The last cultivator

Chapter 558 Difficult Game

Chapter 558 Difficult Game
At the beginning, the competition went smoothly. Judging from Bai Hanye's strength, there was no pressure at all.

But not long after the match, Bai Lengye sensed that something was wrong, although his opponents seemed to have nothing wrong, but Bai Lengye saw a cold murderous intent in the eyes of those people.

He has never made any enemies here, and even if it is a competition, there is no need to kill people, as long as he admits defeat.

But these people in front of them are a little different, they have nothing but murderous intent in their eyes, as if they want to put Bai Lengye to death.

Bai Lengye didn't dare to be careless, he is not a fool, he can only come out after a guess, it must be that guy who did it.

After the match started, three out of five people rushed towards him together, and the strength they showed was actually at the peak of Nascent Soul, which was infinitely close to the level of Dongxu.

The other four people were quickly dealt with, and these five people besieged Bai Hanye together.

If it was before, Bai Lengye might still be nervous, but now it is different, he is already a master of the hole, and he will not be afraid of a few guys at the peak of Nascent Soul.

Although the methods of the five people were very powerful, after all, there was a gap between the two. About ten minutes later, these five people were defeated by Bai Lengye one by one.

After winning, Bai Lengye returned to his seat. At the same time, he looked at the VIP seats, looking at him with a pair of vicious eyes.

"Father, that guy is not dead yet, my son wants him to die!" the young master said angrily.

"I underestimated him." The middle-aged man said softly, "If that's the case, then I can only send Dongxu experts up."

The competition is still going on. After a short period of cultivation, Bai Hanye's physical strength has reached its peak state, and now the knockout round is going very fast, and it won't be long before it's his turn again.

This time, it was changed to four couples, and the four on the opposite side were almost middle-aged, and one of them was the red-haired guy who caught Bai Lengye's attention the most.

The red-haired guy looked ordinary, but Bai Liangye felt a very powerful fiery power in his body. This kind of power was like a volcano in his body, and it must be terrifying to erupt.

"It's really interesting that the holes are all up."

Bai Lengye nodded thoughtfully, the red-haired man also looked at him coldly, not paying attention to other people at all.

At the beginning of the frontier, the other three consciously chose their opponents, and Bai Lengye could only choose to face the red-haired man.

"If you offend the young master, you must die!" the red-haired man said sharply.

"Sure enough, he sent it." Bai Lengye glanced at the VIP seat, the young master was sneering at him.

"Such a narrow-minded guy, I don't know how he survived until now."

Bai Lengye pouted and said.


The red-haired man pushed his palm forward, and suddenly, hot magma erupted from his palm. The hot magma pierced through the void, and finally turned into a sky curtain, enveloping the white cold leaves.

"Die." The red-haired man's eyes were full of fierceness, he grabbed the palm of his hand fiercely, and the sky quickly gathered together, swallowing Bai Lengye into it.

"It's over." The red-haired man sneered, turned around and was about to leave.

"you think too much."

A cold voice came out, his hot magma ruptured a hole, and Bai Hanye came out of it intact.

Cheers erupted from the stands.

"How is this possible, why are you still alive!" the red-haired man exclaimed in shock.

"Some rotten magma is like killing me, are you too naive?" Bai Lengye said dismissively.

The red-haired man looked ferocious, and said harshly, "If that's the case, then I'll let you see what real lava is."


The red-haired man yelled, and suddenly the ground began to tremble, he slammed his palm on the ground, and looked up at Bai Lengye.

After a sinister laugh, a cold voice came out of his mouth: "Yan Dou Fanhai!"


After a few loud noises, several white beams of light broke out from the ground, and these white lights rushed to the sky. The huge power attracted the attention of many people.


The ground where Bai Lengye was standing on suddenly collapsed, and the deep pit quickly spread towards the surroundings. The people in the other groups were also affected by the impact, and also dodged in horror.

