Chapter 567

Bai Lengye kissed Mu Yanran's forehead, and said softly, "Be careful, if it's really impossible, we'll just run, there's no need to fight them desperately."

"En." Mu Yanran nodded obediently, and then she condensed an ice sword in her hand, and charged forward together with Bai Lengye.

The dragon corpse is very terrifying, the body of Baizhang alone is enough to oppress people, plus the original peak strength of the hole, even if Bai Lengye and Mu Yanran team up, it will be difficult to deal with each other for a while.

The corpse dragon uttered a long dragon chant again, its indifferent eyes looked at the rushing Bai Leng Ye, opened its mouth, and spewed out a mouthful of fiery dragon breath.

Bai Lengye's complexion changed drastically, and the sickle slashed forward, a burst of true energy tens of feet long split open the space in front of him, the fiery dragon's breath was dispersed, whistling along both sides of Bai Lengye Go, and finally hit the forest, where it quickly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"Frozen world!"

Mu Yanran appeared on top of the dragon corpse, and she slapped her palm downwards. Suddenly, the cold air with a radius of hundreds of miles condensed on her palm, and finally erupted, forming an absolute low temperature that crushed the dragon corpse. Frozen.

"Success." Bai Lengye said happily.

Mu Yanran's pretty face changed, and she hurriedly dodged to dodge. The next thing she could see was that the ice seal was broken, and the angry dragon corpse jumped out of it, and the huge tail swung it with terrifying force.

Bai Lengye stretched out his hands to resist, and the moment he touched the dragon's tail, he was violently thrown away, and in mid-air, blood spurted out of his mouth.

This is also because he has a unicorn arm. If it were someone else, his arm would have been broken long ago.

"Husband, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, this dragon corpse is very powerful, it's better for us to go first."

Mu Yanran nodded, then condensed an ice shield, and she left the place with Bai Lengye.

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy, stop them for me."

The old man gave a cold shout and gave an order to roar, the other three corpses blocked Mu Yanran and attacked at the same time.

Although the strength of the three of them is not very good, if they attack together, Mu Yanran has to resist.

With such an effort of resisting, the dragon corpse had already come over, its huge body wrapped around the two of them, sealing them inside.

Mu Yanran waved her arm, and countless ice thorns whizzed away, all piercing the dragon scales, but they couldn't break through the opponent's defense.

"It's useless. I know the dragon's defense best. It can't be broken by ordinary attacks."

Bai Lengye let go of the opponent's hand, gripped his sickle tightly, and rushed over.

The death scythe struck the dragon's tail. Although he was bounced back by the huge force, he also managed to chop off some scales, and the dragon corpse still showed a bit of pain.

"This dragon is conscious." Bai Lengye was startled, if this is the case, then there is nothing to say.

After the pain passed, the dragon corpse seemed to be angry, its eyes became colder, its mouth opened, and a mouthful of fiery dragon breath condensed again.

At this time, Bai Lengye suddenly let out a wild roar, and the resonant dragon chant came out of his mouth, directly hitting the dragon corpse's ear.

At this moment, the dragon corpse stopped attacking, its cold eyes became dull, and a trace of struggle appeared on the dragon's head.

"This, this is impossible, you are actually from the Dragon Clan." The old man said in horror.

Bai Lengye stared at the dragon corpse closely, and when the other party was at a loss, he quickly came to the old man, and chopped down with a scythe.


The old man yelled in horror, turned around and was about to run, but he was hacked to death by Bai Lengye who was chasing up.

After the old man died, Nascent Soul still wanted to escape, but Bai Lengye didn't give him a chance, and even Nascent Soul was completely wiped out.

After killing the old man, Bai Lengye breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head and saw that the dragon corpse seemed to be frozen, staying motionless in mid-air, with his eyes tightly closed.

Bai Lengye groped around on the corpse and found a ring. After scanning it with his spiritual sense, he saw many treasures.

In addition to the treasures, there is also a book. Take it out and read it. It introduces various methods of refining corpses, as well as methods of controlling this corpse dragon.

After muttering a few words in his heart, the corpse dragon opened his eyes, and the huge dragon body began to twist, and finally turned into a middle-aged man.

