The last cultivator

Chapter 537: My Young Self

Chapter 537: My Young Self
The death of a relative was very painful, and it took Bai Lengye more than half a year to come out completely. He told himself that as long as he became a fairy, he would definitely have the power to bring his mother back to life.

Because he missed the last passage to the cultivation world, he will have to wait another 20 years or so.

And after he sealed the small island, they returned to the city and lived a simple and peaceful life.

More than ten years have passed, and the life on the mainland has already changed. It is completely different from the time before him.

Gasoline-burning cars are no longer seen all over the streets. Now, whether in the sky, on land, or on the sea, all the suspension vehicles invented by his company are used.

The roads are not as congested as before, and the buildings are taller than the next. The tallest ones may have three or four hundred floors, and those with more than 100 floors are the most common.

Up to now, basically all technologies have been broken through, even if you live in outer space, you don’t need to wear a spacesuit anymore.

All the people have entered the age of technology, bank cards have been cancelled, and only need to use fingerprints, they can spend and buy things anywhere.

The previous banknotes are also gone, and all of them are replaced by numbers. When you spend, you only need to swipe your fingerprint and it will be automatically deducted from the numbers.

And now, there are no unpaid or dangerous jobs, because those jobs have been replaced by robots.

Today's robots have high intelligence and can meet the needs of most families. Except for some very complicated jobs, manual workers have been replaced by robots.

But no matter how good the outside world is, or how high-tech it is, it doesn't matter what happened to Bethlehem Yeh.

Their family moved into the deep mountain, completely self-sufficient, this deep mountain is very quiet, without the noise of the bustling city outside.

There is also super-high internet speed, delicious food, and convenient flying tools. In addition, the air is pollution-free, which is many times better than outside.

After the family moved in here, the ordinary and happy days passed day by day, until one day, Bai Lengye came to him alone.

This person is a vampire, or it can be said that this person is the originator of the entire vampire, and he is famous in history.

"Your people have killed many of my descendants, I hope you will stop them!"

On the back mountain, a middle-aged man with red pupils said to Bai Lengye in a deep voice.

The current Bai Hanye has not changed much from before, but he is no longer that impulsive boy in every gesture.

"Why should I stop them? That's their business, not mine?" Bai Lengye said with a surprisingly flat mouth while drinking red wine.

The man's eyes glowed red, and he said sharply, "Don't think I don't know that you are the leader of these people, they will definitely listen to what you say."

"You'd better warn them, or I'll make them die miserably, and you!"

"Oh, are you warning me, or threatening me?" Bai Lengye laughed.

The man slapped the table and got up, just about to curse out loud, when Bai Lengye tapped his finger, the huge force made him sit down in an instant.

"Speak well, don't get angry, you have slept for thousands of years, and you are not afraid of flashing your waist?"

"You!" The man was taken aback. He wanted to resist Bai Lengye's strength, but it was like a mountain was pressing down on his head, making him breathless.

Afterwards, Bai Lengye withdrew his fingers and continued to drink his own red wine. The man felt a burst of relief instantly, and his back was drenched in cold sweat.

"You... who the hell are you, and why are you so strong?" The man's tone was terrified, he clenched his fists tightly, and fixed his eyes on Bai Lengye.

Bai Lengye drank the last sip of red wine, cast a glance at the other party out of the corner of his eyes, then picked up the wine bottle and poured himself another glass.

After nearly 5 minutes like this, the man finally couldn't take it anymore, he quickly got up and said, "I just came here to tell you today, and when I go back, I will tell Lord Cain personally..."

"So it should be." Bai Lengye smiled lightly, and then said: "Since it's his words, then you don't need to go back and say it, we'll go there now."


The man was taken aback, before he realized what was going on, Bai Lengye had already grabbed his shoulder, and the next moment, he felt all the strength in his body disappearing.


Two sharp fangs appeared, trying to bite Bai Lengye's neck, but Bai Lengye lightly tapped his finger between his brows, the man's eyes dimmed, and then he passed out.

