The last cultivator

Chapter 542 Success

Chapter 542 Success
Not to mention whether Bai Hanye had an idea, even if he had, he would not tell these people.

The life and death of the Changxian Sect has nothing to do with him, he wished that these people would die sooner, especially the old Taoist leader, who he listed as the must-kill targets.

After the meeting, Bai Lengye returned to his pigsty. That night, Bai Lengye saw many disciples sneaking away packing their bags and fleeing in the middle of the night. They were obviously worried about the battle in a few days. To put it bluntly, they were fear death.

But not long after these people came down the mountain, the old Taoist seemed to have known that they were going to escape, and had already set up an ambush at the foot of the mountain, but anyone who wanted to escape was killed directly, and no chance was given to beg for mercy.

Bai Lengye sneered in his heart, the more these people die, the better, and when that day comes, he can save a lot of things.

On the second day, those corpses should not be moved to the square. The old man warned these people righteously, if anyone dares to escape again, these dead people will be your end.

All the disciples thought that the sect master was crazy, and there were many complaints in their hearts, but they dared not say it publicly, they could only curse secretly.

"Pig raiser, go and dispose of these corpses."

An elder flicked his sleeves, and left with the group without looking back.

Looking at the dozens of corpses on the ground, Bai Lengye pouted helplessly, and immediately walked over to carry these corpses.

He found a large cart and put all the corpses on it. Bai Lengye pushed the cart to the side of the cliff, and poured the corpses down.

After finishing it, Bai Lengye went back, doing his own business as usual.

Now, the entire Changxian Sect looks calm on the surface, but secretly it is full of turmoil. Many disciples are discussing how to leave here, and they don't shy away from Bai Lengye, because in their eyes, Bai Lengye is a servant with Trash, even if you give the other party a hundred guts, you won't dare to go to Gaomi.

However, Bai Lengye really went to Gaomi this time.

When those people were discussing to find an excuse to leave in the afternoon, Bai Lengye left here secretly, and then came to the main hall belonging to the head.

"Master, I have something important to report."

"Say!" the old man asked expressionlessly.

"I saw a lot of brothers discussing to find an excuse to leave here in the afternoon, but in fact they want to escape..."


After Bai Lengye told the truth, the old Taoist was indeed very angry, and immediately walked out with a cold face.

When they came to the place where the pigs were raised, they saw that those people were still gathered together. When they saw the old man coming, they immediately greeted him with smiles.

The old man glanced at them coldly, and the disciples thumped in their hearts, and then saw Bai Lengye behind him, and the science department secretly said something was wrong.

"I heard that you are planning to escape this afternoon?" the old man said word by word.

"No, nothing, we didn't say anything." A disciple explained with sweat profusely: "We are loyal to Changxianmen, how could we do such a thing."

"Master, don't believe what that trash said, he is slandering us, I will kill him!"

With fierce eyes, the man rushed towards Bai Lengye, but before the opponent could hit Bai Lengye, he was killed by the palm of the old Taoist.

"A group of traitors, what's the use of keeping you!"

There was murderous intent in the eyes of the old Taoist, and those disciples turned pale with fright, and turned around to run away.


With a loud roar, the old man flattened the place with his palm, and those people turned into a blood mist, and the blood was all over the ground.

"Sect master, calm down, although I am just a waste, I am willing to die with the Changxian sect!"

Bai Lengye expressed his sincerity at this time, and sure enough, the old Taoist showed a gratified expression.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the one who chose to stay at this time would be a servant who raises pigs. My apprentices are not up to date, and they are all greedy for life and afraid of death."

Bai Lengye lowered his head and didn't speak, because he knew that his chance was almost up, and the only thing missing was Dongfeng.

In the daytime of the next day, the old Taoist announced that Bai Lengye had officially become a disciple of the Changxian Sect, but he was envied by many Changxian Sects, and some showed murderous looks.

They all knew that yesterday's group of brothers and sisters were going to escape, but they were killed because of Bai Lengye, a despicable villain's Gao Mi.

