The last cultivator

Chapter 600 The Dark World

Chapter 600 The Dark World
After the bones in the sarcophagus were opened, it was found that the bottom was empty, and it seemed to be a staircase, leading to nowhere.

Bai Lengye was startled, and he didn't dare to be careless, told Tiantian Beast and the others not to act rashly, this place was already weird, and now there was a passage under the sarcophagus, no one knew what was inside.

"Boss, let's go down and have a look, maybe it's a treasure left by this man, and we'll get rich by then."

Xiaofeng suggested.

"I know the treasure, life is more important than the treasure." Jiaolong said angrily.

Xiaofeng laughed and said: "Both are important, it won't work without treasures, and it won't work without life."

Bai Lengye said: "There must be some danger down here, otherwise I'll go down and take a look first, and you follow me."

"Boss, if you don't let Xiaofeng go first, he has several lives, and it doesn't matter how many times he dies."

Swallowing Beast said.

"Fuck you, who wants to die for nothing, if you want to die, go die, anyway, you eat a lot, it's better to be the first to die."

Xiaofeng said unwillingly.

Several people laughed at the same time.

"I'll come, you just follow behind."

Bai Lengye took the lead and jumped down, Tun Tian Beast and the others followed closely behind, walking down the dark stairs.

Not long after walking, the surrounding temperature dropped down, Bai Lengye told everyone to be careful, he took out a luminous pearl, which instantly illuminated the surrounding area.

Surrounded by rock walls, they were smooth and made of something. After Mu Yu walked about ten steps forward, she suddenly stopped.

"Boss, why don't you leave?" Xiaofeng asked from behind.

"There is something wrong ahead." Bai Lengye said.

Xiaofeng said: "It's quite right, there is a puddle ahead, just step over it."

Bai Lengye said: "This is no ordinary puddle, it's like the water in the sea of ​​bitterness."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye took out a stone and threw it over. The unremarkable puddle swallowed the stone without making a sound.

"Hiss." Xiaofeng sucked in a breath of cold air, and the little one was very frightened.

"This kind of water is called yellow spring water. I just don't know why it appears here. Although it is so small and inconspicuous, it can kill many people."

"Boss, how do we get there? This thing won't suck people down." Xiaofeng asked.

Bai Lengye said: "That's not true, as long as we are careful not to get contaminated, it's okay to fly over."

After the words were finished, Bai Lengye took the lead, with his body suspended in the air, he passed through the yellow spring water little by little.

Seeing this, Xiaofeng and the others felt relieved, and flew over with their bodies suspended in the air just like Bai Lengye did.

"Okay, let's move on."

Bai Lengye walked forward, Xiaofeng and the others followed closely behind. Gradually, the surrounding air became a little colder, and ice began to form under his feet.


When Bai Lengye waved his hand, everyone stopped.

At this moment, at a distance of ten meters in front of Bai Lengye, there is an ice wall, and within the ice wall, one can clearly see that something is sealed.

"What is it?" Jiaolong asked.

"Like a door." Bai Lengye said with narrowed eyes.

"Door?" Xiaofeng and the others were stunned.

Bai Lengye nodded, walked carefully to the ice wall, took out a small knife and stabbed it, the ice wall was so hard that the knife broke immediately.

"This is Ten Thousand Years Black Ice, which cannot be melted by Flying Fire."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lengye raised his arm, and the sky fire started to burn, and then he slapped his palm on it.

Chi Chi.

As the sky fire burned, a big hole appeared in the ice wall. Gradually, the sky fire began to spread to the surroundings, and the ice wall was slowly melted away.


After the ice wall completely melted into a puff of white smoke, the portal in front of them also appeared in front of several people.

It was a gate with white light all over its body, and there was a whirlpool in the middle of the gate, which looked very mysterious.

Throwing something into that vortex, it was swallowed immediately, without even making a sound.

"Gudu." Xiaofeng swallowed and spit, and asked, "Boss, what is the place opposite this gate, I feel so mysterious."

"I don't know, we can only know after the past." Bai Lengye said.