The ground trembled, and waves of heat rushed towards our faces. After the ground cracked, a large sea of ​​flames rose from it.

"Is this to summon underground magma?" Some referees couldn't help but ask.

Finally, under the attention of the audience, the deep pit with a radius of several thousand meters was completely filled with magma, and the magma was all white, and the temperature had reached a terrifying level.

Under everyone's gaze, the red-haired man walked into the magma step by step, and everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

But the magma didn't melt the opponent's body, instead, it passed him slowly like an ordinary river.

The red-haired man dived down, and after the magma bubbled up a few times, there was no movement.

Bai Hanye floated into the air, he stared at the sea of ​​flames silently, after a while, he quickly dodged away from the spot.

A huge palm suddenly grabbed out from the sea of ​​flames, fortunately Bai Lengye dodged quickly, otherwise if he was caught by that palm, he might be crushed instantly.

However, although he escaped the first blow, there were still many attacks behind that palm, and countless magma whizzed away along his palm. No one could ignore such a terrifying high temperature.

Chi Chi!

The surrounding air was burned dry, the ground was dry and cracked, and the formation outside was a little crumbling, and it seemed that it was about to be unable to support it.

Bai Lengye's palms merged, and a circle of light circled around his wrist. As the circle of light grew larger, he grabbed one with each hand and threw it into the sea of ​​flames.

The huge palm directly grasped the two circles of light in his hand. Bai Leng Ye looked at it expressionlessly. Afterwards, his palm formed a seal, and the caught circle of light suddenly became countless times larger, and he directly grabbed the huge flaming hand. Grip it tight.

"It's useless at all..." A cold voice came from the sea of ​​flames, and the previous red-haired man appeared again. This time, a set of flame armor appeared on his body. Under such a terrifying high temperature, There was no more oxygen around him, and the space was extremely distorted.

Bai Lengye's expression was icy cold, and the death scythe appeared, and directly slashed at the red-haired man.


The sickle easily chopped off the opponent's arm, but when the arm fell to the ground, it immediately turned into a puddle of magma, and the arm of the red-haired man grew rapidly.

"It's useless for you to do anything, I'm immortal here, you can't do anything to me."

Bai Lengye didn't believe in evil, he slashed at the opponent's head with the sickle again, the red-haired man stood there with a sneer, but he had no intention of avoiding it.


The head was cut off, but a new head grew out, and the previous one also turned into a puddle of magma.

At this moment, the circle of light that Bai Lengye had condensed before couldn't hold back, and it exploded directly, but Bai Lengye was hit by the palm of his hand, and his body flew upside down tens of meters away.


Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, Bai Lengye wiped off the blood, and stood up expressionlessly.

The red-haired man sneered, he grabbed it with his palm from the air, countless fire bombs flew out of the sea of ​​flames, and exploded around Bai Lengye.

After the explosion, the red-haired man rose into the sky, and the sea of ​​flames in the deep pit rose up, and finally turned into an extremely terrifying weapon.

This weapon is all made of magma condensation, not to mention the temperature of the weapon. The sharpness alone is enough to penetrate the space instantly, and Bai Lengye's dragon armor may not be able to resist it.


Facing this terrifying sword strike, Bai Lengye exhaled lightly, and after slowly closing his eyes, recalled all the spells on Wanfa Guizong.

"This sword, no one at the same level can resist it, even if it is a few levels higher than me, it will end up seriously injured."

"But you are not, so you are destined to die under my sword!" the red-haired man said calmly.

In the stands, because Mu Yanran was too worried about Bai Lengye, she subconsciously stood up.

Her actions naturally attracted the attention of many elders, and an old man with beard and hair beside him said, "Why, are you nervous about him? Who is he?"

"No, no." Mu Yanran's expression changed slightly, and then she sat down slowly.

The elder felt that Mu Yanran must have something to hide from them, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Although this competition can make you marry No.1, but you have to remember, if No.1 can't reach us If you ask, you can't."

"What request?" Mu Yanran asked nervously.

