Chapter 605
"Is there anything important you want to tell me?" Bai Lengye asked Na Chui Shendao.

After Hammer God sat down, he said: "I know that I have been controlled by you. I don't ask for anything else. I just want to be like Hussein. After ten years, you will let me go."

Bai Lengye thought for a while and said, "I can promise you that you can leave on your own after ten years."

Hammer God smiled, and he got up and left.

"Boss, you really want to let them go after ten years. These will be super masters in the future."

Xiaofeng said with some reluctance.

After he talked with Hussein last time, he started to inquire about what Sanxian is. After he knew it, his jaw almost dropped.

Loose Immortals are more powerful than Mahayana Crossing Tribulation, every Loose Immortal has the ability to destroy the world.

If the Mahayana is a super master, then the master of the tribulation is the top of the pyramid, and the Sanxian above this tribulation can be called a half immortal. A Sanxian is not comparable to dozens of tribulations. of.

Bai Lengye said: "It's okay to let them go, there are still many people like them in my dark purgatory, even real immortals."

"Wow, real or fake, there are even real immortals, can you let me see it and brighten my titanium alloy phoenix eyes?"

Xiaofeng said exaggeratedly.

Bai Lengye squinted at the other party. Since he told the other party some famous sayings about the earth, the other party has firmly remembered them, and such a sentence popped out of his mouth from time to time.

"Farewell to the immortals for the time being. Although I am the Lord of Purgatory now, it is not completely counted. I still cannot control some places. I am afraid that those crazy immortals will go crazy. After killing me, Purgatory will become theirs. "

"Okay, let's wait until the boss is stronger."

Bai Lengye nodded. At this time, Bai Ruichen and the others walked in. Seeing the daughter and son in front of him, Bai Lengye felt very satisfied.

"By the way, what about the Headless Horseman?" Bai Lengye asked Bai Ruichen.

Bai Ruichen looked disappointed, and said, "They are all dead, they were all killed by their enemies."


Hearing this, Bai Lengye was a little surprised, and his brain didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"In the first few years when I came here, Master and the others took me to walk in the cultivation world. At that time, our strength was very low, and we were cautious in everything we did."

"Later, the master provoked enemies, and the headless master took me away..."

After Bai Ruichen finished telling what happened, Bai Lengye didn't recover for a long time, but at the same time, the anger in his heart was burning.

"Where's Han Xiaolong?" Bai Lengye asked.

"He joined a sect and is now a senior disciple." Bai Ruichen said.

Bai Leng Ye gave a grunt, and then began to meditate.

"What are you thinking about?"

Xiaoyu came over and hugged him.

Bai Lengye came back to his senses, took the other person's hand, and said softly: "I was thinking about a person. When I came to the cultivation world, the other person saved my life."

"At that time, I promised the other party to go back. Now that so many years have passed, I think it's time to go back."

"It's a woman." Xiaoyu said angrily.

"Yes." Bai Lengye admitted without any embarrassment, and then he also told the other party the fact that the witch forced him to marry her.

"When we settle down, we will go back and have a look." Xiaoyu said.

Bai Lengye said with a smile: "So I've made up my mind. I plan to establish a sect. In this world of comprehension, unless one's personal strength reaches its peak, it will be difficult to fight against a sect."

"With sects, you will have backup and strength, so that you will have the confidence to talk face-to-face with those thousand-year-old sects."

"I support you." Xiaoyu smiled.

"Father, we all support you too." Bai Ruishi and the others said in unison.

Bai Lengye showed a smile. Since everyone supports it, it's time for him to choose the address of the sect.

But establishing a sect is not easy, at least you have to have strength and resources, both of which are indispensable.

A few days later, Bai Lengye left the giant clan, and Husai and the others followed.

Now there are only these masters around him, Husai and Hammer God may be the guard elders of the sect, and the remaining Jiaolong and Xiaofeng can also be the elders of the sect.

But there is no one that can really shock people, because there is more or less one very powerful in those sects, and now their strongest is only Hu Sai, who is at the eighth level of Yuanshen, and it will take at least a period of time to recover to Mahayana.