They wanted to kill Bai Lengye immediately, but it was too late, the old man asked Bai Lengye to guard the door for him, those people had no chance to kill him.

One day passed quickly, and on the third day, that third-rate sect came again, with at least 300 people, with a mighty momentum, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped everyone's hearts.

"People of Changxianmen, listen, as long as you surrender, we will not kill you. If you dare to resist, then we will kill you without mercy!"

As soon as these words came out, many disciples of Changxianmen were ready to move, but the old man shouted loudly, his murderous intent increased sharply, and his cold eyes swept over everyone.

For a moment, all the disciples were so frightened that they didn't dare to have any more thoughts. If you choose an avatar at this time, you will be killed by the palm of the head before you are killed by the enemy.

"Today, no one can retreat from me, they will all be killed!"

The old Taoist roared, and was the first to take the lead in rushing over.


The old man who took the lead snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and rushed towards the old Taoist with two people.

Soon, people from both sides fought together, Bai Lengye shuttled through the crowd, carefully avoided the attacks of those people, and slowly came under the old man.

He was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to kill the old man with one blow.


There was constant fighting around, hundreds of people fighting together, magic weapons flying around, the ground was slowly crumbling, and endless flames flew overhead.

Bai Lengye lowered his head and hid in the corner of the wall. He kept his eyes on the few people fighting in the air. He could see that although the old man was stronger, the enemy had three people with similar strength to him. After a long time, Failure is a matter of time.

At this moment, there was a piercing sound of sonic boom, Bai Lengye cast a glance and saw a huge fist hitting his head.


Bai Lengye let out a cold snort, and the owner of that fist was sent flying by his fist, and a bloody mist spewed out of his mouth, knocking down all his teammates behind him.


There were several loud noises from the sky, Bai Lengye immediately stopped in his tracks, looked up, and saw that the old man was vomiting blood and was constantly retreating, he couldn't resist it.

"good chance."

Bai Lengye's eyes froze, and he rushed forward.

The old man was completely red-eyed, he was besieged by three people, no matter how powerful he was, he was powerless, and he was accidentally slapped just now.

Just as he was resisting the two people in front, another person sneaked up on him from behind, obviously unable to dodge, the old man's face was pale, and despair appeared in his eyes.

"Master be careful!"

With a loud roar, a figure quickly blocked behind him, and the man slapped his palm on the other's chest, and he could clearly see a mouthful of blood spurting out.

The old man was stunned, he looked at Bai Lengye who stood in front of him, he never expected that at the critical moment, the other party saved his life.

"Master... Hurry up, let's go!" Bai Lengye's eyes were bloodshot, and he firmly grasped the opponent's arms.

"Son of a bitch!"

The old man was furious, took out a few thunderbolts in his hand, and threw them towards the three of them, and the three of them immediately dodged to dodge.

"Let's go." The old man grabbed Bai Lengye's arm and flew towards the distance.

"Catch me, you must kill him!"

The three chased after them together, and quickly left the battle field.

Bai Lengye was caught and flew by the old Taoist, his face was pale, as if he was about to die.

The old man kept his face silent, but his heart was trembling slightly. His century-old painstaking efforts were ruined today. At this time, no one cared about him, but a guy he regarded as trash saved his life.

"You kid survived, and I owe you my life."

The old man took out a bottle of elixir and poured it directly into Bai Lengye's mouth, and he himself ate a lot.

Glancing behind him, some people were still chasing after him, the old Taoist coughed up blood, and his face became extremely red.

After his eyes flickered for a moment, the old man said coldly: "Boy, I owe you a life, but it seems that I can't pay it back. If this is the case, then you will die with me."

After finishing speaking, the old Taoist body fell to the ground, and he threw away the white cold leaves casually. He took out some pills and swallowed them into his mouth in one gulp.

"Come on, all of you, I want you to be buried together!"


