The last cultivator

Chapter 617 Got Caught

Chapter 617 Got Caught
Xiaofeng climbed up from the mound with a disheveled face, and when he was about to rush to take revenge in anger, who knew he heard Hussein's voice.

Hearing the word Mahayana master, his heart skipped a beat, and he was almost frightened to death.

That was a Mahayana master. It was the first time he saw him in his life. Thinking of being blown away by a Mahayana master, he felt somewhat lucky. Fortunately, the other party didn't kill him directly, otherwise he would have died a miserable death.

When he came to him, he asked, "Boss, that man is a master of Mahayana, let's not run away."

"There are so many people here, why run away?" Bai Lengye asked with a smile.

Xiaofeng took a look, and with the addition of the female corpse flying dragon, there are six of them here. Although the number is quite large, facing a Mahayana master, it is not a pile of people.

"With the boss here, you are afraid of a woolen yarn. Just stand here with confidence. Don't believe that we will work hard together, and don't believe that we can't kill a Mahayana master."

Jiaolong said viciously.

"I don't want to kill you guys if I don't want to, but if you're obsessed with it, then the old man has nothing to do."

The Mahayana old man said calmly.

Bai Lengye snorted coldly and said, "Since you are so confident, then come and try to snatch it."

Seeing Bai Lengye's confidence, the Mahayana old man was a little confused, but he was anxious that the strongest of the other party was Hu Sai, the peak soul, and he was a majestic Mahayana master. Would he be afraid that a soul would fail? .

Thinking of this, I feel a lot of confidence in my heart. Mahayana masters cannot be dealt with by numbers.

"Since you are so ignorant of good and evil, then this old man can only send you back to the West."

"Get out of the way, Sky Swallowing Beast is standing behind me." Bai Lengye said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Xiaofeng and the others quickly retreated, Tuntian Beast stood behind Bai Lengye, he didn't know what the boss wanted him to do here, and he couldn't beat Mahayana masters.

"Xiao Wang." Bai Lengye called out.

The next moment, a fiery figure appeared on his shoulder, jumping up and down, very happy.

"Swallowing Beast, look at me. If you are in danger, pull me away."

"Okay." Swallowing Beast nodded, his expression serious, he knew that Bai Lengye did this because he believed in his spatial ability.

"Just because you still want to fight the old man, you are looking for death."

The Mahayana old man smiled disdainfully, and his soaring aura instantly swept across the audience. The terrifying power sent many people flying, and many people's expressions changed.

When you reach Mahayana, you are basically standing at the top of the cultivation world, and you can destroy hundreds of miles in just a few strokes of your hand, and you really have the ability to move mountains and fill seas.

No one wants to offend a Mahayana master, even some top forces are unwilling to offend.

Bai Lengye dared to face the wrath of a Mahayana master. This made many people admire, but it also made many people laugh at him. This kind of way of saving face is not a wise move.

"Die, people like you are not worthy of Tianhuo, only the old man can!"

The anger of the Mahayana master was very terrifying. As soon as the words were spoken, the ground in a radius of tens of miles shook. This kind of power was still terrifying, and many people hurriedly hid away.

Bai Lengye's expression was extremely solemn, and Xiao Wang on his shoulder jumped into the air, turning into a huge flaming hammer and smashing down.

The hammer smashed into the air, a deep pit appeared in the ground, and the Mahayana old man had disappeared.

Bai Lengye's scalp was numb, because he had already seen a mountain peak fall towards him, the momentum was very terrifying, if he was hit directly, he would die without knowing how.

At this moment, a vortex behind him swallowed him in, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the side of the swallowing beast.

After he dodged, the mountain peak didn't fall down, but turned around and smashed towards him.

The Sky Swallowing Beast roared and stretched out its palm. The next moment, a huge mountain of about the same size was caught and collided with that mountain peak.

This blow was like a big collision between heaven and earth. Even the waves thousands of miles away were blown up by the concussion. Countless flames and natural disasters appeared, and the power of the two mountains destroyed hundreds of miles around. It became a mess.

