The last cultivator

Chapter 593 Fire Crow

Chapter 593 Fire Crow
Seeing that the king was still hesitating, Bai Lengye sneered, and was about to stand up and leave when the king finally spoke.

"This matter has to start ten years ago. At that time, here was not a country, but a small city."

"Later, a few of us joined forces to form this country, but at that time, we encountered other countries' crusades. At that time, we didn't have much military strength. When we were about to be wiped out, a person appeared."

The king's eyes showed horror, and he said: "That person is very powerful. He threatened that we must hand in a certain number of boys and girls every month. If we don't hand in, we will be destroyed."

"So you hand it in every month, no wonder that little boy hates you so much, and I saw that most of the disaster victims are some old people, no wonder the young people have disappeared."

Bai Lengye said in a low voice.

The king blamed himself and said, "It would have been fine if I hadn't agreed to him at the beginning, but if I hadn't agreed, 10 people in the whole city would have been killed."

"At the beginning, the other party only needed a pair of men and women, but today, they have to hand over three pairs of men and women every month, otherwise the city will be destroyed."

"Who are they? What do you need so many boys and girls to eat?" Jiaolong asked.

"Maybe it's not a human, but a monster that eats people." Xiaofeng said.

"It's also possible, but if you compare food, it's definitely not as good as mine."

Swallowing Beast said confidently.

"Actually, I also really want to know how much stuff your stomach can hold."

Jiaolong asked.

Swallowing Beast thought for a while, and then said: "If there is no problem, with my current strength, I should be able to install this royal city."

"Not bad." Jiaolong said.

"I'm not talking about one, but ten." Swallowing Beast added.

"Uh..." Jiaolong was speechless now.

The king said, "One month is coming soon, but we really can't find the person the other party asked for."

"So you used poison to hand us over." Bai Lengye said calmly.


Swallowing Beast and the others were shocked. They glanced at the wine glass. At this moment, a feeling of dizziness came from their brains.

"We were forced to do this. I'm really sorry." The king said.

"Ha ha."

Bai Lengye smiled, he looked back, except for him and Feilong, Jiaolong and the others couldn't resist this kind of poison, obviously this kind of poison is not simple.

When they came in, the skeleton left by itself, otherwise, the king might not have dared to invite them in.

"What kind of poison is this, even we can't resist it." Jiaolong's face was pale, and he, Xiaofeng and Tiantian Beast all lay down on the table.

"This poison was also given to us by that man. He said that no one can resist this poison."

"Then why are we all fine?" Bai Lengye said lightly.

"Because we intend to send you to that person, you cannot take this poison."

Bai Lengye smiled, he understood what the other party meant, the king saw that he was with Mu Yanran, so he wanted to pull the two of them over to make up the number.

"I'm sorry, we didn't have to do this. There is that person's eyeliner in this palace, so..."

"How can you be sure that I will do this for you? Don't you think I will kill you?"

Bai Lengye said.

The king shook his head and said, "You won't do that. I'm sure you're right. You like those disaster victims, so for their future safety, you'll just kill that person."

"It's good to calculate, but I hate being calculated, I just want to control my own way."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye stretched out his hand to grab it in the air, and the king spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You guys." As soon as the white-robed national teacher stood up, he was pushed down by Bai Lengyehe, unable to stand up no matter what.

"Don't move, the national teacher. It doesn't matter if I suffer this little injury, as long as it can save my people." The king said panting.

"Sure enough, he has the spirit of sacrifice." Bai Lengye said.

"Honey, I feel a powerful aura approaching here." Mu Yanran said.

Bai Lengye nodded, and he naturally felt it too. After standing up, he took Jiaolong and the others into the Tower of Tongtian God. At the same time, he and Mu Yanran put on ordinary clothes and dressed in ordinary ways.

"The two of us mixed in, you can call everyone out."

The national teacher nodded, and then asked the guards to call in the dozens of couples of boys and girls. Bai Lengye and Mu Yanran stood in the crowd.