Before going to Mahayana, Bai Lengye had to think of a way to find a master to sit in the town, otherwise, no one would come after the sect was established.

But it is really too difficult to find a Mahayana master in the cultivation world. Basically, those who have cultivated to the Mahayana have sects, because it is difficult for individuals to cultivate to this level.

Even if there are, they are old monsters with withdrawn personalities, and I don't know how much they have to pay to impress them.

After much deliberation, Bai Lengye finally decided not to look for Mahayana masters for the time being, and the presence of Hussein was enough to deter many people.

In order to choose the address, Bai Lengye spent nearly a month and traveled tens of thousands of miles around, and finally found a place that was less expensive.

After removing several mountains and creating an open space, Bai Lengye used up all the crystals to set up a large formation, absorbing the aura of tens of thousands of miles around.

After more than two months, the sect was simply established, at least the martial arts field and the house to live in, and the rest was recruiting.

His sect chose to go inside the mountains, and the nearest people lived hundreds of miles away. Of course, this distance was nothing to their cultivators.

A few days later, Bai Hanye came to a city. Like other sects, he put up a sign and had many attractive conditions.

The most important one is that every disciple who joins the sect will get the Third Sister Zeng Qi Pill, which has an irresistible power for Qi training and foundation building.

In this way, on the first day, Bai Hanye recruited more than 100 people, while other sects only recruited three or five people, all of which were snatched away by Bai Hanye.

On the second day, Bai Hanye continued to go there, but this time it was not so smooth, he was surrounded by people from those sects.

"Remove your sign immediately, or we will smash this place."

A man said fiercely.

Bai Lengye smiled and said, "Why are you so weird? You don't recruit people yourself, and you don't let others recruit people."

"Hmph, then what do you mean by putting out Qi-enhancing pills? I don't believe that your newly established sect will have so many Qi-enhancing pills. I think you are lying!"

As soon as these words came out, those who originally wanted to join also hesitated, but now they think about it a lot. Qi-enhancing pills are very important to people in the foundation-building period. Although every sect has Qi-enhancing pills, once you join Sending three pieces, this has never been heard of in history.

What's more, this is just a newly established sect, so where can there be so many Qi-enhancing pills? It is well known that only the local people from the Shenshen Pavilion can refine a large number of Qi-enhancing pills.

"Okay, since you don't believe it, then I can only show it for you to see."

After Bai Lengye finished speaking, he took a few steps back, waved his sleeves, and immediately, densely packed bottles appeared on the ground.

After all the bottle corks were opened, Qi Boosting Pills floated out one after another, and in an instant, people around exclaimed.

As long as there are thousands of Qi-enhancing Pills densely packed, many people will be jealous when they look at them, and some even stretch out their hands to grab them.

"court death."

A cold voice resounded, and the next moment, a vast force swept out from Bai Lengye's body, and those who secretly robbed him all vomited blood.

"Out of body peak master!" Everyone exclaimed.

The few people who vomited blood showed panic, and ran away without looking back.

Bai Lengye put away all the Qi-enhancing pills, and those jealous people came to his senses and wanted to join his sect one after another.

The faces of those members of the sect were gloomy, they turned around and left, but Bai Lengye could feel that this matter would not just be left alone.

At the same time, among the various sects, it was learned that there was a newly established sect with at least tens of thousands of Qi Zeng Pills.

Tens of thousands of qi-enhancing pills are nothing to some influential sects, but they all want to know how Bai Lengye's qi-enhancing pills came from, this is the most important thing.

It was just a new sect, and they didn't pay attention to it at all, so the next day, all the sects that knew about it issued a message and sent people over to ask about the origin of the Qi Enhancing Pill. If they refused to tell, they just destroyed it.


It took Bai Lengye three days to recruit about 400 people. The strength of these 400 people is generally not high, and the most powerful one is only the third level of foundation establishment.

Back then when he was on Earth, a master foundation builder made him burn out, but now it's different, not to mention the foundation builder, he didn't even pay attention to Yuanshen.