Many people came out of the deep pit or the magic weapon of defense, and looked at the destroyed hall in front of them, showing a look of astonishment.

"Boss, be careful."

As soon as Swallowing Beast finished reminding, a palm came out from the void and grabbed Bai Lengye ferociously.

Bai Lengye stood there without moving, just when the palm was about to grab him, Xiao Wang stood in front of him, and several kinds of gorgeous flames appeared, directly burning the palm black.


A cold snort came from the void, and the hand was quickly withdrawn, and then the Mahayana old man walked out of the space.

"Sure enough, you have fused many kinds of sky fire, and now it is no longer the No.11 Pink Queen."

"Just know, Xiao Wang, go up and burn him."

Xiao Wang chirped and flew towards the Mahayana master with a whoosh. The terrifying high temperature directly burned the opponent's robe.

"damn it."

The Mahayana old man shook his body, and several afterimages appeared on the spot, avoiding the attack of the flames.

Then he slapped it, and directly smashed Xiao Wang into pieces.


Xiao Wang is formed by the condensation of flames, as long as Bai Hanye is not dead, it will not dissipate.

Immediately, at least hundreds of little kings came out from the flames, and the chirping sound resounded all over the world. All of these countless little kings rushed towards the Mahayana old man.

The Mahayana old man snorted coldly, and with a flick of his sleeve robe, a strangely shaped umbrella appeared. The umbrella opened, and the powerful suction directly sucked countless little kings into it.

It's just that this trick didn't have much effect, although many Xiao Wangs were sucked in, but Bai Lengye's palm was the same, and Xiao Wang appeared again.

Xiao Wang is his skyfire, as long as he is not dead, he can make countless Xiao Wangs.

"The umbrella swallows the world!"

The Mahayana old man finally made a big move. The magic weapon in his hand faced the sky for a while, and the next moment, a rectangular black hole appeared from the top of everyone's heads.

"Get out of the way."

Bai Lengye shouted loudly, turned around and ran away with Tuntian Beast, Jiaolong and the others also left in a hurry.

"Where to go."

The Mahayana old man let out a loud shout, and immediately, the giant black hole covered Bai Leng Ye.

"Come here quickly, I will use space teleportation to get out of here!"

Swallowing Beast opened its mouth, and a vortex appeared in front of it, Jiaolong and the others rushed in immediately.

"Hurry up, boss..."


Bai Lengye suddenly kicked the swallowing beast into it, and Husai behind him was stunned.

"Leave first, I will go to purgatory."

After Bai Lengye finished speaking, Husai nodded and followed him in.

After the vortex disappeared, Bethlehem Ye was directly sucked in by the rectangular black hole above the head.

And thousands of miles away.

The vortex appeared, Jiaolong and the others jumped down, and the female corpse and the others also came out, but after waiting for a long time, they did not see Bai Lengye coming out.

"Where is the boss, where did the boss go?"

Xiaofeng asked anxiously.

Tuntian Beast's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly said: "I obviously haven't forgotten the boss, where is the boss?"

"Don't worry, he is safe now, even safer than us."

Hussey spoke.

"Where did the boss go?" Several people asked anxiously.

Hussein smiled and said, "He's gone to Purgatory."

Hearing the word purgatory, Jiaolong and the others instantly breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that place, a very awesome world, where even real immortals were imprisoned.

But the eyes of the female corpse at the side were bright, as if she was very interested in purgatory.

But... did Bai Lengye really go to purgatory? It's really hard to say...

The Mahayana old man put away his umbrella and sneered, didn't he catch Bai Lengye in the end?

"Congratulations to the Great Elder, the sect master will definitely reward you when you go back..."

"Hehe." The Mahayana old man waved his hand and said, "It's all thanks to everyone. I will tell the sect master when I go back."

"Thank you." The other elders showed a hint of joy on their faces.

"Let's go, the news of Tianhuo has been known to many people, and there will be a lot of troubles."

(End of this chapter)

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