Chapter 620
There was a sea of ​​flames outside, and everything was burned to ashes by Brahma in the flames. If Bai Lengye hadn't owned the Tongtian Tower, his fate might be similar to those of those stones.

Bai Lengye stayed in the divine tower, watching Tsing Yi God being devoured, but he couldn't do anything, other than helplessness, he felt that his strength was still too low.

If he has the strength of Mahayana now, why should he be afraid of these people in front of him? It's just a pity that he only has the strength of the peak of Yuanshen now, which is a little bit far from the real Mahayana.

After the fire waves outside gradually disappeared, the land had become completely devastated, black smoke was still rising from the ground, and not even a single stone could be seen.

"Hmph, it's just a ray of divine sense, and it's delusional to deal with the three of us."

The elder of Tongtian Pavilion sneered, and then looked at Bai Lengye, after seeing the glazed Tongtian Tower, he was a little surprised.

"Excellent, it's no wonder it's the legendary Mietianhuo, it really can kill everything."

The elder of the Supreme God Sect laughed and said, with a hint of fear in his words.

Although the Ma Yizi didn't speak, his face was serious, and his eyes were fixed on the magic lamp in the hand of the elder of Tongtian Pavilion, on which there was a trace of the origin of the fire of extinguishing the sky, and the real fire of extinguishing the sky must be on the master of the Tongtian Pavilion.

"Boy, no one can protect you now, you'd better come out obediently, or don't blame the old man for being merciless!"

The elder of Tongtian Pavilion said in a cold voice.

Bai Lengye's face was gloomy, and he clenched his fists tightly. Although he really wanted to rush over to avenge Tsing Yi God, he knew that his strength was not enough, and rushing over was just to die.

Seeing that Bai Lengye was still standing indifferently inside the detective and could not come out, the elder of Tongtian Pavilion lost his patience and waved his arm a few times, and the magic lamp burst into a terrifying sky-extinguishing fire again.

Mie Tianhuo formed a huge fire wolf, the temperature was terribly high, and even the space was rapidly distorting.

The next moment, that terrifying fire wolf rushed towards the Tongtian Tower, and its claws slapped it hard.

The Tongtianshen Pagoda shook slightly, but it quickly returned to silence. The fire wolf was furious and continued to slap it angrily, but it couldn't help the Tongtianshen Pagoda at all.

"What a treasure, it can't even extinguish the sky fire."

The Tongtian Pavilion Master was not angry, but became excited. For him, this kind of treasure did not need to be handed in at all. Anyway, the task given to him by the Pavilion Master was only to catch Bai Lengye back.

"Could it be that tower..." the elder of the Maimen Gate murmured.

Thinking of this, he quietly took a small step back, but the other two didn't notice.

"Elder, what should we do now, should we go over and snatch it?" asked some disciples behind him.

Elder Mai hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "Let's see the situation first. If that tower is really the one in the legend, we can only leave here temporarily."

"Die, your pagoda is mine too!"

The elder of Tongtian Pavilion laughed loudly. This time, he directly took the turn of the magic lamp and rushed over. A terrifying flame appeared on the magic lamp, and the burning air was evaporated.

This is the original fire that extinguishes the sky fire, and its power is infinite.

After this magical lamp collided with the Tongtian Tower, a terrible wave of fire erupted between the two, and a wave of air directly overturned the elder Tongtian Pavilion. The magic lamp almost flew out of his hand.

"It's amazing, what the hell is this!"

The elder of Tongtian Pavilion said in shock.

Bai Lengye knew that it was safe for him to hide here, because this was a complete Tongtian Tower, not the previous one. There might be someone in this world who could destroy the Tongtian Tower, but definitely not the few people in front of him.

Knowing that he would not be in any danger, Bai Lengye also felt relieved, and his eyes swept over the people from the three sects.

If it weren't for them, Tsing Yi God would not have died, he decided in his heart that he must avenge Tsing Yi God.

But when Bai Lengye was pondering, an accident that no one could have imagined happened suddenly.

The sky above the sky suddenly turned into a piece of green, and that piece of green was like the ocean, constantly flowing in the sky.

But if you look carefully, you will find that those green things are not oceans at all, but real flames!
Those green flames enveloped the sky for hundreds of miles, and the whole world turned green. At the same time, the earth began to tremble, and a strong life energy emerged from the ground, and was finally absorbed by the green flames. go in.

"This is the spring of the withered tree of the Tsing Yi God!" The eyelids of the old man in linen twitched wildly, and he subconsciously took a few steps back again.

At this moment, a vortex appeared in the green flames in the sky, and a stalwart figure walked out of the vortex, his eyes swept across everyone present with ice-cold eyes.

"Tsing Yi God, how is this possible!" the elder of Tongtian Pavilion shouted in horror.


Tsing Yi Shen pointed out with a finger, and the terrifying green flame formed a long spear, and finally rushed towards the opponent silently.

The elder of Tongtian Pavilion raised his magic lamp towards the opponent, but the spear disappeared in mid-air, and the next moment, the spear appeared from behind the opponent.

The expression on the face of the elder Tongtiange froze instantly.

The spear pierced through his heart, and then the spear pierced through every vital point of him at an extremely fast speed. When the Tsing Yi magic hand grabbed it, the magic lamp appeared in his hand.

"I... can't be reconciled!"

The elder Tongtian Pavilion spat out a mouthful of blood, and then the corpse fell into the ground, and was quickly set on fire by the hot earth. In a few minutes, the corpse was so burned that the corpse could not be seen.


All the people present swallowed hard and spit, the eyelids of the elder of the Supreme God Sect jumped wildly, and there was fear in his heart, and he was already planning to run away.