"Boss, we really want to enter the gate, what if there is a world of ignorance inside?" Jiaolong asked.

"It may still be a world full of treasures."

Bai Lengye said with a smile.

"Boss, why don't I take the lead and take a look." Xiaofeng said.

Bai Lengye shook his head and said: "I'll do it, I'm your boss, and it's not your turn to do this kind of thing."

"Okay, then be careful, boss, we will cover behind you, if something happens, call for help immediately."

"Are you fucking kidding us?" Jiaolong patted Xiaofeng on the head hard.

Xiaofeng grinned: "I just want to make everyone happy, just kidding."

Bai Lengye smiled helplessly, shook his head, adjusted his breathing, turned his head and glanced at Mu Yanran and the others, and immediately walked in without hesitation.

The moment Bai Lengye entered, the white light suddenly became more dazzling. Xiaofeng felt that something was wrong, and wanted to go in. Who would have thought that there was a huge force coming from the gate, and pushed him back directly.


Behind Jiaolong and the others stretched out their palms to grab it, but it was too late, the gate disappeared out of thin air, and it became a dead end in front of them.

"Will not."

Jiaolong started to attack there frantically, but it was useless at all. The cave in front began to collapse, almost burying them alive.

"Stop it, boss will be fine, we'll wait outside."

"It's all you, if you didn't say it, why would something happen to the boss!" Jiaolong blamed Tuntian Beast and said.

"How would I know." Swallowing Beast was also anxious, and he regretted it very much. If he had known earlier, he would not have taken the initiative to propose it.

"Mistress, I'm sorry." Tuntian Beast said to Mu Yanran guiltily.

Mu Yanran sighed, and said: "It's okay, I don't blame you, I believe Leng Ye will be fine, let's go out and wait and see."

Several people walked out of the secret passage and stood outside, waiting anxiously.


After Bai Lengye opened his eyes, he felt severe pain all over his body, and couldn't help but hum.

"where is this place?"

Bai Lengye glanced around, it was pitch black, the surroundings were gray, the land was dry, it looked desolate.

"Damn, it won't be another Jedi."

Bai Lengye took a sip, stood up, and swept it out with his spiritual sense. Everything in his spiritual sense was black, and there seemed to be some insects in the air, which were actually devouring his spiritual sense.

Bai Lengye was so frightened that he immediately withdrew his consciousness, not daring to go out.


After letting out a breath, Bai Lengye wiped off the cold snort on his forehead. He looked down and found that his hands were trembling constantly.

"How could this be? I feel like my strength is disappearing little by little."

Bai Lengye's complexion was very ugly, he swallowed the elixir hastily, and the true energy in his body recovered a little bit.

"What the hell, isn't it in the cultivation world again?"

Bai Lengye flew up and flew forward slowly, looked up at the top of his head, it was pitch black, not like a starry sky or dark clouds.

At this moment, he heard the sound of chains shaking, Bai Lengye was startled, and subconsciously looked back.

In a dark place, a black shadow sat there motionless, Bai Lengye flew over boldly, and saw that the black shadow was a scrawny man, with chains wrapped around his body, hair disheveled, and human bones all over the ground. It sounds scary.

"What's so hot about you?" Bai Lengye tried to ask.

Suddenly, that person rushed towards Bai Lengye like a runaway, and Bai Lengye hurriedly backed up a few steps in fright, the black shadow was restrained by iron chains, no matter what he couldn't catch Bai Lengye.

At this time, Bai Lengye could see the other person's face clearly, it was an old man, his complexion was extremely sallow, his eye sockets were sunken, and his skin was dry, chapped and pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun for hundreds of years.

This person can only roar, his eyes are like those of a wild beast, extremely violent, and his mouth keeps roaring.

Bai Lengye's face was serious, he looked up, and saw a huge sword stuck behind the madman's back, this sword was hundreds of meters high, and there were many traces on it, the iron chain was on this sword, This lunatic can't leave a radius of ten meters.

"Where is this place, how can there be such a lunatic."