Not long after, an icy voice came, the door slammed open, and a powerful palm grabbed everyone away.

"Huh..." The king and the national teacher let out a light breath at the same time.

Dozens of people were caught by the palm and flew into the sky. Many people screamed or passed out in fright, but the owner of the giant hand didn't care so much, and grabbed them and flew out of the city.

Bai Lengye observed that person, it should be transformed from a flying monster, and its strength is about the peak of Yuanying.

It's not uncommon to use a peak Nascent Soul monster as an errand, Bai Lengye became more and more curious about that person, and he also wanted to know what level of monster it was.

Half a day later, the man led them into a deep mountain. There were many evil spirits in this deep mountain. Bai Lengye also found many captive monsters, all of which were extraordinary.

After landing, the man walked into the cave, Bai Lengye and Mu Yanran looked at each other, released the flying dragon female corpse from the pagoda, Feilong stayed behind to watch over these people, and the female corpse walked towards the cave together with them go in.

"Master, everyone has been brought this time." The man knelt on one knee and said.

The master he was talking about was a seriously injured monster. The monster's body was so huge that its head was as big as a building. At this moment, it closed its eyes tightly, with a painful expression and shortness of breath.

After a while, the other party opened his eyes suddenly, and a crow flashed in one pair of eyes. Suddenly, the black flame burned through the void.

"What kind of monster are you..."

Bai Lengye walked out from the void, he thought he hid it well, but unexpectedly he was discovered by this monster.

"Who are you!"

The man shouted loudly, Bai Lengye slapped him directly, and the man at the peak of Nascent Soul was directly slapped to death.

Bai Lengye withdrew his hand and looked at the monster in front of him. This guy gave him a very uneasy feeling, like a dead body from the underworld.

"No one has come here for a long time, and there are still two out-of-body-level cultivators." The floating voice echoed in the cave, but the monster did not open its mouth.

"You shouldn't be a leader in the cultivation world." Mu Yanran asked.

"Yes, I am the god of purgatory, and I have ten fire crows under my seat!"

"Purgatory God, I've never heard of it." Bai Lengye said.

"Because you have been to Purgatory, you have never heard of it, but if you come today, you will hear about it, because you will be eaten by me."

Bai Lengye chuckled and sneered, he glanced around, there were many bones on the ground, obviously the other party used living people to heal his wounds.

"What kind of purgatory do you come from? I don't know where purgatory is, but I know where hell is. How about this? I'll send you to hell, will you go?"

There was a cold light in the fire crow's eyes, and the terrifying black flame rushed towards Bai Lengye and the two in an instant.


When Tianhuo collided with the black flame, they were evenly matched, which surprised Bai Lengye.

"Tianhuo, you are still in the top ten, who are you?" The floating voice sounded again.

Bai Lengye said coldly: "So what if I am your father, you killed so many people, you must die today."

"Hmph, if I hadn't been seriously injured, why would I need to talk so much nonsense about killing you?"

"You also know that you are injured, and you are delaying time by talking so much nonsense!"

Bai Lengye rushed over immediately, and at the same time Mu Yanran assisted him, countless icicles swept away.

Countless black flames entangled the ice thorns and melted them in an instant. At this moment, Bai Lengye appeared in front of the eyes of the flames. He knew that the opponent's attack was released from the eyes of the opponent.

After hitting it with a fist, the flame suddenly closed its eyes, and the fist hit was as hard as hitting metal.

The next moment, Bai Lengye was sent flying back by a force, and Mu Yanran held him back with an ice wall.

"How is it?" Mu Yanran asked.

Bai Lengye shook his head, indicating that he was fine, he took out the Death Scythe and pointed it at Huo Ya's eyes.


Several sharp swords rushed away, the eyes of the flames turned, and a circle of black holes swallowed the sharp swords directly.

"The Silent Flame of the Brahma World!"