"That... This may be a misunderstanding. I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

The elder of the Supreme God Sect no longer had the previous arrogance, and turned around to take his people away.

Tsing Yi Shen stood in front of him, looked at him expressionlessly, and then slowly raised his arms.

"Don't..." The elder of the Supreme God Sect was shocked, and all the true energy in his body burst out.


Tsing Yishen slapped it with a palm, and no spell fluctuations appeared, but the elder of the Supreme God Sect was shocked to death with a slap!

After killing them, the Tsing Yi God looked at the old man in hemp clothes, and the other party's eyelids twitched, and he smiled awkwardly.

"For the sake of Mai Patriarch, get lost!"

Tsing Yi Shen said in a cold tone.

The old man in sackcloth cupped his hands and led the person away with an ugly expression.

The green sea of ​​flames all over the sky disappeared, and the blue sky reappeared in front of his eyes, and Bai Lengye also came out of Tongtianshen Pagoda, smacking his tongue secretly.

"Here you are." Tsing Yi Shen threw the magic lamp over.


"There is a hint of the origin of the fire that can extinguish the sky, and if you absorb it, it can also increase your strength."

"Senior, you..."

"This is my spring on a dead tree."

A vine-shaped flame appeared in the palm of Tsing Yi God's palm, and the other party looked very complicated, and said in a low voice: "It has been with me for nearly ten thousand years, now, it's time for a new owner."

Hearing this, Bai Lengye had a bad premonition in his heart, and hurriedly asked: "Senior, I don't want it, you should keep it for yourself."

"I'm already dead, but this time, it's completely dissipated."

When Tsing Yi Shen said this, his body had already shown signs of weathering, and Zhou Wen appeared on his face and arms.

The dead tree flew in front of Bai Lengye, and there was a strong vitality on it.

"As long as your heart and head are okay, it can save you, remember."

Bai Lengye was extremely touched in his heart, he didn't know how to repay the person in front of him at this moment.

"Senior, can I help you with anything?" Bai Lengye asked softly.

The Tsing Yi God showed a smile, and the color of nostalgia appeared in his eyes.

"I have lived for such a long time, and my relatives and friends have already taken the lead. In this world, there is nothing worthy of my nostalgia."

Just like that, Tsing Yi Shen's body began to weather slowly, with more and more cracks. He looked at Bai Lengye with a gratified smile.

"Take care of yourself……"

The last words came into my ears with the wind, and the next moment, the Tsing Yi God completely dissipated between heaven and earth.


Bai Lengye yelled, but it was useless, Tsing Yi Shen could no longer hear his words.

A ray of white light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and Bai Lengye subconsciously grabbed it in his hand. It was a mark, or it could be said to be a mark left after a life died.

Bai Lengye put it away carefully, he knew that if he had absolute strength in the future, he would be able to save Tsing Yi God.

Of course, he hasn't forgotten Long Er, the woman who loved him till death.

Looking at the two flames in his hand, Bai Lengye pondered for a moment, then flew into the ground.

After several hundred meters deep into the ground, Bai Lengye opened a hole here, and he sat down cross-legged, ready to refine the flames.

This Dead Tree Spring may not be as high as Xiao Wang's ranking, but its effect is very special, and it can be regarded as something that is really registered.

And this Mietianhuo, although it has only a trace of its origin, its power is very terrifying. It can at least be ranked in the top five above Xiao Wang. It is rumored that the Mietianhuo can destroy the world.

Bai Lengye first recuperated with his legs crossed for a period of time, and when he recovered to the peak state, he began to refine the dead wood.

Perhaps because of the Tsing Yi God, Bai Lengye could feel a bit of sadness and loneliness from the flame, and it was very easy for him to refine it.

A few hours later, he had completely refined the dead wood, and his strength had improved a little, but he hadn't advanced yet.

And next, he will refine the Mietianhuo in his hand.

Bai Lengye took a deep breath, and clenched his fists tightly, even if the Mietian Huo was terrible, he still had to refine it, and he couldn't waste this unique opportunity.

After calming down the tense heart, Bai Lengye turned on the magic lamp and took out the trace of the original power, while he let Xiao Wang wrap the opponent, and began to slowly peel off the cocoon to refine the power in it.

Mie Tianhuo started to resist, because it already had a trace of intelligence, knowing that Xiao Wang was going to refine it, it instinctively wanted to run away.

If all its origins are here, Xiao Wang may really not be able to trap the opponent, but unfortunately, it only has a trace of origin, and it is still easy for Xiao Wang to trap the opponent.

Bai Lengye gritted his teeth tightly, making Xiao Wang's flames bigger, constantly driving out the soul power in the original source, so that the original owner would not affect him.

A little bit of time passed, and the cave had been burnt to black, but the white cold leaves hadn't completely refined it.

Forget it, just when she was about to devour the fire, the other party actually started to burn his body, the flesh on his arms and thighs began to become dry, his hair instantly turned to ashes, and he became a bald head.

The next moment, Mie Tianhuo swam through his whole body, burning everything in his body, including meridians and bones, and Bai Lengye was in so much pain that he couldn't make any sound.

All of a sudden, the strength of the dead wood in spring was revealed, and those backbones and meridians that had been burned by Mietianhuo were rapidly healing. Just after they healed, Mietianhuo would hit the past again.

After repeating this dozens of times, gradually, the bones in Bai Lengye's body turned pale gold, while the melting power of the Mietianhuo became smaller and smaller.

Bai Lengye has completely fallen into seclusion, and when he wakes up, his body may undergo earth-shaking changes.

(End of this chapter)

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