Bai Lengye carried the opponent on his shoulders, and then disappeared here.

Not long after, Bai Hanye came to an ancient castle. After he entered, many men in black robes came out from all directions and surrounded him.

"Cain." Bai Lengye calmly looked at the red-haired man on the stone seat.

"Who are you?" Cain said with a hint of majesty in his tone.

"You just asked your subordinates to find me, did you forget so soon?"

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye left the man on the ground, and the faces of the people around him immediately changed.

A cold light flashed in Cain's eyes, and suddenly, a vampire attacked Bai Lengye.

Bai Lengye didn't even turn his head back, he turned his arms lightly, a powerful force directly hit the opponent's chest, and the man spat out a mouthful of blood.

Cain's subsequent words were immediately choked in his throat again, his expression became serious, and he slowly stood up.


Lines of blood appeared on his face, sharp fangs were exposed outside his lips, and his pupils turned blood red.

Bai Lengye smiled slightly, turned his palm, and a white light appeared in the center of his palm.


All of a sudden, many vampires let out screams, their bodies began to emit black smoke, fear appeared in their eyes, and they immediately hid away from Bai Lengye.

"This is... this is the Sacred Heart, damn it, where did you get it!"

Bai Lengye smiled. Of course, this thing was given to him by a black bird man. He thought it could only be used for lighting, but who would have thought that it would be no problem to deal with these vampires.

"Cain, you know, I used to live well there, and I don't want to care about the outside world anymore."

"But now, I have changed my mind..."

"No!" Cain yelled, "You can't do this, Satan will not let you go!"

Bai Lengye shook his head, and said softly: "I won't be afraid of any demons, now I have the final say on the earth, understand?"

After finishing speaking, he slowly threw the Sacred Heart out, and a dazzling white light flashed, and all the vampires present instantly turned into black smoke, and Cain didn't hold on for long, after screaming for nearly a minute, suddenly Suddenly, a giant black hand broke through the wall, grabbed the opponent and took him away.

"Where to go."

Bai Lengye stepped forward and followed, but when he came out, he saw the black shadow enter the dark clouds in the sky, and soon the dark clouds disappeared again, and he couldn't find anyone.


The corners of Bai Lengye's mouth twitched slightly. He never thought that after so many years, he would finally meet someone who was a match for chess. He thought that those people had all gone to the cultivation world, but now it seems that some people are reluctant to leave and stay.

After putting away the Sacred Heart, Bai Lengye sneered and said, "But do you think it's okay? It's too simple."

Bai Lengye turned around and left the place.

At this moment, in a dark underground castle, Ying Ying was lying on the ground with serious injuries, and in front of him stood a monster with a skeleton head.

"You messed things up..." The skeleton monster made a bone-chilling voice.

"Forgive lord is giving me a chance." Cain, who was aloof, was very frightened, and his body began to tremble.

Murderous intent appeared on the skeleton monster, and just as the opponent raised his arm to make a move, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded.

"Actually, you can't blame him completely. If you want to blame him, blame him for pretending too much, and you."

Bai Lengye directly blasted open the door and rushed in, and the people who were chasing him behind him were sent flying back by a force.

"Bai Leng Ye!" The skeleton monster let out a cold murderous intent, and green flames began to dance in the black eye sockets.

"Who are you, do you know me?" Bai Lengye asked back.

"When I was in the sea of ​​suffering, I should have killed you!"

Hearing this, Bai Lengye was startled, he thought about it quickly, but he didn't seem to have seen this skeleton before, the only thing he saw was in the eyes of the daughter of Emperor Kuhai.

"Tsk tsk, you are actually a guy in the sea of ​​suffering, how did you escape?"

Bai Lengye asked very curiously.

"If those cultivators hadn't touched the seal when they went back, I might not be able to escape. I have to thank them for all of this."