In order to let these people stay with all their hearts, Bai Lengye called out Hammer God when he asked them to gather, and unintentionally revealed his own strength.

At this time, many people were excited. They thought that a small school like Bai Lengye had no masters, but now they were wrong. They not only have masters, but also a master of the seventh level of Yuanshen.

Yuanshen level seven, within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, can be regarded as one of the best masters!

In this way, most of the more than 400 people chose to stay, and only a small number of them quietly disappeared after taking the pill.

Bai Lengye didn't care either, because he didn't care at all, he needed as many Qi-enhancing pills as he could easily make dozens of them in just a few minutes.

One week morning, when Bai Lengye was inspecting the practice of his disciples, the disciple who guarded the gate ran in and said that a group of unknown people had come outside.

Bai Lengye already knew in his heart that such a day would come, so he asked Jiaolong and the others to come out, and went out with him.

Many people walked up the mountain, and it was obvious that they were not in the same group. They were all wearing different clothes and scattered around.

"Hey, today is so grand." Bai Lengye said with a smile.

"Are you the master of this White Feather Sect?" a man with triangular eyes asked.

"I am, but I don't talk to mice." Bai Lengye said.

"What did you say?" The man's eyes flashed coldly.

Bai Lengye ignored him, glanced around, and found that these people seemed to be Tanfeng, and the strongest was Nascent Soul.

"Let me ask you, how did you get your Qi Boosting Pill." An old man asked.

Bai Lengye said: "Why should I tell you?"

"It's fine if you don't say anything, then we will destroy you, the Baiyumen today."

One sneered.

"What a big tone, let's see who can take a step forward today!"

The icy voice resounded throughout the world, and countless people shivered in fright, their legs trembling and unable to speak.

"High... master, hidden master!"

The old man exclaimed.

"If you know it, don't get out. Next time, call a few powerful ones over, you little ones can't do it."

Bai Lengye laughed.

"Go, we'll be here tomorrow."

After saying a few harsh words, these people left in despair.

Bai Lengye took the people back, and some disciples surrounded him and asked, "Master, those sects are very powerful, they have been established for hundreds of years, and there are even masters at the peak of Nascent Soul and even out of body level."

"Is there a soul?" Bai Lengye asked.

"It seems that only one family has it." A disciple said.

Bai Lengye smiled and said: "Then you are still worried, you forgot that we have guardian elders at the seventh level of Yuanshen?"

As soon as the words came out, many people burst into laughter. They were too worried just now, but they forgot by then. This newly established sect is not simple, but there are guardian elders at the level of Yuanshen. It is said that there is another guardian elder who has retreated. show up.

When it was night, Bai Lengye stood on the attic, looked at the disciples patrolling below, and sighed in his heart, how time flies.

After a while, Bai Lengye went to the secret room, where he saw Hussein in retreat.

The strength of Hussein is constantly exuding. Compared with the previous few days, his current strength is even stronger.

After a while, Hussai slowly opened his eyes, his complexion was ruddy, and his complexion was much better than before.

"Yuanshen rank nine?" Bai Lengye asked.

Hussein smiled slightly: "It was lucky to recover a little, but it is still far from the real peak."

Bai Lengye jokingly said: "If you recover to the strength of a Sanxian in an instant, then I will take you to sweep the entire cultivation world."

Husse smiled slightly, shook his head, and said, "You think too simply about the cultivation world. Among those top-notch and ancient sects, which one doesn't have some background."

"Those ancient sects can't look at the surface. They may have masters of Sanxian secretly, which is far more than a simple Sanxian."

"It's the one you said. I was well-known at that time. Now, at least there are masters at the Sanxian level."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye's heart sank, if this was the case, how could he go to the Taishang Dynasty to find Xiaoshi's family.

There is also the mysterious Bai family, whose tone is more powerful than that of the Taishang Dynasty. Doesn't that mean that with his current strength, he can't make it through at all.

But thinking that there are many masters in his purgatory, Bai Lengye felt relieved. If he is strong enough, he can directly pull a real fairy out, and that slap can destroy all existences!

Anyone who is not convinced will be killed!

(End of this chapter)

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