Chapter 204
204. Check in
So when Li Qing was dizzy and unable to work in the Nursing Department, Battalion Commander Luo had to get her to another department.The communications office is suitable for her. She is a high school student, so she may be able to play a role here.

Director Zhang is middle-aged and has seen countless people. From the first glance, he knows that Li Qing is not a worry-free person.

In order to change jobs, she did not hesitate to use her fellow countrymen, which shows that she is a scheming girl.

And judging from the situation of yesterday's competition, her ability was mediocre, and she was just the last one in the shooting competition. In the cross-country competition, she sprained her ankle and almost dragged her back, causing her comrades to carry her to the finish line.

Li Qing felt a little uncomfortable being scrutinized by Director Zhang, so he smiled at her.

"Li Qing, is your foot injured seriously?"

"It's not serious. The people in the medical office said that I sprained a tendon, and I can recover in about a week."

"Then you go to rest for a week and come back in a week."

"Director Zhang, I don't need to rest, I can do it, I just entered the industry, and I need to learn a lot."

"There will be more opportunities to study in the future, you should go to rest first! Come back after recovering from your injury."

Li Qing had no choice but to leave with a cane.

When Li Qing arrived at the door, Director Zhang said: "Be more careful and serious in doing things in the future, don't hurt yourself and drag the collective back."

A seemingly inadvertent sentence sounded like thunder in Li Qing's ears.

After all, she was guilty and panicked as if someone had discovered a secret.

With a light on his back, Li Qing staggered back to the dormitory on crutches.

All the comrades in the dormitory had reported to the nursing office, and she was the only one living there alone.

She regretted it, and felt that she made a wrong decision in the cross-country race yesterday afternoon. She failed to achieve her goal, but instead sprained her ankle.

Now, people all over the world are laughing at her, right?Laugh at her for being stupid, and laugh at her for being a hindrance to the collective.

Li Qing didn't expect that things would develop like this in the end.

Because of this incident, she left a bad impression on Director Zhang. She was a person who dragged the collective back. She was disgusted before she came to the communication department.

Director Zhang thought so, what about Luo Daqing?Does he also feel that he dragged everyone down in yesterday's game and embarrassed him as an instructor?
Thinking of this, her back felt cold, it must be like this, so early this morning, he didn't come to accompany her to report for duty, so he was treated coldly by Director Zhang.

What made her even more chilled was that Xu Dongmei, a friend, had disappeared.

Although she knew that everyone was busy reporting this early in the morning, including Xu Dongmei, she was still very disappointed. Even if she was going to report, she should come and say hello to her!

They're all snobs!Knowing that she has nothing to do with Luo Daqing in the future and won't get his protection, so he ignores her, Li Qing gritted his teeth and thought.

The Nursing Office is in the backyard of the Medical Office, next to the backyard is the dormitory of Zhao Xiaoling and the others.

Zhao Xiaoling was still in a dormitory with Lu Lei, Tao Tao, Wang Li and Xu Dongmei.

Once the dormitory is settled, they will serve on duty.

The objects of their care are those soldiers who were injured on the front line. They are all patients who have been bandaged and treated by the medical department and are in the recovery period.

Those with minor injuries can take care of themselves, so they only need to distribute medicines on time, and don't worry about the rest.

Seriously wounded people have to take turns to accompany them on standby for almost 24 hours, feed them with water and medicine, scrub them, observe their condition, check their wounds, change their dressings, and calm their emotions.

After half a month of training, everyone understands the basic common sense, so I got busy proficiently as soon as I started working.

(End of this chapter)

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