The last cultivator

Chapter 588 Weird

Chapter 588 Weird
In the end, the snowman died, but it was not Bai Hanye's hand, but the peerless master.

Because the snowman not only lied to the other party with the spring of life, but even poisoned it, so the other party had zero tolerance for the snowman and killed him directly.

After taking the life spring water of Bai cold leaves, the other party also regained its vitality. It should not be a problem to live for more than 100 years. If the other party advances again during this period, it may live even longer.

Bai Lengye was overjoyed to have another super master who might be at the Yuanshen level by his side, if not for the conditions that did not allow him, he would have laughed heartily.

Now, he has four or five masters by his side, plus a soul master, so he can straighten out his chest wherever he goes, and he doesn't have to be afraid of anyone he meets.

Of course, he also knew that that person had only one chance to fight, so Bai Hanye had to grasp it well, and it was best to act as a deterrent at the critical moment, rather than directly.

Long-term deterrence is better than a one-time attack, because then the enemy will not be able to figure out what kind of people are around him.

There is no concept of time in the world of ice and snow. Similarly, there is no sun here, only a gray sky, and it is impossible to tell whether it is day or night.

In the vast snow field, Bai Lengye and the others were struggling forward, because there was a huge snowstorm ahead, it would be dangerous to rush over hastily, so they could only move forward slowly.

Among all the people present, that peerless master was the most indifferent. He didn't know how many years he had lived here. He was used to seeing this kind of blizzard, and his steps were steady, without being affected by it at all.

A huge snowball suddenly blew in front of him. Just as Bai Lengye was about to make a move, the Heaven Swallowing Beast at the side had already opened its mouth, and the huge snowball was swallowed directly, and then fell from a far away place down.


Bai Lengye exhaled lightly, after arriving here, the blizzard suddenly disappeared, because it had already passed behind them.

"It's safe." Xiaofeng said.

"Then change it to a flying handle." Bai Lengye said.

"You are looking for death." A hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and Bai Lengye turned to look at the peerless master.

"There is an extremely cold place ahead. The lowest temperature there is a thousand times higher than here. The higher you go, the lower the temperature. When you fly over it, you will be frozen to death in an instant."

"And this place, why do I feel that the lower you go, the colder it should be." Xiaofeng murmured.

The old man stopped talking.

"Senior, what's your address?" Bai Lengye asked politely.

During this day, he has not asked the other party's name, because he does not know if this guy who has lived for thousands of years has any strange temper. Although the other party promised to make a shot for him, he made the other party unhappy and beat them up. Ton is definitely no problem.

"It's enough to call the old man God's fortune."

Bai Lengye nodded, but she was thinking in her heart, this name of Tiansuan is really weird, it is very similar to Tianyi.

But after he came to the world of comprehension, he never saw that kind of God's Will again, and he didn't know if the other party died in a lump or not.

Several people continued to move forward, and soon, they came to the place that Suan said that day. This place was really weird, and it looked calm on the surface, but after stepping over, they felt the icy cold in an instant.

This kind of coldness is not the coldness of the body, it is like the coldness of the soul and the sea of ​​consciousness. If it weren't for the strength of several of them, they might not be able to pass through this place at all.

The reason why this place is like this is because of the position above the head, there is a huge white void, and there are several vortexes around the void, which are slowly rotating, and the cold temperature seems to be emanating from those voids.

After they passed through that place, they felt their bodies warmed up a lot. No matter how much the wind blows around them, they didn't feel the cold anymore.

This is because they got used to the previous low temperature and left there abruptly, their skin still hadn't adapted to it, no matter how cold it was here, it wasn't as cold as before.

"Senior, how long before we can leave here, can we fly now?"

After Bai Lengye stopped, he turned around and asked the sky.

Tian Suan said softly: "About [-] kilometers, if you fly, you can get there in half an hour."

Hearing this, the corners of Bai Lengye's mouth twitched, and he flew [-] kilometers in half an hour, thanks to the other party's words. If it was someone else, he would have been unable to resist beating the other party.

"I'll wait for you up front."

After finishing speaking, Tiantian disappeared in a blink of an eye. In Bai Lengye's sense, the other party might have appeared thousands of miles away.

"The old guy is amazing. If I live to his age, [-] kilometers will be a matter of one breath." Xiaofeng hummed.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go, Xiaofeng, you are driving us, your speed is fast."

"Okay, let me be a young man again."

Xiaofeng smiled helplessly, and then he let out a loud cry, and turned into his fire phoenix again.

