Chapter 182
182. Holiday
Zhao Xiaoling looked at Lu Hongying and Lu Lei who were sitting beside her indifferently.

"Don't you two want to take a picture and post it back to your family?"

Lu Lei shrugged his shoulders and said disapprovingly: "It's nothing rare, I had many photos of me wearing military uniforms at home before I came here."

"Isn't it your first time as a soldier entering the barracks?"

"It's my first time in the army, but it's not my first time in the barracks. My brother and my dad are both soldiers."

"Your father and your brother are both soldiers? No wonder your military quality is so good." Zhao Xiaoling said in surprise.

Lu Hongying also asked, "Which unit is your brother in?"

"It's in our division, but he's on the front line, under the command of Commander Chen."

Lu Hongying looked at the messy comrades around Wang Li registering their names, and whispered excitedly: "So we are all relatives! My brother is also under the command of Captain Chen."

Zhao Xiaoling pointed at the two of them, "You are all hiding something!"

Lu Lei made a stop motion, "Stop talking, there are too many people talking here."

Zhao Xiaoling tilted her head and asked Lu Hongying, "Lu Hongying, do you have any photos of you in military uniform?"

Lu Hongying shook her head, "No! I want to take a photo too, but I'm wearing a large size and I can't wear your medium size. Next time! Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future, so don't rush to do it right now. .”

Zhao Xiaoling looked Lu Hongying up and down.

Her round face was elongated, and the flesh on her face was less. Her facial features were much more three-dimensional than before. The casual short-sleeved white shirt she wore was also baggy, and she had lost a lot of weight.

"Lu Hongying, I see that you have achieved great results in losing weight during this period, and it is no problem to wear medium-sized clothes."

"Xiao Ling, don't make fun of me. It's only half a month, and I can wear medium-sized clothes!"

"I'm really not joking. If you don't believe me, just ask Lu Lei."

Lu Lei also took a closer look at Lu Hongying, "I didn't feel it when I was wearing a loose military uniform before, but now that you are wearing casual clothes, it is really obvious that you have lost a lot of weight."

Lu Hongying stood up and pulled her clothes belatedly, saying: "It is true that this clothes seemed to be full when I wore them before, but now, it is so much empty."

Zhao Xiaoling took out the military jacket and handed it to her, "Try it on."

Lu Hongying remembered that when Shi Yanhong just came here half a month ago, she was teased by Shi Yanhong and gave her a set of medium-sized clothes. She was about to burst into pieces when she put them on, and the buttons couldn't be buttoned. She was laughed at by everyone at that time. The voice is still in my ears.

Seeing Zhao Xiaoling's encouraging eyes, she put on the clothes, without the narrow and tight feeling as imagined, and the buttons were easily buttoned up.

"Lu Hongying, you are wearing a medium size dress just right now, it fits you well."

"Really, I really lost weight!" Lu Hongying said in surprise.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Lu Hongying. Really, Lu Hongying, who was bulky and bloated in everyone's impression, suddenly became well-proportioned and normal.

Lu Hongying's body has become well-proportioned, her face is rosy, her eyes are bigger, her jet black is shiny, her nose is straight, she is obviously a big beauty!Everyone stared blankly.

Is this still the fat, ugly, and stupid Lu Hongying in everyone's mind?
Tao Tao asked stupidly: "Lu Hongying, we live in the same dormitory and meet every day, but why didn't I realize that you have become more attractive?"

(End of this chapter)

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