Chapter 162 162. Penalty Run
162. Penalty run
Lu Hongying wolfed down her meal, touched her half-full stomach, and watched Zhao Xiaoling and the others eat eagerly.

Zhao Xiaoling said: "Don't eat so fast in the future, eat slowly. People who grow too fat eat too fast, so they don't feel full in their stomachs, and they tend to eat too much without knowing it. After a long time like this, they will lose weight. Form a habit, even if you are not fat."

"Also, after eating, you need to exercise, use up the energy, and don't turn it into fat. What is fat is too much fat. We are in the army now, training every day, and we will be punished to run suddenly, so we have enough exercise. , this is no problem, you just need to restrain your appetite."

"Zhao Xiaoling, how do you know so much?" Lu Hongying said.

"I read it from the book, I like to read miscellaneous books."

"What book! Let me read it too."

"Throw it away after reading it."

Of course there are no books on this topic now, after all, there are very few fat people, and they are proud of being fat, and the theories about weight loss in later generations are all hype. Everyone knows what Zhao Xiaoling said.

After eating and walking out of the cafeteria, Lu Hongying said, "Let's go and receive a penalty for the ten-kilometer long-distance run!"

Lu Lei waved his hand, "Let's not run in a hurry, let's go for a walk for half an hour first, it's not good to run now just after eating."

Tao Tao went back to the dormitory, while Zhao Xiaoling and the others walked slowly on the training ground for a while before starting to run.

Running ten kilometers is a trivial matter for Zhao Xiaoling. When she was in school, she walked sixty kilometers at a stretch, sometimes walking and running.

Lu Lei also ran very easily, but Lu Hongying couldn't do it anymore. After running for two kilometers, she collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

Lu Lei kicked her, "How did you pass the physical fitness test during the conscription? Did you ask someone to find a relationship?"

Lu Hongying lay on the ground, and said nonchalantly, "Yes, I enlisted in the army through my relationship. My mother cried like tears at the time, because she was afraid that I would go to the army to suffer, but I just wanted to come, and now I know the truth." It's very bitter."

Lu Hongying said, struggling to get up and continue running.

"My father said that the army is the most capable of tempering people. It is indeed the case. So many things happened on the first day here, which is enough to temper people. I have not experienced so many hardships in the past 18 years."

Lu Lei teased her and said, "Are you regretting it? Do you want to retreat? Don't let me look down on you? I just wanted to be a deserter on the first day."

Lu Hongying ran slowly with heavy steps: "I have no regrets, let alone retreat. I still want to be an excellent fighter."

"Okay! To be an excellent fighter, you must first close the front of your eyes."

As Lu Lei spoke, he pulled Zhao Xiaoling and ran forward quickly, leaving Lu Hongying far behind.

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei ran ten kilometers, and Lu Hongying only ran five kilometers. She ran for a while and took a break. For her, even running the ten kilometers was a big challenge.

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei ran slowly with Lu Hongying.

Lu Hongying was puzzled and said, "Why are you two so good? After running ten kilometers, you still seem to be fine."

"My family lives in a mountainous area. When I went to school in elementary school, I had to walk ten kilometers a day and run back and forth. When I walked in the woods, I was afraid of wild animals and bad people, so I ran when I came and went. After middle school, I was farther away from home, so Just exercised, not to mention ten kilometers, thirty kilometers is no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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