The icy voice resounded, Bai Lengye's face changed drastically, and he rushed Mu Yanran into the Tongtian Tower.


The moment the two of them entered, the outside world was directly surrounded by a black sea of ​​flames. At that moment, everything was burned into nothingness, not even a speck of dust remained.

"It's scary." Bai Lengye said with lingering fear.

"Master, let us go out and help, the poison has been cured." Xiaofeng said.

Bai Lengye said: "Not now, the fire crow's flame is a bit weird, it's more powerful than my sky fire, it's better to be careful."

"Yanran, you guys stay inside, I'll meet that flame."

Bai Lengye stared outside until the sea of ​​flames dissipated, and then he ran out of Tongtianshen Tower.

"Interesting, you actually have something like the Tower of God in your hand." The fire crow said.

"You know it?" Bai Lengye asked.

"Well, many years ago, I fought against the previous owner of the Tongtian Tower, and I had a tie. I admire that guy's aptitude, but now that he appears in your hands, I know he is dead."

Bai Lengye's face was solemn, he could tell that what the other party said was true, if this was the case, then he had to be careful.

What kind of purgatory did the fire crow come from, and he had never heard of that purgatory, but it was not easy to know from the name.

"Can you make any last words before you die?" the flame asked.

"This should be me asking you, do you have any last words?"

The wafting voice echoed in all directions.

Bai Lengye sneered, swung the death scythe and struck at him, the opponent only had one pair of eyes to move, he still didn't believe that he couldn't solve the opponent.

Countless black crows rushed out of one of Fire Crow's eyes, and with ear-piercing screams, they all swooped down on Bai Lengye.

The sky fire was burning on his body, and those crows were burned to death before they approached him, but there were countless crows in the opponent's eyes, and as soon as they died, one piece flew out. In the end, all these crows rushed forward without fear of death. Come over and circle around his head.

In Tongtianshen Pagoda, Jiao Longjiang and the others were very worried, every time those crows and roosters, they would sweat for Bai Lengye.

They also want to go out to help, but without Bai Lengye's consent, it is impossible for them to go out from the Tongtianshen Tower.

"Master, be careful." Xiaofeng shouted.

"What are you shouting, the master can't hear him." Jiaolong said.

Xiaofeng said: "Aren't I worried about the master?"

"Don't worry, I believe the master can definitely defeat that guy, it's just a crow, I can swallow it in one bite." Sky Swallowing Beast said viciously.

Outside the tower, Bai Lengye was so suppressed that he couldn't fight back. The main reason was that there were too many crows. At the beginning, he could still walk a few steps forward, but later, all these crows were condensed by black flames. It's done, every crow is very terrifying, as long as one is accidentally missed, it may be reduced to ashes in an instant.

"You can't resist, hurry up and die, don't waste everyone's time." The fire crow said.

"Hmph, it's obvious that you are dying, and you were seriously injured. You recovered a little after eating so much. If you want to kill me today, you have to risk your own life." Bai Lengye said coldly.

"Then try it!"


The cold voice fell again, and in an instant, all the crows around exploded. The power of each explosion was equal to the attack of a Nascent Soul master. After tens of thousands of crows exploded in an instant, a rectangular black hole was blown out on the spot. , Bai Hanye was swallowed directly.

After a long time, everything returned to calm, the fire crow snorted coldly, bloodshot eyes appeared in a pair of eyes, and the two crows also looked listless.

"I see……"

Bai Lengye's voice sounded again, and the fire crow's eyes appeared unbelievable, and the next moment, a hand grabbed it from the void.


Bloodshot eyes appeared in a pair of eyes, and two spiritual crows flew out, and the terrifying black flame burned out again.

"I have seen through your attack, this black flame is useless to me at all."

"Phantom World Flame, this is the first time I've seen it."

Bai Lengye chuckled, his palm had already grasped two spiritual flames.


Huo Ya became anxious, his huge body moved, and the cave made a loud bang.

(End of this chapter)

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