Relying on instinct, the other party knelt on the ground on one knee, with only indifference in his eyes, no emotion.

"It turns out that this person is the grandson of the previous Dragon Emperor. He was killed by the Black Dragon King, and his corpse was buried in the void. Later, this old man got it and refined it into a dragon corpse."

After Bai Lengye finished reading the relevant introduction, he finally understood what was going on in his heart. Only then did he know that this dragon corpse had a lot of background, it was the grandson of the Dragon Emperor.

Before he was alive, this guy had the strength of the peak out of the body, but after his death, his strength only remained around the peak of the hole. With his original strength, he could fight one or two against the master of the out of body.

Thinking of this, Bai Lengye was very excited, because it meant that he finally had a bodyguard by his side who could resist the out-of-body master, so even if he encountered any danger in the future, he didn't have to rush to summon the abyss dragon coming.

"I will call you from now on... Long Feiba, even after you die, you will still be the king in the flying world!"

Feilong got up and stood behind him like a loyal bodyguard. Mu Yanran was also very happy. With such a master by her side, she felt more at ease wherever she went.

"By the way, husband, didn't you just say that he is conscious, why is he not now?"

Bai Lengye explained: "Maybe the other party's consciousness is only instinctive, such as pain or something. After all, he is dead. If he can talk to normal people, he may have reached the realm of the fairy corpse. Now he barely reaches the heavenly corpse." .”

"The division of corpses ranges from bronze to black iron. After black iron is silver, and after silver is the current Tianlong class, and above Tianlong is the fairy corpse. It is rumored that the fairy corpse is enough to compete with the fairy."

"But after so many years of inheritance, people have only seen celestial corpses. The legendary fairy corpses have never been seen, and they only exist in legends."

After Bai Lengye finished explaining, Mu Yanran nodded in a sudden realization.

If it is so powerful that the celestial corpse is barely reached, then it will be even more terrifying when it reaches the realm of the fairy corpse.

Afterwards, Bai Lengye turned his gaze to the other three corpses. After the old man died, no one could control these three corpses. If they were left alone for a long time, they would rot here and all of them would die.

Bai Lengye thought for a while, and with a swipe of his palm, the three corpses stood up by themselves and flew to him.

"I can refine the three of them, maybe all of them can enter the realm of the void, and that will be a big help for the two of us."

After finishing speaking, Bai Hanye came into the house with three corpses. The room was very messy and there was everything on the table. I don't know how the old man survived in such a place.

He had already finished reading that book, and he remembered the art of refining, so Bai Lengye took out the materials from the old man's ring, made the three corpses stand in a row, and started refining.

In Refining, Bai Hanye created an exclusive set of armor for the three of them, the kind that couldn't be taken off, tight and seamless, and of course it wouldn't affect the fight.

With this set of armor, if Bai Hanye could raise the strength of the three of them a few more levels, they would definitely be powerful thugs.

After his breathing became stable, Bai Lengye closed his eyes and took out the materials one after another.

Mu Yanran waited quietly outside. She condensed many ice shields around her to protect Bai Lengye, for fear that something might disturb him.

In this way, time passed day by day, Mu Yanran opened her eyes suddenly, and several figures were slowly walking over the mud in the distance.

"No one is allowed to step within a hundred steps, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy!"

Mu Yanran said indifferently.

Those people obviously wouldn't listen to her, broke through the ice shield casually, and walked over with a sneer.

"I really didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful chick next to the corpse king. Could it be that he has changed his taste recently and likes beautiful beauties."

Mu Yanran snorted coldly, and countless icicles shot across the sky, but those few people didn't care, and just waved their hands casually, and they were broken.

"Beauty, come here, brother."

One of the yellow-haired men reached out and grabbed Mu Yanran.

"The Ice Cracks the World!"

Countless violent winds suddenly appeared, the terrifying ice froze the ground, and a layer of frost quickly spread and swept towards them.

"Hey, this woman has some tricks." One of the old men chuckled, and he slapped the ground with his palm, and a strange flame melted the frost in an instant.


The yellow-haired man felt ashamed, flew forward, and wounded Mu Yanran with one palm. Mu Yanran vomited blood, but she didn't take a step back, and stared fixedly at him.

