Eighty's little daughter-in-law counterattacks life

Chapter 140 140. Serving as a soldier

Chapter 140 140. Serving as a soldier
140. Serving as a soldier
"Zhao Xiaoling, your rice noodle shop is doing well and making so much money. Are you willing to give up the chance to make money and join the army?" Li Qing changed the subject.

"My family's rice noodle shop, as long as my aunt and uncle are running it, it doesn't matter if I'm here or not." Zhao Xiaoling said in a clear voice.

For more than a year, Zhao Xiaoling has grown more and more youthful, and she has a special aura on her body. She is no longer the tattered, introverted and inferior girl before. Li Qing couldn't figure it out, how could Zhao Xiaoling It became like this, if it wasn't for the fact that this face was still the same, she would have doubted whether this person was still Zhao Xiaoling.

Looking at Zhao Xiaoling like this, Li Qing felt very uncomfortable. How could she be so rich all of a sudden, living in the county town, and opening such a profitable rice noodle shop, every day there were so many guests, and the money was rushed in.

Moreover, she joined the steel factory that everyone envied before, and then she resigned from her job, which surprised many people. Such a good job, others dare not even dream of, but she resigned when she said she resigned. It makes people hate it.

Now, she still wants to be a soldier. What is she going to do?

It's too unreasonable for her to take up all the good things as she pleases.

Thinking that if he was a soldier with her in the future, the brilliance of her body would overshadow him, and he would be suppressed by her, what chance would he have to stand out?

Li Qing became angry when he thought about it.

Zhao Xiaoling saw Li Qing looking her up and down with hatred, she understood her state of mind at this moment, must have seen her, thought of everything she had now, and was jealous of her.

From the day she was reborn, Zhao Xiaoling blocked this friend from her heart, and now she doesn't want to look at her more.

"Li Qing, hurry up and sign up, I'm leaving first."

Looking at Zhao Xiaoling walking away, Li Qing thought that Zhao Xiaoling must not be enlisted in the army.She is no longer the Zhao Xiaoling she was before, so she can't walk with her.

Li Qing signed up and passed various tests.

At that time, there were very few girls in high school, and with qualifications like Li Qing's, of course they were given priority in admission.

What's more, Luo Daqing was the examiner for all the assessments, not only from the same village as Li Qing, but also her preparation target.

Li Qing's uncle is the village party secretary in the village. He saw that Luo Daqing had been promoted to battalion commander in the army, young and promising, and had a bright future, so he decided to match his niece with Luo Daqing. The branch secretary, the overall conditions are good, such a good marriage, Luo Daqing's parents have no reason not to agree, they just wait for Luo Daqing to come back to finalize this matter.

So in Li Qing's eyes, Luo Daqing was already her target. With her own qualifications and her relationship with Luo Daqing, she was sure that there would be no problem signing up to join the army this time.

"Qingqing, you meet all the requirements, so go home and prepare to enlist in the army in four days!"

The registration went smoothly and he successfully enlisted in the army, which was expected by Li Qing.

What she cares most about now is the situation of another person.

"Brother Daqing, I want to ask you about a person."


"Zhao Xiaoling!"

"What's wrong with Zhao Xiaoling?"

"She is my classmate. She dropped out of school in the second year of high school. Now I think she has come to sign up. I want to ask, has she passed the review?"

"Passed. She is a high school student with good physical fitness. She is a good candidate for the army just like you."

(End of this chapter)

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