Chapter 196 196. Awards
196. Awards
Finally, with everyone going all out and desperately, the first group of recruits in the Nursing Department all ran to the finish line.

In the final sprint, Lu Hongying carried Li Qing on her back to reach the finish line. All the instructors and leaders of the art troupe, logistics department, communication department, and medical department were already waiting there.

After Lu Hongying passed the finish line, she threw Li Qing and sat down on the ground regardless of her image, gasping for breath.

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei went up to pat her on the back, and other comrades-in-arms also gathered in small groups and sat on the grass to rest.

No one cared about Li Qing, so Li Qing stood in front of those leaders and instructors by himself.

They all looked at her strangely.

It's like looking at a waste, yes, waste, others are running desperately for collective honor, but she is a laggard.

At this moment, Li Qing wished that there would be a crack in the ground to get in.

Commander Luo also looked over.

Li Qing habitually shed tears when he saw him.

"Li Qing, what's the matter? Did you sprain your ankle?" Battalion Commander Luo had already noticed it.

Li Qing nodded with tears in his eyes.

"Sit in the car, and I'll take you to the medical office for treatment later."

Battalion Commander Luo ordered two soldiers to help Li Qing sit on the off-road vehicle.

Li Qing sat alone and lonely in the car.

Outside, everyone was excitedly sharing their victory. They were No.1 in the third game, so the recruits from the Nursing Department deserved to be the winners of this competition.

After a short rest, they excitedly shared the joy of victory.

It's their victory, it has nothing to do with her, Li Qing thought desolately.

Li Qing did not attend the awards ceremony in the evening.

Battalion Commander Luo sent her to the medical office to see her foot injury, and lent her a pair of crutches to help her walk, then sent her back to the dormitory, let her have a good rest, and had to report to the communications office the next morning.

At the award ceremony, Zhao Xiaoling did not expect to see Chen Yifan.

Isn't he on the front line?When did you come back?

However, the front line is only more than 30 kilometers away from the camp, a half-hour drive.

Also present at the awards ceremony was Lu Liqiang, a teacher whose name he had never heard of before.

Zhao Xiaoling thought that this competition was just a small friendship event, but she didn't expect to get the teacher's attention and asked him to come back from the frontline headquarters to participate in this awards show in person.

And Chen Yifan, Zhao Xiaoling saw him for the third time!But to her, it seemed that they had known each other for many years, seeing him was as cordial as meeting a friend for many years.

Awards are divided into group awards and individual awards.

Both the team award and the individual award are divided into first prize and second prize. The Nursing Department won two team awards, a cross-country team first prize and this team first prize.

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei also won the first prize in the shooting competition.Lu Hongying won the second prize in the art competition.

When accepting the award, the division commander Lu Liqiang personally presented the awards to everyone, shook hands with the award-winning fighters one by one, and encouraged them to make persistent efforts and create greater glories.

Master Lu held Zhao Xiaoling's hand, "Zhao Xiaoling, your shooting ability is good. I've heard about it. Do you want to consider going to other departments to make good use of your advantage?"

Chen Yifan on the side said: "Master, let's talk about this later. Are the other soldiers waiting for you now?"

Master Lu chuckled, "That's right, let's talk about it later."

(End of this chapter)

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