The last cultivator

Chapter 561 Disagree

Chapter 561 Disagree

Bai Lengye didn't expect that Tianlong would be so pretentious. Looking at the frightened look of those people around him, they all looked like they had eaten shit.

At the beginning, he wondered why the old Dragon King gave him the dragon heart of the tenth Dragon King, but now he finally understands that the tenth Dragon King is most powerful in all likelihood. Look at the expressions of those people We all know.

Similarly, the Black Dragon King also showed fear, and he no longer had the prestige he had before, just like a chicken.

Bai Lengye really wanted to laugh a few times at this moment, but he still held back, after all his wife hadn't been rescued yet.

"Wait for me Yanran, when I defeat this guy, I will save you right away."

Bai Lengye looked in Mu Yanran's direction, but found that she had disappeared.

"I really didn't expect that you actually have that person's dragon heart. It really surprised me."

The man no longer had the previous look of contempt.

"You understand it?" Bai Lengye asked.

"Naturally, that person is the most powerful person among the dragon clan. He drove away the monsters back then, so that humans had a chance to breathe."

"Back then, he was just a back view, and I don't know how many people were scared to death. Even after many years, many famous beasts would be scared to death when they mentioned each other's name."

"Since you have obtained his dragon heart, it proves that you have obtained his approval. If you can grow up in the future, your future will be limitless!"

"You mean to tell me that I won't grow up in the future?" Bai Lengye laughed.

"Not bad." The man said softly, "If your Tianlong is more than ten meters long, then I will naturally turn around and leave today, but your current dragon heart is only about six meters long, which is still a child."

"My Black Dragon King is already an adult, if you let it swallow your Heavenly Dragon Heart, then its strength will increase dramatically, maybe it will be promoted to Black Dragon King, after returning, uncle will definitely be grateful to me. "

"The Black Dragon King is your uncle?"

The man didn't deny it, he continued to say in a cold voice: "There are a lot of people who like Tianlongxin. I have an uncle who protects me. They dare not do anything to me, but you can't do it. You have no identity and background. Even if you beat me today!" , you can't get out of here."

"I just want to take my wife away, I don't care about the rest." Bai Lengye said.

"Is she your wife?"

"Yes, we were already married, but Huamanlou arrested her. I had to take her away in this way."

"The idea is good, but it's ridiculous, because you can't even pass me today."

The black dragon king's fierce light rose sharply behind him, he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of terrible dragon's breath, Bai Lengye stood behind him without dodging, when the dragon's breath was about to burn him, the white sky dragon behind him opened his eyes The eyes were closed, the invisible force pierced through the space, and the dragon's breath was directly swallowed.

"Here, after so many years, I finally met an opponent who can make me fight with all my might!"

"Black Dragon Roar!"

The sky-shattering dragon howl suddenly came out. This dragon howl was not a simple sonic attack. The sound was mixed with countless resentments. These resentments ignored the surrounding formations and all flew into the bodies of those people. At that time, many people's eyes were red, and they started to kill and abuse the people around them.

"What are you doing?"

Bai Lengye asked with her brows furrowed.

"If you want to fight, you have to have a good fight. Those clowns are not qualified to witness our fight."

The fighting in the surrounding area became more serious, and more and more people seemed to be infected, and all of them lost their minds and started doing things around them.

Bai Lengye snorted coldly, this guy in front of him is actually a lunatic, who would do anything to fight, thanks to the fact that he had talked so much to the other party just now.

The two continued to confront each other. This time, with the blessing of Tianlong's power, they became many times stronger than before. With just one blow, those defensive covers were shattered.

Without the protection of the defensive cover, the power emitted by the two when they fought destroyed many venues. After many people became clear, they immediately turned around and fled far away.

Slowly, the two hit the ground from the air, and then hit the mountain from the ground. The mountains and rivers where the two passed collapsed, and countless mountains collapsed. I don't know how many innocent people were killed.

The Black Dragon King woke up completely, its huge wings waved, and a strong wind that tore apart the heavens and the earth appeared.

After Bai Lengye dodged the gust of wind, the gust of wind flattened several mountain peaks behind him.

At this time, the white Tianlong opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a little anger in his eyes. He let out a loud dragon chant from his mouth, and a series of dragon flames fell from the sky, hitting the black dragon king's body hard.

The Black Dragon King was bombed with wounds all over his body. Even if it was just a condensed phantom, it could be seen that the other party seemed to be bleeding.

The two heavenly dragons confronted each other, and then they each broke free from the control of the two and fought together on their own.

Bai Lengye was stunned, and the man was also stunned, because this kind of thing had never happened before, and his Tianlong was not under his control.