The old man went crazy, he swallowed a lot of powerful pills, his body couldn't take so much energy, and then it would explode.

Coupled with his own strength, if it exploded, it would be enough to instantly flatten everything within a radius of [-] meters.

The three people chasing after stopped, they looked at each other, and then separated and left.

"Ha ha!"

The old man laughed wildly, he originally wanted to pull the three of them back, who would have thought...

"Idiot, how could this old man really blow himself up."

Suddenly, the old way's aura began to increase sharply, staying in a certain realm for a short time. At this time, the other party's face was rosy, and he didn't look injured at all.

The other party picked up Bai Lengye and left here in a flash.

It took half a day for the three people who flew away to realize that they had been cheated, but it was already too late when they wanted to pursue them.

The old man grabbed the white cold leaf and came to a deserted place, and after throwing him on the ground, the old man began to heal his wounds.

Half a day later, the old man opened his eyes. Seeing that Bai Lengye was still unconscious, he felt a little puzzled, and immediately walked over.

"It shouldn't be, I served him a lot..."

Just when he turned Bai Lengye over, there was a smile on the corner of Bai Lengye's mouth.

At the moment when the old man was stunned, a dagger had already pierced into his heart, but it missed by half.

Bai Lengye stirred vigorously, and a mouthful of blood from the mouth of the old Taoist sprayed on his face, and the opponent slapped him on the chest.

"!" The old Taoist stepped back a lot, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Cough... It's not easy to kill you. I have endured humiliation for so long, and today you can finally die!"

Bai Lengye smiled and stood up. Although he was slapped by the old Taoist just now, fortunately, the dragon armor resisted most of the force, and the damage he received was not too high.

"It's impossible, you're a waste, how could you not die from my palm!" The old man said in shock.

"Bah, I'm afraid it's just that I lost my strength temporarily, but after being with you for so long, of course I will recover a little strength."

Bai Lengye sneered, walked up to the old man slowly, grabbed the dagger on his heart with one hand, and said sharply: "You treated me like that at that time, did you ever imagine what would happen today?"

The old Taoist came to his senses, but it was too late, Bai Lengye stabbed hard, and the dagger directly pierced his heart.

"You... who are you?"

Bai Lengye smiled, but he didn't tell the other party his identity, because it was unnecessary.

Slowly, the old man lay down in a low voice, twitching all over his body, and he was completely dead and motionless until he lost all vitality.

Bai Lengye took a deep breath, he came to the old Taoist, took off the other's ring, he didn't bother to check what was inside, and left here in a hurry.

Not long after he left, three powerful figures appeared here. They looked at the dead old Taoist on the ground and frowned.

"It looks like he was killed not long ago?"

"Who would have done this, and is there anyone else ahead of us?"

"Do you remember... At that time, the old Taoist took a person away, could it be that person who did it?"

"Probably not, that kid is 100% dead after I hit him with all my strength."

"Okay then, let's continue to investigate, that thing must be obtained!"


The three disappeared in an instant.

After Bai Lengye killed the old Taoist, he ran forward without stopping, he didn't dare to stop for a moment, because if he stopped, he would die.

He ran like this for about four or five hours, until he couldn't run anymore, Bai Lengye stopped and found a concealed place to hide.

After drinking something and resting for a while, Bai Lengye finally looked at his finger, the ring was taken off by the old Taoist.

As the head of a sect, the other party should have a lot of things inside, so Bai Lengye immediately checked the ring.

There are many things in the ring, including weapons and pills, but there is one thing that makes Bai Lengye a little curious.

He took out the box, opened it, and saw something thin like a scale inside, which was cold and slippery to the touch, and he didn't know what it was.

Sensing movement coming from afar, Bai Lengye immediately held his breath, put away the box, tried his best to keep himself silent, even his heart beat every few seconds.

The movement became louder and louder, as if being swept away by something, until after a long time, those movements disappeared, Bai Lengye breathed a sigh of relief, got up and went out to check.

(End of this chapter)

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