"It's interesting." The yellow-haired man laughed a few times, and slapped him again.

Mu Yanran looked indifferent, she formed many ice shields in front of her, but the palm of the man with yellow hair was sharp, piercing through all the ice shields, finally stabbing her shoulder.

Mu Yanran spurted blood, and after the blood spit on the other party's body, it quickly melted the clothes. The yellow-haired man snorted coldly and pointed his finger. The terrifying force sent Mu Yanran flying, and fell on the dead old man's body. Under the dead tree.

"Where is the corpse king, let him come out to meet us." The yellow-haired man said indifferently.

Mu Yanran didn't answer their words, she held her hands tightly, snowflakes began to fall from the sky, her hair gradually became snow-white, and a cold light appeared on her body.

"Frozen thousands of miles!"

After the doctor shouted loudly, Mu Yanran pushed forward with her palm. In an instant, countless hailstones roared past, large flakes of snowflakes fell from the sky, and finally formed an icy ocean, pushing towards those few people.

The yellow-haired man's face changed drastically. He felt a kind of fear from the attack, and immediately stepped back with a flash.

The old man's eyes flickered, and a mouthful of flames spewed out from his mouth. The flames danced in the air, and finally turned into a phoenix. The loud and clear screams resounded, and countless flames enveloped the sky, forming a protective film, covering the icy ocean. To block out.


As soon as the old man pointed out, he broke through the Chong Chong defense, and finally pierced Mu Yanran's shoulder, and she fell to the ground spurting blood again.

"Damn it." The old man nodded indifferently.

Mu Yanran's face was pale, and she closed her eyes in despair.


A gust of wind blew past, and a sturdy figure directly blocked in front of him.

The figure was hit directly, and after the dust dispersed, the figure was fine.

"Who!" The old man said with a solemn expression.

The sturdy man looked indifferent and didn't say a word, then he turned around slowly, and several figures came out of the smoke.

"Very well, even my wife dared to hit me, so you don't have to go back today."

After the cold voice fell, Bai Lengye walked out from the smoke.

"What a big tone." The yellow-haired man smiled contemptuously, and rushed towards Bai Lengye.

"do not……"

The old man wanted to stop him, but it was too late, the man with yellow hair rushed to Bai Lengye.

Bai Lengye glanced at the other party, a cold light flashed in his eyes instantly, after a snort, the man was torn apart abruptly, Nascent Soul fled out in panic.

Nascent Soul was blown up with a fist.

The death of the yellow-haired man was only in an instant, and everyone on the old man's side was stunned.

That's a master of the seventh level of Dongxu, there are masters everywhere, but he was killed in front of their eyes, less than ten breaths before and after.

"Kill them." Bai Lengye said calmly.

Murderous intent appeared in Feilong's eyes, he let out a wild roar, and his terrifying fist exploded directly.

"Go back!"

The old man's complexion changed drastically, and he led the people back quickly. At the same time, he pointed out continuously with his fingers, and several miniature phoenixes came out, and finally rushed towards the flying dragon.

"Sky fire, Phoenix fire."

A gleam flashed in Bai Lengye's eyes, now he had just devoured the will-o'-the-wisp, and now let him meet the phoenix fire, it's God's will.

Feilong completely ignored the phoenix fire, and after it exploded on him, it didn't even leave a single scar.

The old man was so frightened that their souls trembled, they were not as arrogant as when they came here, and they all turned around and ran away in fright.

"If you want to run, it's not that simple."

Bai Lengye sneered, his palms were imprinted, and countless corpses hidden under the mud suddenly appeared, one by one stretched out their bloody hands and grabbed them.

Although these corpses are only the most common, as long as they can hinder a little time, it will give the flying dragon time to catch up.

None of these people could withstand the power of Feilong's punch. Anyone who was hit by him could not escape even Nascent Soul, and exploded directly.

In the end, the old man was left, and the other party let out a stern cry, and his body exploded with a bang. The phoenix fire in his body covered him and escaped at such an incomparably fast speed that even the flying dragon didn't catch up.

Bai Lengye brought Feilong back, he turned to look at Mu Yanran, and began to heal her.

(End of this chapter)

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