"First, he must have the same family background or influence as our Huamanlou. Second, he must have the strength above Nascent Soul, and his age must not exceed 150 years old."

"As for the third, that is, the other party must join our Huamanlou, and they must have our surname!"

Mu Yanran was silent in her heart, she knew that this was impossible, not to mention she would not agree, even Bai Lengye herself would not agree.

"Yan Ran, you have to know that if we hadn't saved you back then, you would have been eaten by those monsters."

"I remember, that's why I'm willing to stay here this year." Mu Yanran said lightly.

The elder snorted coldly and said, "I know you already have a husband, but to be honest, even if you find your husband, it's useless."

"Our Huamanlou has a very strong background, and there is an out-of-body master behind him. Even if he wants to come and snatch someone, it depends on whether he has the qualifications!"

Hearing this, Mu Yanran subconsciously clenched her fists, and looked at Bai Lengye worriedly.

She could see that Bai Lengye already had the strength of a master of the hole. Although this kind of strength is very good, it is nothing to Hua Manlou. If the other party really wants to take her away, it will still be very difficult. .

In the arena, the two fought inseparably. Originally, Bai Lengye could easily kill people at the same level, but the red-haired man used strange methods. As long as he was in the magma, he was like immortal.

Although Bai Hanye can break half of the magma, but you must know that the magma is connected to the ground now, unless he can clear up the magma in the entire underground world, there is nothing he can do about it.

"You are not dead yet, what are you hesitating about, if you are not dead now, you will die in my hands soon!"

The red-haired man laughed loudly, he had already forgotten to explain his mission when he came, and now he just wanted to play with Bai Lengye, watching him kneel down and beg for mercy.

Bai Lengye also knew that this matter was very difficult, and the red-haired man had magma as his backing, so he had no way to deal with him.


A large sea of ​​flames rushed towards him, Bai Lengye dodged again, and the red-haired man came up behind him and slapped him hard.

Bai Lengye hastily turned around and slapped the opponent, the whole body of the red-haired man was blown away, and he only took a few steps back.


The red-haired man appeared from the magma, and what was blown up earlier was just his clone.

"Are you so courageous? You know you are hiding in the magma and dare not come out." Bai Lengye said mockingly.

"You don't have to provoke me, as long as I stay here, you can't do anything to me, but I can slowly grind you to death!"

"You dream about it, even if you die, I won't die."

Bai Lengye let out a cold snort, the gray-white flame condensed from his palm, and finally spun at a high speed. Slowly, the wind blew up in this world, and the gray-white flame in his hand turned into two whirlwinds, and they were still spinning at a hundredfold speed. The speed expands.

"What are you doing!" The red-haired man felt a little uneasy, he felt that the opponent's blow seemed to be able to eliminate her.

"I don't do anything, I just want you to disappear from here forever."

Bai Lengye chuckled, the two whirlwinds in his hands had become as big as hundreds of feet, the terrifying whirling force caused a violent gust of wind, blowing many people off their backs, and the dust filled the entire sky.


With a push of Bai Lengye's palm, a tornado storm with the size of a hundred feet swept across, the red-haired man laughed loudly, and condensed a molten storm to resist it.

The corner of Bai Lengye's mouth raised slightly, and another storm was thrown from his hand, but this time it passed from behind the red-haired man.

The pincer attack one after the other made the red-haired man a little nervous, but he believed in his own strength and ignored the tornado storm behind him.

"Goodbye." Bai Lengye said softly.


After a loud noise, the storm behind it exploded, and at the same time, an ice puck hidden in it quickly hit the red-haired man.

"No!" The red-haired man's eyes were tearing apart, and he wanted to resist, but it was too late.

The ice ball's frost ability quickly froze his whole body, and then the shock wave blew his body apart, and the magma was instantly suppressed, and the storm quickly blocked the deep pit.

Without the support of the magma, the red-haired man was completely dead.

(End of this chapter)

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