When the two heavenly dragons were fighting, Bai Lengye and the other party also fought together again.

This time, the two of them finally exhausted all their strength. Bai Hanye's every attack was dozens of times stronger than before. Cracks gradually appeared.

The man's eyes were also red, and he confronted Bai Lengye in a desperate way. When Bai Lengye gave him two palms, he gave Bai Lengye a kick.

In this way, after the two confronted for thousands of moves, finally accompanied by the sound of two dragon chants, both of them were spurted blood by the terrifying force and flew out backwards.


Bai Lengye lay on the ground and coughed up blood, the white Tianlong came back listlessly, and finally turned into a streamer and flew back into his body.

Looking at it, the blood-colored clouds in the sky slowly dispersed, but the Black Dragon King was gone.

When Bai Lengye was looking for where the Black Dragon King came from, he heard the man screaming. He took a closer look, and suddenly one eye of the man went blind.

"Damn it, you actually swallowed my Black Dragon King, I want to kill you!"

The man seemed to be insane, one of his eyes was gone, it was equivalent to becoming half blind, and he hated Bai Lengye deeply in his heart.

Bai Lengye was stunned, this is the only way he knew, no wonder Tianlong was depressed just now, after a long time he swallowed his Black Dragon King, and he was full.

The man rushed over madly, and Bai Lengye was not polite, he swallowed more than a dozen pills at a time, and then used a few shots to bombard them overwhelmingly.

This time, the man didn't resist his spells, they all hit his body one by one, and the armor on his body was finally completely broken, revealing his true colors.

After seeing his body, people were in an uproar, even Bai Lengye was stunned.

Because there are many small claws and tentacles on the man's body, it looks very disgusting, and he is not human at all.

Bai Lengye guessed that maybe this guy was born from a human and a monster, no wonder the other party is so very dragon, something must have happened between him and the dragon.

"Bastard, I want you to die!"

The man was furious, the small claws on his body began to grow rapidly, and his body gradually changed, and finally turned into a mutated dragon.

He has wings and more than a dozen claws, his head is similar to that of a dinosaur, and his eyes are blood red.

"Monster." Many people were terrified.

Some of the people in Huamanlou are also not very good-looking, this kind of monster looks so disgusting, if Mu Yanran is with him, she will vomit to death every day.

Mu Yanran's face was pale, and she clenched her fists in fear. She thought that thanks to Bai Lengye today, if this guy wins, then she will be doomed in the future. Just seeing him like this will make her sick die.

"So you are a monster, no wonder you are like that..."


The man let out a roar, and countless tentacles entwined towards him, Bai Lengye laughed, and the sky fire burst out, instantly burning those tentacles to ashes.

"Since you are in such pain now, then I will relieve you."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye raised his hand and shot out a cloud of sky fire, which flew over.

Seeing that Tianhuo was about to penetrate the opponent's body, suddenly, a hole was opened on the top of the head, and a huge palm pulled the opponent in.

"very good……"

After the two cold words came out, the hole was healed, leaving only a pool of blood on the spot.

Bai Lengye frowned, the person who rescued that guy earlier must be a very powerful person, maybe it was An Heilongwang.

But no matter what, he has become enmity with the Black Dragon King anyway, and if he meets him in the future, he will inevitably fight.

"Referee, did I win?" Bai Lengye said calmly.

The referee nodded immediately, and after announcing that Bai Hanye had won, the people around immediately cheered.

Bai Lengye heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He walked towards Huamanlou and asked, "You said before that No.1 can let Yanran marry him. Do you keep your word?"

The elder of Huamanlou's face was cloudy and uncertain. After hesitating for a while, he suddenly laughed and said, "It's natural to speak, but before that, we still have conditions. It's not impossible to want Yanran, but You have to work for us for 50 years!"

"Hmph." Bai Lengye snorted coldly: "Why should I sell myself for you for 50 years, besides, Yan Ran is my wife in the first place, but you just brought her here."

As soon as these words came out, many people were stunned for a while, but then, many murmurs sounded, some were skeptical, some did not believe it, but most of them were looking for a good show.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Huamanlou has always relied on its reputation, and we would never do such a thing."

"Is it right? Just ask Yanran and you will know. She is still here just now."

Bai Lengye glanced around and asked.

"Yan Ran has already left. We arranged for her to go to the forbidden area to meditate for 100 years, so if you want, just wait 100 years."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and roared angrily: "You shameless bastards, do you really think that I have nothing to do with you!"

The Great Elder's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "Since you have said such things, let me tell you the truth, it is impossible for you and Yanran to be together, she is the closed-door disciple of our Supreme Elder, you Her status is not worthy of her, even if you were husband and wife before."

(End of this chapter)

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