Chapter 622
There are so many people who are looking for death and those who are not afraid of death, and those who are not afraid of death have met, but the people who are looking for death are the most.

The senior brother in front of him is just one, relying on the strength of his Yuanying, he doesn't pay attention to a few juniors at all, and also doesn't pay attention to Bai Lengye, he draws his sword and wants to kill him directly.

For this kind of person, he usually beats and cripples directly, but today is different, he plans to bypass the other party.

After the sword fell, Bai Lengye reached out and grabbed the sword, and then pushed forward vigorously, the senior brother sat down on the ground.

Those disciples were stunned. The elder brother who was usually very powerful in their eyes was so easily thrown to the ground by one move.

This is somewhat beyond their imagination.

"I traded for the seeds, and you still want to take them back from me?"

Bai Lengye laughed.

The elder brother got up, his eyes were extremely vicious, he looked at those few people, and said sharply: "You actually gave others the things that the master gave you privately, do you know that you have committed a capital crime!"

"I... Big brother, please don't tell the master, we are only here to save the younger brother."


The elder brother snorted coldly, and said harshly: "I don't care what you say, I will report the truth to master when I go back, and you will die at that time, and the master will naturally send someone to take the seeds back, and none of them can escape being caught." The fate of killing!"

Those disciples were almost scared to death, their faces were pale, and their bodies were trembling.

"If you all nod and agree, I can solve your elder brother for you now."

Bai Lengye opened the mouth and said.

"How dare you, I'll give you two the courage to try it!" said the elder brother coldly.

Bai Lengye looked at those people, everyone had fear and panic on their faces, but no one dared to nod in agreement.

Sighing in his heart, Bai Lengye shook his head helplessly, these people were very cowardly, or they were scared by the so-called rules, and even lost their most original impulse.

"Can you really solve the elder brother?"

Suddenly, the youngest disciple spoke.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked and turned their heads to look. The youngest disciple stared closely at Bai Lengye.

Bai Lengye smiled, nodded, and said: "I didn't lie to you just now, if you are very afraid of the elder brother in front of you, I can kill him for you, if this is the case, no one will go back to Gaomi for you."

"Okay, I agree to kill Senior Brother." The youngest disciple said firmly.

"Damn it, do you know what you're talking about!" A female disciple next to him snapped.

"Senior Sister, have you forgotten how Eldest Brother treats us? Master will give him all good things first. Elder Brother will be furious at us if he is even slightly dissatisfied!"

The disciple looked at everyone and continued: "You all have seen what the elder brother has done these years. If the elder brother returns today, he will definitely tell the head that we have made mistakes. At that time, it will be unavoidable to suffer a lot of flesh and blood."

"Today...if the elder brother dies here today, no one will ask the sect master Shizun Gaomi again in the future!"

The disciple said excitedly.

"Traitor, I will kill you!"

After the eldest brother heard this, his eyes were already red, and he raised his hand and slapped it.

The disciple was slapped with a palm and vomited blood, lying on the ground dying.

The elder brother's eyes were red, and he looked at everyone fiercely, and said sharply: "If you dare to have a different intention, I will kill you now!"

Everyone didn't dare to speak anymore, and slowly lowered their heads with fear on their faces.

Bai Lengye chuckled, looked at the group of people behind him, and asked, "Do you agree? If he dies here today, nothing will happen to you after you go back. Otherwise, if he goes back to Gaomi, you know If you gave me the seeds, I'm afraid you will die miserably."

Several people hesitated, but the seriously injured man had a very determined look on his face. His eyes told Bai Lengye that the other party hated the elder brother very much and wanted him to die!
Bai Lengye saw different answers from their faces, some hesitated, some were afraid, and some wanted to nod to admit but were afraid of death.

"I've decided, senior brother, go to hell. After you kill, all the disciples of our Flying Sword Sect will be very happy."

A female disciple suddenly spoke.

"I will let you die now!"

Eldest brother slapped him fiercely again, but this time the opponent didn't succeed, Jiaolong sent him flying with a single slap.

"Die, senior brother should die!" one of the oldest men said coldly.

With the opening of these two people, the people behind began to waver, especially when they saw Jiaolong's strength, they were very convinced that killing the elder brother would be no problem.

As long as there is a touch from the senior brother, no one will go back to Gaomi, and the master will not blame them, and they will not be bullied by the other party in the future.

"Crazy, you are all crazy, I want to go back and report to Master, all of you traitors will be executed!"

The elder brother grinned ferociously, turned around and was about to run, and soon flew dozens of miles away.

The others were panicked. If the elder brother escaped, they would be dead, and the master would definitely not let them go.

Jiaolong looked at Bai Lengye, Bai Lengye chuckled, then raised his arms.


A bolt of lightning appeared out of nowhere, and with a bang, an arm-thick thunderbolt quickly chased across the sky.

That elder brother didn't even utter a scream, he was directly chopped into slag by the lightning, turned into soot and dissipated in the sky.

All the people present were stunned and were stunned for a long time.

But after that, the carnival started, and many people hugged together excitedly.

After the senior brother died, they were freed, and they would no longer have to be beaten by the opponent, and they would not have to go back and be locked up by the master.

"Xiaofeng, do you know why he died?"

Xiaofeng said casually: "Of course I was killed by you, the boss."

Bai Lengye shook his head, looked at Jiaolong, the other party pondered for a moment, and then said four words: "The people's hearts are so!"

"Did you hear that?" Bai Lengye smiled and left here.

Xiaofeng scratched his head, thinking about the meaning of the four words "people's hearts are so".

After thinking for a long time but not understanding, Xiaofeng caught up with Bai Lengye and asked, "Boss, what do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. Of course you stupid turkey won't understand."

Jiaolong said mockingly.

"I'll fight with you!" Xiaofeng gritted his teeth and rushed over, but was pushed away by Jiaolong.

"Boss, didn't you say that you still have a turkey and a white tiger Dapeng? Where did they go?"

Bai Lengye said: "At that time, they were in that continent and they didn't come with me. I don't know if they have come to the world of comprehension now."

While talking, the few of them came to a steep hillside, surrounded by jungles, and occasionally the roar of many monsters could be heard.

"Boss, are we going to that ghost king sect now?"

Bai Lengye thought for a while, and said: "We'd better find the Ice and Fire Sect first, and go to the Ghost King Sect after killing them. I don't know how the witch is doing now."

"Then fly over there. This place is not very far from the Skyfire Territory. With our current strength, we don't have to be afraid to meet Mahayana masters."

After finishing speaking, Tiantian Beast glanced at Husai next to him. The other party was a master of Mahayana, and he would be a super Sanxian in the future.

Knowing that he was going to be used, Xiaofeng turned into the main body and carried them into the sky.

"There was a loud noise in the sky, Xiaofeng, I made my debut, Tianhuoyu, Lao Tzu is here!"

Xiaofeng laughed arrogantly, and when he flapped his wings, he would leave two red marks on the sky, with a distance of hundreds of miles or thousands of miles in a minute.

After a few hours, they successfully entered the deepest part of the Skyfire Territory, and this place was not far from the Ice Fire Sect.

When Bai Lengye was thinking about going to see Mumu, suddenly, there was a deep and powerful roar from the bottom of the mountain, and a powerful tearing force came, making Xiaofeng's body freeze instantly.

"Be careful, this seems to be swallowing the sky roar." The swallowing beast said in a concentrated voice.

Jiaolong jokingly said: "Both are called Tuntian, you two can't be a family."

Tuntian Beast said angrily: "How could it be a family, I devour anything, and Tuntianhou is dedicated to devouring humans and monsters."

(End of this chapter)

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