobile ghost horse hit him hard on the back with its hard head, and immediately knocked Bai Lengye away .

It's also fortunate that he has the dragon armor to automatically protect his body, otherwise, his back would definitely be knocked out, but even with the protection of the dragon armor, he still feels a burning pain in his back now.

"Two to one, okay, I'm not afraid of you."

Bai Lengye casually pulled out his Death Scythe. To be honest, this Death Scythe was taller than him, it was two meters long, and it was burning with red flames. It looked very mighty and domineering.

The headless horseman rushed forward, and the terrifying double knives directly cut a crack in the ground. Bai Lengye grinned, and immediately went up to meet him.

After the two collided, each of them transmitted a very powerful force from the other's hand, and both of them retreated a lot.

"Bah, come again!"

However, Bai Lengye became more and more comfortable fighting, and finally found a comparable opponent, wouldn't it be a pity if he didn't practice well.

And the headless horseman is also very powerful. Although he has no head, he is unambiguous in his moves, and every move is fatal.

Bai Lengye fought the Headless Horseman for more than 100 moves, which made his whole body full of enthusiasm, and his fights became more and more smooth.

But at this critical moment, the ghost horse suddenly let out a long neighing sound, gathering, the ground seemed to tremble.

Bai Lengye forced the headless horseman back, and when he looked back, he was frightened to death.

A two or three meter tall giant came out from behind him. This giant was covered in scars, tattered armor stuck to his body, and a pair of terrifying eyes stared at him coldly.

" did it come out, and it found me!"

Bai Lengye was taken aback, and immediately moved away from the two of them, subconsciously grasping the death scythe tightly in his palm, this was not a joke, he did not expect that guy from the city of death to chase him here.

"Brother." The giant said in a deep voice.

The headless horseman seemed to hum, and now, Bai Lengye was completely stunned. He never expected that the headless horseman was actually the big brother of this giant.

But it looks like the two don't look alike, and when did the two meet, didn't the headless horseman live for a short time, and the giant was imprisoned in the underworld until he died...

"Give me back the sickle!" The giant's eyes were horrifying, sweeping over Bai Lengye with sharp murderous aura.

Bai Lengye grasped the sickle subconsciously, and said calmly: "This sickle is my trophy, and besides, I think it suits me quite well, you are not worthy of it."

The giant was furious, let out an angry roar, and immediately smashed his huge fist towards his head. With this fist, even the air was blown out, and an air groove was clearly seen!
In this case, it is impossible to escape, because the speed of the air must be much, much faster than his escape speed.

Bai Lengye yelled lightly, Qilin's arm swelled with strength, his left foot took a small step back, and then with enough strength, Qilin's arm struck fiercely.

The fists of the two collided together, and at this moment, a strong whirlwind blew all the surrounding trees over, the ground under their feet sank directly, and the two fell into a deep pit.

Immediately afterwards, the two separated their fists, unleashed a faster attack, stood still in the deep pit, and kept attacking each other's body.

Finally, as Bai Hanye kicked the giant in the abdomen, he himself was bounced back by a powerful force.

After leaving the deep pit, Bai Lengye shook his arm. To be honest, the giant's strength was really terrifying. If he hadn't had a unicorn arm, he might have been broken by the opponent long ago.

Even now, he felt his arms were a little numb, and the blood in his body was surging.

The giant jumped out of the deep pit with a bang. After landing on the ground, he sank half an inch into it. The giant stared at him coldly, but he didn't rush over.

At this time, the headless horseman moved, and the opponent came to the side of the giant in a flash, and threw the two knives in his hand to the giant.

"Two together?" Bai Lengye's eyebrows twitched, and the death scythe was gripped even tighter.

The two of them didn't talk nonsense, they rushed towards him one after the other, the headless horseman was the first among them, holding the two knives tightly with both arms, and slashed at his head, this blow split even the air , piercing screams spread into No. [-] Middle School.

Bai Lengye's face was solemn, facing two people attacking him at the same time, he naturally didn't dare to be careless in his heart, and immediately blocked the death scythe horizontally in front of him.

Although the death scythe was fine, but because of the huge force, his knees sank into the ground directly.

At this moment, the giant came up behind him, and with the long knife in his hand as a hammer, he continued to slap him down.

Seeing that the long knife was about to hit Bai Lengye, in an instant, Bai Lengye disappeared from the deep pit, and the knife hit nothing.

Both of them were looking for Bai Leng Ye, but Bai Leng Ye had already appeared in the sky, the dazzling light illuminated the surroundings, and on the death scythe, the terrible sky fire was burning blazingly.

After the flame reached a certain level, Bai Lengye took a deep breath, and then the veins on his palms popped up, his eyes became fierce.

Bai Lengye rushed towards the ground quickly, and then with all his strength, the Death Scythe swept down on the Headless Horseman.

At this moment, the blinding white light made people unable to open their eyes, and the sky fire on the death scythe directly turned into a ferocious skull, swallowing the headless horseman in one gulp.