Bai Lengye suddenly realized that this was the case, otherwise he would have thought that the seal had been broken.

"So now, are you going to kill me?" Bai Lengye said with curled lips.

"Bai Lengye, I know you are very powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you are still alone. Since you are still human, you are no match for me!"

"Look who this is..."

After speaking, the other party's arms interacted, and a woman with disheveled hair came out from a black portal.

"Mom!" Bai Lengye was shocked.

"No, my mother is dead, she can't be in your hands."

Bai Lengye was startled when he came back to his senses, but he saw that the woman was exactly the same as when his mother was young.

"Hmph, Bai Lengye, what did you see when you turned back in the sea of ​​bitterness?"

"I saw it..." Bai Lengye fell into the memory, after thinking about it carefully, he remembered that when he looked back that time, he seemed to see himself, the young self.

"When you are young, you are wandering in the sea of ​​suffering. Once you step into the sea of ​​suffering, you will never be able to turn back. At that time, you have already killed your young self."

"And now I..."

The skeleton laughed a few times, waved its arms again, and another person came out of the dark portal, and this person was actually Bai Lengye, exactly the same as when he was young.

But the eyes of the whole person are empty and lifeless, obviously just a body without a soul.

"Who the hell are you!"

Bai Lengye believed very much that this skeleton must be very extraordinary, it can actually summon his young body, which is impossible without the supernatural ability.

"He is the evil deity of the sea of ​​bitterness..."

After the cold voice fell, a figure appeared beside Bai Lengye.

"Misery!" Bai Lengye was stunned.

The woman who appeared was naturally the daughter of the Emperor Kuhai who had rescued him before.

I haven't seen him for many years, but the other party is still the same as before, even the clothes are exactly the same.

"Don't be careless, I'm just projecting here now, I don't have the power to fight, and the one in front of you is the evil incarnation of Emperor Kuhai back then, and is very powerful."

Bai Lengye nodded and asked, "It's just an incarnation, how powerful can it be?"

Bitterness said softly: "Back then, an evil incarnation of Emperor Kuhai killed at least 1000 people like you in the cultivation world. How powerful is his clone?"

Bai Lengye was stunned, if this was the case, then wouldn't he have been caught in a tiger's mouth today?

"But don't worry, this avatar has been sealed in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness for a long time, and its strength is only half of what it used to be, as long as you defeat your young self."

"Okay, then there should be no problem. The difference between me now and when I was young is not 01:30."

Bai Lengye said very confidently, because he was convinced that the self when he was young was definitely not half as good as he is now.

"That's all nonsense, hurry up and do it, but be careful, even though that is just a shell, as long as i doesn't kill him, he will have endless power."

Bai Lengye nodded, and was about to rush over, but found that there was endless murderous intent in his young self's eyes, and he blasted at him with a move of Brahma Boiling the Sea.

Bai Lengye used the same move to fight against the opponent, but unexpectedly the strength of both sides was evenly matched.

At this time, the young self used some of his previous moves, heartless palm, sky-breaking finger, sky-defying sword...

All kinds of powerful moves were displayed without repetition, which frightened Bai Hanye, and some frantically began to resist.

He naturally knows the power of these moves, if it's just one or two moves, it's fine, but if it's a one-off attack, even now he doesn't dare to be careless, after all, he was still very powerful when he was young.


This palace was about to collapse, the evil clone of Emperor Kuhai laughed wildly, Cain also sneered, he believed that his master was very powerful, and Bai Lengye couldn't resist it at all.

"Look at how relaxed you are, I'm getting you a few people..."

The Emperor of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness summoned a few powerful figures casually. These people either died in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, or went to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness when they were young. Anyway, they are all very powerful people, and some of them have already become famous in the cultivation world for a long time.

Facing these talented masters, Bai Lengye was forced into a hard fight.

These people don't have a soul to give them thought, and they still have endless power. They make big moves one after another, and Bai Lengye can't take care of them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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