Bai Lengye became more and more curious. He could tell that this lunatic's strength was definitely not as simple as being out of his body, and he might even be a primordial spirit.

And being able to lock the master of the soul here is probably beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Let... let me... go out!"

Intermittent roars came, and Bai Lengye looked at the lunatic, who had already calmed down, his bloodthirsty eyes seemed to tear Bai Lengye apart.

Bai Lengye sneered, he was sure that as long as he let the other party go, the first thing this lunatic would do would be to eat him, as can be seen from the bones on the ground, someone must have been here before, but they were all The madman was eaten.

"You stay here well, I don't bother to pay attention to you."

Bai Lengye curled his lips, and flew away to come here. Anyway, he knew that if he asked the other party where it was, the other party would not tell him.

Just when Bai Lengye was thinking about whether he should go to the sky to have a look, the sound of iron chains came from his ears again, and when he looked around, he saw a long knife, and there was a lunatic under the long knife, also with disheveled hair , clothes torn.

It's just that this guy is much better than the one I saw before. At least this guy is still rational. After seeing Bai Hanye, he didn't rush towards him like crazy.

After Bai Lengye looked at the other party for a while, he asked, "Can you understand me?"

The man looked up at Bai Lengye, then closed his eyes and lowered his head.

Bai Lengye asked softly: "What is this place?"

The other party did not respond.

"What's your name, how should I get out of here?"

The other party still didn't respond, just as motionless as a dead person.

Bai Lengye was a little angry, and said angrily: "Are you deaf, didn't you hear what I asked you?"

At this time, that person finally reacted, he slowly raised his head, stood up, a head taller than Bai Lengye, but the other person was so hungry that only the skeleton was left, even the bones could be seen.

The other party's limbs and neck were wrapped with black iron chains, and the other party walked over with difficulty step by step, and the iron chains made friction sounds on the ground.

Bai Lengye took a few steps back, out of the opponent's attacking distance, so that he would not be afraid of the opponent's sudden attack on him.

"Is there anything to eat?" The man made a hoarse voice.

Bai Lengye nodded, took out a large piece of roasted leg and threw it over, the man took it in his hand, and stayed there dumbly.

Just when Bai Lengye was wondering why the other party didn't eat, suddenly, the man burst into tears and burst into tears.

The crying sound was very loud, at least it spread far, far away. In the empty dark world, there were many ghosts and wolves howling immediately.


Bai Lengye swallowed, and took a small step back subconsciously, thinking in his heart whether this is hell or why so many people are locked here.

The man tore off a piece of meat, put it in his mouth with tears streaming down his face, and then burst into tears again.

"What's your name?"

Bai Lengye asked.

The man chewed and ate the meat slowly, still in tears, and didn't answer his words at all.

Bai Lengye simply sat down and watched the other party eating there quietly. After eating for nearly an hour, the man stood up expressionlessly, then sat back in his seat, tilted his head, and continued to pretend to be dead people.

"Why don't you ask me to let you go?" Bai Lengye asked.

The man gave a sneer in disdain, but was too lazy to answer Bai Lengye's words.

Bai Lengye was a little surprised, why is this person so strange, don't you believe that he can let him go.

"You can't break this seal, you can't break this iron chain."

The man finally spoke.

"Why?" Bai Lengye asked.

The man chuckled and stopped talking.

"Hey, then tell me where this is and how I should get out."

"Even the light can't get out here, you still want to go out, don't dream."

"The light can't go out," Bai Lengye was stunned, and then he took out the night pearl, who knew that a ball of black light curtain instantly swallowed the night pearl, and the white light inside disappeared, turning into the most ordinary crystal ball.

"What's going on here." Bai Lengye asked in shock.

"Here, darkness will swallow everything, and you will become like us in the end. You will never be able to leave here forever, and you will be alone until you die."

"We, you said there are many people like you, how many?"

Bai Lengye asked.

The man chuckled, closed his eyes, and didn't answer Bai Lengye.

Bai Lengye was so angry that he was about to speak when the man spoke again.

"This is the dark purgatory, coming here means eternity to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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