A few people flew onto Phoenix's back, and it was almost full because there were so many people.

"Sit tight, I'm leaving."

The phoenix let out a high-pitched cry, flapped its wings, and the wings drew two arcs in the air, carrying them into the sky.

It didn't take long, and it probably flew close to four or five thousand miles, but I haven't seen it that day, and I don't know where the other party is.

A day later, they flew for nearly seven or eight thousand miles, and at this time, the phoenix had to stop to rest. It was a world of ice and snow, and because of its physique, it was greatly restricted.

After everyone started to rest, no one expected that there would be many monsters here.

These monsters are about the size of bears, and they are all hiding in the snow. Individual strength is not very powerful, but they are more numerous, at least tens of thousands.

Fortunately, several of them are not vegetarians. After repelling the wave after wave of attacks, those monsters finally retreated and stopped attacking.

There were at least 100 dead monsters in the surrounding area. The corpses were floating on the water. Bai Lengye and the others were not polite, they just got a bear and started to roast and eat it.

After resting for most of the day, they continued on their way. This time, they flew for about half a day.

After half a day, finally, they saw a forest and also saw the sun.

Those who are excited are jumping up happily, Bai Lengye and the others are very excited, except for him, Jiaolong and the others are the happiest, they have stayed in the flame world all their lives, and now they finally see what the outside world is look like.

Similarly, it was the first time for Jiaolong and Fenghuang to see what the forest looked like, and they also felt that the sun was not so hot, but it was also warm when it shone on their bodies.

"Back, finally back, my God."

Bai Hanye simply lay down on the grass, the breeze blowing along her cheeks, it was so comfortable and comfortable.

I really have an idea in my heart, just stay here and don't leave, this is a paradise, I don't know how many times better than the world of ice and snow.

"Master, why do I feel uneasy all of a sudden." Xiaofeng said after turning back into a human form.

"Well, why are you uneasy, it's very quiet here, there's no danger." Bai Lengye said.

Xiaofeng shook his head and said: "It's because it's too quiet, so I feel a little uneasy, maybe I'm overthinking."

"Maybe. You have lived in the world of flames since you were a child. You have never seen such a place. It is normal to have that kind of thought in your heart."

After speaking, Bai Hanye closed his eyes, and he was going to take a nap here.

After a while, Jiaolong asked: "I just went to look elsewhere, why didn't I find that fortune teller?"

"Maybe..." Bai Lengye was talking, when he suddenly thought of something, he sat up and his eyes gradually became serious.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yanran asked.

"It's not right, it's very wrong." Bai Lengye said in a deep voice.

"Master, do you also feel that something is wrong here? Although the sun is very warm and the scene is beautiful, why do I feel a sense of fear deep in my heart?"

After speaking, the Swallowing Beast at the side also felt the same way. Although he had never been here, he had heard of it. This place seemed too quiet and peaceful, and it didn't conform to the rules of the cultivation world at all.

"Master, will we come to the environment?" Xiaofeng asked.

Bai Lengye nodded solemnly, he cast a glance at Kai Tian, ​​and the other side walked towards the front expressionlessly, and then the sound of the dragon's chant came out, and circles of ripples rippling forward.


There was a sound like breaking glass, Bai Lengye's pupils shrank slightly, and at the same time he punched out with a fist, directly breaking open the space in front of him.

After seeing the scene in front of them clearly, Bai Lengye and the others gasped. At this moment, the beautiful scene around them had long since disappeared, replaced by a gloomy world.

Mu Yu glanced at his feet, the rock on which his head rested just now turned out to be a skull, and there were also many black bloodstains on the ground, which looked very oozing.

Thinking that they were rolling and sleeping in this kind of place just now, I felt a strong disgust in my heart.

"Master, I just said that something is wrong here." Xiaofeng walked over and said.

Bai Lengye hummed, at this moment, Kai Tian flashed his body and disappeared in place, not long after, there was a violent explosion sound ahead.

"Go, go and see what happened."

Bai Lengye flew over with the crowd, not long after, they came to the enemy of the battle, there was a pink skeleton under Kai Tian's feet, the skeleton had no limbs, only the head and bones remained.

"What is this, it's actually alive." Jiaolong showed surprise.

Bai Lengye shook his head, he didn't know what it was, could it be a new species in this world.

Kai Tian let go of the opponent, and the skeleton immediately jumped up and wanted to attack them, but the opponent had no hands and feet, and the battle was unstable, let alone attack.

(End of this chapter)

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