The giant wielded a long knife to resist the sickle, but this time Bai Hanye had enough strength, even the giant couldn't resist the huge power on the sickle.

At the moment of the collision, the giant's feet wiped out a long trench on the ground, and was hit by the huge force of Bai Lengye all the time and retreated. After a while, the giant's body finally flew upside down, like a star Like a cannonball, it shot directly into the forest, and with a loud roar, hundreds of trees fell down.


Afterwards, Bai Lengye's complexion was pale, he gasped heavily, and the cold sweat on his forehead dripped down the tip of his nose into his lips.

He took out a elixir and swallowed it, slowly recovering the true energy in his body, this time, he had exhausted all his strength, if that...

Suddenly, Bai Lengye suddenly raised his head, and saw that his skull, which was condensed with sky fire, exploded directly, and the embarrassed headless horseman jumped down from the sky and landed in front of him.


At the time of Bai Leng Ye Lengshen, in the forest, a giant figure also slowly walked out. Although there were countless wounds behind the other party, he walked out after all.

Bai Lengye couldn't help laughing wryly, these two brothers are so terrifying, he can't deal with this brother with his strength, it seems that today is destined to be his unlucky day.

"Not bad." The giant said suddenly inexplicably.

The Headless Horseman also seemed to hum, Bai Lengye frowned, it was a bit inexplicable that he was being fucked by the two of them now.

"Come out." The headless horseman's hoarse voice sounded.

Bai Lengye turned her head one by one, and saw his son Bai Ruixing coming out with a smile on his face, obediently walked to his side, and called out to his father.

"This...what's going on?" Bai Lengye frowned.

"Father, they deliberately tested you." Bai Ruixing said with a smile.

"Test me?" Bai Lengye wondered, why did he look like he was going to kill him just now, but now he turned into a tester.

"The two of them want to accept me as an apprentice." Bai Ruixing told the truth.

Bai Lengye didn't veto it outright, and looked up at the two Headless Horsemen, he believed that they would give him a satisfactory answer.

"We want to take your son as an apprentice, and when the cultivation world opens, we can let him go back to you."

"Why is it my son and not someone else." Bai Lengye asked.

The two of them didn't answer his words, and they fell silent. After about a few minutes, the giant said, "You took my sickle in exchange, so I chose your son."

"Besides, your son is also very willing to be our apprentice."

"Yes, father, I am willing to be their apprentice, okay?" Bai Ruixing asked.

Bai Lengye pondered for a while, he believed that the two of them would not just fall in love with his son so simply, it must be because of other things.

But now he can't remember why.

"It's not impossible to want my son." Bai Lengye chuckled and said, "The premise is that you must do me a favor."

"Yes." The two agreed without hesitation.

Seeing how sincere the two were, Bai Lengye no longer doubted anything.


After returning, Bai Lengye called the Blackbird people, and then headless and the others left together.

"Don't you want revenge, now is your chance."

After they came to the surface of the sea, Bai Lengye told the black bird people the truth.

The Blackbird man was extremely excited, he knew that the two Headless Horsemen were very powerful, and with Bai Lengye's words, maybe they could really help him rescue his tribe.

The four of them went on the road together, plus a ghost horse. Bai Lengye asked about the origin of the ghost horse, and the headless horseman told him that the ghost horse fought with him on the battlefield when he was alive. Rival ghost horse.

Soon, they came to the sky above the city of angels, and under their feet was the city of angels.

After the four of them discussed the countermeasures, the black bird man went down first, and not long after, he came to a place he would never forget.

Not long after he came here, a large number of white bird people appeared, no nonsense, they directly attacked him.

The Black Birds were besieged by more than a dozen White Birds. After fighting dozens of moves, it seemed that it was going to die. At this time, Bai Lengye and the others suddenly appeared.

The dozen or so white bird men were not enough for the giant to kill by himself, just slapped them down, and the terrible water flowed through their bodies, and white blood flowed out.

Suddenly, the City of Angels shook, and immediately after that, an octopus flew out with many birdmen.


The octopus rushed over, brandishing a fork. The headless horseman was not polite, and he slashed down with the two knives in his hand, splitting the octopus in the middle.

The remaining birdmen were also blown to scum by the giant's fist.

"Go in."

Bai Lengye said in a deep voice, and took the lead to walk towards the city of angels. The black bird man was trembling with excitement. He believed that he would be able to rescue his people today.


A cold and majestic voice sounded, and a birdman radiating white light appeared. This birdman is Twelve Wings, and it is also the existence of a master of the hole, one of the three.

Under the strong coercion, the Blackbird man almost vomited blood, but Bai Lengye slapped his shoulder, and that force disappeared from his chest.

The white bird man looked at them with a cold expression, and then said in a cold voice: "You guys should go to hell!"

"You are going to hell!" The black bird man's eyes were full of anger.

"Death!" The white birdman slapped the black birdman fearfully. At this moment, everyone felt dizzy.


Bai Lengye dragged the black bird man away, and at the same time Shang Qian slapped the white bird man.

After a loud noise, the two stepped back about three steps each.

(End of this chapter)

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