Chapter 164 164. Disappointment
164. Disappointed
"I've made it so obvious, you still don't know whose sister she is, who else in our teacher is called Lu Hong or something?"

Luo Daqing was almost burned by the cigarette, and he flicked the ash off his hand, "You mean, she is... Lu Hongjun's younger sister? Is... are these brothers and sisters?"

"The real sister."

"But... this... the gap is too big, right? The two of you don't look like a family at all. Lu Hongjun has a strong figure, quick reactions, and cleverness. Although he is not as good as you, he is still good enough." Disastrous to the country and the people."

"Who are you cursing around the corner?"

"Aren't I complimenting you?"

I heard that during the conscription, the comrades who recruited did not want to admit Lu Hongying, but who called her the sister of a fighting hero?Moreover, she had a strong desire to become a soldier, so she was exceptionally accepted. "

Luo Daqing lamented, "One mother gave birth to ten sons, each of whom is different."

"Don't draw conclusions too early, this Lu Hongying may not be as useless as it appears on the surface."

"I hope so!"

Zhao Xiaoling on the training ground turned her head with a smile and found Luo Daqing and Chen Yifan on the side of the training ground.

She was thinking about the things she brought from home. Her aunt prepared a copy for Chen Yifan. Last night in front of so many people, it was hard for her to give it to him. Go and get it to him now!
After saying hello to Lu Lei and Lu Hongying, Zhao Xiaoling walked towards Chen Yifan and Luo Daqing.

"How is it? Are you still used to life here?" Chen Yifan asked gently.

Zhao Xiaoling nodded, "It's okay!"

Luo Daqing on the side was not used to seeing Chen Yifan's unprecedented gentleness.

"You two talk, I'm leaving."

"Captain Luo, wait a minute. I brought a lot of food from home. Commander Chen, you both have a portion. I'll go get it for you."

In the army, they can only be called according to their rank.

"Look, why are you so polite?"

"Let's go! Let's go to the dormitory to pick it up."

When he arrived at the dormitory, Li Qing saw Luo Daqing and stood up from the bed in surprise, "Brother Daqing!"

With a serious face, Luo Daqing greeted Xu Dongmei and Tao Tao respectively, and addressed Li Qing in the same manner as the others, "Comrade Li Qing, hello!"

Li Qing's face changed instantly.

Chen Yifan just nodded slightly to the three girls in the dormitory.

Zhao Xiaoling divided half of the food into two portions and gave them to Chen Yifan and Luo Daqing respectively.

Luo Daqing said: "Zhao Xiaoling, you stay to eat by yourself, why do you give us so much. We can't eat so much!"

"There's still a lot here! It's enough for us to eat. These things can hold up and won't go bad. Eat slowly."

"Oh, Zhao Xiaoling, among these recruits, you have the most luggage, and most of it is food. From this, it can be seen that your family's living conditions are good, and they love you very much."

"That is, heavy love!"

Li Qing, who was busy making tea at the side, saw that Luo Daqing was talking and laughing with Zhao Xiaoling, but left her as his real girlfriend, feeling very unhappy.

Just as he was hesitating whether to continue making tea for them, she was not their maid.

Chen Yifan said: "Let's go! Zhao Xiaoling, don't you still have to go to the training ground?"

Also, it was getting late, and the two officers were in the female soldiers' dormitory, which had a bad influence.

"Yes! Go and see how many kilometers Lu Hongying has run."

Everyone stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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